Daktronics DF-4000 User Manual

Petroleum Price Displays
DF-4000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
ED-16084 Rev 0 – 15 March 2006
Rev 0 – 15 March 2006
Please fill in the information below for your DataMaster display and controller; use it for reference when calling Daktronics for assistance.
Display Serial No. _____________________________________________
Display Model No. _____________________________________________
Date Installed _________________________________________________
DataMaster Serial No. __________________________________________
Copyright © 2006
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
DataMaster Other trademarks used in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
and DataTime® are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction....................................................................................1-1
1.1 How To Use This Manual ......................................................................... 1-1
Important Safeguards: ........................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Daktronics Nomenclature..........................................................................1-2
1.3 Manual Overview...................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 Product Overview......................................................................................1-4
1.5 Model Names.............................................................................................1-5
1.6 Product Safety Approval ........................................................................... 1-5
Section 2: Petroleum Price Display Specifications......................................2-1
2.1 Shop Drawings..........................................................................................2-1
2.2 Specifications ............................................................................................ 2-2
Section 3: Mechanical and Electrical Installation ........................................3-1
3.1 Electrical installation................................................................................. 3-1
Power.................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Power and Signal Connection ...................................................................3-3
Address Dip Switch Settings..............................................................3-4
Section 4: Display Maintenance and Troubleshooting................................4-1
4.1 Cabinet Specifications............................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Component Location and Access..............................................................4-1
4.3 Schematics.................................................................................................4-2
4.4 LED Drivers .............................................................................................. 4-2
4.5 Troubleshooting......................................................................................... 4-3
4.6 Lightning Protection..................................................................................4-4
4.7 Replacement Parts ..................................................................................... 4-5
4.8 Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return Programs............................4-6
Section 5: Controller options (DM 100).........................................................5-1
5.1 DataMaster 100 Overview......................................................................... 5-1
Replacement Parts List.......................................................................5-2
5.2 Control System Overview ......................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Controller Signal Connection.................................................................... 5-4
5.4 DataMaster Insert and Code...................................................................... 5-6
5.5 Rate Display Operation ............................................................................. 5-6
Rate Display Startup........................................................................... 5-7
Menu Items......................................................................................... 5-9
Rate Display Controller Operation...................................................5-10
Modifying Price Line Settings..........................................................5-10
Display Option ................................................................................. 5-11
Modem Settings................................................................................ 5-12
Table of Contents
Display Status...................................................................................5-13
Set Time............................................................................................5-15
Update Display.................................................................................5-17
Section 6: Controller options (RC-50)........................................................... 6-1
6.1 RC-50 Rate Display Operation..................................................................6-1
6.2 Rate Display Operation..............................................................................6-1
Editing the Display.............................................................................6-1
Section 7: Controller options (RC-100)......................................................... 7-1
7.1 RC-100 Rate Display Operation................................................................7-1
7.2 Wireless Specific Considerations ..............................................................7-1
7.3 Rate Display Operation..............................................................................7-1
Rate Display Startup...........................................................................7-1
New Code Key ...................................................................................7-2
Rate Display Controller Operation.....................................................7-3
Modifying Price Line Settings............................................................7-3
Display Sequence ...............................................................................7-4
Menu Items.........................................................................................7-4
LED Test ............................................................................................7-4
Display Option....................................................................................7-5
Display Status.....................................................................................7-6
Set Time..............................................................................................7-7
Appendix A: Reference Drawings.........................................................................A-1
Appendix B: DataMaster Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)...........................B-1
ii Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label .................................................................................. 1-1
Figure 2: Display Identification Label................................................................................1-2
Figure 3: DF-4000 Petroleum Price Display.......................................................................1-4
Figure 4: Driver...................................................................................................................3-4
Figure 5: DF-4000, Front view with face panels open .......................................................4-1
Figure 6: DataMaster 100 ...................................................................................................5-1
Figure 7: DataMaster 100 Controller with Signal Cable.....................................................5-3
Figure 8: Wire Control from Base of Sign..........................................................................5-4
Figure 9: Wire Control from Building Location.................................................................5-5
Figure 10: DataMaster 100 Insert, LL2551 ........................................................................ 5-6
Figure 11: RC-50 Controller...............................................................................................6-1
Figure 12: RC-100 Controller.............................................................................................7-1
List of Figures
Section 1: Introduction
This manual explains the installation and operation of Daktronics DataMaster™ Outdoor LED Petroleum Price Displays and provides details for display maintenance. If you have
questions regarding the safety, installation, operation, or service of these systems, contact Daktronics. Customer Service Help Desk telephone numbers are listed on the cover page of this manual.
