Danfoss AKA 245 User Manual

AKA 245
System survey ......................................................................................................................................3
Technical data ......................................................................................................................................4
Connections ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Data ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Mounting .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Function overview ...................................................................................................................................................6
Ordering ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Connections ......................................................................................................................................... 7
DANBUSS .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
LON ................................................................................................................................................................................8
DI1, DI2, DO1 and DO2 ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Printer ...........................................................................................................................................................................8
Manual change-over of alarm routing .............................................................................................................9
Alarm relay ..................................................................................................................................................................9
Battery .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
PC, Modem or Server connection ....................................................................................................................10
Functional description ...................................................................................................................... 12
Network information ............................................................................................................................................12
Communication control ......................................................................................................................................13
Clock function .........................................................................................................................................................13
Automatic setup of controller alarm function .............................................................................................13
Alarm handling .......................................................................................................................................................13
AKA Alarm Table .....................................................................................................................................................16
Printer function .......................................................................................................................................................17
Data collection in master gate way .................................................................................................................18
Modem connection ...............................................................................................................................................19
TCP/IP server connection ....................................................................................................................................19
AKA override function ..........................................................................................................................................20
Operation ...........................................................................................................................................22
Principle .....................................................................................................................................................................22
Operation via AKA 21 ...........................................................................................................................................22
Operation via system software type AKM .....................................................................................................23
Access limitation ....................................................................................................................................................23
Password function .................................................................................................................................................23
Printer function .......................................................................................................................................................23
Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 24
General .......................................................................................................................................................................24
GATEWAY, Code. Access display and access code ........................................................25
Time setting. Clock function .........................................................................................26
Confi guration. Access codes and display ....................................................................27
Address & GWtype Address and gateway type .................................................................28
Communication setup. Setup of communication .....................................................................29
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Routing ......................................................................................................................................................................33
Repeat routines for alarm handling ................................................................................................................37
Data collection takes up this much room .....................................................................................................38
Terminology .............................................................................................................................................................39
Menu survey AKA 245 ..........................................................................................................................................40
2 Manual RS8DT102 © Danfoss 09/2004 AKA 245
System survey
Gateway types AKA 245 is a system component to be used in conjunction with controllers in the ADAP-KOOL® series of controls for refrigerating systems. When the gateway is used it is possible to build complex control systems with alarm moni toring and data logging into decentralised refrigerating plant.
All controllers in the AKC series are linked up in a two-core data communication system that is registered under the name DANBUSS Data Communication System. A Gateway is the control unit used when the data communication system has to be connected to a PC, a printer, a TCP/IP server or a modem.
Operation of gateway and the controllers in ADAP-KOOL® refrigerating systems is performed with control panel type AKA 21 or with system software type AKM (installed on PC).
The control panel is connected to the two-core data communication cable at any random point. After that, all settings and adjustments pertaining to the day-to-day operation of the system can be made.
Cold rooms and refrigeration appliances are regulated by AKC 72A and AKC 114-116. A gateway type AKA 245 is attached to the data communication system and connected to a modem or printer. If a PC is to be used in the actual system, one more gateway will have to be connected. This gateway may also be an AKA 245, but if the gateway is required for simple operation of the system, the smaller type AKA 241 may be employed.
The printer can make printouts of all alarm reports registered on the refrigeration system by the AKC controllers. If the alarms are to be transferred to the security centre or to the refrigeration company’s PC or printer, it must take place via the modem connection.
Log data can be collected from all connected controllers. This data may then be picked up by a PC and displayed. Log data can also be stored as documentation for correct tempera­ture behaviour (demands to temperature registration on the part of the authorities).
It is also possible to communicate with other control lers via the LonWorks output. Primarily controllers from the EKC 201, 300, 400, 500 or AK 2 series.
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Technical data
AKA 21 When mounted, AKA 21 is connected for setting of address, etc.
