Dakota Ultrasonics DFX-6 Operating Manual

User’s Guide
DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Contents
Copyright © 2008 Dakota Ultrasonics
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Dakota Ultrasonics.
Dakota Ultrasonics
1500 Green Hills Road, #107 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 USA Phone: 831 431-9722 Fax: 831 431-9723 email: info@dakotainst.com Web: www.dakotaultrasonics.com
DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Contents
1 How to Use This User’s Guide................................................................................................1
1.1 Typographical Conventions ...........................................................................................1
2 Disclaimers and Notices .........................................................................................................2
2.1 Specific Warnings..........................................................................................................2
2.2 General Warnings..........................................................................................................2
2.3 Operator Training ..........................................................................................................2
2.4 Testing Limitations.........................................................................................................2
2.5 Critical Operating Factors..............................................................................................2
2.5.1 Calibration of the Sound Velocity...............................................................................3
2.5.2 Transducer (Probe) Zero Procedure..........................................................................4
2.5.3 Flaw Detection Calibration.........................................................................................4
2.5.4 Effects of Temperature on Calibration.......................................................................4
2.5.5 Transducer Condition ................................................................................................4
2.5.6 Use of Couplant.........................................................................................................4
2.6 Disclaimer of Liability.....................................................................................................5
2.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility .......................................................................................5
3 Quick Start ..............................................................................................................................6
3.1 Front Panel Controls & End Cap Connections ..............................................................6
3.2 Flaw Detection...............................................................................................................9
3.3 Thickness Gauging......................................................................................................10
3.4 DFX-625 Memory ........................................................................................................11
3.4.1 Reset to factory defaults:.........................................................................................11
3.4.2 Clearing the Memory ...............................................................................................11
4 Detailed Menu Description....................................................................................................12
4.1 Menu Tree ...................................................................................................................12
4.2 Main Menu...................................................................................................................13
4.2.1 Main Menu Selection ...............................................................................................13
4.3 CAL Menu....................................................................................................................14
4.3.1 Calibration Menu .....................................................................................................14
4.3.2 Amplifier Menu.........................................................................................................14
4.3.3 GATE1 & GATE2 Menus .........................................................................................15
4.3.4 A-CAL Menu ............................................................................................................15
4.4 MEAS Menu ................................................................................................................17
4.4.1 Measurement Menu.................................................................................................17
4.4.2 CSC (Curved Surface Correction) ...........................................................................19
4.4.3 PROBE Menu ..........................................................................................................19
4.4.4 Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC) Menu ...........................................................20
4.4.5 DGS/AVG ................................................................................................................21
4.4.6 TCG Time Corrected Gain Menu.............................................................................22
4.4.7 AWS Menu ..............................................................................................................23
4.4.8 API Menu.................................................................................................................24
4.5 UTIL Menu...................................................................................................................25
4.5.1 UTIL Menu...............................................................................................................25
4.5.2 VIDEO Menu ...........................................................................................................25
4.5.3 MISC Menu..............................................................................................................25
4.5.4 AGC (Automatic Gain Control) ................................................................................26
4.5.5 PRINT Menu............................................................................................................27
4.5.6 P_O/P Proportional Output Control Menu ...............................................................27
4.5.7 CLOCK Menu ..........................................................................................................28
4.6 MEMORY Menu ..........................................................................................................29
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Contents
4.6.1 PANEL Memory Menu............................................................................................. 29
4.6.2 A-LOG Memory Menu ............................................................................................. 30
4.6.3 REF Menu ............................................................................................................... 31
4.6.4 T-LOG Menu Numeric Mode ................................................................................... 31
4.6.5 T-LOG Menu Sequential Mode ............................................................................... 32
4.6.6 T-FN Menu .............................................................................................................. 32
4.7 Storage & Recall of Calibration Setups....................................................................... 33
4.7.1 To store a panel set:................................................................................................ 33
