Large Advantage® Deluxe Electrol
Automatic Electric Projection Screen Model
SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS: projection screen(s),
(H) x (W). The Advantage® Deluxe Screen shall have
two motors, one to operate door and one to operate screen. Door motor
electrically operated 120 volt (60 Hz) not more than 1.2 amp, mounted inside
the roller, to be three wire with ground, quick reversal type, oiled for life, with
automatic thermal overload cutout, integral gears, capacitor and an electric
brake to prevent coasting. To have pre-set but adjustable limit switches to
automatically stop fabric door in the open position. The roller to be of 1.6"
diameter aluminum. Screen motor is electrically operated 120 volt (60 Hz) not
more than 2.4 amp, mounted inside the roller, to be three wire with ground
quick reversal type, oiled for life, with automatic thermal overload cutout,
integral gears, capacitor and an electric brake to prevent coasting. To have preset but adjustable limit switches to automatically stop picture surface in the
“up” and “down” positions. Rigid metal roller, to be at least 5¾" in diameter (on
screens 14' to 18' wide) or 7" in diameter (on screens where either height or
width equal or exceed 20'). Screen fabric to be lame retardant and mildew
resistant iberglass with black masking borders standard. Bottom of fabric shall
HDTV (16:9) Format Dimensions (2" Standard Black Drop at Top)
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Length of Case* Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
106" x 188" 269 x 478 216" 549 207½" 527 651 295.3
119" x 212" 302 x 538 243" 617 231½" 588 724 328.4
133" x 236" 338 x 599 271" 688 255½" 649 830 376.5
Wide (16:10) Format Dimensions
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Length of Case* Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
110" x 176" 279 x 447 208" 528 195½" 4 97 631 286.2
117½" x 188" 283 x 478 222" 564 207½" 527 662 300.3
be formed into a pocket holding a metal rod with plastic caps. Case shall be a
white powder coated aluminum extrusion. Bottom of case to be self-trimming
with a built-in lange around the bottom of the case. A section of the bottom of
the case shall be a retractable aluminum door that opens and closes
automatically with the lowering and raising of the picture surface. The balance
of the bottom of the case shall be a second aluminum door with manual
opening to provide access. Junction box shall be internally integrated into the
housing making it possible to install the housing and wire to the building’s
electrical system during construction. The junction box shall contain a quick
connect connector that is mounted in the housing for easy plug-in connection
to the motorized fabric and roller assembly. The motorized fabric and roller
assembly to be installed in the case at the factory or at a later time at the job
site. To be complete with integrated low voltage control unit and three position
control switch with cover plate. Suitable for use in environmental air space in
accordance with section 30022 (c) of the National Electric Code, and sections
2128, 12010 (3) and 12100 of the Canadian Electrical Code, part 1, CSA C22.1.
Screen to be listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories.
Video (NTSC 4:3) Format Dimensions (2" Standard Black Drop at Top)
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Length of Case* Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
123" x 164" 312 x 417 210" 533 183½" 466 587 266.3
141" x 188" 358 x 478 240" 610 207½" 527 662 300.3
159" x 212" 404 x 538 265" 673 231½" 588 738 334.8
177" x 236" 450 x 599 295" 749 255½" 649 847 384.2
213" x 284" 541 x 721 355" 902 303½" 771 1012 459.0
Square Format Dimensions
Sizes (H x W) Overall Length of Case* Approx. Ship. Wt.
In. Cm In. Cm Lbs. Kg
14' x 14' 427 x 427 183½" 466 599 27 1.7
16' x 16' 488 x 488 207½" 527 671 304.4
18' x 18' 549 x 549 231½" 588 757 343.4
20' x 20' 610 x 610 255½" 649 871 39 5.1
22' x 22' 671 x 671 279½" 710 958 434.5
*Case length does not include lange

• Matte White: Horizontal seam required when both
dimensions exceed 16'.
• Overall case length dimensions +/- ¼" (6mm).
• Detail dimensional drawings, wiring diagrams and
installation instructions available upon request.
• Speciications subject to change without notice.
• Custom formats and sizes available upon request.
1. Select size from charts on the other side.
2. Select viewing surface (All Da-Lite surfaces are GREENGUARD GOLD Certiied.):
Matte White
3. Optional accessories:
Extra Drop available to lower picture area
more than normal. Specify total drop at
top _____ (black or white) or at bottom
_____ (black or white). 22' maximum total
surface height including picture area
except for 24' wide, where maximum
drop is 18'.
No borders (Black masking borders
Wireless Remote Control for LVC.
Radio Frequency Remote
Radio Frequency Range
Extender available
Infrared Remote
Key Locking Cover Plate for 120 V Switch
or LVC.
220/240 Volt (50 Hz) Motor.
(Suggested) ½" Threaded
Rod (Not Included) Attached
to Mounting Bracket
Case Length
Closing Door
Door Roller
Access Door
P 800.622.3737 / 574.267.8101
F 877.325.4832 / 574.267.7804
E info@da-lite.com
In British Columbia, Milestone AV Technologies ULC carries on business as
MAVT Milestone AV Technologies ULC.
©2017 Milestone AV Technologies. DL0189 (Rev. 2) 01.17.
Da-Lite is a registered trademarks of Milestone AV Technologies. All other
brand names or marks are used for identiication purposes and are
trademarks of their respective owners. All patents are protected under
existing designations. Other patents pending.
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