VLT® 2800 Series
The multi purpose drive with a perfect match between price and performance
in a wide range of industrial applications.
18.5 kW
maximum motor size
Energy efficient control of a
wide range of applications,
with built-in brake chopper
and coated printed circuit
board as standard features.
The VLT® 2800 series is designed to t
the needs in a wide range of general
purpose drive applications up to
18.5 kW.
Power range
1/3 x 200 – 240 V ................ 0.37 – 3.7 kW
3 x 380 – 480 V ..................0.55 – 18.5 kW
With 160% overload torque (high
Over the years it has shown its value
to a large number of customers, resulting in a large base of installed drives
all over the world.
The VLT® 2800 is delivered with a factory tted brake chopper and coated
printed circuit boards for increased
protection as standard features.
Feature Benet
Easy to integrate and operate
Quick menu Easy start-up and fast parameter access
Automatic Motor Tuning
PID-controller Optimized process control
Fieldbus communication Control and surveillance from PLC or PC
Built-in brake chopper
Application dedication
Counter precise stop
Precise stop function
Dry run protection Protects the pump in dry run situations
Enhanced sleep mode
Pipe ll mode
Flexible and robust
Max. ambient temperature 45°C without
Mounting with ventilated heat sink Flexible mounting incl. horizontal mounting
Side by side mounting Saves space in installations
Built-in RFI lter
Coated Printed Circuit Boards
Ensures optimal match and performance
increase between VLT 2800 and motor
Standard feature that increases exibility.
Eliminates need to decide up front if a brake
chopper is needed
The drive counts pulses and stops safely after
the programmed number of counts.
Increases performance in packaging
Excellent control for shutting down the drive
in low ow situations
Prevents water hammering in pump
No external cooling or oversizing required
Complies with EMC standards incl.
EN55011 1A
Standard feature that increases protection
of electronics against condensation and
hazardous substances in the surroundings
Facts about our products

PC software tools
n VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 10
PC software tool, which is ideal for
commissioning and servicing the
n VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 31
Harmonic calculation software
RFI lter
The RFI lter ensures that the frequency converter will not disrupt
other electrical components that are
connected to the mains and might
cause operating disruption.
By tting an RFI 1B lter module
between the mains supply and the
VLT® 2800, the solution complies with
the EMC norm EN 55011-1B.
Power Input current
Mains Typ e
2803 0.37 2.2 5.9
2805 0.55 3.2 8.3
2807 0.75 4.2 10.6
2811 1.1 6.0 14.5
2815 1. 5 6.8 15. 2
1 x 220–240 V
2822* 2.2 9.6 22.0
2840* 3.7 16.0 31.0
2803 0.37 2.2 2.9
2805 0.55 3.2 4.0
2807 0.75 4.2 5 .1
2811 1.1 6.0 7. 0
2815 1. 5 6.8 7.6
3 x 200–240 V
2822 2.2 9.6 8.8
2840 3.7 16.0 14.7
2805 0.55 1.7 1.6
2807 0.75 2 .1 1.9
2811 1.1 3.0 2.6
2815 1. 5 3.7 3.2
2822 2.2 5.2 4.7
2830 3.0 7. 0 6.1
2840 4.0 9.1 8 .1
2855 5.5 12 10.6
3 x 380–480 V
2875 7.5 16 14.9
2880 11. 0 24 24.0
2881 15.0 32 32.0
2882 18. 5 37. 5 3 7.5
* Not available with RFI lter
Mains supply (L1, L2, L3)
Supply voltage 200-240 V ±10%, 380-480 V ±10%
Supply frequency 50/60 Hz
Displacement Power Factor (cos φ) near unity (> 0.98)
Switching on input supply L1, L2, L3 1–2 times/min.
Output data (U, V, W)
Output voltage 0–100% of supply voltage
Switching on output Unlimited
Ramp times 0.02–3600 sec.
Output frequency 0–590 Hz
Digital inputs
For start/stop, reset, thermistor, etc. 5
Logic PNP or NPN
Voltage level 0–24 VDC
Analogue input
No. of analogue inputs 2
Voltage level -10 to +10 V (scaleable)
Current level
Pulse inputs
No. of pulse inputs 2
Voltage level 0 – 24 V DC (PNP positive logic)
Pulse input accuracy (0.1–110 kHz)
Digital output
No. of digital outputs 1
Analogue output
Programmable analogue outputs 1
Current range 0/4–20 mA
Relay outputs
No. of relay outputs 1
Standard built-in
Fieldbus built-in
Ambient temperature
0/4 to 20 mA (scaleable)
Modbus RTU
Metasys N2 protocols
PROFIBUS DP V1 12 Mbit/s
Cabinet sizes [mm]
A 200 2 67. 5 267. 5 505
a 191 257 257 490
B 75 90 140 200
b 60 70 120 12 0
C 168 168 168 244
Danfoss VLT Drives, Ulsnaes 1, DK-6300 Graasten, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80
www.danfoss.com/drives • E-mail: info@danfoss.com
DKDD.PFP.403.A3.02 VLT® is a trademark of Danfoss A/S Produced by PE-MMSC 2014.09