Danfoss ADAP-KOOL AKD 102 Operating Instructions Manual

1 How to Read these Operating Instructions
Copyright, limitation of liability and revision rights 5
2 Safety
High voltage warning 7
Safety Instructions 7
General Warning 7
Before commencing repair work 8
Special conditions 8
Avoid unintended start 9
Safe Stop of the frequency converter 9
IT mains 11
3 Mechanical Installation
How to Get Started 13
Pre-installation 13
Planning the Installation Site 13
Receiving the Frequency Converter 14
Transportation and Unpacking 14
Lifting 15
Mechanical Dimensions 16
Rated Power 18
Mechanical Installation 19
Terminal Locations - Frame size D 21
Cooling and Airflow 23
Field Installation of Options 28
Installation of Duct Cooling Kit in Rittal Enclosures 28
Outside Installation/ NEMA 3R Kit for Rittal Enclosures 29
Installation on Pedestal 30
Installation of Input Plate Options 30
Installation of Mains Shield for Frequency Converters 31
4 Electrical Installation
Electrical Installation 33
Power Connections 33
Mains Connection 40
Fuses 41
Motor Insulation 42
Motor Bearing Currents 42
Control Cable Routing 43
Electrical Installation, Control Terminals 44
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power Contents
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Connection Examples 46
Start/Stop 46
Pulse Start/Stop 46
Electrical Installation - additional 48
Electrical Installation, Control Cables 48
Switches S201, S202, and S801 50
Final Set-up and Test 51
Additional Connections 53
Mechanical Brake Control 53
Motor Thermal Protection 53
5 How to Operate the Frequency Converter
How to operate graphical LCP (GLCP) 55
Tips and tricks 62
6 How to Programme the Frequency Converter
How to Programme 65
Parameter list 97
0-** Operation and Display 98
1-** Load / Motor 100
2-** Brakes 101
3-** Reference / Ramps
4-** Limits / Warnings 103
5-** Digital In / Out 104
6-** Analog In / Out 106
8-** Communication and Options 108
11-** ADAP-KOOL LON 109
13-** Smart Logic Controller 110
14-** Special Functions 111
15-** FC Information 112
16-** Data Readouts 114
18-** Info & Readouts 116
20-** FC Closed Loop 117
21-** Ext. Closed Loop 118
22-** Application Functions 120
23-** Time Based Funtions 122
25-** Pack Controller 123
26-** Analog I / O Option MCB 109 125
28-** Compressor Functions 126
7 General Specifications
Contents ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
8 Troubleshooting
Alarms and warnings 133
Warning/Alarm list 136
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power Contents
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
1 How to Read these Operating Instructions ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
1 How to Read these Operating Instructions
1.1.1 Copyright, limitation of liability and revision rights
This publication contains information proprietary to Danfoss. By accepting and using this manual the user agrees that the information contained herein
will be used solely for operating equipment from Danfoss or equipment from other vendors provided that such equipment is intended for communication
with Danfoss equipment over a serial communication link. This publication is protected under the Copyright laws of Denmark and most other countries.
Danfoss does not warrant that a software program produced according to the guidelines provided in this manual will function properly in every physical,
hardware or software environment.
Although Danfoss has tested and reviewed the documentation within this manual, Danfoss makes no warranty or representation, neither expressed nor
implied, with respect to this documentation, including its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall Danfoss be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use, or the inability to use information
contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, Danfoss is not responsible for any costs, including but not
limited to those incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss or damage of equipment, loss of computer programs, loss of data, the costs to substitute
these, or any claims by third parties.
Danfoss reserves the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its contents without prior notice or any obligation to notify former
or present users of such revisions or changes.
1.1.2 Symbols
Symbols used in this manual:
Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
Indicates a general warning.
Indicates a high-voltage warning.
