§ Line interface can handle both long and short haul
§ 32-bit or 128-bit crystal-less jitter attenuator
§ Generates DSX-1 and CSU line build outs
§ Frames to D4, ESF, and SLC-96R formats
§ Dual onboard two-frame elastic store slip buffers
that can connect to asynchronous backplanes up to
8.192 MHz
§ 8-bit parallel control port that can be used directly
on either multiplexed or non-multiplexed buses
(Intel or Motorola)
§ Extracts and inserts robbed-bit signaling
§ Detects and generates yellow (RAI) and blue
(AIS) alarms
§ Programmable output clocks for Fractional T1
§ Fully independent transmit and receive
§ Integral HDLC controller with 16-byte buffers for
the FDL
§ Generates and detects in-band loop codes from 1
to 8 bits in length including CSU loop codes
§ Contains ANSI 1's density monitor and enforcer
§ Large path and line error counters including BPV,
CV, CRC6, and framing bit errors
§ Pin compatible with DS2154 E1 Enhanced Single-
Chip Transceiver
§ 5V supply; low power CMOS
§ 100-pin 14mm2 body LQFP package
DS2152L (0°C to 70°C)
DS2152LN (-40°C to +85°C)
The DS2152 T1 Enhanced Single-Chip Transceiver contains all of the necessary functions for connection
to T1 lines, whether they be DS-1 long haul or DSX-1 short haul. The clock recovery circuitry
automatically adjusts to T1 lines from 0 feet to over 6000 feet in length. The device can generate both
DSX-1 line build outs as well as CSU line build outs of -7.5 dB, -15 dB, and -22.5 dB. The onboard jitter
attenuator (selectable to either 32 bits or 128 bits) can be placed in either the transmit or receive data
paths. The framer locates the frame and multiframe boundaries and monitors the data stream for alarms. It
is also used for extracting and inserting robbed-bit signaling data and FDL data. The device contains a set
of internal registers which the user can access and control the operation of the unit. Quick access via the
parallel control port allows a single controller to handle many T1 lines. The device fully meets all of the
latest T1 specifications including ANSI T1.403-1995, ANSI T1.231-1993, AT&T TR 62411 (12-90),
AT&T TR54016, and ITU G.703, G.704, G.706, G.823, and I.431.
The DS2152 is a superset version of the popular DS2151 T1 Single-Chip Transceiver offering the new
features listed below. All of the original features of the DS2151 have been retained and software created
for the original devices is transferable into the DS2152.
– receive signaling reinsertion to a backplane multiframe sync
– availability of signaling in a separate PCM data stream
– signaling freezing
– interrupt generated on change of signaling data
§ per-channel code insertion in both transmit and receive paths
§ full HDLC controller for the FDL with 16-byte buffers in both transmit and receive paths
§ RCL, RLOS, RRA, and RAIS alarms now interrupt on change of state
§ 8.192 MHz clock synthesizer
§ per-channel loopback
§ addition of hardware pins to indicate carrier loss & signaling freeze
§ line interface function can be completely decoupled from the framer/formatter to allow:
– interface to optical, HDSL, and other NRZ interfaces
– ability to “tap” the transmit and receive bipolar data streams for monitoring purposes
– ability to corrupt data and insert framing errors, CRC errors, etc.
§ transmit and receive elastic stores now have independent backplane clocks
§ ability to monitor one DS0 channel in both the transmit and receive paths
§ access to the data streams in between the framer/formatter and the elastic stores
§ AIS generation in the line interface that is independent of loopbacks
§ ability to calculate and check CRC6 according to the Japanese standard
§ ability to pass the F-bit position through the elastic stores in the 2.048 MHz backplane mode
§ programmable in-band loop code generator and detector
Functional Description
The analog AMI/B8ZS waveform off the T1 line is transformer-coupled into the RRING and RTIP pins
of the DS2152. The device recovers clock and data from the analog signal and passes it through the jitter
attenuation mux to the receive side framer where the digital serial stream is analyzed to locate the
framing/multi-frame pattern. The DS2152 contains an active filter that reconstructs the analog received
signal for the non-linear losses that occur in transmission. The device has a usable receive sensitivity of 0
dB to -36 dB, which allows the device to operate on cables up to 6000 feet in length. The receive side
framer locates D4 (SLC-96) or ESF multiframe boundaries as well as detects incoming alarms, including
carrier loss, loss of synchronization, blue (AIS) and yellow alarms. If needed, the receive side elastic store
can be enabled in order to absorb the phase and frequency differences between the recovered T1 data
stream and an asynchronous backplane clock which is provided at the RSYSCLK input. The clock
applied at the RSYSCLK input can be either a 2.048 MHz clock or a 1.544 MHz clock. The RSYSCLK
can be a bursty clock with speeds up to 8.192 MHz.
The transmit side of the DS2152 is totally independent from the receive side in both the clock
requirements and characteristics. Data off of a backplane can be passed through a transmit side elastic
store if necessary. The transmit formatter will provide the necessary frame/multiframe data overhead for
T1 transmission. Once the data stream has been prepared for transmission, it is sent via the jitter
attenuation mux to the waveshaping and line driver functions. The DS2152 will drive the T1 line from the
4 of 93
TTIP and TRING pins via a coupling transformer. The line driver can handle both long (CSU) and short
haul (DSX-1) lines.
