System software for control
and monitoring refrigeration plant
AKM / AK-Monitor / AK-Mimic
ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems
Installation guide
This installation guide will give you instructions as regards:
- what can be connected to the PC ports
- how the programme is installed
- how the ports are set
- how the frontend is connected
- how router lines are set
Included as appendices:
1 - Communication via Ethernet
2 - Router lines and system addresses
3 - Application examples
The instructions end when you can communicate with all units in
the system.
The continued setup will be described in the manual.
Check list for installation
This summary is intended for the experienced installer who has
already installed ADAP-KOOL® refrigeration controls on earlier
(Appendix 3 may also be used).
1. All controllers must be installed. An address must be set for
each controller.
2. The data communication cable must be connected to all the
controllers. The two controllers at either end of the data communication cable must be terminated.
3. Connect to frontend
• Gateway
Use the AKA 21 for setting
Use the AK-ST for setting
• AK-SC 255
Use front panel or the AKA 65 for setting
• AK-CS /AK-SC 355
Use front panel or a Browser for setting
4. Install the programme on the PC.
Among other things:
Set the system address in the programme (yyy:zzz) e.g 51:124
Set communication ports
5. Import any description les for controllers.
6. Upload data from the network
- ”Net conguration” from the AK-Frontend
- ”Description” from the controllers.
7. Proceed with the arrangement as to how the system should
AK Monitor is the programme with a few easy-to-use functions.
The programme gives you an overview of temperatures and
alarms in the local refrigerating plant. The AK-Mimic has a graphic
user interface.
AKM is the programme with many functions. The programme gives
you an overview of all functions in all connected refrigerating
systems. The programme is used by service centres or in systems
where more functions are required than can be obtained with AK
The AKM5 has a graphic user interface.
An example is shown here from a food store. A number of controllers regulate the individual refrigeration points. The modem
gateway collects data from each of the refrigeration points and
transfers these data to the PC with the AK Monitor or to a service
centre via the modem connection.
Alarms are transmitted to the PC during the shop’s opening hours
and to the service centre outside of opening hours.
Here you can see a service centre with connections to other
- A gateway is connected to Com 1. The Gateway acts as a buer
when alarm buer when alarms come in from external systems.
- A modem is connected to Com 2. This calls the various systems
that undertake service.
- A GSM modem is connected to Com 3. Alarms are sent from here
to a mobile telephone.
- A converter is connected from Com 4 to a TCP/IP. From here there
is access to external systems.
- There is also access to the TCP/IP from the computer net card
and on from there via Winsock.
There are dierent types of gateways. They can all be used as
connecting point for the PC, but sometimes it is enough to use the
somewhat smaller gateway type AKA 241.
Dierent ways of making connections are illustrated in Appendix
3. Use the way that is best suited for your plant.
Use the AKA 21 to set:
- Type of usage = PC-GW, Modem-GW or IP-GW
- Network
- Address
- Areas for Lon-addresses
- RS 232 port speed
AK-SM 720
The system unit must be connected either to Ethernet or a
Use the AK-ST service tool to set:
- IP address or telephone number
- Destination
- Access code
AK-SM 350
The system unit must be connected either to Ethernet or a
Use either the front panel or the AK-ST service tool to set:
- IP address or telephone number
- Destination
- Access code
AK-SC 255
The system unit must be connected to Ethernet.
Use either the front panel or the AKA 65 software to set:
- IP address
- Authorisation code
- Account code
- Alarm port
Minimum requirements to the PC
- Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz
- 1 or 2 GB RAM
- 80 GB Harddisk
- CD-ROM drev
- Windows XP Professional version 2002 SP2
- Windows 7
- The PC type must be contained in Microsoft’s positive list for
- Net card to Ethernet if external TCP/IP contact is required
- Serial port for connection of gateway, modem, TCP/IP converter
A hardware handshake is required between the PC and the
gateway. A 3 m long cable between the PC and the gateway may
be ordered from Danfoss. If a longer cable is required (but max.
15 m), this can be made based on the diagrams shown in the
gateway manual.
- There must be more serial ports in the PC if more connec tions
are required. If a GSM modem (telephone) is connected directly
to the PC’s Com.port, the modem must be a Gemalto BGS2T.
(Previously used Siemens type MC35i or TC35i or Cinterion
Type MC52Ti or MC55Ti. This modem has been tested for its
application and found to be OK.
- Windows printer
- This HASP-key must be placed in the PC’s port before the
programme can be used.
