32-bit or 128-bit crystal-less jitter attenuator
Generates line build outs for both 120Ω=and
Frames to FAS, CAS, and CRC4 formats
Dual onboard two-frame elastic store slip buffers
that can connect to asynchronous backplanes up to
8.192 MHz
8-bit parallel control port that can be used directly
on either multiplexed or non-multiplexed buses
Extracts and inserts CAS signaling
Detects and generates Remote and AIS alarms
Programmable output clocks for Fractional E1,
H0, and H12 applications
Fully independent transmit and receive
Full access to both Si and Sa bits aligned with
CRC multiframe
Four separate loopbacks for testing functions
Large counters for bipolar and code violations,
CRC4 codeword errors, FAS errors, and E bits
Pin compatible with DS2152 T1 Enhanced Single-
Chip Transceiver
5V supply; low power CMOS
100-pin 14mm
body LQFP package
DS2154L (0°C to 70°C)
DS2154LN (-40°C to +85°C)
The DS2154 Enhanced Single-Chip Transceiver (ESCT) contains all of the necessary functions for
connection to E1 lines. The device is an upward compatible version of the DS2153 Single-Chip
Transceiver. The onboard clock/data recovery circuitry coverts the AMI/HDB3 E1 waveforms to a NRZ
serial stream. The DS2154 automatically adjusts to E1 22AWG (0.6 mm) twisted-pair cables from 0 to
over 2 km in length. The device can generate the necessary G.703 waveshapes for both 75-ohm coax and
120-ohm twisted cables. The onboard jitter attenuator (selectable to either 32 bits or 128 bits) can be
placed in either the transmit or receive data paths. The framer locates the frame and multiframe
boundaries and monitors the data stream for alarms. It is also used for extracting and inserting si gnaling
data, Si, and Sa bit information. The device contains a set of internal registers which the user c an access
to control the operation of the unit. Quick access via the parallel control port allows a single controller to
handle many E1 lines. The device fully meets all of the latest E1 specifications including ITU G.703,
G.704, G.706, G.823, G.932, and I.431 as well as ETS 300 011, 300 233, 300 166, TBR 12 and TBR 13.
The DS2154 is a super-set version of the popular DS2153 E1 Single-Chip Transceiver offerin g the new
features listed below. All of the original features of the DS2153 have been retained and software created
for the original devices is transferable into the DS2154.
Option for non-multiplexed bus operation
Crystal-less jitter attenuation
Additional hardware signaling capability including:
Receive signaling reinsertion to a backplane multiframe sync
Availability of signaling in a separate PCM data stream
Signaling freezing
Interrupt generated on change of signaling data
Improved receive sensitivity: 0 dB to -43 dB
Per-channel code insertion in both transmit and receive paths
Expanded access to Sa and Si bits
RCL, RLOS, RRA, and RAIS alarms now interrupt on change of state
8.192 MHz clock synthesizer
Per-channel loopback
Addition of hardware pins to indicate carrier loss and signaling freeze
Line interface function can be completely decoupled from the framer/formatter to
Interface to optical, HDSL, and other NRZ interfaces
“tap” the transmit and receive bipolar data streams for monitoring purposes
Be able corrupt data and insert framing errors, CRC errors, etc.
Transmit and receive elastic stores now have independent backplane clocks
Ability to monitor one DS0 channel in both the transmit and receive paths
Access to the data streams in between the framer/formatter and the elastic stores
AIS generation in the line interface that is independent of loopbacks
Transmit current limiter to meet the 50 mA short circuit requirement
Option to extend carrier loss criteria to a 1 ms period as per ETS 300 233
Automatic RAI generation to ETS 300 011 specifications
The analog AMI/HDB3 waveform off of the E1 line is transformer coupled into the RRING and RTIP
pins of the DS2154. The device recovers clock and data from the analog signal and passes it through the
jitter attenuation mux to the receive side framer where the digital serial stream is analyzed to locate the
framing/multiframe pattern. The DS2154 contains an active filter that reconstructs the analog received
signal for the non-linear losses that occur in transmission. The device has a usable receive sensitivit y of 0
dB to -43 dB which allows the device to operate on cables over 2 km in length. The receive side framer
locates the FAS frame and CRC and CAS multiframe boundaries as well as detects incoming alarms
including, carrier loss, loss of synchronization, AIS, and Remote Alarm. If needed, the receive side elastic
store can be enabled in order to absorb the phas e and frequency differences between the recov ered E1
data stream and an asynchronous backplane clock which is provided at the RSYSCLK input. The clock
applied at the RSYSCLK input can be either a 2.048 MHz clock or a 1.544 MHz clock. The RSYSCLK
can also be a bursty clock with speeds up to 8.192 MHz.