Indicates default setting
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 1 How to Read these Operating Instructions
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
1.1.3 Available literature for ADAP-KOOL Drive AKD 102
Danfoss technical literature is available in print from your local Danfoss Sales Office or online at:
1.1.4 Abbreviations and standards
Abbreviations: Terms: SI-units: I-P units:
a Acceleration
AWG American wire gauge
Auto Tune Automatic Motor Tuning
I Current A Amp
Current limit
Joule Energy J = N∙m ft-lb, Btu
°F Fahrenheit FC Frequency Converter
f Frequency Hz Hz kHz Kilohertz kHz kHz LCP Local Control Panel mA Milliampere
ms Millisecond
min Minute
MCT Motion Control Tool
M-TYPE Motor Type Dependent
Nm Newton Metres in-lbs I
Nominal motor current
Nominal motor frequency
Nominal motor power
Nominal motor voltage
par. Parameter PELV Protective Extra Low Voltage Watt Power W Btu/hr, hp
Pascal Pressure Pa = N/m² psi, psf, ft of water
Rated Inverter Output Current
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SR Size Related
T Temperature C F
t Time s s,hr
Torque limit
U Voltage V V
Table 1.1: Abbreviation and standards table .
1 How to Read these Operating Instructions ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
2.1.1 High voltage warning
The voltage of the frequency converter and the MCO 101 option card is dangerous whenever it is connected to mains. Incorrect
installation of the motor or frequency converter may causedeath, serious injury or damage to the equipment. Consequently, it is
essential to comply with the instructions in this manual as well as local and national rules and safety regulations.
2.1.2 Safety Instructions
Prior to using functions directly or indirectly influencing personal safety (e.g. Safe Stop, Fire Mode or other functions either forcing the motor to stop or attempting to keep it functioning) a thorough risk analysis and system test must be carried through. The system tests must include testing failure modes regarding the control signalling (analog and digital signals and serial communication.
NB! Before using Fire Mode, contact Danfoss
Make sure the frequency converter is properly connected to earth.
Do not remove mains connections, motor connections or other power connections while the frequency converter is connected to power.
Protect users against supply voltage.
Protect the motor against overloading according to national and local regulations.
The earth leakage current exceeds 3.5 mA.
The [OFF] key is not a safety switch. It does not disconnect the frequency converter from mains.
2.1.3 General Warning
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal - even after the equipment has been disconnected from mains.
Als o m ak e sure th at ot her volt ag e inputs ha ve been dis co nnected, (linkage of DC intermediate circuit), as well as the motor connection
for kinetic back-up.
Before touching any potentially live parts of the frequency converter, wait at least as follows:
380 - 480 V, 110 - 250 kW, wait at least 20 minutes.
380 - 480 V, 315- 1000 kW, wait at least 40 minutes.
525 - 690 V, 45 - 400 kW, wait at least 20 minutes.
525 - 690 V, 450 - 1200 kW, wait at least 30 minutes.
Shorter time is allowed only if indicated on the nameplate for the specific unit.
Leakage Current
The earth leakage current from the frequency converter exceeds 3.5 mA. According to IEC 61800-5-1 a reinforced Protective Earth
connection must be ensured by means of: a min. 10mm² Cu or 16mm² Al PE-wire or an addtional PE wire - with the same cable cross
section as the Mains wiring - must be terminated separately.
Residual Current Device
This product can cause a D.C. current in the protective conductor. Where a residual current device (RCD) is used for extra protection,
only an RCD of Type B (time delayed) shall be used on the supply side of this product. See also RCD Application Note MN.90.GX.02.
Protective earthing of the frequency converter and the use of RCD's must always follow national and local regulations.
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 2 Safety
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2.1.4 Before commencing repair work
1. Disconnect the frequency converter from mains
2. Disconnect DC bus terminals 88 and 89
3. Wait at least the time mentioned in section General Warning above
4. Remove motor cable
2.1.5 Special conditions
Electrical ratings:
The rating indicated on the nameplate of the frequency converter is based on a typical 3-phase mains power supply, within the specified voltage, current
and temperature range, which is expected to be used in most applications.
The frequency converters also support other special applications, which affect the electrical ratings of the frequency converter.
Special conditions which affect the electrical ratings might be:
Single phase applications
High temperature applications which require de-rating of the electrical ratings
Marine applications with more severe environmental conditions.
Other applications might also affect the electrical ratings.
Consult the relevant sections in this manual and in the for information about the electrical ratings.
Installation requireme nt s :
The overall electrical safety of the frequency converter requires special installation considerations regarding:
Fuses and circuit breakers for over-current and short-circuit protection
Selection of power cables (mains, motor, brake, loadsharing and relay)
Grid configuration (grounded delta transformer leg, IT,TN, etc.)
Safety of low-voltage ports (PELV conditions).
Consult the relevant clauses in these instructions and in the for information about the installation requirements.
2.1.6 Caution
The frequency converter's DC link capacitors remain charged after power has been disconnected. To avoid an electrical shock hazard,
disconnect the frequency converter from the mains before carrying out maintenance. Before doing service on the frequency converter,
wait at least the amount of time indicated below:
Voltage Power size Min. Waiting Time
380 - 480 V 110 - 250 kW 20 minutes
Be aware that there may be high voltage on the DC link even when the LEDs are turned off.
2 Safety ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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2.1.7 Installation at High Altitudes (PELV)
Installation at high altitude:
380 - 480 V: At altitudes above 3 km, please contact Danfoss regarding PELV.
525 - 690 V: At altitudes above 2 km, please contact Danfoss regarding PELV.
2.1.8 Avoid unintended start
While the frequency converter is connected to mains, the motor can be started/stopped using digital commands, bus commands,
references or via the Local Control Panel.
Disconnect the frequency converter from mains whenever personal safety considerations make it necessary to avoid unin-
tended start.
To avoid unintended start, always activate the [OFF] key before changing parameters.
Unless terminal 37 is turned off, an electronic fault, temporary overload, a fault in the mains supply, or lost motor connection
may cause a stopped motor to start.
2.1.9 Safe Stop of the frequency converter
For versions fitted with a Safe Stop terminal 37 input, the frequency converter can perform the safety function
Safe Torque Off
(As defined by draft CD
IEC 61800-5-2) or
Stop Category 0
(as defined in EN 60204-1).
It is designed and approved suitable for the requirements of Safety Category 3 in EN 954-1. This functionality is called Safe Stop. Prior to integration and
use of Safe Stop in an installation, a thorough risk analysis on the installation must be carried out in order to determine whether the Safe Stop functionality
and safety category are appropriate and sufficient. In order to install and use the Safe Stop function in accordance with the requirements of Safety
Category 3 in EN 954-1, the related information and instructions of the must be followed! The information and instructions of the Operating Instructions
are not sufficient for a correct and safe use of the Safe Stop functionality!
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 2 Safety
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
2 Safety ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
2.1.10 IT mains
IT mains
Do not connect frequency converters with RFI-filters to mains supplies with a voltage between phase and earth of more than 440 V
for 400 V converters and 760 V for 690 V converters.
For 400 V IT mains and delta earth (grounded leg), mains voltage may exceed 440 V between phase and earth.
For 690 V IT mains and delta earth (grounded leg), mains voltage may exceed 760 V between phase and earth.
Par. 14-50
RFI Filter
can be used to disconnect the internal RFI capacitors from the RFI filter to ground.
2.1.11 Software Version and Approvals: ADAP-KOOL Drive AKD 102
Software version: 2.1.x
This manual can be used with all ADAP-KOOL Drive AKD 102 frequency converters with software version 2.1.x. The software version number can be seen from par. 15-43
Software Version
2.1.12 Disposal instruction
Equipment containing electrical components must not be disposed of together with domestic waste.
It must be separately collected with electrical and electronic waste according to local and currently valid leg-
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 2 Safety
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3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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3 Mechanical Installation
3.1 How to Get Started
3.1.1 About How to Install
This chapter covers mechanical and electrical installations to and from power terminals and control card terminals.
Electrical installation of
is described in the relevant Operating Instructions and Design Guide.
3.1.2 How to Get Started
The frequency converter is designed to achieve a quick and EMC-correct installation by following the steps described below.
Read the safety instructions before installing the unit.
Mechanical Installation
Mechanical mounting
Electrical Installation
Connection to Mains and Protecting Earth
Motor connection and cables
Fuses and circuit breakers
Control terminals - cables
Quick setup
•Local Control Panel, LCP
Automatic Motor Adaptation, AMA
Frame size is depending on enclosure type, power range and mains volt-
Illustration 3.1: Diagram showing basic installation including
mains, motor, start/stop key, and potentiometer for speed
3.2 Pre-installation
3.2.1 Planning the Installation Site
Before performing the installation it is important to plan the installation of the frequency converter. Neglecting this may result in extra
work during and after installation.