DANBUSS Here there is a DANBUSS connection from one of the other units in the system. The connections are described in a separate document bearing literature number RC0XA---
LON Here the data communication is connected to controllers with a LONWORKS
- RS 485 interface (eg EKC 201, 300, 400, 500 or AK 2 controllers). The connection is described in a separate document bear­ing literature number RC8AC---
Number of controllers Up to 120 controllers distributed on DANBUSS and LON can be connected. Part of the range must be assigned to the LON bus. The remaining part is used by the DANBUSS.
RS 232 / PC / TCP/IP
Used for connection of a PC, a modem or a TCP/IP server. Only one of these can be connected. Which
one can be defi ned with a setting in the gateway.
Printer A printer is connected here. Only printers with parallel interface can be used.
The two relay outputs DO1 and DO2 and the two inputs DI1 and DI2 have in this manual been described with the most frequently used function. If you wish to use an input or an output diff erently, it must be given a new confi guration. For this purpose system software type AKM must be used. Cf. the AKM manual.
Relay outputs (D01, D02) The DO1 output is used with modem connection or TCP/IP connection. Via the relay output, supply voltage is connected to the modem or TCP/IP connection. The DO2 output can be used for transmitting a joint alarm signal to external equip ment. (DO2 is activated for two minutes when the alarm handler in the master gateway (address 125) receives an alarm message of status 1 from a controller). When you use the alarm routing function it is possible to select D02 active or inactive within specifi ed periods of time (cf. section “AKA Alarm Table”).
AKA 245
4 Manual RS8DT102 © Danfoss 09/2004 AKA 245
On/off inputs (DI1, DI2) Input DI1 is used for the printer’s paper function. DI1 is connected to a contact function which is operated when the paper has been placed in the printer. (Top of form setting). The DI2 input is used for manual change-over between “default” and “optional” alarm destinations in connection with the extended alarm routing (cf. section “AKA Alarm Table”).
Light-emitting diodes
- For each communication gate (RS 232/DANBUSS) there are two light-emitting diodes (LED), one for sending and one for receiving. The diodes are lit, when there is communication to or from the gateway.
- The status of the ON/OFF inputs and relay-outputs are also indicated with light-emitting diodes.
- There is an LED for power ON
- There is a LED for LON-communication
AKA 245
Supply voltage 230 V a.c. -15/+10% 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 4 VA
Relay outputs Max.contact load 1 A / 230 V ohmic
Digital inputs Off -cycle voltage >12 V d.c.
Short-circuit current >15 mA, <50 mA
Changeover level off : < 2 V
Changeover level ON: > 6 V
Ambient temperature During operation 0 to +55°C
During transport -40 to +70°C
Humidity 10 to 90% RH
Enclosure IP 00
Immunity EN 50082-1 Normative requirements
Radiation EN 50081-1 Normative requirements
Protection of data in the event of a power failure
RAM Backup for approx.1 year
The housing can be screwed into place by means of the screw brackets, or it may be mounted on a DIN rail. When the housing is mounted on a DIN rail, the screw brackets must be broken off .
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(see fi g. page 10 and 11)
Functions overview
Type Specifi cation Number Code no.
AKA 245 Gateway 1 only 084B2268
Connection between Plug Length Code no.
PC and Gateway
9 pol - 9 pol 3 m 084B2094
9 pol - 25 pol 3 m 084B2096
PC and Lantronix MSS
9 pol - 25 pol 3 m 084B2098
Lantronix MSS server and
Connection/function Gateway
type AKA 245
More details on page
PC x10
Modem x 11
TCP/IP server x 11
LON RS 485 x 8
Printer x8
Battery backup x 9
AKA 21 x7
Communication control x 13
Clock function x 13
Automatic setup of controllers alarm function
Alarm handling x 13
Alarm recipient x 14
Alarm list x 15
Alarm status x 15
AKA Alarm table x 16
Printer function x 17
Data colleciton x 18
PC, Modem or TCP/IP connection x 19
AKA override function x 20
Operation via system software type AKM / AK Monitor x 23
Access limitation x 23
Password function x 23
6 Manual RS8DT102 © Danfoss 09/2004 AKA 245
AKA 245 must always be provided with earth connection. This is to guarantee safety for persons and noise immunity.