1.1 How To Use This Manual
Important Safeguards:
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing your display.
2. Do not drop the controller or allow it to get wet.
3. Properly ground the display with a ground rod at the sign location.
4. Disconnect power when the display is not in use.
5. Disconnect power when servicing the display.
6. Do not modify the display structure or attach any panels or coverings
without the express written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
Figure 1, below, illustrates the Daktronics drawing numbering system. Daktronics
identifies individual drawings with a number (1279-RO4A-181218 in the example), which is located in the bottom right corner of each drawing. This manual refers to drawings by the last set of numbers in their ID as well as the letter preceding them. The example would be Drawing A-181218.
Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label
Reference drawings in this manual are grouped and inserted in alphanumeric order in the Appendix.
Listed below are a number of drawing types commonly used by Daktronics, along with the information each is likely to provide.
System Riser Diagrams: overall system layout from control room to
display, power, and phase requirements.
Shop Drawings: fan locations, transformer locations, mounting
information, power and signal entrance points, and access method (front or rear).
Introduction 1-1
Schematics: power wiring, signal wiring, panelboard or power termination
panel assignments, signal termination panel assignments, and transformer assignments.
Final Assembly: component locations, part numbers, display dimensions,
and assembly/disassembly instructions.
All references to drawing numbers, appendices, figures, or other manuals are presented in bold typeface, as in this example: “Refer to Drawing A-181220 for the location of the driver enclosure.” Additionally, any drawings referenced within a particular subsection are listed at the beginning of that subsection in the following manner:
Reference Drawing:
Mechanical Specs, DF-1020-13, G3.....................Drawing A-181220
Daktronics identifies manuals by their engineering document (ED) number, which is located on the cover page of the manual. For example, this manual would be referred to as ED-16084.
The serial and model numbers of a Daktronics display can be found on the ID label on the display. The label will be similar to the one shown in Figure 2. When calling Daktronics Customer Service, please have this information available to ensure that your request is serviced as quickly as possible. For future reference, note your display model number, serial number, and installation date on the front page of this manual.
Figure 2: Display Identification Label
Daktronics displays are built for long life and require little maintenance. However, from time to time, certain display components will have to be replaced. The Replacement Parts List in Section 4 provides the names and part numbers of components that may require replacement during the life of this display.
Following the Replacement Parts List is an explanation of Daktronics exchange and replacement programs. Refer to these instructions if you must replace or repair any display component.
1.2 Daktronics Nomenclature
To fully understand some Daktronics drawings, such as schematics, it is necessary to know how various components are labeled in those drawings. You will find this information useful when trying to communicate maintenance or troubleshooting efforts.
1-2 Introduction
The label “A” on a drawing item typically denotes an assembly. An assembly can be a single circuit board or a collection of components that function together, usually mounted on a single plate or in a single enclosure.
In addition, the following labeling formats might be found on various Daktronics drawings:
“TB _ _” denotes a termination block for power or signal cable. “E _ _” denotes a grounding point. “J _ _” denotes a power or signal jack. “P _ _” denotes a power or signal plug for the opposite jack.
Finally, Daktronics part numbers are commonly found on drawings. Those part numbers can be used when requesting replacement parts from Daktronics Customer Service. Take note of the following part number formats. (Not all possible formats are listed here.)
