Heavy Duty Fast-Fold
Deluxe Screen System
The Heavy Duty Fast-Fold® Deluxe Screen System features a heavier
3½” wide by 1¼” thick frame system for a more durable design and is
for rental and staging environments. It features easy release latches
on the frame for eicient set up and tear down.
• Frame and legs made of 3½” X 1¼” thick aluminum tubing
• Easy release latches
• Standard black-backed foldable material for superior image
quality and opacity
• Seamless viewing surfaces up to 16’ high
• Carrying case with wheels for sizes 7’ X 9’ up to 16’ X 27’ 6”
• Optional Drapery Presentation Kit for professional stage-front aesthetic
Optional Accessories:
• Heavy Duty Fast-Fold Deluxe and
Truss Drapery Presentation Kits
• Fast-Fold Skirt
• Fast-Fold Drapery Masking Panels
• Heavy Duty Fast-Fold Deluxe
Repair Kit
• Green Laser Pointers
• Red Laser Pointers
• RF PowerPoint Remote with
Green Laser Pointer
16:9 HDTV Format
Overall Size (H x W) Viewing Area
in. cm in. cm
8'6" x 14'4" 259 x 437 7'6" x 13'4" 229 x 406
10' x 17' 305 x 518 9' x 16' 274 x 488
11' x 19' 335 x 579 10' x 18' 305 x 549
11'6" x 19'8" 351 x 599 10'6" x 18'8" 320 x 569
12'3" x 21' 373 x 640 11'3" x 20' 343 x 610
13' x 22'4" 396 x 681 12' x 21'4" 366 x 650
14'6" x 25' 442 x 762 13'6" x 24' 411 x 732
16' x 27'6" 488 x 838 15' x 26'6" 457 x 808
4:3 Video Format
Overall Size (H x W) Viewing Area
in. cm in. cm
7' x 9' 213 x 274 6' x 8' 183 x 244
8'6" x 11' 259 x 335 7'6" x 10' 229 x 305
10' x 13' 305 x 396 9' x 12' 274 x 366
11'6" x 15' 351 x 457 10'6" x 14' 320 x 427
13' x 17' 396 x 518 12' x 16' 366 x 488
16' x 21' 488 x 640 15' x 20' 457 x 610
19' x 25' 579 x 762 18' x 24' 549 x 732

Available with the Following Screen Surfaces
Half Angle: 60º Gain: 1.0
Dual Vision
Half Angle: 65º Gain: 0.9
Ultra Wide Angle
Half Angle: 78º Gain: 0.65
Half Angle: 30º Gain: 1.3
High Contrast Da-Tex
Half Angle: 40º Gain: 1.0
P 800.622.3737 / 574.267.8101 F 877.325.4832 / 574.267.7804
E info@da-lite.com
In British Columbia, Milestone AV Technologies ULC carries on business as MAVT Milestone AV Technologies ULC.
©2018 Milestone AV Technologies. DL0482 (Rev. 2) 04.18. Da-Lite is a registered trademarks of Milestone AV
Technologies. All other brand names or marks are used for identiication purposes and are trademarks of their
respective owners. All patents are protected under existing designations. Other patents pending.