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 3 Mechanical Installation
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Select the best possible operation site by considering the following (see details on the following pages, and the respective Design Guides):
Ambient operating temperature
Installation method
How to cool the unit
Position of the frequency converter
•Cable routing
Ensure the power source supplies the correct voltage and necessary current
Ensure that the motor current rating is within the maximum current from the frequency converter
If the frequency converter is without built-in fuses, ensure that the external fuses are rated correctly.
3.2.2 Receiving the Frequency Converter
When receiving the frequency converter please make sure that the packaging is intact, and be aware of any damage that might have occurred to the
unit during transport. In case damage has occurred, contact immediately the shipping company to claim the damage.
3.2.3 Transportation and Unpacking
Before unpacking the frequency converter it is recommended that it is located as close as possible to the final installation site.
Remove the box and handle the frequency converter on the pallet, as long as possible.
The card box cover contains a drilling master for the mounting holes in the D frames.
Illustration 3.2: Mounting Template
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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3.2.4 Lifting
Always lift the frequency converter in the dedicated lifting eyes. For all D and E2 (IP00) enclosures, use a bar to avoid bending the lifting holes of the
frequency converter.
Illustration 3.3: Recommended lifting method, size D.
The lifting bar must be able to handle the weight of the frequency converter. See
Mechanical Dimensions
for the weight of the different
frame sizes. Maximum diameter for bar is 2.5 cm (1 inch). The angle from the top of the drive to the lifting cable should be 60° C or
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 3 Mechanical Installation
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Please note airflow directio ns
3.2.5 Mechanical Dimensions
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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Please note airflow directio ns
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 3 Mechanical Installation
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Mechanical dimensions , Frame size D
Frame Size D1 D2 D3 D4
110 - 132 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V)
160 - 250 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V)
110 - 132 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V)
160 - 250 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V) IP NEMA
Type 154Type 1221Type 154Type 12
Shipping di­mensions
650 mm 650 mm 650 mm 650 mm 650 mm 650 mm
Width 1730 mm 1730 mm 1730 mm 1730 mm 1220 mm 1490 mm Depth 570 mm 570 mm 570 mm 570 mm 570 mm 570 mm
Drive dimen­sions
Height 1209 mm 1209 mm 1589 mm 1589 mm 1046 mm 1327 mm
Width 420 mm 420 mm 420 mm 420 mm 408 mm 408 mm Depth 380 mm 380 mm 380 mm 380 mm 375 mm 375 mm Max weight 104 kg 104 kg 151 kg 151 kg 91 kg 138 kg
3.2.6 Rated Power
Frame size D1 D2 D3 D4
Enclosure protection
IP 21/54 21/54 00 00
NEMA Type 1/ Type 12 Type 1/ Type 12 Chassis Chassis
Normal overload rated power - 110% overload torque
110 - 132 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V)
45 - 160 kW at 690 V
(525-690 V)
150 - 250 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V)
200 - 400 kW at 690 V
(525-690 V)
110 - 132 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V)
45 - 160 kW at 690 V
(525-690 V)
150 - 250 kW at 400 V
(380 - 480 V)
200 - 400 kW at 690 V
(525-690 V)
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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3.3 Mechanical Installation
Pre pa ration o f t he mecha ni ca l instal la tion of t he frequen cy converter mu st be don e carefull y t o ensu re a proper re sult and to avoid additional work during
installation. Start taking a close look at the mechanical drawings at the end of this instruction to become familiar with the space demands.
3.3.1 Tools Needed
To perform the mechanical installation the following tools are needed:
Drill with 10 or 12 mm drill
Tape measure
Wrench with relevant metric sockets (7-17 mm)
Extensions to wrench
Sheet metal punch for conduits or cable glands in IP 21/Nema 1 and IP 54 units
Lifting bar to lift the unit (rod or tube max. Ø 25 mm (1 inch), able to lift minimum 400 kg (880 lbs)).
