Dangers indicate a hazardous situation which will result in death or serious injury if not avoided.
Warnings indicate potentially hazardous situations, which can result in property damage, severe personal injury, or death if not avoided.
Cautions indicate potentially hazardous situations, which can result in personal injury or equipment damage if not avoided.
Manufactured in an ISO Certified facility
Note: Cover photograph is an WGZ060-D. This manual covers WGZ-D vintage water-cooled scroll chillers.
2IM 1131-2
Global Design
Scroll Compressor
Nominal Tons
Design Vintage
W = Standard Packaged
A = Less Condenser
Chiller Nomenclature
General Description
Daikin Applied WGZ water chillers are designed for indoor
installations and are available with water-cooled condensers
(Model WGZ-DW), or arranged for use with remote, aircooled or evaporative condensers (Model WGZ-DA). Each
water-cooled unit is completely assembled and factory wired
before evacuation, charging and testing. They consist of
hermetic scroll compressors, brazed-plate evaporators on
Models WGZ 030 to 130 or shell-and-tube on Models WGZ
150 to 200, water-cooled condenser on Model WGZ-DW, and
complete refrigerant piping.
upon arrival. All shipping damage must be reported to the
carrier and a claim must be filed with the carrier. The unit
serial plate should be checked before unloading the unit to be
sure that it agrees with the power supply available. Physical
damage to unit after acceptance is not the responsibility of
Daikin Applied.
Note: Unit lifting weights and Corner operating weightsare
given in the weight tables beginning on page 25.
Units manufactured for use with remote condensers (Models
WGZ-DA) have all refrigerant specialties factory-mounted and
connection points for refrigerant discharge and liquid lines.
Liquid line components that are included are manual liquid
line shutoff valves, charging valves, filter-driers, liquid line
solenoid valves, sight glass/moisture indicators, and expansion
valves. Other features include compressor crankcase heaters,
and a MicroTech II microprocessor controller.
The electrical control center includes all equipment protection
and operating controls necessary for dependable automatic
operation. Optional unit-mounted disconnect switche(s) may
not be present, inwhich case a field-supplied and installed,
fused disconnect switch is required.
When the equipment is received, all items should be carefully
checked against the bill of lading to be sure of a complete
shipment. All units must be carefully inspected for damage
Refrigerant Charge
Every model WGZ-DW water chiller with water-cooled
condensers is shipped with a full refrigerant charge. For
shipment, the charge is contained in the condenser and is
isolated by the condenser liquid shutoff valve and the
compressor discharge valve common to a pair of compressors.
If the unit is damaged, allowing the refrigerant to escape, there can be
danger of suffocation in the area since the refrigerant will displace the
air. Be sure to review Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
requirements if damage occurs. Avoid exposing refrigerant to an open
A holding charge of nitrogen/helium is supplied in remote
condenser models, WGZ-DA and must be removed prior to
charging with refrigerant. The operating charge must be field
supplied and charged.
IM 1131-23
WG Z150-20 0C
Remov ab le
Ba r
(2) 2”
Note: Installation and maintenance are to be performed only
by qualified personnel who are familiar with local codes and
regulations, and experienced with this type of equipment.
Avoid contact with sharp edges. Personal injury can result
WGZ chillers are intended only for installation in an indoor or
weather protected area consistent with the NEMA 1 rating on
the chiller, controls, and electrical panels. Equipment room
temperature for operating and standby conditions is 40°F to
122°F (4.4°C to 50°C).
Because of the electrical control devices, the units should not
be exposed to the weather. A plastic cover over the control box
is supplied as temporary protection during shipment. A
reasonably level and sufficiently strong floor is required for
the water chiller. If necessary, additional structural members
should be provided to transfer the weight of the unit to the
nearest beams.
Space Requirements for Connections and Servicing
The chilled water and condenser water (on units with a watercooled condenser) piping enters and leaves the unit from the
right side when looking at the control panel. Left-hand
condenser connections are an option. A clearance of at least 3
feet (1219 mm), or more if codes require, should be provided
beyond this piping and on all other sides and ends of the unit
for general servicing or for changing the compressors, if it ever
becomes necessary. Allow a minimum of 4-foot clearance in
front of the control panel or as required by the NEC or local
On units equipped with a water-cooled condenser (Type WGZDW) clearance should also be provided for cleaning or
removal of condenser tubes on one end of the unit. The
clearance for cleaning depends on the type of apparatus used,
but can be as much as the length of the condenser (10 feet,
3050 mm). Tube replacement requires the length of the
condenser (as much as 12 feet) plus three feet of workspace.
Figure 1: Lifting the Unit
This space can often be provided through a doorway or other
Moving the Unit
Refer to Lifting/Mounting weights beginning on page 25.
The packaged unit skid option is strongly recommended for
ease of handling and to help prevent damage if a crane is not
available for rigging at site. Properly designed field supplied
skids or dollies are acceptable. Do not push unit along a floor
without them. The condenserless models (AGZ-DA) are
manufactured with a base suitable for moving with rollers.