Data communication cable
K4 H K3 L K1 Screen
In general, the data communication is connected from controller to controller, so that L is connected to L, and H is connected to H. The cable must be twisted in pairs and with screen.
As regards installation of the data communication cable, reference is made to our special literature, No. RC.0X.A.
Supply voltage
230 V a.c. Max. fuse 10 A
Connection of control panel
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DI1, DI2, DO1 and DO2
To obtain correct data transmission, the data transmission cable must be termina ted. On the PC board next to the DANBUSS connection there are two wire switches which must either be closed or open, depending on where the gateway is placed in the system.
The connection is a LonWorks® interface RS 485. Cf. separate literature RC8AC---
Termination: the wire switch must be closed.
The two relay outputs DO1 and DO2 and the two inputs DI1 and DI2 have in this manual been described with the most frequentlky used function. If you wish to use an input or an output diff erently, it must be given a new confi guration. For this purpose system software type AKM must be used. Cf. the AKM manual.
Warning! DO1 and DO2 must not be connected to low voltage on one output and high voltage on the other. Both outputs must have the same voltage level.
The printer port has been designed as a parallel printer port. An ordinary parallel printer cable is used for the connection. An EPSON compatible matrix printer can be connected.
The on/off input DI1 is connected to a pushbutton switch (pulse pressure with spring return). When you push the switch, a signal is sent that the printer is ready and that the paper is correctly placed.
1) As the last unit on the data transmission cable: The wire switches are kept closed (BUS TERM “ON”)
2) The gateway retransmits the signal: The wire switches are opened (BUS TERM "OFF").
No. E3 B E2 A E1
8 Manual RS8DT102 © Danfoss 09/2004 AKA 245
You may change manually between two diff erent alarm routes. The DI2 ON/OFF input can be connected to a contact function. When the DI2 input is cut in, the alarms will be sent via route 2 (optional des ti nations). (Cf. section “AKA Alarm Table”).
The DO2 output can be used for connecting an alarm function. There is connection between terminals 13 and 14 when the gateway is energised and there is no alarm. This connec tion is interrupted for two minutes when a status 1 alarm is received from a control ler, or if the supply voltage to the gateway fails.
Manual change-over of alarm routing
Alarm relay
The gateway is provided with battery backup securing the settings and log collections.
When the battery needs to be replaced, an alarm message is sent.
When a battery is replaced, make sure that the supply voltage is not removed from the gateway. If the bat­tery and supply voltage are both removed at the same time, the clock setup, log setup, collected log data, master control setups and possibly EKC installation data will all be lost.
3 V CR2032
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PC, Modem or server con­nection
(Only handshake signals DTR and CTS can be used) The PC can stop the communication from AKA 245. AKA 245 cannot stop communica tion from the PC.
The connection is made with a screened cable, wire diameter = 0.25 mm.
The screen is only connected to the plug at one end.
The length of the cable must not exceed 15 m.
A PC, a modem or a TCP/IP server can be connected to the RS232 plug. A setting in the gateway deter­mines the application.
Warning! In order not to destroy the output on the PC, the modem or the server the following precautions must be taken:
- Establish the correct earth connection on AKA 245
- Interrupt the supply voltage to the gateway and to the PC / the Modem / the server, when the cable is mounted and dismounted.
PC to gateway
Check whether the PC has a 9-pole or a 25-pole plug for this connection. A 3 m cable with plugs fi tted can be supplied. See Ordering. If the cable has to be longer than 3 m, mount it based on the following instructions:
10 Manual RS8DT102 © Danfoss 09/2004 AKA 245
Modem to gateway
Use a standard modem cable.
Supply voltage to the modem must be connected, as illustrated (via DO1). This will permit AKA 245 to reset the modem. Also, the modem will be switched on and its start controlled, when AKA 245 is switched on.
TCP/IP server to gateway and TCP/IP server to PC
So far two servers have been tested:
- ”Lantronix MSS 100” (shown above)
The server to be ordered from a Lantronix dealer. A 3 m cable with plugs mounted to be ordered from Danfoss. See Ordering.