Reader’s Note
This data sheet assumes a particular nomenclature of the T1 operating environment. In each 125 us frame,
there are 24 8-bit channels plus a framing bit. It is assumed that the framing bit is sent first followed by
channel 1. Each channel is made up of 8 bits which are numbered 1 to 8. Bit number 1 is the MSB and is
transmitted first. Bit number 8 is the LSB and is transmitted last. Throughout this data sheet, the
following abbreviations will be used:
D4 Superframe (12 frames per multiframe) Multiframe Structure
SLC-96 Subscriber Loop Carrier - 96 Channels (SLC-96 is an AT&T registered trademark)
ESF Extended Superframe (24 frames per multiframe) Multiframe Structure
B8ZS Bipolar with 8 0 Subsitution
CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check
Ft Terminal Framing Pattern in D4
Fs Signaling Framing Pattern in D4
FPS Framing Pattern in ESF
MF Multiframe
BOC Bit Oriented Code
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
FDLFacility Data Link
9NC-No Connect
10NC-No Connect
11BTSIBus Type Select
12LIUCILine Interface Connect
138XCLKOEight Times Clock
15NC-No Connect
16RTIPIReceive Analog Tip Input
17RRINGIReceive Analog Ring Input
18RVDD-Receive Analog Positive Supply
19RVSS-Receive Analog Signal Ground
20RVSS-Receive Analog Signal Ground
21MCLKIMaster Clock Input
22XTALDOQuartz Crystal Driver
23NC-No Connect
24RVSS-Receive Analog Signal Ground
26NC-No Connect
27NC-No Connect
28NC-No Connect
29TTIPOTransmit Analog Tip Output
30TVSS-Transmit Analog Signal Ground
31TVDD-Transmit Analog Positive Supply
32TRINGOTransmit Analog Ring Output
33TCHBLKOTransmit Channel Block
34TLCLKOTransmit Link Clock
35TLINKITransmit Link Data
36NC-No Connect
37TSYNCI/OTransmit Sync
38TPOSIITransmit Positive Data Input
39TNEGIITransmit Negative Data Input
40TCLKIITransmit Clock Input
41TCLKOOTransmit Clock Output
42TNEGOOTransmit Negative Data Output
43TPOSOOTransmit Positive Data Output
44DVDD-Digital Positive Supply
45DVSS-Digital Signal Ground
46TCLKITransmit Clock
7 of 93
47TSERITransmit Serial Data
48TSIGITransmit Signaling Input
49TESOOTransmit Elastic Store Output
50TDATAITransmit Data
51TSYSCLKITransmit System Clock
52TSSYNCITransmit System Sync
53TCHCLKOTransmit Channel Clock
54NC-No Connect
55MUXIBus Operation
56D0/AD0I/OData Bus Bit 0 / Address/Data Bus Bit 0
57D1/AD1I/OData Bus Bit 1 / Address/Data Bus Bit 1
58D2/AD2I/OData Bus Bit 2 / Address/Data Bus Bit 2
59D3/AD3I/OData Bus Bit 3 / Address/Data Bus Bit 3
60DVSS-Digital Signal Ground
61DVDD-Digital Positive Supply
62D4/AD4I/OData Bus Bit 4 / Address/Data Bus Bit 4
63D5/AD5I/OData Bus Bit 5 / Address/Data Bus Bit 5
64D6/AD6I/OData Bus Bit 6 / Address/Data Bus Bit 6
65D7/AD7I/OData Bus Bit 7 / Address/Data Bus Bit 7
66A0IAddress Bus Bit 0
67A1IAddress Bus Bit 1
68A2IAddress Bus Bit 2
69A3IAddress Bus Bit 3
70A4IAddress Bus Bit 4
71A5IAddress Bus Bit 5
72A6IAddress Bus Bit 6
73A7/ALEIAddress Bus Bit 7 / Address Latch Enable
IRead Input (Data Strobe)
IChip Select
76NC-No Connect
WR (R/ W )
IWrite Input (Read/Write)
78RLINKOReceive Link Data
79RKCLKOReceive Link Clock
80DVSS-Digital Signal Ground
81DVDD-Digital Positive Supply
82RCLKOReceive Clock
83DVDD-Digital Positive Supply
84DVSS-Digital Signal Ground
85RDATAOReceive Data
86RPOSIIReceive Positive Data Input
87RNEGIIReceive Negative Data Input
88RCLKIIReceive Clock Input
89RCLKOOReceive Clock Output
90RNEGOOReceive Negative Data Output
91RPOSOOReceive Positive Data Output
92RCHCLKOReceive Channel Clock
93RSIGFOReceive Signaling Freeze Output
8 of 93
94RSIGOReceive Signaling Output
95RSEROReceive Serial Data
96RMSYNCOReceive Multiframe Sync
97RFSYNCOReceive Frame Sync
98RSYNCI/OReceive Sync
99RLOS/LOTCOReceive Loss Of Sync / Loss of Transmit Clock
100RSYSCLKIReceive System Clock
Leave all no connect (NC) pins open circuited.
Transmit Clock [TCLK]. A 1.544 MHz primary clock. Used to clock data through the transmit side
Transmit Serial Data [TSER]. Transmit NRZ serial data. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK when
the transmit side elastic store is disabled. Sampled on the falling edge of TSYSCLK when the transmit
side elastic store is enabled.