“0P- _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _” denotes an individual circuit board, such as a driver
“0A-_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _” denotes an assembly, such as a circuit board and the
plate or bracket to which it is mounted. A collection of circuit boards working as a single unit may also carry an assembly label.
“W- _ _ _ _ ” denotes a wire or cable. Cables may also carry the assembly
numbering format in certain circumstances. This is especially true for ribbon cables.
“T- _ _ _ _ ” denotes a transformer. “PR- _ _ _ _ _ - _” denotes a specially ordered part. “M- _ _ _ ” denotes a metal part, and “0M-_ _ _ _ _ _” typically denotes a
fabricated metal assembly.
1.3 Manual Overview
This manual details outdoor LED numeric displays. It is divided into the following sections:
Section 1: Contains an overview of the DataMaster Series, product safety
information, and labeling and numbering descriptions.
Section 2: Lists petroleum price display drawings with mechanical and
electrical information and contains a table detailing the mechanical specifications, circuit specifications and power requirements for each model.
Section 3: Contains information needed to perform the mechanical and
electrical installation for each model.
Section 4: Contains service and troubleshooting information. Section 5: Contains an overview of the DataMaster controller, with a
description of the types of control systems and instructions for DM 100 setup.
Section 6: Contains an overview of the RC-50 controller, with a description
of the types of control systems and instructions for RC-50 setup.
Introduction 1-3
Section 7: Contains an overview of the RC-100 controller, with a description
of the types of control systems and instructions for RC-100 setup.
Appendix: Contains all drawings referenced in this manual, quick-start
guides, and a list of frequently asked questions.
1.4 Product Overview
DataMaster Petroleum Price displays are part of a family of Daktronics products designed for easy installation, readability, and reliability. Microprocessor control assures consistent operation and accuracy. The DF-4000 Series model Petroleum Price display is illustrated in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3: DF-4000 Petroleum Price Display
The DataMaster Series includes:
Petroleum Price Displays: Standard petroleum price displays in the US
employ a 9/10 fraction. International models (DF-4000 series) typically have four full digits and a decimal.
The Petroleum Price displays are available in two styles, a full-cabinet model designed for standalone use (DF-4100), and a front-insertion, or “drop-in”, model designed for installation in an existing or custom sign (DF-4000).
DataMaster displays use light emitting diodes to illuminate their numeric digits. (Light emitting diodes, or LEDs, are tiny, solid-state components that use a semiconductor to transform electrical current into light; they are high-intensity, low­energy lighting units.)
The displays feature highly visible PanaView front-insertion Petroleum Price model is available with 10", 13", and 18" digits.) All DataMaster displays are configured with red or amber LEDs.
Because of their LED technology, the displays consume little power, some barely more than a household lamp. Power usage for individual displays in this series is a maximum 150 W. All models have an option of 120 V or 240 V.
DataMaster cabinets, specially developed for outdoor use, are constructed of heavy­gauge aluminum. Digit faceplates are black, and they are set directly into the surface of the display. Mounting weights and dimensions for each model are listed in Section 2 of this manual.
digits 10", 13", and 18" tall. (The
1-4 Introduction
The DataMaster outdoor LED displays have been designed for use with a DataMaster system, or the RC-50 mini remote control. All controller devices use a keyboard overlay (called an insert) for display control.
100 hand-held controller. Also available is a radio controlled RC-100
1.5 Model Names
Daktronics displays, video screens, and scoreboards are differentiated by their model numbers. The displays described in this manual all carry the two-letter prefix, DF-, which indicates that they are DataMaster models. The letter D indicates that they are numeric displays; the letter F indicates outdoor LED technology.
In the outdoor LED display series, typically the first set of numbers following the prefix identifies the series or product line, while the second set of numbers refers to digit height. A final letter denotes digit color. With Model DF-4000-13-A, for example, 4000 identifies the Petroleum Price full-cabinet line, and 13 signifies that the display’s primary digits are a nominal 13" tall. In the example, the letter A signifies that the digits are amber, while R would indicate red, and G green LED digits.