The transmit side of the DS2154 is totally independent from the receive side in both the clock
requirements and characteristics. Data off of a backplane can be passed through a transmit side elastic
store if necessary. The transmit formatter will provide the necessary frame/multiframe data overhead for
E1 transmission. Once the data stream has been prepared for transmission, it is sent via the jitter
attenuation mux to the waveshaping and line driver functions. The DS2154 will drive the E1 line from the
TTIP and TRING pins via a coupling transformer. The line driver can handle both 75Ω=and 120Ω=lines
and it has options for high return loss applications. The line driver contains a current limiter that will
restrict the maximum current into a 1Ω=load to less than 50 mA (rms).
This data sheet assumes a particular nomenclature of the E1 operating environment. There are 32 8-bit
timeslots in an E1 systems which are number 0 to 31. Timeslot 0 is transmitted first and received first.
These 32 timeslots are also referred to as channels with a numbering scheme of 1 to 32. Timeslot 0 is
identical to channel 1, timeslot 1 is identical to Channel 2, and so on. Each timeslot (or chann el) is made
up of 8 bits which are numbered 1 to 8. Bit number 1 is the MSB and is transmitted first. Bit number 8 is
the LSB and is transmitted last. Throughout this data sheet, the following abbreviations will be used:
9NC-No Connect.
10NC-No Connect.
11BTSIBus Type Select.
12LIUCILine Interface Connect.
138XCLKOEight Times Clock.
15NC-No Connect.
16RTIPIReceive Analog Tip Input.
17RRINGIReceive Analog Ring Input.
18RVDD-Receive Analog Positive Supply
19RVSS-Receive Analog Signal Ground.
20RVSS-Receive Analog Signal Ground.
21MCLKIMaster Clock Input.
22XTALDOQuartz Crystal Driver.
23NC-No Connect.
24RVSS-Receive Analog Signal Ground.
26NC-No Connect.
27NC-No Connect.
28NC-No Connect.
29TTIPOTransmit Analog Tip Output.
30TVSS-Transmit Analog Signal Ground.
31TVDD-Transmit Analog Positive Supply.
32TRINGOTransmit Analog Ring Output.
33TCHBLKOTransmit Channel Block.
34TLCLKOTransmit Link Clock.
35TLINKITransmit Link Data.
7 of 87
36NC-No Connect.
37TSYNCI/OTransmit Sync.
38TPOSIITransmit Positive Data Input.
39TNEGIITransmit Negative Data Input.
40TCLKIITransmit Clock Input.
41TCLKOOTransmit Clock Output.
42TNEGOOTransmit Negative Data Output.
43TPOSOOTransmit Positive Data Output.
44DVDD-Digital Positive Supply.
45DVSS-Digital Signal Ground.
46TCLKITransmit Clock.
47TSERITransmit Serial Data.
48TSIGITransmit Signaling Input.
49TESOOTransmit Elastic Store Output.
50TDATAITransmit Data.
51TSYSCLKITransmit System Clock.
52TSSYNCITransmit System Sync.
53TCHCLKOTransmit Channel Clock.
54NC-No Connect.
55MUXIBus Operation.
56D0/AD0I/OData Bus Bit 0 / Address/Data Bus Bit 0.
57D1/AD1I/OData Bus Bit 1 / Address/Data Bus Bit 1.
58D2/AD2I/OData Bus Bit 2 / Address/Data Bus Bit 2.
59D3/AD3I/OData Bus Bit 3 / Address/Data Bus Bit 3.
60DVSS-Digital Signal Ground.
61DVDD-Digital Positive Supply.
62D4/AD4I/OData Bus Bit 4 / Address/Data Bus Bit 4.
63D5/AD5I/OData Bus Bit 5 / Address/Data Bus Bit 5.
64D6/AD6I/OData Bus Bit 6 / Address/Data Bus Bit 6.
65D7/AD7I/OData Bus Bit 7 / Address/Data Bus Bit 7.
66A0IAddress Bus Bit 0.