Transmit Channel Clock [TCHCLK]. A 192 kHz clock which pulses high during the LSB of each
channel. Synchronous with TCLK when the transmit side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with
TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is enabled. Useful for parallel to serial conversion of
channel data.
Transmit Channel Block [TCHBLK]. A user-programmable output that can be forced high or low
during any of the 24 T1 channels. Synchronous with TCLK when the transmit side elastic store is
disabled. Synchronous with TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is enabled. Useful for
blocking clocks to a serial UART or LAPD controller in applications where not all T1 channels are used
such as Fractional T1, 384 kbps (H0), 768 kbps or ISDN-PRI. Also useful for locating individual
channels in drop-and-insert applications, for external per-channel loopback, and for per-channel
conditioning. See Section 9 for details.
Transmit System Clock [TSYSCLK]. 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz clock. Only used when the transmit
side elastic store function is enabled. Should be tied low in applications that do not use the transmit side
elastic store. Can be burst at rates up to 8.192 MHz.
Transmit Link Clock [TLCLK]. 4 kHz or 2 kHz (ZBTSI) demand clock for the TLINK input. See
Section 11 for details. Transmit Link Data [TLINK].
Transmit Link Data [TLINK]. If enabled via TCR1.2, this pin will be sampled on the falling edge of
TCLK for data insertion into either the FDL stream (ESF) or the Fs-bit position (D4) or the Z-bit position
(ZBTSI). See Section 11 for details.
Transmit Sync [TSYNC]. A pulse at this pin will establish either frame or multiframe boundaries for the
transmit side. Via TCR2.2, the DS2152 can be programmed to output either a frame or multiframe pulse
9 of 93
at this pin. If this pin is set to output pulses at frame boundaries, it can also be set via TCR2.4 to output
double-wide pulses at signaling frames. See Section 15 for details.
Transmit System Sync [TSSYNC]. Only used when the transmit side elastic store is enabled. A pulse at
this pin will establish either frame or multiframe boundaries for the transmit side. Should be tied low in
applications that do not use the transmit side elastic store.
Transmit Signaling Input [TSIG]. When enabled, this input will sample signaling bits for insertion into
outgoing PCM T1 data stream. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK when the transmit side elastic store
is disabled. Sampled on the falling edge of TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is enabled.
Transmit Elastic Store Data Output [TESO]. Updated on the rising edge of TCLK with data out of the
transmit side elastic store whether the elastic store is enabled or not. This pin is normally tied to TDATA.
Transmit Data [TDATA]. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK with data to be clocked through the
transmit side formatter. This pin is normally tied to TESO.
Transmit Positive Data Output [TPOSO]. Updated on the rising edge of TCLKO with the bipolar data
out of the transmit side formatter. Can be programmed to source NRZ data via the Output Data Format
(CCR1.6) control bit. This pin is normally tied to TPOSI.
Transmit Negative Data Output [TNEGO]. Updated on the rising edge of TCLKO with the bipolar
data out of the transmit side formatter. This pin is normally tied to TNEGI.
Transmit Clock Output [TCLKO]. Buffered clock that is used to clock data through the transmit side
formatter (i.e., either TCLK or RCLKI). This pin is normally tied to TCLKI.
Transmit Positive Data Input [TPOSI]. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLKI for data to be
transmitted out onto the T1 line. Can be internally connected to TPOSO by tying the LIUC pin high.
TPOSI and TNEGI can be tied together in NRZ applications.
Transmit Negative Data Input [TNEGI]. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLKI for data to be
transmitted out onto the T1 line. Can be internally connected to TNEGO by tying the LIUC pin high.
TPOSI and TNEGI can be tied together in NRZ applications.
Transmit Clock Input [TCLKI]. Line interface transmit clock. Can be internally connected to TCLKO
by tying the LIUC pin high.
Receive Link Data [RLINK]. Updated with either FDL data (ESF) or Fs bits (D4) or Z bits (ZBTSI) one
RCLK before the start of a frame. See Section 15 for details.
Receive Link Clock [RLCLK]. A 4 kHz or 2 kHz (ZBTSI) clock for the RLINK output.
Receive Clock [RCLK]. 1.544 MHz clock that is used to clock data through the receive side framer.
Receive Channel Clock [RCHCLK]. A 192 kHz clock which pulses high during the LSB of each
channel. Synchronous with RCLK when the receive side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with
RSYSCLK when the receive side elastic store is enabled. Useful for parallel to serial conversion of
channel data.
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Receive Channel Block [RCHBLK]. A user-programmable output that can be forced high or low during
any of the 24 T1 channels. Synchronous with RCLK when the receive side elastic store is disabled.
Synchronous with RSYSCLK when the receive side elastic store is enabled. Useful for blocking clocks to
a serial UART or LAPD controller in applications where not all T1 channels are used, such as Fractional
T1, 384 kbps service, 768 kbps, or ISDN-PRI. Also useful for locating individual channels in drop-andinsert applications, for external per-channel loopback, and for per-channel conditioning. See Section 9 for
Receive Serial Data [RSER]. Received NRZ serial data. Updated on rising edges of RCLK when the
receive side elastic store is disabled. Updated on the rising edges of RSYSCLK when the receive side
elastic store is enabled.
