Danfoss Air
User manual for Danfoss
Air a2, a3, w1 and w

1.0 System overview ............................................... 4
2.0 Main functions
2.1 Away ............................................................ 5
2.2 Bypass .......................................................... 5
2.3 Info .............................................................. 6
2.4 Boost............................................................ 6
2.5 Mode ........................................................... 6
2.6 Settings ........................................................ 8
3.0 Maintenance
3.1 Changing the filters ........................................ 12
3.2 Replacing the Air Dial batteries ......................... 13
3.3 Cleaning the unit ............................................ 14
4.0 Options
4.1 Replacement filters ......................................... 16
4.2 Controlling the system by PC ............................ 16
5.0 Trouble shooting
........................................................................ 17

Thank you for buying a Danfoss product
1.0 System overview

1.0 System overview
Congratulations on purchasing Danfoss Air. One of
the most advanced, efficient and quietest ventilation
system with heat recovery on the market. On the
follow ing pages, we will take you through the steps
needed to operate your system successfully as well as
showing you how to maintain the system.
Your system is operated from a single control panel,
the Danfoss Air Dial. You can control the entire system
by rolling and pushing the dial, whilst the necessary
information is shown in the display.
Wireless Air Dial

2.0 Main functions
2.1 Away
2.2 Bypass
Main menu > Away
Use this command when you leave your house for a
prolonged period of time. The away command reduces
the ventilation rate of the system to an absolute minimum, inside a defined interval. The unit will automatically assume normal operation when the away period is
over. Note: if a heating surface is installed (optional) it
is turned off during away mode. If the heating surface
is used for heating the house, the room temperature is
reduced to 15 ˚C during away period.
Main menu > Bypass
The bypass function opens a passage parallel to the heat
exchanger, which stops the heat exchanging process.
When the bypass is open, outdoor air is led directly into
the house. The bypass can be activated in two ways:
1. Manually, by pressing the bypass command. This
will start the bypass function for 3 hours (the run
time can be changed in the settings menu). The
bypass will not activate if the outdoor temperature
is lower than +5˚C.
2 . Automatically, if the outdoor air is warmer than
16 ˚C (activation temperature can be changed in
settings menu). The bypass will automatically close
again, when the outdoor air temperature drops
below 15 ˚C.
Automatic activation of bypass is not possible in the
manual run mode.

Main menu > Info
The info command shows a list, indicating the present
status of your unit. Here you can see all measured temperatures, fan steps, relative humidity in the room, and
much more...
Main menu > boost
The boost command can be used in situations where
you require a higher airflow than normal. Use it if you
and your friends are having a party, if you’re cooking
something with a strong odour, if somebody is smoking,
etc. The boost function is timer based, and as default
runs for 3 hours (boost duration can be changed in the
settings menu). In boost, the unit runs at 100% speed.
Main menu > mode
Using the mode command, you can change how the
ventilation system is controlled. Each mode has it’s
unique traits - choose the one that suits you best:
Mode > demand
In demand mode a humidity sensor integrated in the Air
Mode > manual mode
In manual mode, the automatic bypass function is disabled, the week program is not active, and the humidity
sensor is not used - you control the air flow rate yourself
by setting the desired fan speed 1-10. Try different
steps, until you find the one that gives you the air quality you like (the command fan speed is only visible in
main menu, when manual mode is chosen).
”Manual icon”
2.0 Main functions
2.5 Mode
2.3 Info
2.4 Boost