Daikin WAS, WCB, WAX, WCQ, WDB Installation And Maintenance Manual

Installation and Maintenance Manual IM 447-11
Group: WSHP
Part Number: 910153322
Date: April 2014
Legacy Console Water Source Heat Pumps 3/4 to 1½ Ton
Unit Sizes 009-019
R-410A Models – For Replacement of McQuay Console Models:
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Product Identiers ............................5
Physical Data ................................5
Receiving and Storage.........................6
Pre-Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
General: ...................................6
Unit Location ...............................7
Installing the Unit .............................7
Water Connections............................8
Unit Piping Connection ........................8
Shutoff/Balancing Valve .......................8
Suggested Hose Kit Installation .................8
Adding Motorized & Valve Assemblies ............8
Cleaning and Flushing System .................11
Standard Electrical Connection ................11
Cord & Plug Electrical Connection (Field Installed) . 11
Operating Limits ............................13
Electrical Data...............................13
General ..................................13
Operating Voltages ..........................13
Unit Electrical Data Table .....................14
Units with Boilerless System Electric Heat ........14
Unit Operation – General ......................15
Mark IV/AC-Control Units .....................15
Motorized Valve & Relay for Unit Sizes 009 to 019..16
Control Options on Mark IV/AC Units ............17
Thermostat Connection Diagrams ..............18
Programmable Electronic Thermostat Two-Stage
Heat/Two-Stage Cool, 7-Day Programmable ......18
Dimensions ................................18
Specications ..............................18
Non-Programmable, Auto or Manual Changeover Two Stage Heat/Two Stage Cool, Night Setback
Override ..................................18
Dimensions ................................18
Specications ..............................18
Optional Remote Sensor ......................19
(Used with Thermostats 668375301 & 668375401) . 19
Optional Remote Sensor Installation.............19
Multiple Unit Control Panel for Mark IV ..........20
Field Installed Outside Air Damper (Accessory) ...21
Manual Outside Air Damper ...................21
Motorized Outside Air Damper .................21
Motorized Outside Air Damper Wiring............22
Unit Operation Check List .....................23
Troubleshooting .............................23
Neither fan nor compressor runs: ...............23
Fan operates but compressor does not: ..........23
Compressor attempts to start but doesn’t: ........24
Compressor runs in short cycle: ................24
Insufcient cooling or heating:..................24
Insufcient water ow through condenser: ........24
Water drips from conditioner: ..................24
Noisy unit operation: .........................24
Maintenance ................................25
Typical Wiring Diagrams ......................26
Typical Mark IV/AC ..........................26
Console WSHP Size 009–019, All Voltages, 60Hz / Single Phase, Mark IV Board with Manual Changeover
(MCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Console WSHP Size 009–019, All Voltages, 60Hz / Single Phase, Mark IV Board with Auto Changeover
(ACO) ....................................28
Console WSHP Size 009–019, All Voltages, 60Hz / Single Phase, Mark IV Board with Auto Changeover
(ACO) Remote Thermostat ....................29
Console WSHP Size 009–019, All Voltages, 60Hz / Single Phase, Mark IV Board with Manual Changeover
(MCO) Boilerless Constant Fan ................30
Console WSHP Size 009–019, All Voltages, 60Hz / Single Phase, Mark IV Board with Auto Changeover
(ACO) Boilerless with Remote Thermostat ........31
Water Source Heat Pump Equipment Check, Test
and Start Form ..............................32
Unit Check / Equipment Data ..................33
Commercial Check, Test and Start Worksheet .....34
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Model noMenClature
Note: Text displayed in Bold-Italics designate standard offering.