4.7.2 To recall a panel set: ............................................................................................... 33
4.7.3 To delete a panel set:..............................................................................................33
4.7.4 Adding NOTES to PANEL and A-LOG sets ............................................................ 33
4.7.5 Edit Notes Summary ...............................................................................................34 Using the Front Panel Keypad......................................................................... 35 Using the Optional Keyboard........................................................................... 35
5 Flaw Testing ......................................................................................................................... 36
5.1 Basic Flaw Testing ...................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Flaw Testing Calibration.............................................................................................. 37
5.3 DAC Operation............................................................................................................ 40
5.4 TCG Operation............................................................................................................ 42
5.5 Weld Inspection Using Trigonometry Mode ................................................................44
5.6 Weld Inspection Using the AWS Menu .......................................................................46
5.7 Evaluation of Pipe Imperfections using API 5UE ........................................................48
5.8 DGS/AVG Operation ...................................................................................................50
5.8.1 Theory ..................................................................................................................... 50
5.8.2 DGS/AVG Frequency, NFL and ERS...................................................................... 51
5.8.3 DGS/AVG dVK, Delay ............................................................................................. 51
5.8.4 DGS/AVG T-Loss, Ref dB and Mat dB.................................................................... 52
5.8.5 DGS/AVG ~ TBVEL, REF TYPE and REFSIZE......................................................53
5.8.6 DGS/AVG Calibration..............................................................................................54 Adjustment....................................................................................................... 55
5.8.7 Measurement ..........................................................................................................56
5.9 A-LOG, A-Scan Storage.............................................................................................. 57
5.9.1 To Store An A-Scan: ...............................................................................................57
5.9.2 To Recall an A-Scan: ..............................................................................................58
5.9.3 To Delete a Stored A-Scan .....................................................................................58
5.9.4 REF, Reference Waveform Comparisons ............................................................... 58
5.9.5 To Recall an A-Scan as a Reference Waveform:.................................................... 58
5.9.6 Contour & Peak Echo Dynamics ............................................................................. 59
6 Thickness Gauging...............................................................................................................61
6.1 Basic Thickness Gauging............................................................................................61
6.2 A-Cal ...........................................................................................................................63
6.3 TCG for Reliable Gauging ........................................................................................... 64
6.4 T-LOG Thickness Storage (Numeric)..........................................................................65
6.5 T-LOG Thickness Storage (Sequential & Download)..................................................66
6.6 T-FN Thickness Log Editing and Printing.................................................................... 68
6.6.1 To print a single Location: ....................................................................................... 68
6.6.2 To print all Locations in a single Block: ...................................................................68
6.6.3 To print all Blocks and all Locations: ....................................................................... 68
7 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 69
7.1 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack .............................................................................................69
7.1.1 Battery Cautions......................................................................................................69
7.2 Battery Charging .........................................................................................................70
7.2.1 Charging Caution ....................................................................................................70
8 Interface Connections ..........................................................................................................72
8.1 RS232 .........................................................................................................................72
8.2 Composite Video......................................................................................................... 73
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Contents
Proportional Outputs....................................................................................................73
8.4 Synchronisation Outputs .............................................................................................73
9 Features of the DFX-625 ......................................................................................................74
9.1 Functional Testing Methods ........................................................................................74
10 Specifications........................................................................................................................75
11 Warranty ...............................................................................................................................78
12 Index .....................................................................................................................................79
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ How to Use This User’s Guide
1 How to Use This User’s Guide
This user’s guide has been designed so that a person with a good knowledge of the basics of ultrasonic non-destructive testing may understand the operation and use of the features offered by the DFX-625. The user is advised, however, of the important nature of ultrasonic non-destructive testing and is referred to Section 2 for important information on the proper use of this technology.
Section 1: How to Use This User’s Guide is this section.
Section 2: Disclaimers and Notices contains important information that must be understood by users of the DFX-625
Section 3: Quick Start provides a user familiar with ultrasonic testing a means to operate the instrument’s basic functions and to quickly achieve familiarity without having to understand all of its features in detail.
Section: 4: Detailed Menu Description is an in-depth description of the menu items found in the DFX-625 with brief descriptions of each item.
