The FullVision is a border-less ixed frame projection screen that
enables the entire surface to be used for projection. Modern and lowproile, FullVision is a great choice for any room where the screen
should blend into the environment when not in use and deliver the
very best in projection when the projector turns on.
• Available with HD Progressive screen surfaces
• Low-proile installation of only 13/16" deep
• Surface easily attaches to the rear of the screen with Velcro®
• Lightweight aluminum frame features rigid design that will not bend
• Easy and completely lush wall installation using mounting brackets hung
on two screws
• Option to hang screen with cables from the ceiling
16:9 HDTV Format
Viewing Area / Overall
Dimensions (H x W)
in. cm in. cm
40½" x 72" 103 x 183 82" 208
45" x 80" 114 x 203 92" 234
49" x 87" 124 x 221 100" 254
52" x 92" 132 x 234 106" 269
54" x 96" 137 x 244 110" 279
58" x 104" 147 x 264 119" 302
65" x 116" 165 x 295 133" 338
78" x 139" 198 x 353 159" 404
94½" x 168" 240 x 427 193" 490
108" x 192" 274 x 488 220" 559
Nominal Diagonal
16:10 Wide Format
Viewing Area / Overall
Dimensions (H x W)
in. cm in. cm
50" x 80" 127 x 203 94" 239
57½" x 92" 146 x 234 109" 277
60" x 96" 152 x 244 113" 287
65" x 104" 165 x 264 123" 312
69" x 110" 175 x 279 130" 330
721⁄2" x 116" 184 x 295 137" 348
87" x 139" 221 x 353 164" 417
100" x 160" 254 x 406 189" 480
110" x 176" 249 x 447 208" 528
120" x 192" 305 x 488 226" 574
Nominal Diagonal

Available with the Following Screen Surfaces
HD Progressive 0.6
Half Angle: 85º Gain: 0.6
Product images
Fully wraps around the frame
HD Progressive 0.9
Half Angle: 85º Gain: 0.9
Attached with Velcro®
HD Progressive 1.1
Half Angle: 85º Gain: 1.1
HD Progressive 1.1
Half Angle: 60º Gain: 1.1
HD Progressive 1.3
Half Angle: 75º Gain: 1.3
P 800.622.3737 / 574.267.8101 F 877.325.4832 / 574.267.7804
E info@da-lite.com
In British Columbia, Milestone AV Technologies ULC carries on business as MAVT Milestone AV Technologies ULC.
©2018 Milestone AV Technologies. DL0732 05.18. Da-Lite is a registered trademarks of Milestone AV Technologies.
All other brand names or marks are used for identiication purposes and are trademarks of their respective owners.
All patents are protected under existing designations. Other patents pending.