1.6 Product Safety Approval
Daktronics outdoor displays are ETL and UL listed and tested to CSA standards for outdoor use. Contact Daktronics with any questions regarding the testing procedures.
Introduction 1-5
Section 2: Petroleum Price Display
2.1 Shop Drawings
Use the following table to determine the mechanical specifications for your display. The drawings are listed below by model number; they have been inserted in the Appendix in alphanumeric order by drawing number.
Model Drawing Title Drawing Number
DF-4000-10 Shop Drawing, DF-4000-10-X-NA-DI Drawing B-260455
DF-4000-13 Shop Drawing, DF-4000-13-X-NA-DI Drawing B-258389
DF-4000-18 Shop Drawing, DF-4000-18-X-NA-DI Drawing B-258025
Gasoline Price Display Specifications
2.2 Specifications
The table below shows all of the mechanical specifications, circuit specifications, and maximum power requirements for each model in this series. Models are listed in alphanumeric order by digit size.
DataMaster Petroleum Price Displays
Model Dimensions
DF-4000-10-A DF-4000-10-R DF-4000-10-G
DF-4000-13-A DF-4000-13-R DF-4000-13-G
DF-4000-18-A DF-4000-18-R
DF-4000-18-G H1’-10", W4’-9", D0’2"
H1’-3", W3’-6", D0’2" (381 mm, 1067 mm, 51 mm)
H1’-6", W4’-0", D0’2" (457 mm, 1219 mm, 51 mm)
H1’-10", W4’-9", D0’2" (559 mm, 1448 mm, 51 mm)
(559 mm, 1448 mm, 51 mm)
35 lb (16 kg) 10"
40 lb (19 kg) 13"
45 lb (20 kg) 18"
45 lb (20 kg) Green 144 W 120 V AC
(254 mm)
Amber, red, green
(330 mm)
Amber, red, green
(457 mm)
Amber, red, green
72 W
72 W
72 W
120 V AC
15 A
120 V AC
15 A
120 V AC
15 A
15 A
Gasoline Price Display Specifications
Section 3: Mechanical and Electrical
Mechanical installation typically consists of inserting the DF-4000 into an opening in a large sign, and securing with screws.
Electrical installation consists of the following processes:
Providing power and ground to a disconnect near the display. Routing power and ground from the main disconnect to the power connection
pigtail in the display.
Connecting the display ground to a grounding electrode at the sign location. Routing the control signal cable from the control location to the sign location.
3.1 Electrical installation
Reference Drawing:
RC-50 Quick Install Guide ...........................................Drawing A-257189
Address Dip Switch Settings........................................Drawing B-256001
Each Shop Drawing shows details on Installation and access for electrical and signal connections. Example: B-260453 explains all power needs in the notes and the picture below shows details.
Note: Only qualified individuals should perform power routing and termination to the display. It is the responsibility of the electrical contractor to ensure that all electrical work meets or exceeds local and national codes.
Reference Drawings:
Wiring Schematic, DF-2000/4000 Series ...........................Drawing A-263988
Daktronics DataMaster displays have been designed for easy access to components, and the power and control signal hookup has been simplified. Front panels are removable or hinged to allow access to the digits, cabling, and other electronic components.
Correct power installation is imperative for proper display operation. The subsections that follow give details of display power installation. Only qualified individuals should attempt to complete the electrical installation; untrained personnel should not attempt to install these displays or any of the electrical components. Improper installation could result in serious damage to the equipment and could be hazardous to personnel.
The DataMaster outdoor displays require a dedicated, 120 V circuit for incoming power. The display itself has no breakers or fuses.
Mechanical and 3-1 Electrical Installation
WARNING: It is critical that the display circuit be fused at 15 A, and that all conductors used must be designed to pass a 15 A current in normal operation. Failure to meet wiring and over current protection device requirements is a violation of the National Electrical Code
and will void the display warranty.