Section 5: Flaw Testing gives guidelines on performing flaw testing with examples of how to calibrate the DFX-625 and how to set up the unit for DAC, TCG, DGS/AVG and how to use the A-Scan storage facilities.
Section 6: Thickness Gauging gives guidelines on performing thickness measurements including the calibration of the DFX-625, using TCG and how to use the thickness measurement memory functions.
Section 7: Power Supply describes important aspects of using and caring for the battery power supply so as to get maximum battery duration time and life.
Section 8: Interface Connections is for users who desire to operate the DFX-625 with ancillary equipment.
Section 9: Features of the DFX-625 is a quick reference listing the pertinent characteristics of the instrument and the various functional testing methods that may be used with the instrument.
The function keys are shown throughout this manual as shown in Section 3.1, Front Panel
1.1 Typographical Conventions
When describing front panel buttons the text is printed in this font.
When describing settings in the DFX-625 the text is.
printed in this font
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
2 Disclaimers and Notices
The following information must be read and understood by users of the Dakota Ultrasonics DFX-625 ultrasonic flaw detector and thickness gauge. Failure to follow these instructions can lead to serious errors in test results or damage to the flaw detector. Decisions based on erroneous results can lead to property damage, personal injury or death. Anyone using this instrument should be fully qualified by their organization in the theory and practice of ultrasonic testing, or under the direct supervision of such a person.
2.1 Specific Warnings
The DFX-625 contains a high-energy, precision pulser allowing optimum testing results to be obtained by matching the pulse width to the probe characteristics. This circuitry may be damaged by voltage spikes. It is recommended that the instrument be switched off, or the
pulser stopped (by pressing the
key) before changing transducers (probes).
2.2 General Warnings
Proper use of the ultrasonic test equipment requires three essential elements:
Knowledge of the specific test or inspection and applicable test equipment.
Selection of the correct test equipment based on knowledge of the application.
Competent training of the instrument operator.
This user’s guide provides instruction in the basic operation of the DFX-625 flaw detector. In addition to the methods included, many other factors can affect the use of this flaw detector. Specific information regarding these factors is beyond the scope of this manual. The user should refer to appropriate textbooks on the subject of ultrasonic testing and thickness gauging for more detailed information.
2.3 Operator Training
Operators must receive adequate training before using this ultrasonic flaw detector. Operators must be trained in general ultrasonic testing procedures and in the set-up and performance required by each specific test or inspection. Operators must understand:
Sound wave propagation theory.
Effects of the velocity of sound in the test material.
Behaviour of the sound wave at the interface of two different materials.
Sound wave spread and mode conversion.
More specific information about operator training, qualification, certification and test specifications can be obtained from technical societies, industry groups and government agencies.
2.4 Testing Limitations
In ultrasonic testing, information is obtained only from within the confines of the sound beam as it propagates into the test material. Operators must exercise great caution when making inferences about the nature of the test material outside the limits of the sound beam. The condition of materials can vary significantly and the results can be erratic if operators don’t exercise good judgment.
2.5 Critical Operating Factors
The following procedures must be observed by all users of this ultrasonic flaw detector in order to obtain proper and accurate results.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
2.5.1 Calibration of the Sound Velocity
An ultrasonic flaw detector operates on the principle of measuring the time of flight of a burst of high frequency sound through the test piece as well as evaluating the amplitude of reflected or transmitted echoes. The sound velocity of the test piece multiplies this time in order to obtain an accurate distance or thickness reading. Since the actual sound velocity in materials can vary from the published values, the best result is obtained when the instrument is calibrated on a reference block made from the same material as the test piece. This block should be flat, smooth and as thick as the maximum thickness expected of the test piece.
Users should also be aware that the sound velocity might not be constant throughout the test piece due to effects such as heat-treating. This must be taken into consideration when evaluating the results of ultrasonic thickness testing. The calibration should always be checked after testing to minimize errors.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
2.5.2 Transducer (Probe) Zero Procedure
The transducer calibration procedures must be performed as described in this manual. The calibration block must be clean, in good condition and free of noticeable wear. Failure to perform the transducer zero and calibration procedure will cause inaccurate thickness readings.