Category Code Item Code Option Code Designation & Description (Bold-Italic = Standard)
Product Category 01 1 W = Water Source Heat Pump
Product Identier 02 2-4 WXH = Slope Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/DDC Less Board/Chassis Only
WXL = Flat Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/DDC Less Board/Chassis Only WXM = Flat Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/DDC Less Board/Chassis Only WXN = Flat Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/DDC Less Board WXP = Flat Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/DDC Less Board WXR = Slope Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/DDC Less Board WXT = Slope Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/DDC Less Board/Chassis Only WXV = Slope Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/DDC Less Board WZB = Flat Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/Mark IV WZJ = Flat Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/Mark IV WZN = Slope Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/Mark IV WZU = Slope Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/Mark IV/Chassis Only WZV = Slope Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/Mark IV/Chassis Only WZW = Flat Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/Mark IV/Chassis Only WZX = Flat Top Wall Mtd/Low Sill/Mark IV/Chassis Only WZY = Slope Top Wall Mtd/High Sill/Mark IV
Design Series (Vintage) 03 5 2 = Design Series 2
3 = Design Series 3
Nominal Capacity 04 6-8 009 = 9,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
012 = 12,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
015 = 15,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
019 = 19,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
Voltage 05 9 A = 115-60-1 (Size 009 and 012 only)
E = 208-230/60/1
J = 265/277-60-1 (Size 009 and 015 only)
Coil Options 06 10 G = Cupro-Nickel Coax Coil, Geothermal
S = Copper-Steel Coax Coil
T = Cupro-Nickel Coax Coil
W = Copper-Steel Coax, Geothermal
Heating Options 07 11-12 00 = None
(Not available in 115/60/1 voltage) 20 = 1.0 kW Electric Heat Nominal
30 = 2.0 kW Electric Heat Nominal
Note: See Table 7 on page 14 for allowable maximum kW based on
voltage selection
Hand Orientation 08 13 U = Right
V = Left
Controls 09 14-15 11 = Unit-Mounted ACO
12 = Unit-Mounted MCO
13 = 24V Wall T-Stat Setup
*Note: Code 00 designed for use with 25 = Unit-Mounted ACO with Low Limit, NSB and Override
eld-installed Alerton control board 00 = None (DDC Less Control)*
Discharge 10 16-17 AA = Top
Return Air 11 18-19 13 = Front (Low sill only)
14 = Bottom (High sill only)
Power Connection 12 20 A = Std. Electrical Junction Box
C = Cord (Chassis Only)
P = Power Cord w/Fused Disconnect
(Available with cabinet and chassis combination)
Color 13 21 B = Putty Beige (Flat-top only)
C = Cupola White (Slope-top and Flat-top)
G = Soft Gray (Flat-top only)
I = AntiqueIvory(Standardcolorforslope-top,optionforat-top)
Z = None
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Product Identiers
Field-supplied control board
Subbase not included
Cabinet Subbase Height Controls
Slope Top Flat Top High Sill Low Sill Mark IV
DDC Less Board
Physical Data
Table 1: Physical Data
Unit Size 009 012 015 019
Fan Wheel - D x W (in.) 5-3⁄4 x 9.15 5-3⁄4 x 9.15 6 x 7.8 6 x 7.8
Fan Motor (hp) 1/24 1/15 1/8 1/8
Coil Face Area (ft.2) 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.9
Coil Rows 3 3 3 3
Refrigerant Charge (oz.) 21.5 21.5 33.0 33.5
Filter Size (in.) 9-3⁄4 x 23-3⁄4 9-3⁄4 x 23-3⁄4 9-3⁄4 x 31-3⁄4 9-3⁄4 x 31-3⁄4
Water Connections, Tube (in.) 5/8 O.D. 5/8 O.D. 5/8 O.D. 5/8 O.D.
Condensate Connection, I.D. (In.)* 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Weight, Operating (lbs.)
Weight, Shipping (lbs.)
* Condensate hoses are 14″ long.
Cabinet & Chassis 164 166 185 193
Chassis Only 125 127 129 131
Cabinet & Chassis 184 186 215 223
Chassis Only 145 146 153 156
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Receiving and Storage
Upon receipt of the equipment, check carton for visible damage. Make a notation on the shipper’s delivery ticket before signing. If there is any evidence of rough handling, the cartons should be opened at once to check for concealed damage. If any damage is found, notify the carrier within 48 hours to establish your claim, and request their inspection and a report. The Warranty Claims Department should then be contacted.
Do not stand or transport the machines on end. For storing, each carton is marked with “up” arrows.
