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Detailed Description
This evaluation kit must be used with the following documents:
• MAXQ3210 Data Sheet
• MAXQ Family User’s Guide
• MAXQ Family User’s Guide: MAXQ3210/MAX3212
Supplement (www.maxim-ic.com/MAXQ32xxSUP)
The MAXQ3210 EV kit board is fully defined in the
schematics provided in the EV kit CD-ROM. However, a
short description of the major components and connectors of the boards follows.
Power Supplies
There are three ways to set up power supplies when
using the MAXQ3210 EV kit. The two boards that
require power supplies are the MAXQ3210 EV kit board
and the serial-to-JTAG interface board.
Running Both Boards from
Separate Power Supplies
To run each of the boards from its own power supply,
connect supplies as follows.
• Connect a 5V, ±5% regulated DC wall supply (center post positive) to the J2 power plug of the serialto-JTAG interface board.
• Connect a 9V, ±5% regulated DC wall supply (center post positive) to the J2 power plug of the
MAXQ3210 EV kit board, OR insert a 9V battery into
clip J1 of the MAXQ3210 EV kit board.
• Connect a jumper across pins 1 and 2 of jumper
JU2 on the MAXQ3210 EV kit board.
Note: When using two power supplies in this manner, the JU1 jumper on the MAXQ3210 EV kit board
Running Both Boards from a Single Power Supply
If the serial-to-JTAG interface board is being used, a
single power supply can be used to power both boards
as follows.
• Connect a 5V, ±5% regulated DC wall supply (center post positive) to the J2 power plug of the serialto-JTAG interface board.
• Connect the JH3 jumper on the serial-to-JTAG interface board.
• Connect the JU1 jumper on the MAXQ3210 EV kit
• Connect a jumper across pins 2 and 3 of JU2 on the
MAXQ3210 EV kit board.
Note: Do not connect a power supply to the J1 plug
on the MAXQ3210 EV kit when powering the boards
in this manner.
Running the MAXQ3210 EV Kit Board
from a Single Power Supply
If the MAXQ3210 has already been programmed using
the JTAG interface, it is possible to disconnect the serial-to-JTAG board and power up the MAXQ3210 EV kit
board on its own. This simply executes the previously
loaded firmware, with no possibility of in-application
load or debugging.
• Connect a 9V, ±5% regulated DC wall supply (center post positive) to the J2 power plug of the
MAXQ3210 EV kit board, OR insert a 9V battery into
clip J1 of the MAXQ3210 EV kit board.
• Connect a jumper across pins 1 and 2 of JU2 on the
MAXQ3210 EV kit board.
The power pins for the MAXQ3210 EV kit are connected to the on-board power supplies by jumpers as
shown in Table 1.
Evaluates: MAXQ3210
MAXQ3210 Evaluation Kit
Component List (continued)