Data sheet
Anti-Drip Spray Nozzles Type 4023
Many nozzles are satisfactory for spraying liquids,
but for a positive cut-o ask for the Hago type
4023 nozzle. Our exclusive design produces a
precisely controlled ow rate and spray angle
and includes a liquid cut-o near the orice. Fluid
cut-o near the orice can be very important in
situations where excessive after drip can damage
or destroy things located beneath the nozzle.
Chemicals, insecticides, and even plain water,
if allowed to drip, can foul the environment
or injure livestock, seedlings and industrial
With the type 4023 anti-drip nozzles, operators
can achieve fluid cut-off near the orifice while
maintaining pressure within the nozzle supply
The type 4023 nozzle emits a finely atomized
spray mist suitable for nearly all humidifying,
light wetting and evaporative cooling
application. This nozzle has become a nozzle of
choice for the insect spray system industry.
Application and Features
• Insect control
• Odor control chemicals
• Green houses
• Agriculture, farms, livestock, barns
• Environmentally hazardous chemicals
• Reduces undesirable nozzle after-drip
• Field proven performance for over 40 years
• Accurate, flow rate and spray angle
• Produces a finely atomized mist
• Standard ow rate: 0.75 GPH at 160 psi
(11bar), water.
• Spray angle: 70 Degrees at 160 psi, water.
• Spray pattern: Semi solid cone.
Available Accessories
• Adapters
Identification The nozzles are marked with the following
Stampe d on the flats
4023 Anti-Drip spray nozzle
HP High Pressure
NSB Nickel Silver tip and Brass disc
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Data sheet Anti-Drip Spray Nozzles Type 4023
Technical Data
Material and construction
Our nozzle with nickel silver tip and brass disc
is our most popular and corrosion resistant
offering for water applications. Nickel Silver is
a trade name for a non-magnetic copper nickel
alloy. This also includes a stainless steel spring.
Minimum recommended operation pressure is
160 psi (11 bar).
The nozzle is rated 0.75 gph (water) at 160 psi
(11bar) where it delivers a semi solid spray
A: Tip
B: Disc
C: Cut-off valve
D: Sintered filter
Cut off valve
The cut off valve has a closing pressure between
40-70 psi (~3 to 5 bar)
30-40 μm sintered bronze filter
Recommended tightening torque
130 to 180 in-lbs (15 to 20 Nm).
Maximum tightening torque
180 in-lbs (20 Nm).
Spray angle and pattern
Dimensions for reference only.
Standard flow rate Semi Solid Remarks
Usgal/h 70° -
0.75 030L4501 -
0.75 030L4502 With O-ring
Toronto, ON/Baltimore, MD
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