In the event that elevator transfer makes upended positioning unavoidable, absolutely insure that the machine is in the normal upright position for at least 24 hours before operating.
Temporary storage at the jobsite must be indoors, completely sheltered from rain, snow, etc. High or low temperatures naturally associated with weather patterns will not harm the conditioners. Excessively high temperatures of 140°F (60°C) may deteriorate certain plastic materials and cause permanent damage. In addition, the solid-state circuit boards may experience operation problems.
Note: Care should be taken when handling this equipment.
Rough handling can create damage to internal electri­cal and refrigeration components.
This product was carefully packed and thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory. Responsibility for its safe delivery was assumed by the carrier upon acceptance of the shipment. Claims for loss or damage sustained in transit must therefore be made upon the carrier as follows:
Any external evidence of loss or damage must be noted on the freight bill or carrier’s receipt, and signed by the carrier’s agent. Failure to adequately describe such external evidence of loss or damage may result in the carrier’s
refusal to honor a damage claim. The form required to le
such a claim will be supplied by the carrier.
Concealed loss or damage means loss or damage which does not become apparent until the product has been unpacked. The contents may be damaged in transit due to rough handling even though the carton may not show external damages. When the damage is discovered upon unpacking, make a written request for inspection by the
carrier’s agent within fteen (15) days of the delivery date and le a claim with the carrier.
The installer must determine and follow all applicable codes and regulations. This equipment presents hazards of electricity, rotating parts, sharp edges, heat and weight. Failure to read and follow these instructions can result in property damage, severe personal injury or death. This equipment must be installed by experienced, trained personnel only.
Units must be installed in accordance with all applicable codes.
To prevent damage, this equipment should not be operated for supplementary heating and cooling during the construction period.
Inspect the carton for any specic tagging numbers
indicated by Daikin per a request from the installing contractor. At this time, the voltage, capacity and model should be checked against the plans.
Check the unit size against the plans to be sure that the unit will be installed in the correct location.
Units should be kept in shipping carton until installed.
At the time the unit is to be placed in its nal position
and only then should the carton be removed. Retain the carton and cut away one side and bottom. Take the remaining portion of the carton and place it over the unit. This will insure the unit is protected from paint spotting, dirt, dust and lint that can affect proper unit operation, and will also prevent needless cleaning adding to installation cost.
The installing contractor will nd it benecial to confer
with other contractors; i.e., plumbing, electrical, pipe
tters, etc., before installing any conditioners.
Remove the front panel by removing a screw on each side of the cabinet at the subbase.
All piping and electrical wiring should be exible so that
vibrations are not transmitted to the building structure. Ensure all electrical connections are in place and tight.
Locate the unit in an area that allows easy removal or accessibility for service personnel to perform maintenance and repair.
If units are placed on a concrete oor or other hard surface, it is recommended that the oor be free from
all construction debris that may add to the operating noise level of the unit. It is recommended that the unit be placed on rubber matting to prevent distortion and/or vibration.
IM 447-11 6 www.DaikinApplied.com
Unit Location
1. Console water source heat pumps are designed to
be installed in a controlled environment.
2. All units are to be installed against a wall.
3. Each unit should be located on the architectural
plans. The supply, return, and condensation piping should be located accordingly, making sure the
piping will t into the connes of the subbase and
Installing the Unit
Installation and maintenance are to be performed by qualied
personnel who are familiar with local codes and Regulations, and experienced with this type of equipment.
Sharp edges can cause personal injury. Avoid contact with them.
1. Consult job blueprints for unit location. Clean
area where unit is to be installed, removing all construction dirt and debris.
5. Using a carpenter’s square and level, make sure unit is level and that it is at a 90-degree angle with
the wall and oor.
Note: If the oor and wall are not at right angles, it will
be necessary to shim the subbase for proper
installation. Daikin will not accept responsibility
for units that may need to be shimmed. Poor or inadequate installation could create noisy unit operation.
6. The cabinet backwrap has slots on the back
ange to mount the assembly to the wall. It is the
contractor’s responsibility to select the correct fastener for each unit, using a minimum of three (3) fasteners, Figure 1.