67A1IAddress Bus Bit 1.
68A2IAddress Bus Bit 2.
69A3IAddress Bus Bit 3.
70A4IAddress Bus Bit 4.
71A5IAddress Bus Bit 5.
72A6IAddress Bus Bit 6.
8 of 87
73A7/ALEIAddress Bus Bit 7 / Address Latch Enable.
RD ( DS )
IRead Input (Data Strobe).
IChip Select.
76NC-No Connect.
WR (R/W )
IWrite Input (Read/Write).
78RLINKOReceive Link Data.
79RLCLKOReceive Link Clock.
80DVSS-Digital Signal Ground.
81DVDD-Digital Positive Supply.
82RCLKOReceive Clock.
83DVDD-Digital Positive Supply.
84DVSS-Digital Signal Ground.
85RDATAOReceive Data.
86RPOSIIReceive Positive Data Input.
87RNEGIIReceive Negative Data Input.
88RCLKIIReceive Clock Input.
89RCLKOOReceive Clock Output.
90RNEGOOReceive Negative Data Output.
91RPOSOOReceive Positive Data Output.
92RCHCLKOReceive Channel Clock.
93RSIGFOReceive Signaling Freeze Output.
94RSIGOReceive Signaling Output.
95RSEROReceive Serial Data.
96RMSYNCOReceive Multiframe Sync.
97RFSYNCOReceive Frame S ync.
98RSYNCI/OReceive Sync.
99RLOS/LOTCOReceive Loss of Sync / Loss Of Transmit Clock.
100RSYSCLKIReceive System Clock.
Leave all no connect (NC) pins open circuited.
9 of 87
Transmit Clock [TCLK]. A 2.048 MHz primary clock. Used to clock data through the transmit side
formatter. Must be present for the parallel control port to operate properly. If not present, the Loss Of
Transmit Clock (LOTC) function can provide a clock.
Transmit Serial Data [TSER]. Transmit NRZ serial data. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK when
the transmit side elastic store is disabled. Sampled on the falling edge of TSYSCLK when the transmit
side elastic store is enabled.
Transmit Channel Clock [TCHCLK]. A 256 kHz clock which pulses high during the LSB of each
channel. Synchronous with TCLK when the transmit side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with
TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is enabled. Useful for parallel to serial conversion of
channel data.
Transmit Channel Block [TCHBLK]. A user-programmable output that can be forced high or low
during any of the 32 E1 channels. Synchronous with TCLK when the transmit side elastic store is
disabled. Synchronous with TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is enabled. Useful for
blocking clocks to a serial UART or LAPD controller in applications where not all E1 channels are used
such as Fractional E1, 384 kbps (H0), 768 kbps, 1920 kbps (H12) or ISDN-PRI. Also useful for locating
individual channels in drop-and-insert applications, for external per-channel loopback, and for perchannel conditioning. See Section 9 for details.
Transmit System Clock [TSYSCLK]. 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz clock. Only used when the transmit
side elastic store function is enabled. Should be tied low in applications that do not use the transmit side
elastic store. Can be burst at rates up to 8.192 MHz.
Transmit Link Clock [TLCLK]. 4 kHz to 20 kHz demand clock (Sa bits) for the TLINK input. See
Section 11 for details.
Transmit Link Data [TLINK]. If enabled, this pin will be sampled on the falling edge of TCLK for data
insertion into any combination of the Sa bit positions (Sa4 to Sa8). See Section 11 for details.
Transmit Sync [TSYNC]. A pulse at this pin will establish either frame or multiframe boundaries for the
transmit side. This pin can also be programmed to output either a frame or multiframe pulse. Always
synchronous with TCLK.
Transmit Frame Sync [TSSYNC]. Only used when the transmit side elastic store is enabled. A pulse at
this pin will establish either frame or multiframe boundaries for the transmit side. Should be tied low in
applications that do not use the transmit side elastic store. Always synchronous with TSYSCLK.
Transmit Signaling Input [TSIG]. When enabled, this input will be sample signaling bits for insertion
into outgoing PCM E1 data stream. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK when the transmit side elastic
store is disabled. Sampled on the falling edge of TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is
enabled. See Section 13 for timing examples.
Transmit Elastic Store Data Output [TESO]. Updated on the rising edge of TCLK with data out of the
transmit side elastic store whether the elastic store is enabled or not. This pin is normally tied to TDATA.