Refer to the DataMaster display schematics listed below and to the chart in Section 2 to determine circuit specifications and maximum power requirements for the models described in this manual.
Reference Drawings:
Wiring Schematic, DF-2000/4000 Series...........................Drawing A-263988
Displays MUST be grounded according to the provisions outlined in Article 250 of the National Electrical Code and according to the specifications in this manual. Daktronics recommends a resistance-to-ground of 10 ohms or less. The contractor performing the electrical installation can verify ground resistance. Technicians from Daktronics Sales and Service offices can also provide this service.
The display system must be connected to an earth electrode installed at the display. Proper grounding is necessary for reliable equipment operation. It also protects the equipment from damaging electrical disturbances and lightning. The display must
be properly grounded, or the warranty will be void. Refer to the schematics, Drawing A-263988. Connection for power wires and ground wire is made to
supplied harness pigtails inside the display. Standard NEC color code applies. (black = hot, white = neutral, green/yellow = ground). The material for an earth-ground electrode differs from region to region and may vary according to conditions present at the site. Consult the National Electrical Code and any local electrical codes that may apply. The support structure of the display cannot be used as an earth-ground electrode. The support is generally embedded in concrete, and if it is in earth, the steel is usually primed or it corrodes, making it a poor ground in either case.
Power Installation
There are two considerations for power installation: installation with ground and neutral conductors provided, and installation with only a neutral conductor provided. These two power installations differ slightly, as described in the following paragraphs:
Installation with Ground and Neutral Conductors Provided For this type of installation, the power circuit must contain an isolated earth-ground conductor. Under this circumstance, do not connect neutral to ground at the disconnect or at the display. This would violate electrical codes and void the warranty. Use a disconnect so that all hot lines and neutral can be disconnected. The
Mechanical and Electrical Installation
National Electrical Code requires the use of a lockable power disconnect within sight of or at the display.
Installation with Only a Neutral Conductor Provided
Installations where no grounding conductor is provided must comply with Article 250-32 of the National Electrical Code. If the installation in question meets all of the requirements of Article 250-32, the following guidelines must be observed:
Connect the grounding electrode cable at the local disconnect, never at
the display driver/power enclosure.
Use a disconnect that opens all of the ungrounded phase conductors.
3.2 Power and Signal Connection
Reference Drawings
Address Dip Switch Settings........................................Drawing B-256001
Power connects to the pigtail inside the display. The pigtail has three wires: black (120 V AC line), white (neutral) and green (ground), and a 5-pin plug on one end. The plug is connected to the mating plug on the transformer. Use wire nuts to connect power wires to the pigtails.
Signal wires are terminated with a telephone-type RJ14 connector. Route the cable from the jack in the j-box to J6 in the driver (see Figure 4 below).
Mechanical and 3-3 Electrical Installation
Address Dip Switch Settings
Reference Drawings:
Address Dip Switch Settings ....................................... Drawing B-256001
One driver at each sign installation is designated as the “host driver.” This driver receives its signal directly from the controller on the Signal In connector “J6.” The Signal Out connector “J8” is used to connect to “client drivers.” Other connectors used for communication are “J11” (Radio, RC-100 system) and “J12” (RC-50 receiver). With the DM-100 and the RC-100, every sign acts as a host and every driver has its own light sensor. With the RC-50, the host receiver sends a signal through J12, and sends the line information out to the clients.
Every driver, either host or client, must have a unique address. The address is set by moving the switches in an eight position to the “Dip switch,” located on the dr iver. Addresses allow the user to set up to eight lines in up to eight sign groups. All displays with the same line number will show the same price. Refer to Drawing B-256001 for an illustration of the client/host driver setups and for a line number and sign chart.
