Dallas Semiconductor DS1023S-500, DS1023S-50, DS1023S-25, DS1023S-200, DS1023S-100 Datasheet

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Step sizes of 0.25 ns, 0.5 ns, 1 ns, 2 ns, 5 nsOn-chip reference delayConfigurable as delay line, pulse width
modulator, or free-running oscillator
Can delay clocks by a full period or moreGuaranteed monotonicityParallel or serial programmingSingle 5V supply16-pin DIP or SOIC package
IN - Input P0/Q - Parallel Input P0 (parallel mode)
- Serial Data Output (serial mode)
P1/CLK - Parallel Input P1 (parallel mode)
- Serial Input Clock (serial mode)
P2/D - Parallel Input P2 (parallel mode)
- Serial Data Input (serial mode) P3 - P7 - Remaining Parallel Inputs GND - Ground
OUT/OUT - Output REF/PWM - Reference or PWM Output
P /S - Parallel / Serial Programming
Select MS - Output Mode Select LE - Input Latch Enable VCC - Supply Voltage
The DS1023 is an 8-bit programmable delay line similar in function to the DS1020/DS1021.
Additional features have been added to extend the range of applications:
The internal delay line architecture has been revised to allow clock signals to be delayed by up to a full period or more. Combined with an on-chip reference delay (to offset the inherent or “step zero” del ay of the device) clock phase can now be varied over the full 0-360 degree range.
8-Bit Programmable Timing Element
P3 P4
16 15 14 13 12
11 10
P/S P7 P6 MS
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
DS1023 300-mil DIP
DS1023S 300-mil SOIC
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On-chip gating is provided to allow the device to provide a pulse width modulated output, triggered by the input with duration set by the programmed value.
Alternatively the output signal may be inverted on chip, allowing the device to perform as a free-running oscillator if the output is (externally) connected to the input.
The device programming is identical to the DS1020/DS1021. Note, however, that the serial clock and data pins are shared with three of the parallel input pins.
The P /S pin controls the same function as “Mode Select” on the DS1020/DS1021 (but with reversed polarity). A low logic level on this pin enables the parallel programming mode. LE must be at a high logic level to alter the programmed value; when LE is taken low the data is latched internally and the parallel data inputs may be altered without affecting the programmed value. This is useful for multiplexed bus applications. For hard-wired applications LE should be tied to a high logic level.
When P /S is high serial programming is enabled. LE must be held high to enable loading or reading of the internal register, during which time the delay is determined by the previously programmed value. Data is clocked in MSB to LSB order on the rising edge of the CLK input. Data transfer ends and the new value is activated when LE is taken low.
In the PARALLEL programming mode, the output of the DS1023 will reproduce the logic state of th e input after a delay determined by the state of the eight program input pins P0 - P7. The parallel inputs can be programmed using DC levels or computer-generated data. For infrequent modification of the delay value, jumpers may be used to connect the input pins to VCC or ground. For applications requiring frequent timing adjustment, DIP switches may be used. The latch enable pin (LE) must be at a logic 1 in hardwired implementations.
Maximum flexibility is obtained when the eight parallel programming bits are set using computer­generated data. When the data setup (t
) and data hold (t
) requirements are observed, the enable pin can be used to latch data supplied on an 8-bit bus. Latch enable must be held at a logic 1 if it is not used to latch the data. After each change in delay value, a settling time (t
or t
) is required before input
logic levels are accurately delayed.
In the SERIAL programming mode, the output of the DS1023 will reproduce the logic state of the input after a delay time determined by an 8-bit value clocked into serial port D. While observing data setup (t
) and data hold (t
) requirements, timing data is loaded in MSB-to-LSB order by the rising edge of the serial clock (CLK). The latch enable pin (LE) must be at a logic 1 to lo ad or read the internal 8-bit input register, during which time the delay is determined by the last value activated. Data transfer ends and the new delay value is activated when latch enable (LE) returns to a logic 0. After each change, a settling time (t
) is required before the delay is accurate.
As timing values are shifted into the serial data input (D), the previous contents of the 8-bit input register are shifted out of the serial output pin (Q) in MSB-to-LSB order. By connecting the serial output of one DS1023 to the serial input of a second DS1023, multiple devices can be daisy-chained (cascaded) for programming purposes (Figure 1). The total number of serial bits must be eight times the number of units daisy-chained and each group of 8 bits must be sent in MSB-to-LSB order.