10 of 87
Transmit Data [TDATA]. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK with data to be clocked through the
transmit side formatter. This pin is normally tied to TESO.
Transmit Positive Data Output [TPOSO]. Updated on the rising edge of TCLKO with the bipolar data
out of the transmit side formatter. Can be programmed to source NRZ data via the Output Data Format
(TCR1.7) control bit. This pin is normally tied to TPOSI.
Transmit Negative Data Output [TNEGO]. Updated on the rising edge of TCLKO with the bipolar
data out of the transmit side formatter. This pin is normally tied to TNEGI.
Transmit Clock Output [TCLKO]. Buffered clock that is used to clock data through the transmit side
formatter (i.e. either TCLK or RCLKO if Loss Of Transmit Clock is enabled and in effect or RCLKI if
remote loopback is enabled). This pin is normally tied to TCLKI.
Transmit Positive Data Input [TPOSI]. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLKI for data to be
transmitted out onto the E1 line. Can be internally connected to TPOSO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Transmit Negative Data Input [TNEGI]. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLKI for data to be
transmitted out onto the E1 line. Can be internally connected to TNEGO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Transmit Clock Input [TCLKI]. Line interface transmit clock. Can be internally connected to TCLKO
by tying the LIUC pin high.
Receive Link Data [RLINK]. Updated with the full recovered E1 data stream on the rising edge of
Receive Link Clock [RL CLK]. 4 kHz to 20 kHz clock (Sa bits) for the RLINK output. See Section 11
for details.
Receive Clock [RCLK]. 2.048 MHz clock that is used to clock data through the receive side framer.
Receive Channel Clock [RCHCLK]. 256 kHz clock which pulses high during the LSB of each channel.
Synchronous with RCLK when the receive side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with RSYSCLK
when the receive side elastic store is enabled. Useful for parallel to serial conversion of channel data.
Receive Channel Block [RCH BL K]. A user-programmable output that can be forced high or low during
any of the 32 E1 channels. Synchronous with RCLK when the receive side elastic store is disabled.
Synchronous with RSYSCLK when the receive side elastic store is enabled. Useful for blocking clocks to
a serial UART or LAPD controller in applications where not all E1 chann els are used such as Fr actional
E1, 384k bps service, 768k bps, or ISDN-PRI. Also useful for locatin g individual channels in drop-andinsert applications, for external per-channel loopback, and for per-chann el conditioning. See Section 9 for
Receive Serial Data [RSER]. Received NRZ serial data. Updated on rising edges of RCLK when the
receive side elastic store is disabled. Updated on the rising edges of RSYSCLK when the receive side
elastic store is enabled.
11 of 87
Receive Sync [RSYNC]. An extracted pulse, one RCLK wide, is output at this pin which identifies either
frame or CAS/CRC multiframe boundaries. If the receive side elastic store is enabled, then this pin can be
enabled to be an input at which a frame or multiframe boundary pulse synchronous with RSYSCLK is
Receive Frame Sync [RFSYNC ]. An extracted 8 kHz pulse, one RCLK wide, is output at this pin which
identifies frame boundaries.
Receive Multiframe Syn c [RMSYNC]. An extracted pulse, one RSYSCLK wide, is output at this pin
which identifies multiframe boundaries. If the receive side elastic store is disabled, then this output will
output multiframe boundaries associated with RCLK.
Receive Data [RDATA]. Updated on the rising edge of RCLK with the data out of the receive side
Receive System Clock [RSYS CLK]. 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz clock. Only used when the elastic store
function is enabled. Should be tied low in applications that do not use the elastic store. Can be burst at
rates up to 8.192 MHz.
Receive Signaling Ou tput [RSIG]. Outputs signaling bits in a PCM format. Updated on rising edges of
RCLK when the receive side elastic store is disabled. Updated on the rising edges of RSYSCLK when the
receive side elastic store is enabled. See Section 13 for timing examples.
Receive Loss of Sync / Loss of Transmit Clock [RLOS/LOTC]. A dual function output that is
controlled by the TCR2.0 control bit. This pin can be programmed to either toggle high when the
synchronizer is searching for the frame and multiframe or to toggle high if the TCLK pin has not been
toggled for 5 µs.
Receive Carrier Loss [RCL]. Set high when the line interface detects a loss of carrier. [Note: a test
mode exists to allow the DS2154 to detect carrier loss at RPOSI and RNEGI in place of detection at RTIP
and RRING].