7. After securing the subbase and backwrap assembly in place, insert the chassis if it has been removed. Next, the electrical connection should be made, Figure 2 on page 8
Figure 1: Cabinet backwrap & subbase
Clean unit mounting area of all construction debris. Check that
the oor is level and at 90 degrees to the wall. Daikin McQuay
recommends the placement of a sound absorbing mat beneath the unit footprint before continuing to the next installation step.
2. Remove unit from shipping carton and save the carton. Remove the front panel by removing a screw on each end of the cabinet. Lift the cabinet up, forward and off.
3. Each chassis is mounted to cabinet backwrap and subbase assembly by six screws for shipment. Remove four screws, two on each side of the chassis at the subbase.
STOP! If an outside air damper kit is to be installed, refer
to “Field Installed Outside Air Damper (Acces-
sory)” on page 21 for the manual damper or the motorized damper kit and install it now.
4. Position cabinet backwrap and subbase against the wall where unit is to be installed. Ensure adequate room exists for piping and electrical connection in the subbase by checking the connection end of the subbase.
Table 2: Dimensions in inches (mm)
Unit Type Unit Size A B C
Note: *Total unit is 10-3/4″ (273mm) deep. The cabinet extends beyond the
subbase 1/4″ (6mm) in the back and 1/2″ (14mm) in the front.
009-012 46 (1168) 45 (1143) 25 (635)
015-019 54 (1372) 53 (1346) 25 (635)
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Figure 2: Chassis (Left-hand slope top unit shown)
Control Diagram
Air Coil
Water Return
All Pipe Fittings Are To Be
Water Supply
Field Installed
Junction Box
Flexible Hoses
Ball Valves
Electric Conduit
Condensate Line–14" (356mm) Clear Vinyl
Hose Clamp
Water Connections
All piping connections should be made using good plumbing practices and in accordance with any and all local codes that may apply.
Note: It will be helpful to read, “Piping” on page 10
Unit Piping Connection
Each heat pump is supplied with extended copper tubing on the water-to-refrigerant coil and 1/2" (12.7mm) OD tubing. The connections are for both the supply and return water connections.
Note: Valves – Shut off Combination Balancing Valves,
Hoses – Supply Return, Condensate Drain Hose and
90º Elbows are all factory available as accessories, (to be mounted in the eld by others).
Shutoff/Balancing Valve
Each heat pump requires a shutoff valve on both the supply and return lines for easy serviceability and removal if it becomes necessary.
We suggest using our combination shutoff/balancing
valves installed in the eld between the contractor’s
piping and the heat pump unit. Constructed of brass and rated at 400 psig (2758 kPa) maximum working pressure. Valves have a built-in adjustable memory stop to eliminate rebalancing. The valve installed on the return line acts as a balancing valve to adjust the proper
water ow. Each shutoff/balancing valve has 1/2" FPT ×
1/2" FPT threaded connections.
Escutcheon Plate
Compressor/Control Box Access Cover
Wiring Diagram
Fan/Coil Section Access Panel
Suggested Hose Kit Installation
Field installed piping can be brought up from the oor or
through the wall.
Notes: 1. Hoses are available in multiple lengths to
acommodate various piping locations and optional components.
2. Make sure the pipes t the connes of the piping compartment of the heat pump unit. See Figure 4 on page 9.
Attach the eld installed combination shut/off balancing
valve to the building water supply and return piping. Next add the female pipe adapter connection to unit supply and return coil connection by sweating them in place using silver solder.
Next, using the specied hose kit, screw the xed
end into the shut-off/balancing valve. Remove the 1/2" adapter from the other end of the hose. Insert
the adapter into the female tting. Using two crescent
wrenches, one to hold the pipe connection and the second to tighten the adapter, insert the swivel end of the hose on the adapter and tighten. This completes the hose connection to standard heat pump equipment.
Adding Motorized & Valve Assemblies
All console water source heat pumps can be eld
installed with a motorized valve. All valves are mounted on the return line of each unit. All valve assemblies terminate with 1/2" NPT threaded connections and will also accommodate factory supplied hose kits.
