Dear DALI owner,
Thank you for purchasing DALI Phrame for your
DALI Euphonia/Helicon Phantom loudspeakers. As
with every DALI accessory product, you are guaranteed high quality designed for optimum performance with your DALI loudspeakers.
With DALI Phrame, your Euphonia/Helicon Phantom In-Wall loudspeakers can be adapted for OnWall installation.
For correct and safe installation of DALI Phrame, we
strongly recommend that you study this installation
guide thoroughly and follow all instructions carefully. You should also thoroughly study the owner’s
manual for your DALI In-Wall loudspeaker - DALI
Euphonia IWS 3 Phantom or DALI Helicon IW 200
Best regards,
DALI Loudspeakers
The following materials and tools (not included) are needed for the installation of DALI
• Rawl plugs/wall anchors, 4 pcs. (de pending on the type of wall – con sult your installer about appropriate
rawl plugs/wall anchors)
• Screws, 4 pcs.
• Pen for marking
• Level
• Tape measure
• Drill with bit that matches the rawl
plugs/wall anchors
• Screwdriver
You will also need the tools listed in the owner’s manual of your DALI Euphonia/Helicon
Phantom loudspeakers.
Always comply with the safety warnings in this
installation guide and in the owner’s manual included with your DALI Euphonia/Helicon Phantom
If in doubt, always consult your authorised DALI
installer or dealer.
DALI Phrame is designed for indoor use. Never use
DALI Phrame in moist environments or under extreme cold or hot conditions.
The wall to which DALI Phrame and DALI Euphonia/
Helicon Phantom are to be attached must be able
to bear the combined weight of DALI Phrame and
DALI Euphonia/Helicon Phantom.
Employ only screws and rawl plugs (not included)
that are suitable for the type of wall on which the
speakers are to be installed.
Check to make certain that there are no installations inside the wall (electricity, water, heating, gas,
etc.) that could be damaged by the installation of
DALI Phrame/DALI Euphonia/Helicon Phantom.
Turn off the amplifier/receiver before connecting
loudspeaker cables between loudspeakers and amplifier/receiver.
Safety Information
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