Figure 4: Driver
Mechanical and Electrical Installation
Section 4: Display Maintenance
and Troubleshooting
1. Disconnect power before doing any repair or maintenance work on the display!
2. Allow only qualified service personnel access to internal display electronics.
3. Disconnect power when not using the display.
4.1 Cabinet Specifications
Cabinets for the Daktronics outdoor LED digit displays are constructed of heavy­gauge aluminum. Exact dimensions and weights for each model are listed in the chart in Section 2. Hinged panels for servicing digits and indicators and for component access are detailed in each model's mechanical specifications drawing.
4.2 Component Location and Access
For the front-access modules in this series, all internal electronic components and digits can be reached by opening the hinged access door on the front of the display. The door swings left when the two latches on the front edge are opened, as shown in Figure 5. For front and opened views of the displays, refer to your model's Shop drawings, listed in Sections 2.1.
Figure 5: DF-4000, Front view with face panels open
Maintenance and 4-1 Troubleshooting
Component placement varies slightly with each DataMaster model; consult the model-specific mechanical drawing to determine the layout for your display.
Note: Disconnect power before servicing the display! Disconnect power, too,
when the display is not in use. Prolonged power-on may shorten the life of some electronic components.
4.3 Schematics
Reference Drawings:
Specifications; Gas Price Driver, 4 Col......................... Drawing A-250728
Wiring Schematic, DF-2000/4000 Series ............................Drawing A-263988
Drawings A-263988 is the schematic diagram and Drawings A-250728 is the Driver Specification Diagram for the driver used in the DataMaster Petroleum Price displays. The schematic includes power and signal inputs and all wiring for the models described in this manual.
4.4 LED Drivers
Reference Drawings:
Specifications; Gas Price Driver, 4 Col......................... Drawing A-250728
In the display, the LED drivers perform the task of switching digits on and off. Refer to Drawings A-250728 for a complete listing of driver connector functions and wiring pin numbers.
Connector No. Function
J1 – 4 Digits
J5 Not loaded J6 CL Input J7 Program J8 CL Output J9 Not loaded
J10 Modem
4-Column LED Driver
J11 Radio J12 RC-50 Input
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
4.5 Troubleshooting
This section lists potential problems with the display, indicates possible causes, and suggests corrective action. This list does not include every possible problem, but it does represent some of the more common situations that may occur. (Refer to the appropriate manual for a list of potential problems with add-on or separately mounted message centers.
Symptom/Condition Possible Cause
Garbled display
Digit will not light
Segment will not light
Segment stays lit
Data appears in the wrong place on the display, wrong data on a particular line of the display
Internal driver logic malfunction Control console malfunction
Broken black wire to digit Poor contact at driver connection Driver malfunction
Broken LED or connection Driver shift register failure Broken wire between driver and digit Poor contact at driver connector
Driver shift register failure Short circuit on digit
Incorrect address settings on drivers
(Refer to “Power On Self-Test” in the following section, and consult tables to set correct addresses.)
Some DataMaster displays have their own built-in troubleshooting mechanism. Failures that may occur in the display driver are described using codes. In the event a sign malfunctions, a failure code registers by displaying an “Ex” value on the first two digits of the display. “E” simply indicates an error, and the letter “x” represents the actual code number. Refer to the following table for a description of each failure code and for possible solutions.
Note: The LCD screen on the DataMaster 100 controller will not show the
failure codes described in the table below. Failure codes will only be displayed on the DataMaster sign.
Failure Code Description Possible Solution
E4 No Message Error: This code is
shown when there are no messages downloaded to the display
Download a new message to the display using the <
100 controller.
> key on the DataMaster
Maintenance and 4-3 Troubleshooting
4.6 Lightning Protection
The use of a disconnect near the display to completely cut all current-carrying lines significantly protects the circuits against lightning damage. The National Electrical Code also requires it. In order for this device to provide protection, the power must be disconnected when the display is not in use. The control console should also be disconnected from power and from the signal j-box when the system is not being used. The same surges that may damage the display’s driver can also damage the console’s circuit.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
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