Crane or other lifting aid to place the frequency converter in position
A Torx T50 tool is needed to install the E1 in IP21 and IP54 enclosure types.
3.3.2 General Considerations
Ensure proper space above and below the frequency converter to allow airflow and cable access. In addition space in front of the unit must be considered
to enable opening of the door of the panel.
Illustration 3.4: Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type,
frame size D1 and D2 .
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Illustration 3.5: Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type,
frame size F1
Illustration 3.6: Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type,
frame size F3
Illustration 3.7: Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type,
frame size F2
Illustration 3.8: Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type,
frame size F4
Wire access
Ensure that proper cable access is present including necessary bending allowance. As the IP00 enclosure is open to the bottom cables must be fixed to
the back panel of the enclosure where the frequency converter is mounted, i.e. by using cable clamps.
All cable lugs/ shoes must mount within the width of the terminal bus bar
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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3.3.3 Terminal Locations - Frame size D
Take the following position of the terminals into consideration when you design for cables access.
Illustration 3.9: Position of power connections, frame size D3 and D4
Illustration 3.10: Position of power connections with disconnect switch, frame size D1 and D2
Be aware that the power cables are heavy and hard to bend. Consider the optimum position of the frequency converter for ensuring easy installation of
the cables.
All D frames are available with standard input terminals or disconnect switch. All terminal dimensions can be found in the following
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 3 Mechanical Installation
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IP 21 (NEMA 1) / IP 54 (NEMA 12) IP 00 / Chassis Frame size D1 Frame size D2 Frame size D3 Frame size D4
A 277 (10.9) 379 (14.9) 119 (4.7) 122 (4.8)
B 227 (8.9) 326 (12.8) 68 (2.7) 68 (2.7)
C 173 (6.8) 273 (10.8) 15 (0.6) 16 (0.6)
D 179 (7.0) 279 (11.0) 20.7 (0.8) 22 (0.8)
E 370 (14.6) 370 (14.6) 363 (14.3) 363 (14.3)
F 300 (11.8) 300 (11.8) 293 (11.5) 293 (11.5)
G 222 (8.7) 226 (8.9) 215 (8.4) 218 (8.6)
H 139 (5.4) 142 (5.6) 131 (5.2) 135 (5.3)
I 55 (2.2) 59 (2.3) 48 (1.9) 51 (2.0)
J 354 (13.9) 361 (14.2) 347 (13.6) 354 (13.9)
K 284 (11.2) 277 (10.9) 277 (10.9) 270 (10.6)
L 334 (13.1) 334 (13.1) 326 (12.8) 326 (12.8)
M 250 (9.8) 250 (9.8) 243 (9.6) 243 (9.6)
N 167 (6.6) 167 (6.6) 159 (6.3) 159 (6.3)
O 261 (10.3) 260 (10.3) 261 (10.3) 261 (10.3)
P 170 (6.7) 169 (6.7) 170 (6.7) 170 (6.7)
Q 120 (4.7) 120 (4.7) 120 (4.7) 120 (4.7)
R 256 (10.1) 350 (13.8) 98 (3.8) 93 (3.7)
S 308 (12.1) 332 (13.0) 301 (11.8) 324 (12.8)
T 252 (9.9) 262 (10.3) 245 (9.6) 255 (10.0)
U 196 (7.7) 192 (7.6) 189 (7.4) 185 (7.3)
V 260 (10.2) 273 (10.7) 260 (10.2) 273 (10.7)
Table 3.1: Cable positions as shown in drawings above. Dimensions in mm (inch).
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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3.3.4 Cooling and Airflow
Cooling can be obtained in different ways, by using the cooling ducts in the bottom and the top of the unit, by taking air in and out the back of the unit
or by combining the cooling possibilities.
Duct cooling
A dedicated option has been developed to optimize installation of IP00/chassis frequency converters in Rittal TS8 enclosures utilizing the fan of the
frequency converter for forced air cooling of the backchannel. The air out the top of the enclosure could but ducted outside a facility so the heat loses
from the backchannel are not dissipated within the control room reducing air-conditioning requirements of the facility.
Please see
Installation of Duct Cooling Kit in Rittal enclosures
, for further information.