2.5.3 Flaw Detection Calibration
When performing flaw detection, it is important to note that the amplitude of indications is not only related to the size of the discontinuity; the depth of a discontinuity below the test piece surface will also have an effect on the amplitude due to characteristics of the sound beam spread and near field zone of the transducer. In addition, the characteristics of the discontinuity such as orientation and classification can alter the expected amplitude response. For these reasons, calibration should be performed on test blocks made of the same material as the test piece with artificial discontinuities within the range of size and depth in the material to be detected. The user is again cautioned to refer to reference books which are beyond the scope of this manual.
2.5.4 Effects of Temperature on Calibration
The sound velocity in test pieces and the transducer wear face changes with temperature variations. All calibrations should be performed on site with test blocks at or near the same temperature as that expected on the test piece, to minimize errors.
2.5.5 Transducer Condition
The transducer used for testing must be in good condition, without noticeable wear of the front surface. The specified range of the transducer must encompass the complete range of the thickness to be tested and/or the types of discontinuities to be investigated. The temperature of the material to be tested must be within the transducer’s specified temperature range.
2.5.6 Use of Couplant
Operators must be familiar with the use of ultrasonic couplant. Testing skills must be developed so that couplant is used and applied in a consistent manner to eliminate variations in couplant thickness which can cause errors and inaccurate readings. Calibration and actual testing should be performed under similar coupling conditions, using a minimum amount of couplant and applying consistent pressure to the transducer.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
2.6 Disclaimer of Liability
All statements, technical information and recommendations contained in this manual or any other information supplied by Dakota Ultrasonics in connection with the use, features and qualifications of the DFX-625 are based on tests believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. Before using the product you should determine its suitability for your intended use based on your knowledge of ultrasonic testing and the characteristics of materials. You bear all risk in connection with the use of the product.
You are reminded that all warranties as to merchantability and fitness for purpose are excluded from the contract under which the product and this manual have been supplied to you. The Seller’s only obligation in this respect is to replace such quantity of the product proved to be defective.
Neither the seller nor the manufacturer shall be liable either in contract or in tort for any direct or indirect loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential or indirect compensation whatsoever (and whether caused by the negligence of the company, its employees or agents or otherwise).
2.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility
This product conforms to the following European Directives:
Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)
Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC
CE Marking Directive 93/68/EEC
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. However, in order to ensure the equipment meets the requirements, the following should be read:
Warning: This is a “CLASS A” product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause
radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Note: This product should not be connected to cables greater than three (3) meters in
length. If this is necessary, the installation may require further EMC testing to ensure conformity.
The DFX-625 also complies with EN 12668-1, Non-destructive testing and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment – Part 1: Instruments. For any questions relating to the proper use of this product, please contact the manufacturer at the number indicated on page i
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Quick Start
3 Quick Start
3.1 Front Panel Controls & End Cap Connections
The front panel controls & end cap connections consist of a series sealed, pressure sensitive, tactile buttons that allow the instrument settings to be changed and the movement through the menus on the screen. An optional keyboard connected to the USB port can also be used to navigate through the menus and make changes to the parameter values. A more detailed description of each button is shown below followed by an overview of the front panel:
When the term “highlighted” is used, it refers to text with a bright background and dark letters which is the selected item.
Power on & off push button for switching the instrument on and off. Operates as a toggle.
N.B Random lines or characters may be displayed for a second or two after switch on, before the memory is initialized, this is normal.
The Menu button is used to display the 4 main menu levels (
MEMORY) on the right hand side of the screen. The MENU button can be pressed at
any time. To select the required sub-menu press the plain function button associated with it. Corresponds to the “ESC” key when using a keyboard.
These buttons move the highlighted cursor along the top of the screen left and right to the sub menu to be selected. These are momentary buttons with no repeat. The parameter boxes along the right hand side of the screen change as the sub menu is selected. Corresponds to left and right arrows (w and x) when using a keyboard.