Receive Signaling Freeze [RSI GF]. Set high when the signaling data is frozen via either automatic or
manual intervention. Used to alert downstream equipment of the condition.
8 MHz Clock [8MCLK]. 8.192 MHz output clock that is referenced to the clock that is output at the
RCLK pin.
Receive Positive Data Output [R POSO]. Updated on the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data
out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RPOSI.
Receive Negative Data Outpu t [RNEGO]. Update d on the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data
out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RNEGI.
Receive Clock Outpu t [RCLKO]. Buffered recovered clock from the E1 line. This pin is normally tied
Receive Positive Data Input [RPOSI]. Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked
through the receive side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied together for a NRZ interface. Can be
internally connected to RPOSO by tying the LIUC pin high.
12 of 87
Receive Negative Data Input [RNEGI]. Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked
through the receive side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied together for a NRZ interface. Can be
internally connected to RNEGO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Receive Clock Input [RCLKI]. Clock used to clock data through the receive side framer. This pin is
normally tied to RCLKO. Can be internally connected to RCLKO by tying the LIUC pin high. RCLKI
must be present for the parallel control port to operate properly.
Interrupt [INT]. Flags host controller during conditions and change of conditions defined in the Status
Registers 1 and 2. Active low, open drain output.
3-State Control [Test]. Set high to 3-state all output and I/O pins (including the parallel control port). Set
low for normal operation. Useful in board level testing.
Bus Operation [MUX]. Set low to select non-multiplexed bus operation. Set high to select multiplexed
bus operation.
Data Bus [D0 to D7] or Address/Data Bus [AD0 to AD7]. In non-multiplexed bus operation (MUX=0),
serves as the data bus. In multiplexed bus operation (MUX=1), serves as a 8-bit multiplexed address /
data bus.
Address Bus [A0 to A6]. In non-multiplexed bus operation (MUX=0), serves as the address bus. In
multiplexed bus operation (MUX=1), these pins are not used and should be tied low.
Bus Type Select [BTS]. Strap high to select Motorola bus timing; strap low to select Intel bus timing.
This pin controls the function of the RD\(DS), ALE(AS), and WR\(R/W\) pins. If BTS=1, then these pins
assume the function listed in parenthesis ().
Read Input [RD] (Data Strobe [DS ]). RD and DS are active low signals when MUX=11. DS is active
high when MUX = 0. See bus timing diagrams.
Chip Select [CS]. Must be low to read or write to the device. CS is an active low signal.
A7 or Address Latch Enable [ALE] (Address Strobe [AS]). In non-multiplexed bus operation
(MUX=0), serves as the upper address bit. In multiplexed bus operation (MUX=1), serves to demultiplex
the bus on a positive-going edge.
Write Input [WR] (Read/Write [R/W]). WR is an active low signal.
Master Clock Input [MCLK]. 2.048 MHz (± 50 ppm) clock source with TTL levels is applied at this
pin. This clock is used internally for both clock/data recover y and for jitter attenuation. A quartz crystal
of 2.048 MHz may be applied across MCLK and XTALD instead of the TTL level clock source.
Quartz Crystal Driver [XTALD]. A quartz crystal of 2.048 MHz may be applied across MCLK and
XTALD instead of a TTL level clock source at MCLK. Leave open circuited if a TTL clock source is
applied at MCLK.
13 of 87
Eight Times Clock [8XCLK]. 16.384 MHz clock that is frequency locked to the 2.048 MHz clock
provided from the clock/data recovery block (if the jitter attenuator is enabled on the receive side) or from
the TCLKI pin (if the jitter attenuator is enabled on the transmit side). Can be internally disabled via the
TEST2 register if not needed.
Line Interface Connect [LIUC]. Tie low to separate the line interface circuitry from the
framer/formatter circuitry and activate the TPOS I/TNEGI/TCLKI/RPOSI/RNEG I/ RCLKI pins. Tie high
to connect the line interface circuitry to the framer/formatter circuitry and deactivate the
TPOSI/TNEGI/TCLKI/RPOSI/RNEGI/RCLKI pins should be tied low.
Receive Tip and Ring [RTIP and RRING]. Analog inputs for clock recovery circuitry. These pins
connect via a 1:1 transformer to either the E1 line. See Section 12 for an example.