Back cooling
The backchannel air can also be ventilated in and out the back of a Rittal TS8 enclosure. This offers a solution where the backchannel could take air from
outside the facility and return the heat loses outside the facility thus reducing air-conditioning requirements.
A doorfan(s) is required on the enclosure to remove the heat losses not contained in the backchannel of the drive and any additional
losses generated from other components installed inside the enclosure. The total required air flow must be calculated so that the
appropriate fans can be selected. Some enclosure manufacturers offer software for performing the calculations (i.e. Rittal Therm
software). If the drive is the only heat generating component in the enclosure, the minimum airflow required at an ambient temperature
of 45
C for the D3 and D4 drives is 391 m3/h (230 cfm).
The necessary airflow over the heat sink must be secured. The flow rate is shown below.
Enclosure protection
Frame size Door fan / Top fan airflow Airflow over heatsink
IP21 / NEMA 1 D1 and D2
170 m3/h (100 cfm) 765 m3/h (450 cfm)
IP00 / Chassis D3 and D4
255 m
/h (150 cfm) 765 m3/h (450 cfm)
Table 3.2: Heatsink Air Flow
The fan runs for the following reasons:
1. AMA
2. DC Hold
3. Pre-Mag
4. DC Brake
5. 60% of nominal current is exceeded
6. Specific heatsink temperature exceeded (power size dependent).
Once the fan is started it will run for minimum 10 minutes.
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External ducts
If additional duct work is added externally to the Rittal cabinet the pressure drop in the ducting must be calculated. Use the charts below to derate the
frequency converter according to the pressure drop.
Illustration 3.11: D frame Derating vs. Pressure Change
Drive air flow: 450 cfm (765 m
Illustration 3.12: E frame Derating vs. Pressure Change (Small Fan), P250T5 and P355T7-P400T7
Drive air flow: 650 cfm (1105 m
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3.3.5 Installation on the Wall - IP21 (NEMA 1) and IP54 (NEMA 12) Units
This only applies to frame sizes D1 and D2 . It must be considered where to install the unit.
Take the relevant points into consideration before you select the final installation site:
Free space for cooling
Access to open the door
Cable entry from the bottom
Mark the mounting holes carefully using the mounting template on the wall and drill the holes as indicated. Ensure proper distance to the floor and the
ceiling for cooling. A minimum of 225 mm (8.9 inch) below the frequency converter is needed. Mount the bolts at the bottom and lift the frequency
converter up on the bolts. Tilt the frequency converter against the wall and mount the upper bolts. Tighten all four bolts to secure the frequency converter
against the wall.
Illustration 3.13: Lifting method for mounting drive on wall
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3.3.6 Gland/Conduit Entry - IP21 (NEMA 1) and IP54 (NEMA12)
Cables are connected through the gland plate from the bottom. Remove the plate and plan where to place the entry for the glands or conduits. Prepare
holes in the marked area on the drawing.
The gland plate must be fitted to the frequency converter to ensure the specified protection degree, as well as ensuring proper cooling
of the unit. If the gland plate is not mounted, the frequency converter may trip on Alarm 69, Pwr. Card Temp
Illustration 3.14: Example of proper installation of the gland plate.
Frame size D1 + D2
Cable entries viewed from the bottom of the frequency converter - 1) Mains side 2) Motor side
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
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3.3.7 IP21 Drip Shield Installation (Frame size D1 and D2 )
To comply with the IP21 rating, a separate drip shiel d is to be installed as explained below:
Remove the two front screws
Insert the drip shield and replace screws
Torque the screws to 5,6 Nm (50 in-lbs)
Illustration 3.15: Drip shield installation.
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3.4 Field Installation of Options
3.4.1 Installation of Duct Cooling Kit in Rittal Enclosures
This section deals with the installation of IP00 / chassis enclosed frequency converters with duct work cooling kits in Rittal enclosures. In addition to the
enclosure a 200 mm base/plinth is required.
Illustration 3.16: Installation of IP00 in Rittal TS8 enclosure.
The minimum enclosure dimension is:
D3 and D4 frame: Depth 500 mm and width 600 mm.
