Danfoss Akva Lux II GW Fact sheet

Fact Sheet
Akva Lux II GW
Instantaneous water heater for low-temperature district heating
• Prepared for low-temperature district heating
• Very low heat losses
• Cold heat exchanger during standby, - no standby losses
• DHW controller PTC2+P with integrated dierential pressure controller and energy-saving function
• Pipes and heat exchanger made of stainless steel, connections with EPDM gaskets
• Minimized risk of lime scale and bacteria formation
• Capacity: up to 53 kW DHW
Akva Lux II GW is an instantaneous wa­ter heater featuring high performance. It meets the future energy demands for low energy consumption and very low standby heat losses. It is especially suitable for large villas with for instance several bathrooms or jacuzzi and for the large family, for which an exceptionally large amount of water is required. The Akva Lux II GW is also very suitable for small apartment houses with 2-4 apart­ments.
The Akva Lux II GW water heater is pre­fabricated with a gasketed, highly e­cient plate heat exchanger for domes­tic hot water production, a domestic hot water controller Danfoss PTC2+P, as well as a Danfoss FJVR thermostat for control of the bypass/circulation temperature. A circulation set, a safety set or, if approved by local regulations, a Danfoss AVE expansion unit to avoid having to establish a discharge pipe, is available as optional equipment.
The Akva Lux II GW is designed for wall-mounting and the design empha­sizes a user-friendly placement of the controllers. The Akva Lux II GW can be supplied with a white-lacquered cover in modern design.
Bypass (thermostatic circulation)
The water heater is supplied with a thermostatically controlled bypass, which ensures that hot water is pro­duced immediately, when tapping starts. The bypass temperature is set with due consideration of the best possible DHW comfort and economy.
Domestic hot water recirculation
The water heater is prepared for do­mestic hot water circulation. If the household piping includes hot water recirculation the water heater must be connected to the hot water recir­culation system and aa circulation pump and a non-return valve must be mounted on the circulation pipe and a safety valve must be mounted in the DCW inlet. The pump must be installed so that it pumps towards the water heater. Domestic hot water recirculation ensures that hot water is available at the tapping point without waiting time and waste of water. The circulation temperature is set inde­pendently of the set DHW tempera­ture. This ensures the best possible DHW comfort, very low standby losses and thus a very good district heating economy. Please note that Akva Lux II with AVE expansion unit should not be used on systems with domestic hot water recirculation.
Heat exchanger for DHW heating
The water heater is based on ahigh­ly ecient gasketed plate heat exchanger, which is controlled by a thermostatic and pressure con­trolled DHW controller, Danfoss PTC2+P with integrated dierential pressure controller and energy-sav­ing function, which ensures that the heat exchanger is cold during stand­by. After completion of the tapping process, the controller immediately blocks the district heating ow, to avoid standby losses and to protect the heat exchanger from the for­mation of lime scale and growth of bacteria. The heat exchanger is cold during standby, so the heat loss is very low. The integrated dierential pressure controller compensates for variations in supply temperature and varying dierential pressure and thereby ensures a constant hot water temperature at all times.
Service and maintenance
The water heater is very service-friendly and easy to install. It is mounted on the wall and as all pipes are placed in pipe bracket distance, it is possible to establish a nice piping.
1. Gasketed plate heat exchanger in stainless steel, type
2. Domestic hot water controller Danfoss PTC2+P with energy-saving
function (= cold heat exchanger during standby).
3. By-pass/circulation thermostat Danfoss FJVR.
4. Connection of capillary tube from Danfoss FJVR acting as by-pass (standard function).
Design specications
Nominal pressure (prim/sec.): PN 16 / PN 16 Max. supply temperature: 120 °C DCW static pressure: p Min. ΔP: see capacity examples Chloride compounds: max. 300 mg/l
Weight incl. cover: (incl. packing) 17 kg Cover: White-lacquered steel
Dimensions (mm):
Without cover: H463 × W280 × D230 With cover: H463 × W300 × D240
Connections sizes:
DH, DCW, DHW: G ¾“ ET (ext. thread) Circulation: R ½“ ET (ext. thread)
= 2.0 bar
DHW circulation:
5. Connection of capillary tube from Danfoss FJVR acting as circulation thermostat.
6. Connection of circulation hose. Circulation set for control change from bypass to DHW recirculation is not part of the delivery and must be ordered seperately.
(Please note that AVE must not be used on systems with DHW circulation. For systems with DHW recirculation the water heater must be supplied with cir­culation pump, non-return valve and safety valve mounted in the cold water supply).
1. Domesctic cold water (DCW)
2. Domestic hot water (DHW)
3. District heating (DH) supply
4. District heating (DH) return
5. Circulation (not part of dly)
Cod e No’s:
Akva Lux II GW
water heater with heat exchanger
Cover H 430 × W 300 × D 240 mm AVE pressure equalizer * Circulation set for mounting on site Safety valve set
* requires local approval
Cover Code no.:
w/o cover 004U8366 w. cover 004U8367
Top view
DHW Capacity
32,3 U141RH 55 22 13,16 0,23 840 32,3 U141RH 60 18 13,16 0,16 660 41,0 U141RH 60 20 16,86 0,24 880 53,0 U141RH 60 22 21,84 0,45 1200
*) Stated pressure loss values are complete, incl. pipes. heat exchanger and valves
Plate heat
Supply flow primary
Return flow primary
DHW tap load
Danfoss Redan A/S · District Energy · Omega 7 · DK-8382 Hinnerup Tel.: +45 87 43 89 43 · Fax: +45 87 43 89 44 · redan@danfoss.com · www.redan.danfoss.dk
© Danfoss | DHS-SRMT/ PL | 2016 . 11
Pressure loss primary*
Flow rate primary