IM 447-11 8 www.DaikinApplied.com
Note: All plumbing connections are made the same way
whether or not the unit has valve packages. Whether or not you utilize our hose kits and shutoff/balancing valve all piping connections will have to conform with all local piping and building codes. The ability to re­move the unit in order to perform repairs is imperative.
Note: Valves, hoses and 90-degree elbows are factory
available accessories, to be eld-mounted by others.
Pipe Elbows
90-degree, 1/2" SWT × 1/2" FPT Cast Bronze elbow ttings can be ordered to make sweat connections to the
unit supply and return pipe stubs to accept the threaded
connection of exible hoses.
Figure 3: 90 Degree Pipe Elbow (See Table 3 for letter dimensions)
B - Thread
Table 3: 90 Degree Pipe Elbow Dimensions for Figure 3
A - Nominal
1/2" × 1/2" .627"/.631"
1/2" FPT
.50 .43 .81 1.08
Condensate Hose Connection
Each unit is supplied with a 3/4" (19mm) I.D. clear vinyl condensate hose internally trapped within the chassis. The hose extends 14" (356mm) out of the chassis within
the piping compartment to reach the oor or the back
Field condensate piping must enter within the connes of the cabinet (back wall or oor) similar to the supply and
return piping. Slide the vinyl hose over the condensate pipe and clamp it.
Figure 4: Hose kit installation (field-installed)
Water Return
Water Supply
All Pipe Fittings Are To Be Field Installed
NOTE: Valves, (shut-off combination balancing valves), Hoses, (supply and return, condensate drain hose), also 90 elbows are all factory available as accesso­ries, to be mounted in the field by others.
Flexible Hoses
Junction Box
Ball Valves
Air Coil
Control Box
Escutcheon Plate
Box Access Cover
Wiring Diagram
Fan/Coil Section Access Panel
Condensate Line–14" (356mm) Clear Vinyl
Hose Clamp
www.DaikinApplied.com 9 IM 447-11
1. All units are recommended to be connected to
supply and return piping in a two-pipe reverse return
conguration. A reverse return system is inherently
self-balancing and requires only trim balancing
where multiple quantities of units with different ow
and pressure drop characteristics are connected to the same loop. A simple way to check for proper water balance is to take a differential temperature reading across the water connections when in the
cooling mode. To insure proper water ow, the differential should be 10˚F to 14˚F (-5˚C to -8˚C).
A direct return system may also be made to work
acceptably, but proper water ow balancing is more difcult to achieve and maintain.
2. The piping can be steel, copper or PVC, but must comply with local codes.
3. Supply and return runouts are usually connected to
the unit by short lengths of high pressure exible hose
which are sound attenuators for both unit operating noise and hydraulic pumping noise. Note: When
using the ex hose connections you must add a 90
degree elbow kit, for making the connection. This elbow is sweat on one end – female 1/2" FPT on the other end. One end of the hose should have a swivel
tting to facilitate removal for service. Hard piping can
also be brought directly to the unit, although it is not recommended since additional noise
Figure 5: Typical 2-Pipe Reverse Return Configuration
4. Some exible hose threaded ttings are supplied with sealant compound. If not, apply Teon tape to
assure a tight seal.
5. Supply and return shutoff valves are required at each conditioner. The return valve is used for balancing and should have a “memory stop” so that it can always be closed off, but can only be re-
opened to the proper position for the ow required.
6. No unit should be connected to the supply and return piping until the water system has been
cleaned and ushed completely. After the cleaning and ushing has taken place, the initial connection
should have all valves wide open in preparation for
water system ushing.
7. Condensate piping can be steel, copper, or PVC. Each unit is supplied with a clear vinyl condensate hose.
8. Units are internally trapped. Copper or PVC condensate lines can be used. A means of disconnection must be furnished to facilitate chassis removal.
