Cinema Contour
Wall-Mounted Projection Screen
SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS: projection screen(s),
(H) x (W), To have lexible screen surface, ire retardant
and mildew resistant. Screen surface standard with reinforced black binding
on all four sides and will attach to frame with metal snaps. Frame will conceal
snaps and binding. Screen frame will be 3" wide x 1⅝" deep with a tapered front
Video (NTSC 4:3) Format Dimensions
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Dimensions Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
36" x 48" 91 x 122 60" 152 42" x 54" 107 x 137 24 10.9
43" x 57½" 109 x 146 72" 183 49" x 63½" 124 x 161 28 12 .7
50½"x 67" 128 x 170 84" 213 56½"x 73" 144 x 185 31 14.1
57½"x 77" 146 x 196 96" 244 63½" x 83" 161 x 211 35 15.9
60" x 80" 152 x 203 100" 254 66" x 86" 168 x 218 37 16.8
72" x 96" 183 x 244 120" 305 78" x 102" 198 x 259 45 20.4
90" x 120" 229 x 305 150" 381 96" x 126" 244 x 320 59 26.8
108" x 144" 274 x 366 180" 457 114" x 150" 290 x 381 74 33.6
120" x 160" 305 x 406 200" 508 126" x 166" 320 x 422 89 4 0.4
144" x 192" 366 x 488 240" 610 150" x 198" 381 x 503 105 47.6
HDTV (16:9) Format Dimensions
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Dimensions Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
37½" x 67" 95 x 170 77" 196 43½" x 73" 110 x 185 29 13.2
40½" x 72" 103 x 183 82" 208 46½" x 78" 118 x 198 30 13.6
45" x 80" 114 x 203 92" 234 51" x 86" 130 x 218 34 15.4
49" x 87" 124 x 221 100" 254 55" x 93" 140 x 236 36 1 7.7
52" x 92" 132 x 234 106" 269 58" x 98" 147 x 249 40 18.1
54" x 96" 137 x 244 110" 279 60" x 102" 152 x 259 41 18.6
58" x 104" 147 x 264 119" 302 64" x 110" 163 x 279 44 20
65" x 116" 165 x 295 133" 338 71" x 122" 180 x 310 49 22.2
78" x 139" 198 x 353 159" 404 84" x 145" 213 x 368 56 25.4
94½" x 168" 240 x 427 193" 490 100½" x 174" 255 x 442 81 36.7
108" x 192" 274 x 488 220" 559 114" x 198" 290 x 503 96 43.5
edge to reduce shadows on the viewing surface. Frame to be made of
aluminum and inished with black Pro-Trim® fabric covering to enhance
appearance and absorb light surrounding the viewing area. Frame will be slipjointed at corners and joints. Standard wall-mounting brackets will be included.
Wide (16:10) Format Dimensions
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Dimensions Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
50" x 80" 127 x 203 94" 239 56" x 86" 142 x 218 34 15.4
57½" x 92" 146 x 234 109" 277 63½" x 98" 161 x 249 40 18.1
60" x 96" 152 x 244 113" 287 66" x 102" 168 x 259 41 18.6
65" x 104" 165 x 264 123" 312 71" x 110" 180 x 279 44 20
69" x 110" 175 x 279 130" 330 75" x 116" 191 x 295 47 21.3
72½" x 116" 184 x 295 137" 348 78½" x 122" 199 x 310 49 22.2
87" x 139" 221 x 353 164" 417 93" x 145" 236 x 368 56 25.4
100" x 160" 254 x 406 189" 480 106" x 166" 269 x 422 74 33.6
110" x 176" 249 x 447 208" 528 116" x 182" 295 x 462 80 36.2
120" x 192" 305 x 488 226" 574 126" x 198" 320 x 503 96 43.5
Cinemascope (2.35:1) Format Dimensions
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Dimensions Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
37½" x 88" 95 x 224 96" 244 43½" x 94" 110 x 239 36 16. 3
40½" x 95" 103 x 241 103" 262 46½" x 101" 118 x 257 41 18.6
45" x 106" 114 x 269 115" 292 51" x 112" 130 x 284 44 20
49" x 115" 124 x 292 125" 318 55" x 121" 140 x 307 49 22.2
52" x 122" 132 x 310 133" 338 58" x 128" 147 x 325 51 23.1
54" x 126" 137 x 320 138" 351 60" x 132" 152 x 335 53 24
58" x 136½" 147 x 347 148" 376 64" x 142½" 163 x 362 55 25
65" x 153" 165 x 389 166" 422 71" x 159" 180 x 404 62 28
78" x 183½" 198 x 466 199" 505 84" x 189½" 213 x 481 91 41
811⁄2" x 192" 207 x 488 208" 528 87½" x 198" 222 x 503 96 43.5

• Overall dimensions +/- ¼".
• Custom formats and sizes available upon request.
• Speciications subject to change without notice.
• All HD Progressive 0.6, HD Progressive 0.9, HD
Progressive 1.1, Da-Mat®, High Contrast Da-Mat®, Cinema
Vision, High Contrast Cinema Vision, Pearlescent,
Da-Tex®, Dual Vision, 3D Virtual Black® and 3D Virtual
Grey surfaces are seamless up to 16' high.
• Audio Vision, High Contrast Cinema Perf and High
Contrast Audio Vision, HD Progressive 1.1 Perf, High
Power® and Silver Lite 2.5 surfaces are available in
sizes up to 8' high.
• All viewing surfaces are standard with black
backing except Da-Tex®, Dual Vision and 3D Virtual
1. Select Size from Charts.
2. Select viewing surface (All Da-Lite surfaces are GREENGUARD GOLD Certiied.):
HD Progressive 0.6
HD Progressive 0.9
HD Progressive 1.1
High Contrast Da-Mat®
Cinema Vision
High Contrast Cinema Vision
HD Progressive 1.1 Perf
Audio Vision
High Contrast Audio Vision
High Contrast Cinema Perf
High Power®
Silver Lite 2.5
3D Virtual Grey
3D Virtual Black® (Rear)
Da-Tex® (Rear)
Dual Vision
3. Select Optional Accessories:
Veneer Frame Finish
(Choose from seven standard veneers).
Light Oak
Medium Oak
Natural Walnut
Black Textured Powder Coat Finish
(Pro-Trim® standard).
TLegs (must be ordered at the same
time as screen).
Velcro® Attachment (snaps standard).
Heritage Walnut
Honey Maple
Viewing Surface & Frame Detail
A Milestone AV Technologies Brand
3100 North Detroit Street
Warsaw, Indiana 46582
P: 574.267.8101 or 800.622.3737
F: 574.267.7804 or 877.325.4832
E: info@da-lite.com
DL–0149 (Rev. 1) 11.13
© 2013 Milestone AV Technologies LLC. Printed in U.S.A.
Viewing area
height + 6"
Viewing area width + 6"
Project Name:
Contractor: Phone:
Reseller: Phone: