Fast-Fold® Truss Frame Screens
Large Heavy-duty Portable Screens
SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS: projection screen(s),
(H) x (W), portable type. To have lexible screen surface,
lame retardant and mildew resistant. Screen surface will have reinforced black
binding on all four sides and will attach to front of frame with metal snaps.
Frame to consist of 1" square aluminum tubing, heliarc welded to form a 6" x 1"
truss member. Members are joined with a piano hinge to allow for folding. 6"
truss legs with anti-sway braces support the truss frame and allow height
Dimensions Complete Screen
Overall Size (H x W) Viewing Area (H x W) Approx. Ship. Wt. Number of Cases
In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
7' x 9' 213 x 274 6' x 8' 183 x 244 112 50.8 1
8'6" x 11' 259 x 335 7'6" x 10' 229 x 305 149 67.6 2
11' x 11' 335 x 335 10' x 10' 305 x 305 151 68.5 2
10' x 13' 305 x 396 9' x 12' 274 x 366 157 71.2 2
13' x 13'
8'6" x 14'4" 259 x 437 7'6" x 13'4" 229 x 406 170 77.3 2
11'6" x 15' 351 x 457 10'6" x 14' 320 x 427 176 79.8 2
10' x 17' 305 x 518 9' x 16' 274 x 488 169 76.7 2
13' x 17' 396 x 518 12' x 16' 366 x 488 188 85.3 2
11' x 19' 335 x 579 10' x 18' 305 x 549 1 87 84.8 2
11'6" x 19'8" 351 x 599 10'6 x 18'8" 320 x 569 195 88.6 2
12'3" x 21' 373 x 640 11'3" x 20' 343 x 610 202 91.6 2
16' x 21' 488 x 640 15' x 20' 457 x 610 225 102.1 2
13' x 22'4" 396 x 681 12' x 21'4" 366 x 650 240 109.1 2
9' x 25' 274 x 762 8' x 24' 244 x 732 210 95.3 3
14'6" x 25' 442 x 762 13'6" x 24' 411 x 732 249 113.0 3
19' x 25' 579 x 762 18' x 24' 549 x 732 304 13 7.9 3
16' x 27'6" 488 x 838 15' x 26'6" 457 x 808 325 147.7 3
396 x 396 12' x 12' 366 x 366 160 72.6 2
adjustments up and down in 6" increments. Larger frames have additional
bracing members for extra rigidity and long life. Frame is clear etched and
anodized to be brushed and burr free. All steel hardware is plated. Includes
wheeled polyethylene carrying cases. Polyethylene carrying cases meet or
exceed Air Transport Association (ATA) Speciication 300 standards.
• All surfaces up to 16' high will be seamless.
1. Select size from chart on the other side.
2. Select viewing surface for complete screen:
Da-Tex® (rear)
High Contrast Da-Tex® (rear)
3. Optional accessories:
Drapery Presentation Kit-with or without adjustable skirt bar (black, blue or gray)
Replacement Surface Only
Da-Mat® Da-Tex® (rear) High Contrast Da-Tex® (rear)
Ultra Wide Angle (rear) Dual Vision 3D Virtual Black® (rear)
Masking Panels: to mask 16:9 formatted screens to 4:3 format.
Da-Mat® Foldable Black Backed surface.
Ultra Wide Angle (rear)
Dual Vision
3D Virtual Black® (rear)

Under 25' Wide
Left Side Of Truss Frame
Is Removed For Better
Viewing Of Truss Leg.
Detail Of Corner Assy.
Fasten Trusses With
Speedy Crank Is Inserted
Through All Threaded Hinge
Anti-Sway Brace
(Mounted Inside When
Used Without Drapes)
Speedy Cranks
Bottom Truss
(Mounted Outside When
Left Side Of Truss Frame
Is Removed For Better
Viewing Of Truss Leg.
Anti-Sway Brace
Used With Drapes)
Truss “L” Section
Side Truss
Detail Of Corner Assy.
Fasten Trusses With
Speedy Crank Is Inserted
Through All Threaded Hinge
Anti-Sway Brace
Mounted Inside When
Used Without Drapes)
25' And Wider
Speedy Cranks
Wing Bar
Valance Bar
Skirt Bar
Bottom Truss
Anti-Sway Brace
(Mounted Outside When
Used With Drapes)
Back Brace
Mounted To Bottom Of Frame From
Behind At Hinge Locations Wtih (8)
Speedy Cranks Each
Optional Drapery Kit With Skirt Bar
Wing Bar
Short Speedy Crank
Diagonal Brace
Short Speedy Crank
Assembled End View Of Top
Frame And "L" Section
Side Truss
A Milestone AV Technologies Brand
3100 North Detroit Street
Warsaw, Indiana 46582
P: 574.267.8101 or 800.622.3737
F: 574.267.7804 or 877.325.4832
E: info@da-lite.com
DL–0220 12.13
© 2013 Milestone AV Technologies LLC. Printed in U.S.A.
67¼" 18"
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