Transmit Tip and Ring [TTIP and TRING]. Analog line driver outputs. These pins connect via a
1:1.15 or 1:1.36 step-up transformer to the E1 line. See Section 12 for an example.
Digital Positive Supply [DVDD]. 5.0 volts ± 5%. Should be tied to the RVDD and TVDD pins.
Receive Analog Positive Supply [RVDD]. 5.0 volts ± 5%. Should be tied to the DVDD and TVDD pins.
Transmit Analog Positive Supply [TVDD]. 5.0 volts ± 5%. Should be tied to the RVDD and DVDD
Digital Signal Ground [DVSS]. 0.0 volts. Should be tied to the RVSS and TVSS pins.
Receive Analog Signal Ground [RVSS]. 0.0 volts. Should be tied to the DVSS and TVSS pins.
Transmit Analog Ground [TVSS]. 0.0 volts. Should be tied to the RVSS and DVSS pins.
09-not present.0A-not present.0B-not present.0C-not present.0D-not present.0E-not present.0FRDevice ID Register.IDR
10R/WReceive Control 1.RCR1
11R/WReceive Control 2.RCR2
12R/WTransmit Control 1.TCR1
13R/WTransmit Control 2.TCR2
14R/WCommon Control 1.CCR1
15R/WTest 1.TEST1 (set to 00h)
16R/WInterrupt Mask 1.IMR1
17R/WInterrupt Mask 2.IMR2
18R/WLine Interface Control.LICR
19R/WTest 2.TEST2 (set to 00h)
1AR/WCommon Control 2.CCR2
1BR/WCommon Control 3.CCR3
1CR/WTransmit Sa Bit Control.TSaCR
1D-Not present.1ERSynchronizer Status.SSR
1FRReceive Non-Align Frame.RNAF
99R/WReceive Channel 26.RC26
9AR/WReceive Channel 27.RC27
9BR/WReceive Channel 28.RC28
9CR/WReceive Channel 29.RC29
9DR/WReceive Channel 30.RC30
9ER/WReceive Channel 31.RC31
9FR/WReceive Channel 32.RC32
A0R/WTransmit Channel Control 1.TCC1
A1R/WTransmit Channel Control 2.TCC2
A2R/WTransmit Channel Control 3.TCC3
A3R/WTransmit Channel Control 4.TCC4
A4R/WReceive Channel Control 1.RCC1
A5R/WReceive Channel Control 2.RCC2
A6R/WReceive Channel Control 3.RCC3
A7R/WReceive Channel Control 4.RCC4
A8R/WCommon Control 4.CCR4
A9RTransmit DS0 Monitor.TDS0M
AAR/WCommon Control 5.CCR5
ABRReceive DS0 Monitor.RDS0M
ACR/WTest 3.TEST3 (set to 00h)
ADR/WNot Used.(set to 00h)
AER/WNot Used.(set to 00h)
AFR/WNot Used.(set to 00h)
1. Test Registers 1, 2, and 3 are used only by the factory; these registers must be cleared (set to all 0s) on
power-up initialization to insure proper operation.
2. Register banks Bxh, Cxh, Dxh, Exh, and Fxh are not accessible.
19 of 87
The DS2154 is controlled via either a non-multiplexed (MUX=0) or a multiplexed (MUX=1) bus by an
external microcontroller or microprocessor. The DS2154 can operate with either Intel or Motorola bus
timing configurations. If the BTS pin is tied low, Intel timing will be selected; if tied high, Motorola
timing will be selected. All Motorola bus signals are listed in parenthesis (). See the timing diagrams in
the A.C. Electrical Characteristics in Section 14 for more details.
The operation of the DS2154 is configured via a set of nine control registers. Typically, the control
registers are only accessed when the system is first powered up. Once the DS2154 has been initialized,
the control registers will only need to be accessed when there is a change in the system configuration.
There are two Receive Control Registers (RCR1 and RCR2), two Transmit Control Registers (TCR1 and
TCR2), and five Common Control Registers (CCR1 to CCR5). Each of the nine registers is described in
this section.
There is a device IDentification Register (IDR) at address 0FH. The MSB of this read-only register is
fixed to a 1, indicating that the DS2154 is present. The pin-for-pin compatible T1 version of the DS2154
also has an ID register at address 0FH and the user can r ead the MSB to determi ne which chip is pres ent
since in the DS2154 the MSB will be set to a 1 and in the DS2152 it will be set to a 0. The lower 4 bits of
the IDR are used to display the die revision of the chip.
