Large Advantage
Deluxe Electrol
For larger venue installs, the Large Advantage® Deluxe Electrol® is
designed to eliminate the extra step of inishing the screen with trim.
The Advantage line of projection screens is designed with ceiling
trim already in place. Once the screen is installed, the screen’s trim
conceals the rough opening eliminating the need to complete additional trim work.
Sliding installation brackets make it easy to attach the screen housing to the structure above the drop ceiling.
All Deluxe screens feature a closure door that hides the open space
and screen in the ceiling, providing a cleaner aesthetic.
The Large Advantage Deluxe Electrol screen features simple in ceiling installation that can be done in two stages. The screen case can
be installed during the rough-in construction stage and the fabric
assembly can be completed during the inishing stage.
The Advantage Deluxe Electrol does not include the Tensioning
Cable System. See the Tensioned Advantage Electrol Deluxe to
ensure an even lateral tension.
• Standard Low Voltage Control (LVC) to keep your screen operation lexible
• UL Plenum rated case
• Support includes a comprehensive ive-year warranty to keep you
conident in your purchase
• White powder-coated closure doors and case for a clean aesthetic
• Decora-style, three-button wall switch
• Standard black backing retains projected brightness
• Seamless surfaces in all models up to and including 16’ high
16:9 HDTV Format
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Case Length
in. cm in. cm in. cm
106" x 188" 269 x 478 216" 549 207½" 527
119" x 212" 302 x 538 243" 617 231½" 588
133" x 236" 338 x 599 271" 688 255½" 649
16:10 Wide Format
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Case Length
in. cm in. cm in. cm
110" x 176" 279 x 447 208" 528 195½" 497
117½" x 188" 283 x 478 222" 564 207½" 527
4:3 Video Format
Viewing Area (H x W) Nominal Diagonal Overall Case Length
in. cm in. cm in. cm
123" x 164" 312 x 417 210" 533 183½" 466
141" x 188" 358 x 478 240" 610 207½" 527
159" x 212" 404 x 538 265" 673 231½" 588
177" x 236" 450 x 599 295" 749 255½" 649
213" x 284" 541 x 721 355" 902 303½" 771
Optional Accessories:
• Radio Frequency Wireless Remote
• Infrared Wireless Remote
• Locking Switch Cover Plate
Available with the Following Screen Surfaces
Matte White
Half Angle: 60º Gain: 1.0
Product images
Case Proile In Ceiling (Closed) In Ceiling (Open)
P 800.622.3737 / 574.267.8101 F 877.325.4832 / 574.267.7804
E info@da-lite.com
In British Columbia, Milestone AV Technologies ULC carries on business as MAVT
Milestone AV Technologies ULC.
©2018 Milestone AV Technologies. DL0418 (Rev. 1) 02.18
Da-Lite is a registered trademarks of Milestone AV Technologies. All other brand names or
marks are used for identiication purposes and are trademarks of their respective owners.
All patents are protected under existing designations. Other patents pending.