Requirements to software
- MS Windows 7 or XP must be installed.
- The programme will require a free disk capacity of at least 80
GB to allow it to be installed, (i.e. 80 GB free capacity when
WINDOWS has been started).
- If alarms are routed via email and Microsoft exchange server is
used, Outlook or Outlook Express (32 bit) must be installed.
- Installing programmes other than Windows or AKM is not
- If a rewall or other anti-virus programme is installed, they must
accept AKM functions.
AK-CS /AK-SC 355
The system unit must be connected to Ethernet.
Use either the front panel or Browser to set:
Change of software version (Described in the literature no.
Before upgrade is commenced, a backup should be made of the
existing version.
If the installation of the new version does not work out as planned, the
earlier version can be reinstalled.
The new AKM must be stored in the same le as the previous
The HASP key must still be tted.
2. Installation of the programme on the PC
1) Start Windows
2) Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.
3) Use the function "Run"
4) Follow the instructions on the screen (the following section
contains additional information about the individual menu
Setup display
Setup display for AKM 4 and AKM 5
The settings are explained on the following pages:
All settings only become active following restart.
PC setup
Set the system address (the PC is given a system address, e.g. 240:124
or 51:124.
The addresses are taken from the example in appendices 2 and 3.
Setup display for AK-Monitor and AK-Mimic
Show Communication trace
Indicators make communication with other units visible and
The port and channel that are communicating can be seen here.
The following settings are found behind the “Port” button:
(With the AKM 4, there is no choice of available channels on the right hand side. The AKM 4 has only
one channel of each type.)
• m2/Alarm
(only if modem calls from one or more monitoring units type m2
with SW = 2.x is used).
- Select line m2 in the “Port Conguration” eld
- Set Com port number
- Set Baud rate
- Set Lifetime
- Set Network address
- With the m2 communication there is an initiate string. It can be
seen in the eld at the bottom left.
• GSM-SMS (only if a GSM modem (telephone) is connected
directly to the PC’s Com.port).
- Select the line GSM-SMS in the "Port Conguration" eld
- Set Com port no.
- Set Baud rate
- Set PIN code
- Indicate whether a startup SMS is required when the AKM
• WinSock
(only when Ethernet via the PC's net card is used)
- Select the actual WinSock line in the "Port conguration" eld
- Select Host
- Set Lifetime
- Indicate TelnetPad if AKA-Winsock is to be used.
(The remaining information on the IP address is known by the
net card and becomes visible when the installation has been
AK monitor and MIMIC
List of possible channels:
AKM 4, AKM 5AK-Monitor, AK-Mimic
AKA WinsockAKA Winsock
SM Winsock
SC Winsock
Receivers Telephone
number or IP address
The various channels have the following settings:
• AKA/m2"
- Set Com port number.
- Baud rate (communication speed) to be set at 9600 (the factory
setting in the gateway is 9600 baud, and the PC and the gateway
must have the same setting value).
• MDM, Modem (only if modem is used).
- Set Com port number
- Set baud rate
- Set lifetime (the time the telephone line remains open if there is
no communication on the line)
- With a modem there is also an initiate string. This can be seen in
the eld at the bottom left. It may be necessary to make changes
in this string, if the communication process is not satisfactory.
• AKA TCP/IP (only if Ethernet via Digi One is used)
- Select COM port to be used
- Keep baud rate at 9600
- Set IP address
- Set IP-GW address
- Set Subnet mask
- Check the addresses - particularly the IP address / write it down /
glue it to the converter! / DO IT NOW!!
- Push OK - the set addresses will now be sent to Digi One.
Button for Router Setup (page 5) (via AKA only)
(AKM 4 and 5 only)
The following settings are found behind the "Router Setup"
Here you set router lines for all the AKA destinations to which the
AKM programme is to send messages.
1 Set a net range
2 Set a Phone No or IP Address
3 Select Channel (Port) that is to transmit the message
(In AKM 5 there can be more than one channel for the same
function. The number of channels was set in the picture "Port
4 Select an initiation string in the "Initiate" eld, if required (the
initiation string is shown/dened in the "Port Setup" display)
5. Push "Update"
6 Repeat the above for all destinations
7 Finish with "OK".
1 Dene whether printouts of alarms must be made by the printer
when the alarms are received.
2 Dene whether a printout should be made when an alarm is
3 Dene whether a printout will be required when a setpoint is
changed for a controller (when the change takes place from the
4 Dene whether the printer is to provide a printout when the
programme is started and at Logon and Logo.
System Setup / Language
Select the language required for showing the various menu
displays. If you change to another language after the installation,
the new language will not appear until the programme is
Start the AKM programme through the PC
Dene whether the programme is to be started automatically
when the PC is switched on (booted, or when it starts up again
after a power failure).
Log collect
Normally transfer of logs takes place automatically when the
amount of data reaches a certain size. But if you prefer to have
transfers of logged data carried out at a specied time, whatever
the amount of them, you must set this function.
- Set time outside of normal working hours when the telephone
rates may be lower.
- There will be a daily collection of logs, although it is possible
to set a specic weekday.
- When a collection from a destination takes place, the system
proceeds to the next but only after the delay time has expired.
The delay time is there to prevent alarms from being blocked.
- Indicate if the plant is to be disconnected when the log
collection is complete.
- The collected logs are stored in the computer's RAM until all
destinations have been retrieved. It is then transferred to the
hard drive. Indicate if the log is to be transferred after each
Stop auto collect
This function stops the automatic log collection. After
pressing the button, collection stops from all destinations of
the selected type. If it is to be restarted, that must take place
manually from each of the aected destinations.
1 Decide if the PC is to give a signal (beep), when an alarm is
2 Select duration in seconds (beep time).
3 Select how many days an alarm should be shown on the alarm
list. Only accepted alarms will be deleted from the list when the
time is up. This time-limit also applies to the contents of the
event register “AKM Event Log”.
1. The “Use callback” must be used, if the log function in the
programme is to collect log data from a front-end, which is
connected with a modem. The programme calls the system,
and activate call back, and then immediately interrupts the
telephone connection. A call is now made by the system which
consequ ently pays for the data transmission.
2 The “Form feed before auto printer” function is used, if the log
printout is to start on a new page when log data are printed
(If an alarm has started between two log printouts, the alarm
message and the log printouts can be kept on separate pages).
Optimize communication
The Plant overview communicates constantly with all controllers in
relation to the values to be displayed. A pause time can be set here
before further communication with the controllers.
Log Data History Clean-up
- Set a time when the computer is not overloaded.
- Select which setting is to be used. Either the one set in the
AKA or the one set here in the AKA programme.
Remote communication
Indicate if the AKM should show the telephone number of the
destination for the next planned call.
Screen saver
- Dene whether the screen saver is always to be activated
when the programme is started. Or whether it should only
happen when the programme is waiting for a “Logon”. The
screen saver can be cancelled by means of the "AKM Setup Advanced"
- Set the time that is to elapse before the screen saver is
- Indicate if an access code is necessary for access after an active
screen saver.
- DANBUSS® time out. If the plant is disconnected for longer
than set, a communication alarm signal will sound.
- Remote Timeout. If there is a pause in communication to the
external unit via "Plant Archive" for longer that the set time,
the system will disconnect.
- AKA Password Timeout in the gateway. An access code will be
required if there is a pause in operation longer than the set
Button for Print
A push will provide a printout of the set values in this display.
Button for Advanced
Gives access to special functions that should only be set by
specially trained persons. In the display shown assistance can be
obtained by pushing the “?” key.
- If a connection dened in the Alarm Scheme cannot be made,
a repeat routine will be initiated in order to make contact. Set
the number of repeats. The alarm will then appear.
- Indicate whether the alarms should appear as pop-ups on the
screen in separate dialogue boxes.
Any later changes in the “AKM Setup” menu can be made via:
“Conguration” - “AKM Setup...”.
The programme has now been installed on your PC.
3. First time the programme is started
After installation the programme can now be started in one of the
following two ways:
- Automatic start-up (selected during the installation).
- Start-up from Windows.
When the programme is started, the following two dispalys
Set the desired function for the Screen saver.
(This function is explained on the previous page under Advanced.)
Press OK and continue to the following dialogue box, where the
plant data can be set.
When the programme has been started, proceed by keying in
initials and Password.
A user with the initials AKM1 and keyword AKM1 has now been
establis hed. Use it for the establishment of a new “superuser”
having access to all functions.
Delete the “AKM1” user when general access to the system is no
longer required.
When the programme is started it has to know which plant and
controllers there has to be connection to
The settings are shown on the following pages;
Warning! Do not use the “ENTER” key until all the elds have been
lled in.
The display only appears once during the installation. After that, it
is not possible to make settings or changes.
Please ll in all the elds. The information may be required when
service has to be carried out at a later date.
In the example above it is indicated which information may be
provided at the given positions.