The Test Registers at addresses 15, 19, and AC hex are used by the factory in testing the DS2154. On
power-up, the Test Registers should be set to 00 hex in order for the DS2154 to operate properly.
ID3IDR.3Chip Revision Bit 3. MSB of a decimal code that represents the
ID0IDR.0Chip Revision Bit 0. LSB of a decimal code that represents the
T1 or E1 Chip Determination Bit.
0=T1 chip
1=E1 chip
chip revision.
Chip Revision Bit 2.
Chip Revision Bit 1.
chip revision.
RSMFRCR1.7RSYNC Multiframe Function. Only used if the RSYNC pin is
programmed in the multiframe mode (RCR1.6=1).
0=RSYNC outputs CAS multiframe boundaries
1=RSYNC outputs CRC4 multiframe boundaries
RSIORCR1.5RSYNC I/O Select. (Note: this bit must be set to 0 when
-RCR1.4Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written.
-RCR1.3Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written.
RESYNCRCR1.0Resync. When toggled from low to high, a resync is initiated.
RSYNC Mode Select.
0=frame mode (see the timing in Section 13)
1=multiframe mode (see the timing in Section 13)
0=RSYNC is an output (depends on RCR1.6)
1=RSYNC is an input (only valid if elastic store enabled)
Frame Resync Criteria.
0=resync if FAS received in error 3 consecutive times
1=resync if FAS or bit 2 of non-FAS is received in error 3
consecutive times
Sync Enable.
0=auto resync enabled
1=auto resync disabled
21 of 87
Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent resync.
CASValid MF alignment word found
FAS present in frame N and N +
2, and FAS not present in frame
N + 1
Two valid MF alignment words
found within 8 ms
and previous timeslot 16 contains
code other than all 0s
Three consecutive
incorrect FAS received
Alternate (RCR1.2=1)
the above criteria is met
or three consecutive
incorrect bit 2 of nonFAS received
915 or more CRC4 code
words out of 1000
received in error
Two consecutive MF
alignment words
received in error
4.2 and 4.3.2
22 of 87
Sa8SRCR2.7Sa8 Bit Select. Set to 1 to have RLCLK pulse at the Sa8 bit
position; set to 0 to force RLCLK low during Sa8 bit position.
See Section 13 for timing details.
Sa7SRCR2.6Sa7 Bit Select. Set to 1 to have RLCLK pulse at the Sa7 bit
position; set to 0 to force RLCLK low during Sa7 bit position.
See Section 13 for timing details.
Sa6SRCR2.5Sa6 Bit Select. Set to 1 to have RLCLK pulse at the Sa6 bit
position; set to 0 to force RLCLK low during Sa6 bit position.
See Section 13 for timing details.
Sa5SRCR2.4Sa5 Bit Select. Set to 1 to have RLCLK pulse at the Sa5 bit
position; set to 0 to force RLCLK low during Sa5 bit position.
See Section 13 for timing details.
Sa4SRCR2.3Sa4 Bit Select. Set to 1 to have RLCLK pulse at the Sa4 bit
position; set to 0 to force RLCLK low during Sa4 bit position.
See Section 13 for timing details.
-RCR2.0Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written.
Receive Side Backplane Clock Select.
0=if RSYSCLK is 1.544 MHz
1=if RSYSCLK is 2.048 MHz
Receive Side Elastic Store Enable.
0=elastic store is bypassed
1=elastic store is enabled
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Output Data Format.
0=bipolar data at TPOSO and TNEGO
1=NRZ data at TPOSO; TNEGO=0
Transmit Timeslot 0 Pass Through.
0=FAS bits/Sa bits/Remote Alarm sourced internally from the
TAF and TNAF registers
1=FAS bits/Sa bits/Remote Alarm sourced from TSER
Transmit Timeslot 16 Data Select.
0=sample timeslot 16 at TSER pin
1=source timeslot 16 from TS0 to TS15 registers
Transmit Unframed All 1s.
0=transmit data normally
1=transmit an unframed all 1’s code at TPOSO and TNEGO
Transmit International Bit Select.
0=sample Si bits at TSER pin
1=source Si bits from TAF and TNAF registers (in this mode,
TCR1.6 must be set to 0)
TSMTCR1.1TSYNC Mode Select.