- ”Digi One SP” (Enclosure about half the size illustrated)
Server to be ordered from a Digi International dealer. Code number is 70001971. Cable with plug is bypacked.
Supply voltage to the TCP/IP server must be connected, as illustrated (via DO1). This will permit AKA 245 to reset the TCP/IP server. Also, the TCP/IP server will be switched on and its start controlled, when AKA 245 is switched on.
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Functional description
The gateway that has been assigned the master function in a network automatically establishes a table (plant list) containing the addresses of all connected units. The gateway then picks up data from all these addresses (also its own) for this table. The obtained data are the unit’s code number and software version. For each address a user-defi ned text may now be added, logical name (ID code) or text describing the function of the controller at the address in question. This text can only be entered in the table by using the PC and system software type AKM (text may contain max. 16 characters). The master gateway may for example give a system name, and the other units a name for what they are used for.
The entered text can now be displayed via system software type AKM or on control panel type AKA 21:
AKM: The text is used in many menu surveys in the programme. The text bears the designation
“ID code”.
AKA 21: “Network information” can be read in the control panel’s display, as follows:
- select master gateway (address = 125).
- push key “F2” on AKA 21. The text Network-information will then appear. Now select the individual addresses and read the text, code number and software version for each controller.
The text will also appear in an alarm message on the printer, e.g.:
Transmitter 5:125
System-address: 5:1 LONDON_SOUTH_03 MILK Received: 2000-08-17 14:06:47 Sta tus: 0 Communication OK (DANBUSS)
Network information
12 Manual RS8DT102 © Danfoss 09/2004 AKA 245
This function will ensure that there is correct communication between the connected units on DANBUSS and LON. There will be constant scanning of all units on DANBUSS and LON. If there are any changes on DANBUSS (a unit drops out due to power failure, or a new unit suddenly appears on the network), the function will discover it and issue an “Communication error (DANBUSS)” or “Communi- ca tion OK (DANBUSS)”. New units are found within fi ve minutes. Units that drop out will be found within two minutes (short­term drop-outs will not be discovered). In the LON communication an alarm will also appear if one of the connected controllers drops out. (A new controller in the network will only be registered when the required function is activated in the
new controller (service pin message). Alarm delay: A time delay can be set by means of system software type AKM. An alarm will follow when two minutes plus the time delay have elapsed, at the latest. The control function only applies to the gateway that has been assigned the master function (address
The master gateway has a built-in clock function which is used for the following:
- time stamping of alarms
- synchronising the clocks in all connected AKC controllers, AK2 controllers and slave gateways
- change-over between summer/winter settings
The function is only active in the gateway that has been assigned the master function (address 125) in a network. Only control lers in the same network as the gateway will have their clocks synchronised. The clocks are synchronised after each start-up of the gateway, and after that at least once a day. If a controller has been without power for more than two minutes, the clock will be synchronised when the controller is again registered on network.
To set this function, use system software type AKM:
a) If you select “Auto setup” = “Enable”, the master gateway will set the following values in all connect-
ed control lers on the network:
- Fill in “System address” with the network’s own number and the control ler’s own number.
- Fill in “Alarm report to” with the master gate way’s own system address. All controller alarms will now be transmitted to the master gateway.
b) If you select “Auto setup” = “No setup” (the factory setting in AKA 245), the master gateway will not
change the setting in the controllers. Chan ges can only be made on each individual AKC controller.
If a new unit is added to the network, the gateway will register it. Depending on whether “Auto setup” is set in pos. “Enable” or “No setup”, the unit’s two menus will either be set or remain unchanged.
(In EKC controllers and AK 2 controllers a systems address is automatically set in the gateway for the controller in question. The address cannot be read in the controller.)
c) If “Auto setup” = “Disable” is selected, the master gateway will cancel the alarm transmission in all
AKC and AK 2 controllers on the network. The procedure is, as follows: the gateway will itself set “System address” to 000:000 in AK 100 and 20 and AK 2 control lers, and “Alarm report to” to 000:000 in all AKC and AK 2 control lers. With these settings, the control lers cannot send alarms to the master gateway.
