The Da-Snap allows for versatile frame options with customization
features that include curved frames and wrap around surfaces. The
Da-Snap can be mounted on the wall or in a wall opening.
• Front or rear projection screen surface with snaps or optional Velcro
• Square aluminum tubing frame
• Frame available with Pro-Trim® inish to absorb light surrounding the
viewing area
• Standard black backing retains projected brightness
16:9 HDTV Format
Viewing Area (H x W)
in. cm in. cm in. cm
37½" x 67" 95 x 170 77" 196 40½" x 70" 103 x 178
40½" x 72" 103 x 183 82" 208 43½" x 75" 110 x 191
45" x 80" 114 x 203 92" 234 48" x 83" 122 x 211
49" x 87" 124 x 221 100" 254 52" x 90" 132 x 229
52" x 92" 132 x 234 106" 269 55" x 95" 140 x 241
54" x 96" 137 x 244 110" 279 57" x 99" 145 x 251
58" x 104" 147 x 264 119" 302 61" x 107" 155 x 272
65" x 116" 165 x 295 133" 338 68" x 119" 173 x 302
78" x 139" 198 x 353 159" 404 81" x 142" 206 x 361
94½" x 168" 240 x 427 193" 490 97½" x 171" 248 x 434
108" x 192" 274 x 488 220" 559 111" x 195" 282 x 495
Overall Dimensions
2.35:1 Cinemascope Format
Viewing Area (H x W)
in. cm in. cm in. cm
37½" x 88" 95 x 224 96" 244 40½" x 91" 103 x 231
40½" x 95" 103 x 241 103" 262 43½" x 98" 110 x 249
45" x 106" 114 x 269 115" 292 48" x 109" 122 x 277
49" x 115" 124 x 292 125" 318 52" x 118" 132 x 300
52" x 122" 132 x 310 133" 338 55" x 125" 140 x 318
54" x 126" 137 x 320 138" 351 57" x 129" 145 x 328
58" x 136½" 147 x 347 148" 376 61" x 139½" 155 x 354
65" x 153" 165 x 389 166" 422 68" x 156" 173 x 396
78" x 183½" 198 x 466 199" 505 81" x 186½" 206 x 474
81½" x 192" 207 x 488 208" 528 84½" x 195" 215 x 495
16:10 Wide Format
Viewing Area (H x W)
in. cm in. cm in. cm
50" x 80" 127 x 203 94" 239 53" x 83" 135 x 211
57½" x 92" 146 x 234 109" 277 60½" x 95" 154 x 241
60" x 96" 152 x 244 113" 287 63" x 99" 160 x 251
65" x 104" 165 x 264 123" 312 69" x 107" 175 x 272
69" x 110" 175 x 279 130" 330 72" x 113" 183 x 287
72½" x 116" 184 x 295 137" 348 75½" x 119" 192 x 302
87" x 139" 221 x 353 164" 417 90" x 142" 229 x 361
100" x 160" 254 x 406 189" 480 103" x 163" 262 x 414
110" x 176" 279 x 447 208" 528 113" x 179" 287 x 455
120" x 192" 305 x 488 226" 574 123" x 195" 312 x 495
Overall Dimensions
Overall Dimensions

Available with the Following Screen Surfaces
Front Projection
HD Progressive 0.6
Half Angle: 85º Gain: 0.6
Half Angle: 60º Gain: 1.0
Rear Projection
Dual Vision
Half Angle: 65º Gain: 0.9
Product images
HD Progressive 0.9
Half Angle: 85º Gain: 0.9
High Contrast Da-Mat
Half Angle: 45º Gain: 0.8
Da-Te x
Half Angle: 30º Gain: 1.3
HD Progressive 1.1
Half Angle: 85º Gain: 1.1
HD Progressive 1.1 Perf
Half Angle: 85º Gain: 1.1
HD Progressive 1.3
Half Angle: 75º Gain: 1.3
Black (Standard) Pro-Trim Fabric
P 800.622.3737 / 574.267.8101 F 877.325.4832 / 574.267.7804
E info@da-lite.com
In British Columbia, Milestone AV Technologies ULC carries on business as MAVT Milestone
AV Technologies ULC.
©2017 Milestone AV Technologies. DL0458 (Rev. 3) 12.17.
Da-Lite is a registered trademarks of Milestone AV Technologies. All other brand names or
marks are used for identiication purposes and are trademarks of their respective owners.
All patents are protected under existing designations. Other patents pending.