Transmit Signaling All 1s.
0=normal operation
1=force timeslot 16 in every frame to all 1s
0=frame mode (see the timing in Section 13)
1=CAS and CRC4 multiframe mode (see the timing in Section
TSYNC I/O Select.
0=TSYNC is an input
1=TSYNC is an output
See Figure 13-11 for more details about how the Transmit Control Registers affect the operation of the
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Sa8STCR2.7Sa8 Bit Select. Set to 1 to source the Sa8 bit from the TLINK
pin; set to 0 to not source the Sa8 bit. See Section 13 for timing
Sa7STCR2.6Sa7 Bit Select. Set to 1 to source the Sa7 bit from the TLINK
pin; set to 0 to not source the Sa7 bit. See Section 13 for timing
Sa6STCR2.5Sa6 Bit Select. Set to 1 to source the Sa6 bit from the TLINK
pin; set to 0 to not source the Sa6 bit. See Section 13 for timing
Sa5STCR2.4Sa5 Bit Select. Set to 1 to source the Sa5 bit from the TLINK
pin; set to 0 to not source the Sa5 bit. See Section 13 for timing
Sa4STCR2.3Sa4 Bit Select. Set to 1 to source the Sa4 bit from the TLINK
pin; set to 0 to not source the Sa4 bit. See Section 13 for timing
Output Data Mode.
0=pulses at TPOSO and TNEGO are one full TCLKO period
1=pulses at TPOSO and TNEGO are 1/2 TCLKO period wide
Automatic E-Bit Enable.
0=E-bits not automatically set in the transmit direction
1=E-bits automatically set in the transmit direction
Function of RLOS/LOTC Pin.
0=Receive Loss of Sync (RLOS)
1=Loss of Transmit Clock (LOTC)
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TG802CCR1.5Transmit G.802 Enable. See Section 13 for details.
Framer Loopback.
0=loopback disabled
1=loopback enabled
Transmit HDB3 Enable.
0=HDB3 disabled
1=HDB3 enabled
0=do not force TCHBLK high during bit 1 of timeslot 26
1=force TCHBLK high during bit 1 of timeslot 26
Transmit CRC4 Enable.
0=CRC4 disabled
1=CRC4 enabled
Receive Signaling Mode Select.
0=CAS signaling mode
1=CCS signaling mode
Receive HDB3 Enable.
0=HDB3 disabled
1=HDB3 enabled
RG802CCR1.1Receive G.802 Enable. See Section 13 for details.
0=do not force RCHBLK high during bit 1 of timeslot 26
1=force RCHBLK high during bit 1 of timeslot 26
Receive CRC4 Enable.
0=CRC4 disabled
1=CRC4 enabled
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When CCR1.7 is set to a 1, the DS2154 will enter a Framer LoopBack (FLB) mode. See Figure 1-1 for
more details. This loopback is useful in testing and debugging applications. In FLB, the DS2154 will loop
data from the transmit side back to the receive side.
When FLB is enabled, the following will occur:
1. Data will be transmitted as normal at TPOSO and TNEGO.
2. Data input via RPOSI and RNEGI will be ignored.
3. The RCLK output will be replaced with the TCLK input.
ECUSCCR2.7Error Counter Update Select. See Section 5 for details.
0=update error counters once a second
1=update error counters every 62.5 ms (500 frames)
VCRFSCCR2.6VCR Function Select. See Section 5 for details.
LOTCMCCCR2.2Loss of Transmit Clock Mux Control. Determines whether the
RFFCCR2.1Receive Force Freeze. Freezes receive side signaling at RSIG
Automatic AIS Generation.
Automatic Remote Alarm Generation.
RSER Control.
0=allow RSER to output data as received under all conditions
1=force RSER to 1 under loss of frame alignment conditions
transmit side formatter should switch to the ever-present
RCLKO if the TCLK should fail to transition (see Figure 1-1).
0=do not switch to RCLKO if TCLK stops
1=switch to RCLKO if TCLK stops
(and RSER if CCR3.3=1); will override Receive Freeze Enable
(RFE). See Section 7-2 for details.
0=do not force a freeze event
1=force a freeze event
RFECCR2.0Receive Freeze Enable. See Section 7-2 for details.
0=no freezing of receive signaling data will occur
1=allow freezing of receive signaling data at RSIG (and RSER if
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