Receive Sync [RSYNC]. An extracted pulse, one RCLK wide, is output at this pin which identifies either
frame (RCR2.4=0) or multiframe (RCR2.4=1) boundaries. If set to output frame boundaries then via
RCR2.5, RSYNC can also be set to output double-wide pulses on signaling frames. If the receive side
elastic store is enabled via CCR1.2, then this pin can be enabled to be an input via RCR2.3 at which a
frame or multiframe boundary pulse is applied. See Section 15 for details.
Receive Frame Sync [RFSYNC]. An extracted 8 kHz pulse 1 RCLK wide is output at this pin which
identifies frame boundaries.
Receive Multiframe Sync [RMSYNC]. Only used when the receive side elastic store is enabled. An
extracted pulse, 1 RSYSCLK wide, is output at this pin which identifies multiframe boundaries. If the
receive side elastic store is disabled, then this output will output multiframe boundaries associated with
Receive Data [RDATA]. Updated on the rising edge of RCLK with the data out of the receive side
Receive System Clock [RSYSCLK]. 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz clock. Only used when the elastic store
function is enabled. Should be tied low in applications that do not use the elastic store. Can be burst at
rates up to 8.192 MHz.
Receive Signaling Output [RSIG]. Outputs signaling bits in a PCM format. Updated on rising edges of
RCLK when the receive side elastic store is disabled. Updated on the rising edges of RSYSCLK when the
receive side elastic store is enabled.
Receive Loss of Sync / Loss of Transmit Clock [RLOS/LOTC]. A dual function output that is
controlled by the CCR3.5 control bit. This pin can be programmed to either toggle high when the
synchronizer is searching for the frame and multiframe or to toggle high if the TCLK pin has not been
toggled for 5 µs.
Receive Carrier Loss [RCL]. Set high when the line interface detects a loss of carrier.
Receive Signaling Freeze [RSIGF]. Set high when the signaling data is frozen via either automatic or
manual intervention. Used to alert downstream equipment of the condition.
8 MHz Clock [8MCLK]. A 8.192 MHz output clock that is referenced to the clock that is output at the
RCLK pin and is used to clock data through the receive side framer.
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Receive Positive Data Output [RPOSO]. Updated on the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data
out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RPOSI.
Receive Negative Data Output [RNEGO]. Updated on the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data
out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RNEGI.
Receive Clock Output [RCLKO]. Buffered recovered clock from the T1 line. This pin is normally tied
Receive Positive Data Input [RPOSI]. Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked
through the receive side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied together for a NRZ interface. Can be
internally connected to RPOSO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Receive Negative Data Input [RNEGI]. Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked
through the receive side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied together for a NRZ interface. Can be
internally connected to RNEGO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Receive Clock Input [RCLKI]. Clock used to clock data through the receive side framer. This pin is
normally tied to RCLKO. Can be internally connected to RCLKO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Interrupt [INT]. Flags host controller during conditions and change of conditions defined in the Status
Registers 1 and 2 and the FDL Status Register. Active low, open drain output.
3-State Control [Test]. Set high to 3-state all output and I/O pins (including the parallel control port). Set
low for normal operation. Useful in board-level testing.
Bus Operation [MUX]. Set low to select non-multiplexed bus operation. Set high to select multiplexed
bus operation.
Data Bus [D0 to D7] or Address/Data Bus [AD0 to AD7]. In non-multiplexed bus operation (MUX =
0), serves as the data bus. In multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 1), serves as an 8-bit multiplexed
address/data bus.
Address Bus [A0 to A6]. In non-multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 0), serves as the address bus. In
multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 1), these pins are not used and should be tied low.
Bus Type Select [BTS]. Strap high to select Motorola bus timing; strap low to select Intel bus timing.
This pin controls the function of the RD(DS), ALE(AS), and WR (R/W ) pins. If BTS = 1, then these
pins assume the function listed in parenthesis ().
Read Input [RD] (Data Strobe [ DS ]). RD and DS are active low signals when MUX=1. DS is active
high when MUX = 0. See bus timing diagrams.
Chip Select [CS ]. Must be low to read or write to the device. CS is an active low signal.
A7 or Address Latch Enable [ALE] (Address Strobe [AS]). In non-multiplexed bus operation (MUX =
0), serves as the upper address bit. In multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 1), serves to demultiplex the bus
on a positive-going edge.
12 of 93
Write Input [WR ] (Read/Write [R/W ]). WR is an active low signal.
Master Clock Input [MCLK]. A 1.544 MHz (± 50 ppm) clock source with TTL levels is applied at this
pin. This clock is used internally for both clock/data recovery and for jitter attenuation. A quartz crystal
of 1.544 MHz may be applied across MCLK and XTALD instead of the TTL level clock source.
Quartz Crystal Driver [XTALD]. A quartz crystal of 1.544 MHz may be applied across MCLK and
XTALD instead of a TTL level clock source at MCLK. Leave open circuited if a TTL clock source is
applied at MCLK.
Eight Times Clock [8XCLK]. A 12.352 MHz clock that is frequency locked to the 1.544 MHz clock
provided from the clock/data recovery block (if the jitter attenuator is enabled on the receive side) or from
the TCLKI pin (if the jitter attenuator is enabled on the transmit side). Can be internally disabled via the
TEST2 register if not needed.