EKC controllers are not aff ected, but the gateway will stop the function asking for alarms in each controller.
The AKA 245 defi ned as master gateway in a network will register all alarms that occur in this network. The alarms are entered on a list (alarm list) where they will be ready for further processing. The fi rst thing that happens is that a acknowledge (transport receipt) will be transmitted to the controller that triggered the alarm (AKC controller/AK 2 controller). The controller will now know that the alarm has been received and registered (if it did not receive this accept, the controller would repeat the alarm message fi ve minutes later). The second thing that happens is that the alarm is time­stamped and ID codes (net ID and bus ID) must be entered, if applicable. The third, that the alarm will be passed on to the defi ned alarm receiver(s).
Communication control
Clock function
Automatic setup of controllers alarm function
Alarm handling
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Alarms from EKC controllers will also be registered by AKA 245, but if the data connection between the EKC controllers and the gateway is interrupted, only an active alarm, if any, will be present when the connection is reestablished. In other words, all alarms occurring during the period without data com­munication will not be registered.
Alarm receipt
Alarms can be received in four ways:
1) The alarm is not passed on(factory setting). The alarm is entered on the alarm list, but is not pro cessed. The DO2 alarm relay will however be activated for two minutes on receiving a “status 1” alarm from a controller. The alarm list can be displayed via control panel type AKA 21 or via system soft ware type AKM. The alarm list can contain max. 250 alarm messages (the oldest ones are deleted). System software type AKM is used for setting this function. In the alarm receipt menu for the gateway in question, put “AKA Alarm Report To” in pos. “No ne”.
2) Alarm is passed on to the printer connected to the printer output. The alarm is entered on the alarm list, but is also trans mitted to the printer. DO2 is activated for two minutes when a “status 1” alarm is received from a control ler. With the factory setting, the receiver of the alarm is the master gateway’s own system address. (When system software type AKM is used, this system address will as regards function be identical with setting 000:000).
3) Alarm is passed on in the system. The alarm is transmitted to another master gateway in another network, or to the address of system software type AKM. DO2 is activated for two minutes when a “status 1” alarm is received from a control ler. Use system software type AKM for setting this function. In the alarm receipt menu for the gateway in question, put “AKA Alarm Report To” to “System address”, and defi ne the system address.
4) AKA alarm routing The alarm is transmitted to the receivers defi ned in the alarm table. This function may for instance be used when the gateway is mounted in a network, where a PC with AKM has not been connected. Cf. the section “AKA Alarm Table”. (System software type AKM is used for setting this function).
Ad 2), 3) and 4):
It is a requirement that a recipient (also copy receivers) is always able to receive the message. If the message cannot be delivered, the gateway will lock the relevant alarm line, so that the alarm can be trans mitted at a later time. If the gateway receives further alarms, they will be entered as new alarms. If the alarm in qu estion is then numbered “249”, no new alarms can be entered on the alarm list. This will produce the system alarm “Alarm list overfl ow”. In case of “Alarm list overfl ow” alarm relay DO2 will be activated every fi fth minute, until the alarms can again be transmitted to the alarm receiver.
Example of alarm list overfl ow: In the master gateway, the alarm receiver “AKA send alarm to” has been set to “System address”, but no printer has been connected, or it has been turned off : In this situation it will be able to receive the fi rst 249 alarms, and after that it will try every fi fth minute to retransmit the oldest alarm to the printer. Alarm No. 250 will trigger the system alarm “Alarm list overfl ow”, and from now on no more alarms can be received. If there should be more alarms from the control lers, these alarms will be retransmitted every fi fth minute, and these retransmissions will gradually hamper the communication in DANBUSS so much that the data transmission is blocked. If more alarms should occur in an AKC controller than it can hold (20), these new alarms will not be registered. If the printer is connected at this point, it will make a printout of all alarms, and the master gateway will again be able to receive alarms. In this example, the selected setting “AKA send alarm to” should be “none”, rather than “System address”.
Appendix B contains a description of repeat routines for alarm transmissions when calls are not successful.
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