Danfoss ADAP-KOOL AK-CC 550A Troubleshooting Manuallines

Service Guide
Troubleshooting Guidelines
AK-CC 550A
ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration Control System
Service Guide | Troubleshooting Guidelines, AK-CC 550A
The following troubleshooting guidelines detail the process of verifying proper setup of an AK-CC 550A when encountering communication/offline issues with an AK-SM 800 series controller.
System Manager Programming
Complete Rescan
- On Network Nodes screen, select ‘Press for complete rescan’
*Also complete rescan if any of the items below required adjustment
Ensure proper channel enabled on Network Nodes screen of system manager
- ‘Channel LONWORKS’ for LON RS485 comm loop
- ‘Channel MODBUS-RS485’ for Modbus comm loop
Verify no Duplicates in System Manager
- Check under Network Nodes->Duplicates
- If duplicates exist, identify case controller with mistaken address, and update
Verify address has been assigned to case controller in program
- Verify under Configuration->Control->Refrigeration­>Addresses
AK-CC 550A Hardware
Verify part # of AK-CC 550A. This will be printed on front of controller below display
- For 084B8030, verify 230Vac to terminals 1&2
- For 084B8036, verify 115Vac to terminals 1&2
Comm Loop Wiring
Verify intended form of communication to be used (Modbus or LON RS485)
- For Modbus communication:
- Ensure comm wires are landed on terminals 57&58.
- Modbus loop is polarity sensitive, ensure polarity is consistent throughout loop
- Ensure any other Modbus devices on the loop use 38400 baud rate
- For LON RS485 communication:
- Ensure comm wires are landed on terminals 52&53
- Ensure EKA 175 comm card is installed in port below display.
- EOL resistor
- For 1 loop from system manager, ensure 120 ohm resistor at end of loop and switch above comm plug in ‘On’ position
- For 2 loops from system manager, ensure 120 ohm resistor at end of each loop and switch above comm plug in ‘Off’ position
For either comm type, max distance is 4000’. Beyond this distance, a repeater is needed
For either comm type, max # of case controllers is 120 per system manager
For either comm type, an EIA 485 rated cable should be used
AK-CC 550A Programming
Ensure address is set correctly, via parameter o03.
Ensure application is set correctly, via parameter o61.
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