Line Interface Connect [LIUC]. Tie low to separate the line interface circuitry from the
framer/formatter circuitry and activate the TPOSI/TNEGI/TCLKI/RPOSI/RNEGI/RCLKI pins. Tie high
to connect the line interface circuitry to the framer/formatter circuitry and deactivate the
TPOSI/TNEGI/TCLKI/RPOSI/RNEGI/RCLKI pins should be tied low.
Receive Tip and Ring [RTIP & RRING]. Analog inputs for clock recovery circuitry. These pins
connect via a 1:1 transformer to the T1 line. See Section 14 for details.
Transmit Tip and Ring [TTIP & TRING]. Analog line driver outputs. These pins connect via a 1:1.15
or 1:1.36 step-up transformer to the T1 line. See Section 14 for details.
Receive Analog Positive Supply [RVDD]. 5.0 volts ± 5%. Should be tied to the DVDD and TVDD pins.
Transmit Analog Positive Supply [TVDD]. 5.0 volts ± 5%. Should be tied to the RVDD and DVDD
Digital Signal Ground [DVSS]. Should be tied to the RVSS and TVSS pins.
Receive Analog Signal Ground [RVSS]. 0.0 volts. Should be tied to the DVSS and TVSS pins.
Transmit Analog Ground [TVSS]. 0.0 volts. Should be tied to the RVSS and DVSS pins.
Digital Positive Supply [DVDD]. 5.0 volts ± 5%. Should be tied to the RVDD and TVDD pins.
09R/WTest 2TEST2 (set to 00h)
0AR/WCommon Control 7CCR7
0B-not present0C-not present0D-not present0E-not present-
0FRDeceive IDIDR
10R/WReceive Information 3RIR3
11R/WCommon Control 4CCR4
12R/WIn-Band Code ControlIBCC
13R/WTransmit Code DefinitionTCD
14R/WReceive Up Code DefinitionRUPCD
15R/WReceive Down Code DefinitionRDNCD
16R/WTransmit Channel Control 1TCC1
17R/WTransmit Channel Control 2TCC2
18R/WTransmit Channel Control 3TCC3
19R/WCommon Control 5CCR5
1ARTransmit DS0 MonitorTDS0M
1BR/WReceive Channel Control 1RCC1
1CR/WReceive Channel Control 2RCC2
1DR/WReceive Channel Control 3RCC3
1ER/WCommon Control 6CCR6
1FRReceive DS0 MonitorRDS0M
20R/WStatus 1SR1
21R/WStatus 2SR2
22R/WReceive Information 1RIR1
23RLine Code Violation Count 1LCVCR1
24RLine Code Violation Count 2LCVCR2
25RPath Code Violation Count 1PCVCR1
26RPath Code Violation Count 2PCVCR2
27RMultiframe Out of Sync Count 2MOSCR2
28RReceive FDL RegisterRFDL
29R/WReceive FDL Match 1RMTCH1
2AR/WReceive FDL Match 2RMTCH2
2BR/WReceive Control 1RCR1
2CR/WReceive Control 2RCR2
2DR/WReceive Mark 1RMR1
2ER/WReceive Mark 2RMR2
1. Test Registers 1 and 2 are used only by the factory; these registers must be cleared (set to all 0s) on
power-up initialization to insure proper operation.
2. Register banks 9xh, Axh, Bxh, Cxh, Dxh, Exh, and Fxh are not accessible.
The DS2152 is controlled via either a non-multiplexed (MUX = 0) or a multiplexed (MUX = 1) bus by an
external microcontroller or microprocessor. The DS2152 can operate with either Intel or Motorola bus
timing configurations. If the BTS pin is tied low, Intel timing will be selected; if tied high, Motorola
timing will be selected. All Motorola bus signals are listed in parenthesis (). See the timing diagrams in
the A.C. Electrical Characteristics in Section 16 for more details.
The operation of the DS2152 is configured via a set of eleven control registers. Typically, the control
registers are only accessed when the system is first powered up. Once the DS2152 has been initialized,
the control registers will only need to be accessed when there is a change in the system configuration.
There are two Receive Control Register (RCR1 and RCR2), two Transmit Control Registers (TCR1 and
TCR2), and seven Common Control Registers (CCR1 to CCR7). Each of the eleven registers are
described in this section.
There is a device IDentification Register (IDR) at address 0Fh. The MSB of this read-only register is
fixed to a 0 indicating that the DS2152 is present. The E1 pin-for-pin compatible version of the DS2152
is the DS2154, which also has an ID register at address 0Fh. The user can read the MSB to determine
which chip is present since in the DS2152 the MSB will be set to a 0 and in the DS2154 it will be set to a
1. The lower 4 bits of the IDR are used to display the die revision of the chip.
The two Test Registers at addresses 09 and 7D hex are used by the factory in testing the DS2152. On
power-up, the Test Registers should be set to 00 hex in order for the DS2152 to operate properly.
Chip Revision Bit 1.
LSB of a decimal code that represents the
chip revision.
17 of 93
Line Code Violation Count Register Function Select.
0 = do not count excessive 0s
1 = count excessive 0s
Auto Resync Criteria.
0 = Resync on OOF or RCL event
1 = Resync on OOF only
Out Of Frame Select 1.
