Dairymaster TAG2-1 User Manual

INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Figure 36 – Base Station PCB Components
SD Card Module
GPS GSM Module
WI-FI Module
Sim card Module
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
CAT 6 Connection to Basestation
Each Basestation is also fitted with a CAT 6 connection. In areas where WI-FI is subject to disruption due to signal interference or other contributing factor the installer may wish to install a CAT 6 cable connection onto the PCB board of the base station.
Dairymaster can provide a CAT 6 cable if require. This will need to be ordered separately through the following part codes:
Part Code
CAT 6 cable connected into the connection into the Basestation
Figure 37 - CAT 6 cable connected into the Basestation
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Basestation ISM Antenna Radio Frequencies
Each Base Station has a 5-way radio by default to allow for a wider spectrum to be accommodated on site in the event of interference from an outside radio source and selection of each of the radio channels is region dependant.
Figure 38 - Five Channel Radio is located on the Base Station PCB
Five Radio channels
Important Notes
There are five radio channels on the MooMonitor + PCB. These channels are specific to the region of installation and are currently as follows:
ISM Radio Channel 3 = European Installation (countries within the EU &
ISM Radio Channel 4 = American Installation (Installations within the
USA). ISM Radio Channel 5 = Australia & New Zealand.
Currently Radio channels 1 & 2 are currently not in use and should not be connected to the ISM antenna unless specifically instructed to do so by Dairymaster.
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Connecting the 12V DC Power Supply
The Base Station is provided with a 12V DC adapter which serves as the power supply to the unit. This makes the unit exceptionally easy for the installer to fit.
The client’s electrical contractor must provide an electrical connection as discussed in section 5.1
Route the electrical cable from the 12v DC adapter into the base station using the large electrical gland at the base of the unit.
Figure 39 - View of the Electrical connection to the Base Station
using the 12V DC Adapter
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Installing a Voltage Regulator to the Base Station (USA installations only)
In situations where an unstable power supply is present to the basestation a voltage regulator may be required.
The client’s electrical contractor must provide an electrical connection as discussed in section 5.1
The voltage regulator is provided with a standard electrical socket and a 12V DC adapter to connect the voltage regulator to the base station.
The installer would connect the basestation to the mains supply and plug the base station directly into the voltage regulator. See Figure 40 &
Figure 40 – Typical view of Voltage Regulator installed with the Base Station
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Figure 41 – Typical view of Voltage Regulator installed with the Base Station
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Basestation LED Power up
When the base station is powered up the LED located next to the base station connections will light up. Depending on the connection type (Wifi, GSM or Ethernet), the LED will have a different light sequence.
Connection Type
LED Sequence
Ethernet (LAN cable)
Stays on constant
Flashes every 1 second
GSM (Mobile)
Flashes every 5 seconds
Figure 42 - LED located next to the connections on the base station
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
6 Controls
The MooMonitor+ can be controlled and interfaced with in five ways.
1. Wi-Fi connection.
2. SMS commands
3. Dairymasters cloud based services.
4. MooMonitor+ Smartphone App
5. Through a USB to UART connection directly onto the base station PCB.
Installation Procedure
Configuring the base station using a USB to UART connection
Each base station can be configured using a physical connection onto the Base Station PCB using the UART connection through USB. The installer will need a UART to USB connection which will be provided by Dairymaster on request.
The UART cable is connected to the PCB as shown below.
Figure 43 – UART connection on the BaseStation
Important Notes
For the moment configuration of the MooMonitor+ Basestation will be carried out by the Dairymaster Global support team, and will be done remotely.
Installers should ensure that team viewer is installed on the local machine to facilitate this. Installers should contact Dairymaster at
to arrange this.
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Configuring the base station using a UART connection
Once the connection to the board has been made the user will need to adjust the com port settings on the pc to ensure that the PC and the MooMonitor base station will communicate.
The com port settings can be accessed through My Computer\Control Panel\Device Manager. Choose the appropriate USB comport and enter the following settings.
Once a connection has been established the user must use Hyper Terminal to communicate with the base station. Hyper terminal is available online from a number of sources.
Figure 44 – Com Port settings
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0 Step 1: Accessing the base station using UART
When accessing the base station, it will display information about the base stations current configuration and software version.
As per the Wi-Fi configuration options a value of 1 turns a feature on and a value of turns a feature off. As can be seen above the base station states the following information on boot up.