The four function buttons on the right side of the display are used to select the menu boxes, which appear on the right side of the A-Trace. When a menu box is selected, it will be highlighted. Pressing the button a second time will, on certain parameters, display a drop-down list with a selection of values that can be chosen by using the
and buttons. When using a keyboard F1 to F4 correspond to the 4 white
This button operates in connection with the function buttons next to the parameter boxes to increase the value or step the selection in the positive direction. In the case of transducer
Zero or Delay, it moves the signals to the right. This is a repeat
button with acceleration to facilitate quick scrolling of the value. Corresponds to up arrow (y) when using a keyboard.
This button operates in connection with the function buttons next to the parameter boxes to decrease the value or step the selection in the reverse direction. In the case of transducer
ZERO or Delay, it moves the signals to the left. This is a repeat
button with acceleration to facilitate quick scrolling of the value. Corresponds to down arrow (z) when using a keyboard.
This button changes the size of the steps that are used to adjust the parameters; there are two sizes: small and large that are dependant on the parameter that is being changed. The button toggles between the two sizes and the current state is indicated by X for small and by XX for the larger step in the parameter box that is being adjusted. Corresponds to the letter “I” when using the keyboard.
This button operates in conjunction with the memory menus to accept a store or to accept a recall of a memory already in storage. In the print mode,
OK acts as the
print button. Corresponds to “Enter” or the return key.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Quick Start
Press this button once to select freeze mode for the A-Scan display. This is a useful feature for holding an echo for evaluation. When in this mode, a box is highlighted showing
FREEZE below the graticule.
Pressing the button a second time selects peak mode, which holds and updates all echoes on the display during inspection. This feature allows an envelope or echo dynamic pattern to be drawn on the screen which is useful for angle beam inspection to locate the peak signal. When in this mode, a box is highlighted showing
below the graticule.
If key lock is enabled from within the selects
KEYLOCK mode, preventing accidental changing of parameters
UTIL menu, pressing the button a third time
Pressing the button a fourth time returns the A-Trace display to normal mode. This is a momentary button with no repeat action. Corresponds to the letter “F” when using the keyboard.
This button selects the help menu which overlays the display. The help menu explains how the DFX-615 operates with a choice of three options:
Using the DFX-615
Description of the active menu
Calibration procedure.
Pressing the
HELP button again at any point in the help screens returns the display
to normal mode. The Help Screen also displays the Instrument serial number & software version. Corresponds to “F5” when using a keyboard.
The full screen button is used to toggle between showing the A-Scan on the full display and showing it with the menus and parameter boxes. If split screen is enabled from the UTIL menu this button is used to display the A-Scan in the upper half of the display and parameters in the lower half.
Press to select the dB step value of amplifier gain as 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, or 20dB. The selected value is indicated at the top right-hand corner of the gain box, which is always located at the bottom right side of the screen. This is a momentary button with no repeat. Corresponds to the letter “X” when using a keyboard.
Press to increment or decrement the gain value indicated in the gain box. This is always located at the bottom right side of the screen. This is a repeat button with acceleration to facilitate quick changing of the value. Corresponds to “Page Up” and “Page Down” when using a keyboard.
Selects either reference or gain settings within the gain box. When reference is selected, the increment and decrement buttons will change both the reference and gain values together. This is a momentary button with no repeat. Corresponds to the letter “R” when using a keyboard.
This button toggles between single and double element transducers. The user should switch the unit off or stop the pulser by pressing the
before changing transducers. Corresponds to the letter “S” when using a keyboard.
BNC or LEMO 1 connector is the transmitter and receiver socket used for single transducers or as the transmitter only, for twin or dual transducer operation. Refer to back label.
BNC or LEMO 1 connector is the receiver socket used for twin or dual transducer operation. Refer to back label.
A socket to connect various USB devices such as a printer, keyboard or the user’s PC. Refer to back label.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Quick Start
A socket used to connect the battery charger for recharging the battery pack. A red dot is provided on both the socket and plug to facilitate alignment. Refer to back label.