0 = 2/4 frame bits in error
1 = 2/5 frame bits in error
Out Of Frame Select 2.
0 = follow RCR1.5
1 = 2/6 frame bits in error
Sync Criteria.
In D4 Framing Mode
0 = search for Ft pattern, then search for Fs pattern
1 = cross couple Ft and Fs pattern
In ESF Framing Mode
0 = search for FPS pattern only
1 = search for FPS and verify with CRC6
Sync Time.
0 = qualify 10 bits
1 = qualify 24 bits
Sync Enable.
0 = auto resync enabled
1 = auto resync disabled
When toggled from low to high, a resynchronization of
the receive side framer is initiated. Must be cleared and set again
for a subsequent resync.
18 of 93
RSYNC Double-Wide.
RSYNC Mode Select.
RSYNC I/O Select.
RCSRCR2.7Receive Code Select. See Section 8 for more details.
(note: this bit must be set to 0 when
RCR2.4 = 1 or when RCR2.3 = 1)
0 = do not pulse double-wide in signaling frames
1 = do pulse double-wide in signaling frames
(A Don’t Care if RSYNC is programmed
as an input)
0 = frame mode (see the timing in Section 15)
1 = multiframe mode (see the timing in Section 15)
(note: this bit must be set to 0 when
CCR1.2 = 0)
0 = RSYNC is an output
1 = RSYNC is an input (only valid if elastic store enabled)
Receive Side D4 Yellow Alarm Select.
0 = 0s in bit 2 of all channels
1 = a 1 in the S-bit position of frame 12
PCVCR Fs-Bit Error Report Enable.
0 = do not report bit errors in Fs-bit position; only Ft bit position
1 = report bit errors in Fs-bit position as well as Ft bit position
Multiframe Out of Sync Count Register Function Select.
0 = count errors in the framing bit position
1 = count the number of multiframes out of sync
19 of 93
Loss Of Transmit Clock Mux Control.
the transmit side formatter should switch to the ever present
RCLKO if the TCLK input should fail to transition (see Figure
1-1 for details).
0 = do not switch to RCLKO if TCLK stops
1 = switch to RCLKO if TCLK stops
TFPTTCR1.6Transmit F-Bit Pass Through. (see note below)
0 = F bits sourced internally
1 = F bits sampled at TSER
TCPTTCR1.5Transmit CRC Pass Through. (see note below)
0 = source CRC6 bits internally
1 = CRC6 bits sampled at TSER during F-bit time
TSSETCR1.4Software Signaling Insertion Enable. (see note below)
0 = no signaling is inserted in any channel - from the TS1-TS12
1 = signaling is inserted in all channels - from the TS1-TS12
registers (the TTR registers can be used to block insertion on a
channel by channel basis)
GB7STCR1.3Global Bit 7 Stuffing. (see note below)
0 = allow the TTR registers to determine which channels
containing all 0s are to be Bit 7 stuffed
1 = force Bit 7 stuffing in all 0-byte channels regardless of how
the TTR registers are programmed
Determines whether
TFDLSTCR1.2TFDL Register Select. (see note below)
0 = source FDL or Fs bits from the internal TFDL register
(legacy FDL support mode)
1 = source FDL or Fs bits from the internal HDLC/BOC
controller or the TLINK pin
TBLTCR1.1Transmit Blue Alarm. (see note below)
0 = transmit data normally
1 = transmit an unframed all 1s code at TPOSO and TNEGO
TYELTCR1.0Transmit Yellow Alarm. (see note below)
0 = do not transmit yellow alarm
1 = transmit yellow alarm
For a description of how the bits in TCR1 affect the transmit side formatter, see Figure 15-11.
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TSYNC Double-Wide.
TEST1TCR2.7Test Mode Bit 1 for Output Pins. See Table 3-1.
TEST0TCR2.6Test Mode Bit 0 for Output Pins. See Table 3-1.
Transmit Side ZBTSI Enable.
0 = ZBTSI disabled
1 = ZBTSI enabled
(note: this bit must be set to 0 when
TCR2.3=1 or when TCR2.2=0)
0 = do not pulse double-wide in signaling frames
1 = do pulse double-wide in signaling frames
TSYNC Mode Select.
0 = frame mode (see the timing in Section 15)
1 = multiframe mode (see the timing in Section 15)
TSYNC I/O Select.
0 = TSYNC is an input
1 = TSYNC is an output
Transmit Side D4 Yellow Alarm Select.
0 = 0s in bit 2 of all channels
1 = a 1 in the S-bit position of frame 12
Transmit Side Bit 7 0 Suppression Enable.
0 = no stuffing occurs
1 = Bit 7 force to a 1 in channels with all 0s
00operate normally
01force all output pins 3-state (including all I/O pins and parallel port pins)
10force all output pins low (including all I/O pins except parallel port pins)
11force all output pins high (including all I/O pins except parallel port pins)
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Receive Signaling All 1s.
Transmit Elastic Store Enable.
0 = elastic store is bypassed
1 = elastic store is enabled
Output Data Format.
0 = bipolar data at TPOSO and TNEGO
1 = NRZ data at TPOSO; TNEGO = 0
This bit should not be enabled if
hardware signaling is being utilized. See Section 7 for more
0 = allow robbed signaling bits to appear at RSER
1 = force all robbed signaling bits at RSER to 1
TSYSCLK Mode Select.