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Applications can read the setting of the DS1023 Delay Line by connecting the serial output pin (Q) to the serial input (D) through a resistor with a value of 1 to 10 kohms (Figure 2). Since the read process is destructive, the resistor restores the value read and provides isolation when writing to the device. The resistor must connect the serial output (Q) of the last device to the serial input (D) of the first devic e of a daisy chain (Figure 1). For serial readout with automatic restoration through a resistor, the device used to write serial data must go to a high impedance state.
To initiate a serial read, latch enable (LE) is taken to a logic 1 while serial clock (CLK) is at a logic 0. After a waiting time (t
), bit 7 (MSB) appears on the serial out put (Q). On the first rising (0 --> 1 ) transition of the serial clock (CLK), bit 7 (MSB) is rewritten and bit 6 appears on the output after a time t
. To restore the input register to its original state, this clocking process must be repeated ei ght times. In the case of a daisy chain, the process must be repeated eight times per package. If the value read is restored before latch enable (LE) is returned to logic 0, no settling time (t
) is required and the
programmed delay remains unchanged.
Since the DS1023 is a CMOS design, unused input pins (P3 - P7) must be connected to well-defined logic levels; they must not be allowed to float. Serial output Q/P0 should be allowed to float if unused.
In all delay lines there is an inherent, or “step zero”, delay caused by the propagation dela y through the input and output buffers. In this device the step zero delay can be quite large compared to the delay step size. To simplify system design a reference delay has been included on chip which may be used to compensate for the step zero delay. In practice this means that if the device is supplied with a clock, for example, the minimum programmed output delay is effectively zero with respect to the reference delay.
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For highest accuracy it is strongly recommended that the reference delay is used. Variations in input voltage levels and transition times can significantly alter the measured delay from input to output. This effect is totally removed if the reference delay output is used. Furthermore, adverse effects on step zero delay caused by process temperature coefficients are also cancelled out.
The internal architecture of the DS1023 allows the output delay time to be considerably longer than the input pulse width (see ac specifications). This feature is useful in many applications, in particular clock phase control where delays up to and beyond one full clock period can be achieved.
The DS1023 has four possible output functions but only two output pins. The functionality of the two output pins is determined by the Mode Select (MS) pin.
MS = 0 Figure 3
Output Function Name Pin Number
Reference Output REF 9 Delayed Output OUT 15
OUT is a copy of the input waveform that is delayed by an amount set b y the programmed values (Table
1). A programmed value of zero will still result in a non-zero delay as indicated in the Step Zero delay specification. The signal on OUT is the same polarity as the input.
REF is a fixed reference delay. It also is a copy of the input waveform but the dela y interval is fixed to a value approximately equal to the Step Zero Value of the device (as shown in the Reference Delay specification). In fact the device is trimmed to ensure that the Reference Delay is always slightly longer than the Step Zero Value (by 1.5 ns typically).
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MS = 1 Figure 4
Output Function Name Pin Number
Pulse Width Modulated Output PWM 9 Delayed and Inverted Output
PWM is an output triggered by the rising edge of the input waveform. After a time interval approximatel y equal to the Step Zero delay of the device the PWM output will go high. The output will return to a low level after a time interval determined by the programmed values (Table 1). Hence output pulse widths can be obtained from (nearly) zero to the full delay range of the device. In practice the minimum output pulse width is limited by the response time of the device to approximately 5ns. Programmed values less than this will result in degradation of the output high level voltage until ultimately no discernible output pulse is produced. The frequency/repetition rate of the output is determined by the input frequency. The input pulse width can be shorter than the output pulse width, and is limited onl y by the minimum input pulse width specification. The PWM function is not “re-triggerable”, subsequent input tri gger pulses should not be present until the output has returned to a low level.
OUT is an inverted copy of the input waveform that is delayed by an amount set by the programmed
values (Table 1). A programmed value of zero will still result in a non-zero dela y as indic ated in the Step Zero delay specification. The OUT pin may also be externall y connected to the input pin to produce a
free-running oscillator. The frequency of oscillation is determined by the programmed dela y value of the device (see Table 2).
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