Brake Service Manual – FBH04 Wet Series
Installation, Maintenance and Spare Parts Instructions
Model: Standard ‘C’ Mount (FBH04…..W) Series
Spring Applied, Hydraulically-Released Multiple Plate Brake for Wet Operation.
Check, that in the process of unpacking the brake and
subsequent handling prior to assembly, the mounting
features and other parts of the brake are undamaged.
Ensure that the shafts to which the brake is mounted
are clean and free from burrs and swellings.
To check brake release, connect an appropriate
hydraulic pressure supply set to the required level up to
a maximum of 3000 psi (200 bar) and check that brake
shaft (1) is free to rotate.
Remove hydraulic supply from brake, checking to
ensure that the friction plates (3 & 6) have engaged
thus preventing rotation of brake shaft (1).
Important, release pressure during bench testing
should be limited to 2000 psi (138 bar) unless brake is
fully installed using 4-off ½" UNC mounting bolts in the
through (mounting) holes.
Brake shaft (item 1) varies with brake model
number according to spline interface.
CHB-1004 is used with FBH044444..W
Quantity of compression springs (items 22 & 23)
will vary, depending upon the brake model used.
(see chart on sheet 4 for further information).
Items marked thus are recommended spares.
Item 5 is an accessory kit supplied with each
See over for Maintenance Instructions