0 = if TSYSCLK is 1.544 MHz
1 = if TSYSCLK is 2.048 MHz
RSYSCLK Mode Select.
0 = if RSYSCLK is 1.544 MHz
1 = if RSYSCLK is 2.048 MHz
Receive Elastic Store Enable.
0 = elastic store is bypassed
1 = elastic store is enabled
Payload Loopback.
0 = loopback disabled
1 = loopback enabled
Framer Loopback.
0 = loopback disabled
1 = loopback enabled
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Payload Loopback
When CCR1.1 is set to a 1, the DS2152 will be forced into Payload LoopBack (PLB). Normally, this
loopback is only enabled when ESF framing is being performed but can be enabled also in D4 framing
applications. In a PLB situation, the DS2152 will loop the 192 bits of payload data (with BPVs corrected)
from the receive section back to the transmit section. The FPS framing pattern, CRC6 calculation, and the
FDL bits are not looped back, they are reinserted by the DS2152. When PLB is enabled, the following
will occur:
1. data will be transmitted from the TPOSO and TNEGO pins synchronous with RCLK instead of
2. all of the receive side signals will continue to operate normally
3. the TCHCLK and TCHBLK signals are forced low
4. data at the TSER, TDATA, and TSIG pins is ignored
5. the TLCLK signal will become synchronous with RCLK instead of TCLK.
Framer Loopback
When CCR1.0 is set to a 1, the DS2152 will enter a Framer LoopBack (FLB) mode. This loopback is
useful in testing and debugging applications. In FLB, the DS2152 will loop data from the transmit side
back to the receive side. When FLB is enabled, the following will occur:
1. an unframed all 1s code will be transmitted at TPOSO and TNEGO
2. data at RPOSI and RNEGI will be ignored
3. all receive side signals will take on timing synchronous with TCLK instead of RCLKI.
Please note that it is not acceptable to have RCLK tied to TCLK during this loopback because this will
cause an unstable condition.
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Transmit SLC-96 / Fs-Bit Loading Enable.
Transmit FDL 0 Stuffer Enable.
Receive SLC-96 Enable.
Receive FDL 0 Destuffer Enable.
Transmit Frame Mode Select.
0 = D4 framing mode
1 = ESF framing mode
Transmit B8ZS Enable.
0 = B8ZS disabled
1 = B8ZS enabled
Only set this bit to
a 1 in D4 framing applications. Must be set to 1 to source the Fs
pattern. See Section 11 for details.
0 = SLC-96/Fs-bit loading disabled
1 = SLC-96/Fs-bit loading enabled
Set this bit to 0 if using the
internal HDLC/BOC controller instead of the legacy support for
the FDL. See Section 11 for details.
0 = 0 stuffer disabled
1 = 0 stuffer enabled
Receive Frame Mode Select.
0 = D4 framing mode
1 = ESF framing mode
Receive B8ZS Enable.
0 = B8ZS disabled
1 = B8ZS enabled
Only set this bit to a 1 in D4/SLC-96
framing applications. See Section 11 for details.
0 = SLC-96 disabled
1 = SLC-96 enabled
Set this bit to 0 if using the
internal HDLC/BOC controller instead of the legacy support for
the FDL. See Section 11 for details.
0 = 0 destuffer disabled
1 = 0 destuffer enabled
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Elastic Store Minimum Delay Mode.
RSYNC Multiframe Skip Control.
0 = elastic stores operate at full two-frame depth
1 = elastic stores operate at 32-bit depth
ESRCCR3.6Elastic Store Reset. Setting this bit from a 0 to a 1 will force the
elastic stores to a known depth. Should be toggled after
RSYSCLK and TSYSCLK have been applied and are stable.
Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent reset.
Function of the RLOS/LOTC Output.
0 = Receive Loss of Sync (RLOS)
1 = Loss of Transmit Clock (LOTC)
conversions from D4 to ESF. This function is not available when
the receive side elastic store is enabled.
0 = RSYNC will output a pulse at every multiframe
1 = RSYNC will output a pulse at every other multiframe
note: for this bit to have any affect, the RSYNC must be set to
output multiframe pulses (RCR2.4=1 and RCR2.3=0).
Pulse Density Enforcer Enable.
0 = disable transmit pulse density enforcer
1 = enable transmit pulse density enforcer
See Section 10.3 for
Useful in framing format
ECUSCCR3.2Error Counter Update Select. See Section 5 for details.
0 = update error counters once a second
1 = update error counters every 42 ms (333 frames)
TLOOPCCR3.1Transmit Loop Code Enable. See Section 12 for details.
0 = transmit data normally
1 = replace normal transmitted data with repeating code as
defined in TCD register
-CCR3.0Not Assigned. Must be set to 0 when written.
Pulse Density Enforcer
The SCT always examines both the transmit and receive data streams for violations of the following rules
which are required by ANSI T1.403:
- no more than 15 consecutive 0s
- at least N 1s in each and every time window of 8 x (N +1) bits where N = 1 through 23
Violations for the transmit and receive data streams are reported in the RIR2.0 and RIR2.1 bits
respectively. When the CCR3.3 is set to 1, the DS2152 will force the transmitted stream to meet this
requirement no matter the content of the transmitted stream. When running B8ZS, the CCR3.3 bit should
be set to 0 since B8ZS encoded data streams cannot violate the pulse density requirements.