The maximum depth and width are as required by the installation. When using multiple frequency converters in one enclosure it is recommended that
each drive is mounted on its own back panel and supported along the mid-section of the panel. These duct work kits do not support the “in frame”
mounting of the panel (see Rittal TS8 catalogue for details). The duct work cooling kits listed in the table below are suitable for use only with IP 00 /
Chassis frequency converters in Rittal TS8 IP 20 and UL and NEMA 1 and IP 54 and UL and NEMA 12 enclosures.
A doorfan(s) is required on the enclosure to remove the heat losses not contained in the backchannel of the drive and any additional
losses generated from other components installed inside the enclosure. The total required air flow must be calculated so that the
appropriate fans can be selected. Some enclosure manufacturers offer software for performing the calculations (i.e. Rittal Therm
software). If the drive is the only heat generating component in the enclosure, the minimum airflow required at an ambient temperature
of 45
C for the D3 and D4 drives is 391 m3/h (230 cfm).
Ordering Information
Rittal TS-8 Enclosure
Frame D3 Kit Part No. Frame D4Kit Part No.
1800 mm 176F1824 176F1823
2000 mm 176F1826 176F1825
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Please see the
Duct Kit Instruction Manual, 175R5640,
for further information
External ducts
If additional duct work is added externally to the Rittal cabinet the pressure drop in the ducting must be calculated. Please see section
Cooling and
for further information.
3.4.2 Outside Installation/ NEMA 3R Kit for Rittal Enclosures
This section is for the installation of NEMA 3R kits available for the frequency converter frames D3 and D4 . These kits are designed and tested to be
used with IP00/ Chassis versions of these frames in Rittal TS8 NEMA 3R or NEMA 4 enclosures. The NEMA-3R enclosure is an outdoor enclosure that
provides a degree of protection against rain and ice. The NEMA-4 enclosure is an outdoor enclosure that provides a greater degree of protection against
weather and hosed water.
The minimum enclosure depth is 500 mm (600 mm for E2 frame) and the kit is designed for a 600 mm (800 mm for E2 frame) wide enclosure. Other
enclosure widths are possible, however additional Rittal hardware is required. The maximum depth and width are as required by the installation.
The current rating of drives in D3 and D4 frames are de-rated by 3%, when adding the NEMA 3R kit. Drives in E2 frames require no
A doorfan(s) is required on the enclosure to remove the heat losses not contained in the backchannel of the drive and any additional
losses generated from other components installed inside the enclosure. The total required air flow must be calculated so that the
appropriate fans can be selected. Some enclosure manufacturers offer software for performing the calculations (i.e. Rittal Therm
software). If the drive is the only heat generating component in the enclosure, the minimum airflow required at an ambient temperature
of 45
C for the D3 and D4 drives is 391 m3/h (230 cfm).
Ordering information
Frame size D3: 176F4600
Frame size D4: 176F4601
Frame size E2: 176F1852
Please see the instructions
for further information
ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power 3 Mechanical Installation
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
3.4.3 Installation on Pedestal
This section describes the installation of a pedestal unit available for the
frequency converters frames D1 and D2. This is a 200 mm high pedestal
that allows these frames to be floor mounted. The front of the pedestal
has openings for input air to the power components.
The frequency converter gland plate must be installed to provide ade-
quate cooling air to the control components of the frequency converter
via the door fan and to maintain the IP21/NEMA 1 or IP54/NEMA 12 de-
grees of enclosure protections.
Illustration 3.17: Drive on pedestal
There is one pedestal that fits both frames D1 and D2. Its ordering number is 176F1827. The pedestal is standard for E1 frame.
Illustration 3.18: Mounting of drive to pedestal.
3.4.4 Installation of Input Plate Options
This section is for the field installation of input option kits available for frequency converters in all D and E frames.
Do not attempt to remove RFI filters from input plates. Damage may occur to RFI filters if they are removed from the input plate.
Where RFI filters are available, there are two different type of RFI filters depending on the input plate combination and the RFI filters
interchangeable. Field installable kits in certain cases are the same for all voltages.
3 Mechanical Installation ADAP-KOOL® Drive AKD 102 High Power
MG.11.O1.02 - ADAP-KOOL® is a registered Danfoss trademark
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