Polacoat In-Wall Rear Projection Screens

NEVER LAY FLAT The shipping crate must always be shipped, stored and handled in an upright position.
Exercise caution while unpacking so as not to abrade, scratch or mar the screen surfaces. It is best to handle projection screens by their
edges only and wear clean cotton gloves.
1. All crates should be opened and screens inspected for concealed damage within ive days of receipt. Failure to do so will render
insurance null and void.
2. Open crate on the uncoated panel side irst. It is held in place with screws. (See label on crate).
NOTE: Do not remove the nailed side of the crate!
3. Suction cups may be used only on the uncoated (polished) side of the screen.
NOTE: Do not use suction cups on a screen with anti-glare coating.
4. Handle and store screens such that they remain upright.
5. For large screens with attached frames, the strapping material should be left intact until the screen is located in its inal position. Do
not remove.
Screen Orientation
Polacoat® In-Wall rigid rear projection screens have a polished surface and a matte, coated surface. The polished surface should always
be installed so that it faces the projector and the matte surface should therefore face the audience. If screen has anti-glare coating, the
anti-glare surface should always face the projector.
1. Repack screen using original shipping materials and reattach face of crate using the original quantity of screws.
2. NEVER LAY FLAT Closed crates must be stored in an upright position. If it is absolutely necessary to store the crate in a leaning
position, place the crate as nearly vertical as possible, with the coated side (refer to label on outside of crate) facing away from the
supporting wall.
3. Crate must be properly secured during storage. Shoring members must not be placed at the center of the crate. Attach braces to
the edges of the crate only.
4. Keep screens in shipping crates until used. Store in dry area between 40°F and 100°F.
Maintenance and Protection
Projection screens should always be installed after the completion of construction, drywall, and painting of all adjacent areas. If
construction work needs to occur near an installed screen, clean polyethylene sheeting should be used to cover and protect both
surfaces. Never apply adhesive tapes to the coated surface. Always be careful to guard the screen against damage from moving
scafolding, ladders, or staging materials.
General Cleaning
Never use solvents on or near Da-Lite rear projection screens. Remove dust by gently blotting the screen with a soft, clean, lint-free
Dry Soil Marks
Clean with VM&P Naptha or with Da-Lite Lenskleen and a soft, clean, lint-free cloth.
Cleaning of Factory-Installed Frames
The exposed surfaces of the aluminum frames can be cleaned with a dilute solution of detergent and water, followed by a clear water
rinse. Use a soft, grit -free cloth to preserve the anodized inish. Protect screen surface during frame cleaning. Do not use abrasive
cleaners or solvents.