Daktronics Fuelink User Manual

Fuelink Installation and Operation Manual
Rev 0–16 September 2008
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006 Tel: 866-343-3122 Fax: 605-697-4700 www.daktronics.com email: helpdesk@daktronics.com
Product 1478
Rev 0-16 September 2008
Copyright © 2008
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
Fuelink™ is a trademark of Daktronics, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Reproduction Reference
DD1430398 – P1478
Fuelink Installation and Operation Manual
1) This page is for reproduction reference only and will not be included in the manual.
2) This manual is to be copied on FRONT AND BACK PAGES -8 ½ x 11 paper. Note: The first page, Cover Page, uses the front of the page (blank on back). Section heading
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4) Punch all pages, front cover, and back cover along the left edge, and bind with a spiral binder.
5) Please direct questions and suggestions to Engineering Secretarial.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Minimum System Requirements................................................................................................ 1
Help ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Content ................................................................................................................... 2
About ...................................................................................................................... 2
Software Conventions ............................................................................................................... 3
Contacting Daktronics ............................................................................................................... 4
Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Software Installation .................................................................................................................. 5
Login .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Add a Display ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Edit a Display ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Remove a Display ............................................................................................................................... 19
Groups ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Add a Group ................................................................................................................... ......... 22
Rename a Group ..................................................................................................................... 22
Remove a Group ..................................................................................................................... 22
Move Displays to a New Group ............................................................................................... 22
Options ................................................................................................................................................ 23
New Password ......................................................................................................................... 24
Network Options ...................................................................................................................... 25
Cash/Credit .............................................................................................................................. 26
Activity Log ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Send Update ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Gas Price (US) ........................................................................................................................ 29
Gas Price (Intl.) ........................................................................................................................ 30
Cash/Credit .............................................................................................................................. 30
Fuelink Installation and Operation Manual
Display Line Selection ........................................................................................................................ 31
Blank ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Set Dimming ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Change Password ............................................................................................................................... 36
Reset ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Get Status ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Exiting Fuelink ..................................................................................................................................... 39


Minimum System Requirements

Computer running Windows
bit versions only.
Pentium II processor, 400 MHz or higher
128 MB RAM or higher
50 MB free hard disk space
.NET Framework 2.0
Mouse or other compatible pointing device
Supported communication device (serial port, modem, or Ethernet Network)
One or more Fuelink-compatible displays installed
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
2000, XP, or Vista with the most current updates installed, 32-
Fuelink Installation and Operation Manual


Help is available from the drop-down menu on the Fuelink main window. Help contains two options, Content and About.


Click Content to access the Content Help window.


Access the About dialog box from the Help drop-down menu. The Fuelink About box contains information about the software, including software version, and Daktronics contact information. Click the tabs to view information for each item.

Software Conventions

Bold Important items, items visible on the screen or
within a menu (these do not require direct action), and items that require direct action, such as clicking, pressing, selecting or formatting. Manual reference items, such as another section.
[X] A keyboard key that must be pressed. "Quotes" Items that must be typed. Click Press and release the left mouse button Double-click Press and release the left mouse button twice and
quick succession. Right-click Press and release the right mouse button. Drag Move the pointer on an item, hold down the left
mouse button, slide the pointer to a new location
and release the button. Highlight Select something by clicking or dragging with the
mouse. Once selected, an item usually turns a
different color or is outlined. Select Click the left mouse button over text > Followed by (ex. Click Edit>Displays>Remove).
Many Fuelink software options can be accessed with the keyboard as well as the mouse. Where applicable, both mouse and keyboard actions are given for a command. Many screen buttons have labels which have a letter underlined. Pressing the key on the keyboard that correlates with the underlined letter will activate that particular button. To activate secondary buttons, press the underlined key while holding the [Shift] key. To activate menu bar items from the keyboard, press the underlined key while holding [Alt].
Fuelink Installation and Operation Manual

Contacting Daktronics

Daktronics Customer Service 201 Daktronics Drive Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006
Customer Service:
800-843-9879 or 605-697-4598

Getting Started

Getting Started

Software Installation

1. Install Fuelink software to a hard disk before use.
2. Place the Fuelink installation CD into the CD-ROM (presume D:).
3. Installation should begin automatically within a few seconds. If it does not, click the Start
button and select Run from the menu. Type "D:\CDStart.exe" and press Enter.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen. SETUP will copy the necessary files to run Fuelink
software to the hard disk and create Fuelink in the Start menu.


A password is not required to access Fuelink software. Establish a password by clicking Edit>Options>Security. Enter and confirm a password. Click Save.
Change the password in the same window by entering the old password followed by a new password. Confirm the new password and click Save.
When the new password is confirmed, the software sends a message alerting you to the time the password was changed.

Add a Display

Click Edit>Displays>Add.
Add a Display
Fuelink Installation and Operation Manual
The Display Wizard opens.
Enter a name and location for the display in the Display Name/Location box. Give the display an easy to identify name. Select the display style–Gas Price (US), Gas Price (Intl.) or Cash/Credit–from the drop-down menu.
Select the number of lines on the display from the Lines drop-down menu and the number of faces from the Faces drop-down menu. Click Continue.
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