Da-Lite 86919 Datasheet

Boardroom Electrol
The Boardroom Electrol® is a value-engineered, ceiling recessed screen with a wooden housing. This screen requires the extra step of trim work post installation. Closure doors are not painted, and feature a brushed aluminum inish.
The Boardroom Electrol does not include the ceiling trim lange or painted automatic closure door. See Advantage Electrol for easy installation or Advantage Deluxe Electrol for easy installation and the aesthetic of the white automatic closure door.
• Ceiling closure for concealing screen when not in use
• Available with silent motor option
• Decora-style, three-position wall switch
• Standard black backing retains projected brightness
• Black painted case
Optional Accessories:
• Single Motor Low Voltage Control
• Radio Frequency Wireless Remote
- Single Motor LVC
• Infrared Wireless Remote - Single
Motor LVC
• Video Projector Interface
• SCB100
• Key Operated, 110 Volt Switch
• Locking Switch Cover Plate
• Dual Motor Low Voltage Control
• Radio Frequency Wireless Remote
- Dual Motor LVC
• Infrared Wireless Remote - Dual
Motor LVC
• Red Laser Pointers
• Green Laser Pointers
• RF PowerPoint Remote with
Green Laser Pointer
16:9 HDTV Format
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Case Length
in. cm in. cm in. cm
45" x 80" 114 x 203 92" 234 97½" 248
52" x 92" 132 x 234 106" 269 109½" 278
54" x 96" 137 x 244 110" 279 113½" 288
58" x 104" 147 x 264 119" 302 121½" 309
65" x 116" 165 x 295 133" 338 133½" 339
78" x 139" 198 x 353 159" 404 157½" 400
90" x 160" 229 x 406 184" 467 177½" 451
16:10 Wide Format
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Case Length
in. cm in. cm in. cm
50" x 80" 127 x 203 94" 239 97½ " 248
57½" x 92" 146 x 234 109" 277 109½" 278
60" x 96" 152 x 244 113" 2 87 113½" 288
65" x 104" 165 x 264 123" 312 121½" 309
69" x 110" 175 x 279 130" 330 127½" 324
72½" x 116" 184 x 295 137" 348 133½" 339
87" x 139" 221 x 353 164" 417 157½" 400
100" x 160" 254 x 406 189" 480 177½" 451
4:3 Video Format
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Case Length
in. cm in. cm in. cm
43" x 57" 109 x 145 72" 183 73½" 187
50" x 67" 127 x 170 84" 213 83½" 212
60" x 80" 152 x 203 100" 254 97 ½" 248
69" x 92" 175 x 234 120" 305 109½" 278
87" x 116" 221 x 295 150" 381 133½" 339
105" x 140" 267 x 356 180" 4 57 157½" 400
120" x 160" 305 x 406 200" 508 177½" 441
Available with the Following Screen Surfaces
Matte White
Half Angle: 60º Gain: 1.0
Video Spectra 1.5
Half Angle: 35º Gain: 1.5
P 800.622.3737 / 574.267.8101 F 877.325.4832 / 574.267.7804 E info@da-lite.com
In British Columbia, Milestone AV Technologies ULC carries on business as MAVT Milestone AV Technologies ULC.
©2017 Milestone AV Technologies. DL0428 (Rev. 1) 01.17. Da-Lite is a registered trademarks of Milestone AV Technologies. All other brand names or marks are used for identiication purposes and are trademarks of their respective owners. All patents are protected under existing designations. Other patents pending.