Refer to Power Supply
for information on power supplies and charging of the battery
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Quick Start
3.2 Flaw Detection
Perform the following steps to establish a basic flaw detection mode for the DFX-625. Units shown are in inches. For metric units, select corresponding values for the parameters.
1. Select a suitable transducer, preferably a 5MHz, half inch diameter narrow band.
METRIC UNITS from the UTIL menu and use the
2. When making a quick adjustment on a menu parameter, press the
button until the
double arrow appears next to the parameter name. This establishes the fast scroll using the
3. In the
4. In the
5. In the
6. In the
and buttons.
CAL menu, set the following parameters: ZERO to 0.000 VEL should be set the specimen material velocity. RANGE to125 or other suitable value to cover the test range of interest. DELAY to 0.000 GAIN to 50.0
AMP menu, set the following parameters: DETECT to FULL PRF to 150Hz
GATE1 menu, set the following parameters: STATE to ON +VE START to 10.0 WIDTH to 50 or other suitable value to cover the test range of interest. LEVEL to 50.0
MEAS menu, set the following parameters: MODE to DEPTH TRIGGER to FLANK HUD to OFF T-MIN to OFF
The DFX-625 is now configured for basic flaw detection. Using an appropriate calibration block, adjust the
GAIN parameter to establish the correct sensitivity. Adjust other parameters
as necessary to optimize the calibration. For more in-depth features of the DFX-625, see
Flaw Testing on page 36.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Quick Start
3.3 Thickness Gauging
Perform the following steps to establish a basic thickness-gauging mode for the DFX-625. Units shown are in metric. For inch units, select corresponding values for the parameters.
1. Select a suitable transducer, preferably a broadband, 5MHz, with a 10mm diameter.
2. Select an appropriate calibration block with at least three known thickness sections covering the range to be inspected and made from the same material as the test piece.
INCHES from the UTIL menu and use the
3. When making a quick adjustment on a menu parameter, press the
button until the
double arrow appears next to the parameter name. This establishes the fast scroll using the
4. In the
5. In the
6. In the
7. In the
and buttons.
CAL menu, set the following parameters: ZERO can be left alone VEL should be set to the specimen material velocity. RANGE to 5” or other suitable value to cover the test range of interest. DELAY to 0.000 GAIN to 50.0
AMP menu, set the following parameters: DETECT to +VE HW PRF to 150Hz
GATE1 menu, set the following parameters: STATE to +VE START to 10 WIDTH to 50 or other suitable value to cover the test range of interest. LEVEL to 25.0
MEAS menu, set the following parameters: MODE to DEPTH TRIGGER to FLANK HUD to ON T-MIN to OFF
8. Calibrate the thickness readout on the selected calibration block using the procedure in
A-Cal on page 63.
The DFX-625 is now configured for basic thickness gauging. Adjust parameters as necessary to optimize the calibration. For more in-depth features of the DFX-625, see
Thickness Gauging on page 61.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Quick Start
3.4 DFX-625 Memory
The settings of the DFX-625 always remain in memory when the instrument is turned off, even if the battery pack is removed. That is, whatever the settings are just prior to turning the instrument off will be the settings in place the next time the instrument is turned on.
At times it may be desirable to start with default settings. This is especially true when beginning a new test procedure or going from flaw detection to a thickness gauging procedure. Otherwise, it may be necessary to go through all of the menus to reset various functions. A reset function is provided to facilitate the returning of all panel calibration settings to the factory defaults.
3.4.1 Reset to factory defaults:
1. Switch the instrument off.
2. Depress the
FULL SCREEN button and hold while switching the instrument on until the
reset display is seen.
3. Press the
button to reset the instrument to factory defaults
NOTE: Before performing this procedure, be sure to save any favourite settings to memory by using the procedure outlined in Storage & Recall of Calibration Setups on page 33.
NOTE: When resetting to factory default settings the following dialogue is displayed allowing the user to choose imperial or metric defaults:
NOTE: The video always defaults to PAL.