9. No point of the drain system may be above the drain pan of any unit.
10. Automatic ow control devices must not be installed prior to system cleaning and ushing.
11. A high point of the piping system must be vented.
12. Check local code for the need for electric ttings.
IM 447-11 10 www.DaikinApplied.com
Cleaning and Flushing System
1. Prior to rst operation of any conditioner, the water
circulating system must be cleaned and ushed of all
construction dirt and debris. If the conditioners are equipped with water shutoff valves, either electric or pressure operated, the supply and return runouts must be connected together at each conditioner location. This will prevent the introduction of dirt into the unit. Additionally, pressure operated valves only open when the compressor is operating.
Figure 6: Temporary Connection for Flushing System Piping
Adapter 1/2" MPT x 37 Flare JIC
Supply Valve
1/2" (13mm) I.D. Hose
1/2" (13mm) MPT Steel Fitting
Return Valve
Floor Line
5. Rell the system with clean water. Test and treat as
required to leave the water slightly alkaline (pH 7.5
to 8.5). The specied percentage of antifreeze may
also be added at this time. Use commercial grade antifreeze designed for HVAC systems only. Do not use automotive grade antifreeze.
6. Set the system control and alarm panel heat add
setpoint to 70˚F (21˚C) and heat rejection setpoint to 85˚F (29˚C). Supply power to all motors and start the circulating pumps. After full ow has been
established through all components, including the heat rejector (regardless of season), and air vented and loop temperatures stabilized, each of the conditioners will be ready for check, test, and start­up and for air and water balancing.
7. It is not Daikin’s policy to make recommendations on water treatment. The general contractor or owner should contact a local water treatment company regarding water treatment. However, this topic is critical and care should be taken to make sure it is done properly to prevent problems related to
ow. A fouled closed loop water system will lead to
premature component failure.
2. The system should be lled at the city water makeup connection with all air vents open. After lling, vents
should be closed. The contractor should start main circulator with pressure reducing valve makeup open. Vents should be checked in sequence to bleed off any trapped air to assure circulation through all components of the system. Power to the heat rejector unit should be off, and the supplementary heat
control set at 80˚F (27˚C). While circulating water,
the contractor should check and repair any leaks in the piping. Drains at the lowest point(s) in the system
should be opened for initial ush and blowdown, making sure city water ll valves are set to make up
water at the same rate. Check the pressure gauge at pump suction, and manually adjust the makeup to hold the same positive steady pressure, both before and after opening the drain valves. Flush should continue for at least two hours, or longer if required, to see clear, clean drain water.
3. Supplemental heater and circulator pump should be shut off. All drains and vents should be opened to completely drain down the system. Short circuited supply and return runouts should now be connected to the conditioner supply and return connections.
Teon tape is recommended versus pipe dope for
pipe thread connections. Use no sealers at the
swivel are connections of hoses.
4. Trisodium phosphate was formerly recommended as a
cleaning agent during ushing. However, many states
and localities ban the introduction of phosphates into their sewage systems. The current recommendation is
to simply ush longer with 80˚F (27˚C) water.
Standard Electrical Connection
Each chassis comes with a junction box mounted on
the side of the chassis and contains the eld electrical
Note: If electrical wiring or conduit comes through the
oor, all wires or conduit should be sealed at this
point. It will prevent any condensation or water leakage that may occur due to lack of preventive maintenance. Each unit has an internal conden­sate trap that will require cleaning. We suggest wiring coming through the wall should also be
sealed to stop cold air inltration through the wall
cavity which could affect unit thermostat operation.
Remove the junction box cover, selecting the proper knockout and remove it. Install a strain relief and pass the wires through the strain relief into the junction box making the connection and reinstall the junction box cover.
Note: Check the local code concerning correct electrical
Cord & Plug Electrical Connection (Field Installed)
Cord connected equipment comes with a box and appropriate voltage receptacle. However, a disconnect switch and fuses can also be provided in the box. As an option, the box comes factory mounted on the backwrap
and is ready to be eld wired to the incoming power. The
box is mounted on the same side as the piping.
It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to make the proper electrical connection to the electrical box, using the same method as described in the standard electrical connection. See Figure 7 and Figure 8 on page 12.
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+ 25 hidden pages