1. The Software version running on the device.
2. The device Address.
3. The Device ID
4. The Time
5. The number of records stored on the device.
6. Cloud connectivity active via mobile
7. Logging levels: The device is default is 1. The higher the level of logging
the more information that is logged.
8. Logging General: this logs general information about the device and is
used by Dairymaster for debugging or troubleshooting any issues a base station may be having.
9. Log Wi-Fi: Device Logs are sent over the Wi-Fi
10. Log Mobile: Device Logs are sent over the GSM.
11. Radio Transmitters which are Active: Step 2. Configuring the Farm ID and the base station ID
Once the base station has gone through its initial start-up process the device will be ready for configuration. The installer will need to type in the installation password into the install wizard and press enter to proceed.
Figure 45 – Step 1 UART Configuration
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
The password allows access to configure the device. The password is 1968.
To begin configuration, the installer will need to type Install and hit Enter on the keyboard.
For the installer to edit any given command, they will need to use the edit function. This is done simply by pressing the numerical value on the key board as displayed in window under the edit line.
Figure 46 – Password entry screen on using hyper terminal
The password is 1968.
Figure 47 – Configuring the base station identification using the
UART connection
Password entry
Items which can be edited and their numerical values
Current values
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
The installer will be prompted to enter a new value at this point. Press Enter on the keyboard after a number is entered and check the new value has populated into the FarmID or BasestationID value fields.
This procedure should be followed when entering any value to the system.
1. The Farm ID is provided by Dairymaster. It is essential that the correct farm ID
is inputted.
2. Each MooMonitor is programmed to communicate with a specific farm ID only.
3. A MooMonitor with a different farm ID will not communicate with a base station
that does not have a corresponding farm ID.
4. The base station ID is used when multiple base stations exist on the one farm.
All base stations will have matching farm IDs but will need to have different Base ID (Base station IDs) Each MooMonitor will have a preferred base station to communicate with, however if it cannot connect with its preferred base station, say station 1. The monitor will connect to the next available station, say station 2 for example if 2 stations exist on a farm or station 3, or 4 and so on.
To proceed with the next step press the greater-than (>) symbol on the keyboard to move back a step press the less-than (<) symbol.
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0 Step 3: Configuring the Wi-Fi using UART
This is the same procedure is as before: Pressing the numerical value on the key board corresponding to the numbers displayed in window under the edit line.
Table 1 - Configurable Wi-Fi settings via UART
Wi-Fi enabled
0 = OFF, to 1 = ON
Sample SSID (Site dependant)
SSID password
Sample password (Site dependant)
Security type
0 = No Security 1 = WEP 64 2 = WEP 128 3 = WPA – PSK with TKIP encryption 4= WPA2 – PSK with TKIP or AES encryption 5= WPA - TKIP or AES encryption Enterprise with EAP – TLS or PEAP-MSCHAPv2 (If CA parameter is empty returns ERROR 222) 6 = WPA2 – AES Enterprise with EAP – TLS or PEAP­MSCHAPv2 (If CA parameter is empty returns ERROR 222) 7 = EAP-MD5 and static WEP 64 8 = EAP-MD5 and static WEP 128 105 = WPA-TKIP Enterprise with EAP-TLS or PEAP- MSCHAPv2. RADIUS Certification Verification will be skipped. 106 = WPA2-AES Enterprise with EAP-TLS or PEAP­MSCHAPv2. RADIUS Certification Verification will be skipped.
Active FTP
0 = Active FTP Disabled 1 = Active FTP Enabled
Time Server Trys
Number of attempts to connect to Time server before a reset is performed
Figure 48 - Configuring the Wi-Fi settings using UART
Items which can be edited and their numerical values
Items which can be edited
INM12006 – MOOMONITOR + V3.0
Scan Access Point
This will scan and return any available Wifi Network Access points within range
Test connection (Shows the connection status)
Not Connected, or Connected
Once a successful connection has been made the interface will display the strength of the wireless connection and the ping test results for the connection.
It is advisable to ensure the strongest possible Wi-Fi signal and the lowest possible ping time. A slow ping or poor signal can lead to loss of data.
To proceed with the next step, press the greater-than (>) symbol on the keyboard to move back a step press the less-than (<) symbol.
Figure 49 – Wi-Fi connection established signal strength and ping
available for review via UART
Wi-Fi Status
Items which can be edited and their numerical values
Items which can be edited
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