3.4.2 Clearing the Memory
The DFX-625’s memory can store A-Scans, thicknesses and calibration set-ups. Erasing these values accidentally could have serious consequences and should only be done after suitable consideration. To erase the memory follow this sequence:
1. Switch the instrument off.
2. Depress the display is seen.
MENU button and hold while switching the instrument on until the reset
3. Press the
button to clear the DFX-625’s memory
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
4 Detailed Menu Description
Before proceeding with this section, the user should be familiar with the front panel controls described in section 3.1 Front Panel Controls on page 6. It is also assumed that the user has a good understanding of the theory and practice of ultrasonic testing.
4.1 Menu Tree
This diagram represents the menu structure of the DFX-625; there are 4 main menu items with sub-menus below. The sub-menus are described in the following section.
When The DFX-625 is switched on, an information screen is displayed momentarily showing the instrument serial number and software version number while a self-test is performed as shown below:
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~Detailed Menu Description
4.2 Main Menu
After the information screen disappears the main menu selections are shown on the right hand side of the screen. To select a particular menu press the function button to the right of it. You can return to the main menu selection at any time by pressing the
4.2.1 Main Menu Selection
MENU button.
Note: The
Used to select the Calibration menu items: CAL,
Used to select the Measurement menu items:
Used to select the Utilities menu items: UTIL,
Used to select the Memory menu items: PANEL,
REF/GAIN box always appears at the bottom right of the screen and can be
changed using the
Throughout the menus there are parameter boxes that have a thick line underneath them as shown here:
STEP, REF/GAIN and the and keys.
Pressing the grey button next to one of these parameter boxes produces a drop-down list as shown here:
Press the grey button again to remove the drop­down list after the required value has been selected.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
4.3 CAL Menu
The CAL menu is the most used menu and contains those items that allow the DFX-625 to be easily calibrated. For full instruction on how to perform a calibration see Flaw Testing
Calibration on page 37
4.3.1 Calibration Menu
Used to calibrate the screen and thickness readout for zero offsets that are inherently different for each transducer. Units are microseconds in both mm and inch modes.
Used to calibrate the screen and thickness span readout based on the velocity of sound in the test material. Units are meters per second in mm mode and inches per microsecond in inch mode.
Used to set the full screen width of the horizontal A-Trace in mm, inches, or microseconds depending on the Units chosen in the The range is 1mm to 20 meters (0.05 to 800 inches).
Used to set the delay or offset of the left side of the A-Trace for viewing of a portion of a signal. The range is 0 to 20 meters (0 to 800 inches).
4.3.2 Amplifier Menu
Used to set the centre frequency band of the amplifier to match the transducer. Ranges are 1,
2.5, 5 & 10MHz narrow bands and 1.5 – 15MHz wide band.
UTIL menu.
Used to set the display mode for the desired rectification of the signals from full wave), half-wave) and
RF ( un-rectified), -VE HW (negative
+VE HW (positive half-wave)
FULL (rectified
Used to remove low level noise from the A­Trace. Reject is linear and is adjustable from 0 up to 50% of full screen height. The
LED is lit when a reject is active.
Used to set the maximum pulse repetition frequency. Selectable values are from 35 to 100 in 5Hz steps, from 100 to 1,000 in 50Hz steps. Lower values will reduce ghosting and noise echoes.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~Detailed Menu Description
4.3.3 GATE1 & GATE2 Menus
There are two gates available in the DFX-625 with slightly different options depending on the gate and the measurement mode chosen. The following describes the available settings for each gate with the differences between the gates stated. The gates can be identified by the fact that gate 1 has the number “1” above the line and gate 2 has the number “2” above it.
Set the state of the gate as follows:
+VE: The alarm triggers when an echo in
the gate exceeds the threshold level.
-VE: The alarm triggers when an echo in
the gate falls below the threshold level. Usually used to monitor for loss of back wall echo.
EXPAND: Expands the gate width to fill the
horizontal display width. Only applies to gate 1.
OFF: Switches the gate off.