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Receive Side Signaling Reinsertion Enable.
Receive Per-Channel Signaling Insert.
Receive Force Freeze.
Transmit Hardware Signaling Insertion Enable.
Transmit Per-Channel Signaling Insert.
Transmit Idle Registers (TIR) Function Select.
0 = do not re-insert signaling bits into the data stream presented at
the RSER pin
1 = re-insert the signaling bits into data stream presented at the
RSER pin
0 = do not use RCHBLK to determine which channels should have
signaling re-inserted
1 = use RCHBLK to determine which channels should have
signaling re-inserted
RFSA1CCR4.5Receive Force Signaling All 1s. See Section 7.2 for more details.
0 = do not force extracted robbed-bit signaling bit positions to a 1
1 = force extracted robbed-bit signaling bit positions to a 1
RFECCR4.4Receive Freeze Enable. See Section 7.2 for details.
0 = no freezing of receive signaling data will occur
1 = allow freezing of receive signaling data at RSIG (and RSER if
CCR4.7 = 1).
RSER if CCR4.7=1); will override Receive Freeze Enable (RFE).
See Section 7.2 for details.
0 = do not force a freeze event
1 = force a freeze event
Freezes receive side signaling at RSIG (and
See Section 7.2 for
See Section 7.2 for more
See Section 7.2
for details.
0 = do not insert signaling from the TSIG pin into the data stream
presented at the TSER pin
1 = insert the signaling from the TSIG pin into data stream presented
at the TSER pin
See Section 7.2 for
0 = do not use TCHBLK to determine which channels should have
signaling inserted from TSIG
1 = use TCHBLK to determine which channels should have
signaling inserted from TSIG
See Section 8 for
timing details.
0 = TIRs define in which channels to insert idle code
1 = TIRs define in which channels to insert data from RSER (i.e.,
Per-Channel Loopback function)
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Line Interface AIS Generation Enable.
Transmit Channel Monitor Bit 4.
Transmit Japanese CRC6 Enable.
0 = use ANSI/AT&T/ITU CRC6 calculation (normal operation)
1 = use Japanese standard JT-G704 CRC6 calculation
Local Loopback.
0 = loopback disabled
1 = loopback enabled
See Figure 1-1 for
0 = allow normal data from TPOSI/TNEGI to be transmitted at
1 = force unframed all 1s to be transmitted at TTIP and TRING
MSB of a channel decode
that determines which transmit channel data will appear in the
TDS0M register. See Section 6 for details.
Transmit Channel Monitor Bit 3.
Transmit Channel Monitor Bit 2.
TCM0CCR5.0Transmit Channel Monitor Bit 0. LSB of the channel decode.
Transmit Channel Monitor Bit 1.
Local Loopback
When CCR5.6 is set to a 1, the DS2152 will be forced into Local LoopBack (LLB). In this loopback, data
will continue to be transmitted as normal through the transmit side of the DS2152 (unless LIAIS = 1).
Data being received at RTIP and RRING will be replaced with the data being transmitted. Data in this
loopback will pass through the jitter attenuator. Please see Figure 1-1 for more details. Please note that it
is not acceptable to have RCLKO tied to TCLKI during this loopback because this will cause an unstable
condition. Also it is recommended that the jitter attenuator be placed on the transmit side during this
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Receive Channel Monitor Bit 4.
-CCR6.6Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written.
-CCR6.5Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written.
RCM0CCR6.0Receive Channel Monitor Bit 0. LSB of the channel decode.
Receive Japanese CRC6 Enable.
0 = use ANSI/AT&T/ITU CRC6 calculation (normal operation)
1 = use Japanese standard JT-G704 CRC6 calculation
MSB of a channel decode that
determines which receive channel data will appear in the
RDS0M register. See Section 6 for details.
Receive Channel Monitor Bit 3.
Receive Channel Monitor Bit 2.
Receive Channel Monitor Bit 1.
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Line Interface reset.
an internal reset that affects the clock recovery state machine and
jitter attenuator. Normally this bit is only toggled on power-up.
Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent reset.
-CCR7.5Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written to.
-CCR7.4Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written to.
-CCR7.3Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written to.
-CCR7.2Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written to.
-CCR7.1Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written to.
-CCR7.0Not Assigned. Should be set to 0 when written to.
Remote Loopback.
0 = loopback disabled
1 = loopback enabled
Setting this bit from a 0 to a 1 will initiate
Power-Up Sequence
On power-up, after the supplies are stable, the DS2152 should be configured for operation by writing to
all of the internal registers (this includes setting the Test Registers to 00Hex) since the contents of the
internal registers cannot be predicted on power-up. Finally, after the TSYSCLK and RSYSCLK inputs
are stable, the ESR bit should be toggled from a 0 to a 1 (this step can be skipped if the elastic stores are
Remote Loopback
When CCR7.6 is set to a 1, the DS2152 will be forced into Remote LoopBack (RLB). In this loopback,
data input via the RPOSI and RNEGI pins will be transmitted back to the TPOSO and TNEGO pins. Data
will continue to pass through the receive side framer of the DS2152 as it would normally and the data
from the transmit side formatter will be ignored. Please see Figure 1-1 for more details.
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