-VE DLY: (Gate 2 only) This fourth state on gate
two implements a gate to alarm delay of 600 milliseconds. This requires that the signal be lost from the gate for a continuous period of 600 milliseconds before the alarm is activated. This is implemented for the alarm LED, buzzer and external alarm output via the proportional output connector.
Used to set the start position of the gate relative to the initial pulse.
Units are mm or inches and range is from 0 to the full time base of the horizontal display.
Used to set the width of the gate. Units are mm or inches and range is from 0.15mm (0.001 inch), depending on the range selected, to the full time base of the horizontal display.
Used to adjust the alarm threshold level, which corresponds to the vertical height on the A-Trace. Adjustable in 0.5% or 2% steps from 0% to 100% full screen height.
4.3.4 A-CAL Menu
This menu provides automatic calibration of sound velocity and transducer zero. Gate 1 is used to select the reference echoes. See
A-Cal on page 63 for a full procedure.
The actual distance to the first or thinnest reference echo in the calibration block.
The actual distance to the second or thickest reference echo in the calibration block
After pressing OK to accept DIST1 and DIST2. Press
OK when ACCEPT CAL is highlighted.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
Used to adjust the start of the gate to assure that the first and second echoes are measured
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~Detailed Menu Description
4.4 MEAS Menu
The menus in this section allow the various measurement techniques to be configured; these include the general measurement set-up and specialist methods such as DAC, AVG, TCG, AWS and API. Select the
4.4.1 Measurement Menu
In the measurement menu, the top selection box shows the selected measurement mode and the remaining three selection boxes vary depending on the mode selected as follows:
MEAS menu at any time by pressing the MENU button.
In this mode, gates 1 and 2 act as two independent monitor gates
In this mode, gate 1 functions as a depth or thickness monitor and displays the depth (D:) and height (H:) of the first signal after the start of the gate that reaches or exceeds the gate level threshold. Values are displayed in a highlighted box below the A-Trace.
Used to select the depth or thickness measurement to the echo after the start of the gate or the
FLANK (left edge) of the first
measurement within the gate i.e. the largest value in the gate.
When turned
ON, provides a large, Head-Up
Display of the depth or thickness reading at the top right of the A-Trace. The
sequences the selections as follows: G1-G2 E-E DEPTH TRIG
¾ +
When turned ON, the depth or thickness reading will freeze that last minimum or lowest value measured. To reset, toggle the function to OFF and then ON. Only available in the DEPTH mode.
In this mode, gate 1 functions as a thickness monitor and measures the thickness between the first signal in the gate and the second signal in the gate that reaches or exceeds the level threshold. A second bar is shown representing the blanking (see BLANK)
This function sets the blanking distance, as a percentage of the total gate width, which is a
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
blind zone after the first echo, after which a second echo can be measured. This helps to eliminate undesired noise in the first echo from being measured, as thickness but will limit the minimum thickness capability if set too large
This is similar in concept to E-E mode, but uses gates 1 & 2, allowing the thresholds for the two gate measurements to be completely independent.
The Trigonometry mode is used with angle beam transducers for weld inspection to calculate the three important measurements based on the echo position: the Beam path distance (Â:), the Surface distance (¼:), and the Depth distance (¾:) from the index point of the transducer.
Set to the thickness of the material being tested to account for multiple skips of the angled sound beam in the test material.
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DFX-625 User’s Guide ~Detailed Menu Description
4.4.2 CSC (Curved Surface Correction)
This menu allows the user to configure the Curved Surface Correction (CSC) parameters. This feature normally used when testing pipes and other curved surfaces. In order for the correction to be made the correct wall thickness must be selected in the selected in the
MEAS menu.
THICK option when TRIG is
MODE Surface
Turn CSC ON or OFF.
Choose CONCAVE for internal surfaces or CONVEX for external surfaces
Select the radius of the curvature.
4.4.3 PROBE Menu
1/2 SKIP
Set to the nominal refracted angle of the transducer to calibrate the Surface and Depth measurements
Used to enter the distance from probe emission point to front of probe case. This is used by the TRIG function in MEAS menu to give the surface distance.
Used as a quick way to turn on the ½ skip graticule.
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