All moving and handling of packaged units (Figure 1) must be
performed with skids or dollies under the unit and they should
not be removed until the unit is in the final location. Never put
the weight of the unit against the control box.
In moving, always apply pressure to the base on the skids only
and not to the piping or other components. A long bar will help
move the unit. Avoid dropping the unit at the end of the roll.
If the unit must be hoisted, lift the unit from the removable
lifting arms factory-bolted to each end of the unit adjacent to
the tube sheet by attaching cables or chains to the end of the
arms. A spreader bar must be used to protect the piping,
control panel and other areas of the chiller (Figure 1). The
lifting arms should be removed and discarded after use.
Do not attach slings to piping or equipment. Do not attempt to
lift the unit by lifting points mounted on the compressors.
They are for lifting only the compressor should one need to be
removed from the unit. Move unit in the upright horizontal
position at all times. Set unit down gently when lowering from
the truck or rollers.
Placing the Unit
The small amount of vibration normally encountered makes
this unit particularly desirable for basement or ground floor
installations where the unit can be mounted directly to the
floor. The floor construction should be such that the unit will
not affect the building structure, or transmit noise and
vibration into the structure.
4IM 1131-2
Water Pipin g
Wat er
Temperat ure Sensor
Pressure Transduc er
Pressure (High Pressure Cutout)
Temperat aure Sensor, Leaving
Chilled Water Control
Relief Valv e
Schrader Fitting
Thermal Expansion
Sight Glass / Moistu
Charging Valve
Angle Valv e
Ball Valv e
Standard condenser
connections are on
the control panel end.
Unit Configuration
WGZ 030DW to 130DW have two refrigerant circuits, two
tandem scroll compressors (total of four), a single twocircuited brazed plate evaporator, a single two-circuited water-
cooled condenser, interconnecting refrigerant piping and a
control panel with associated sensors and transducers. Models
WGZ 150DW to 200DW have two trio-compressors (total of
6) and a shell-and-tube evaporator.
Figure 1: Schematic Piping Diagram (One of Two Circuits for Brazed Plate Evaporators)
Water Piping
Com p
re In dicator
Solenoid Valve
Install Vessel Drain Plugs at Start-up
Condensers are drained of water in the factory and are shipped
with the condenser drain plugs in the heads removed and
stored in a bag in the control panel. Be sure to replace plugs
prior to filling the vessel with fluid.
General Piping Guidelines
Due to the variety of piping practices, it is advisable to follow
the recommendations of local authorities for code compliance.
They can supply the installer with the proper building and
safety codes required for a safe and proper installation.
The piping should be designed with a minimum number of
bends and changes in elevation to keep system cost down and
performance up. Other piping design considerations include:
1 All piping should be installed and supported to prevent
the chiller connections from bearing any strain or weight
of the system piping.
2 Vibration eliminators to reduce vibration and noise
transmission to the building.
3 Shutoff valves to isolate the unit from the piping system
during unit servicing.
4 Do not use PVC or CPVC piping for any water lines.
IM 1131-25
Water Piping
5 Manual or automatic air vent valves at the high points of
the system. Drains should be placed at the lowest points
in the system.
6 On units with factory-mounted flow switches and where
flange connections (Victaulic-to-flange adaptors or weldon flanges) are to be used, relocating the flow switch is
required to allow for possible future replacement since
the flange will interfere with unscrewing the switch. The
following is recommended, before installing a flange, to
avoid interference 1) Remove the flow switch before and
plug the switch opening in the nozzle. 2) Install the
Victaulic-to-flange adaptor or weld on flange.
3)Relocate the flow switch in the water piping outside
the flange, close enough to it that the wire leads will
reach and the switch can still be unscrewed.
7 Some means of maintaining adequate system water
pressure (e.g., expansion tank or regulating valve).
8 Temperature and pressure indicators located within 3 feet
(0.9 meters) of the inlet and outlet of the vessels to aid in
unit servicing.
9 This product is equipped with a copper-brazed 304 series
stainless steel evaporator plate or a shell and tube
evaporator with carbon steel shell and copper tubes. The
water or other fluid used in these evaporators must be
clean and non-corrosive to the materials used in the
evaporator. The use of non-compatible fluids can void
the equipment warranty. If the compatibility of the fluid
with the evaporator is in question, a professional water
quality consultant should administer the proper testing
and evaluate compatibility
10 A strainer or some means of removing foreign matter
from the water before it enters the pump is
recommended. It should be placed far enough upstream
to prevent cavitation at the pump inlet (consult pump
manufacturer for recommendations). The use of a
strainer will prolong pump life and thus maintain system
11 A cleanable perforated basket strainer must also be
placed in the water line just prior to the inlet of the
evaporator. On Models WGZ 030 to 130, use 0.062-inch
perforations with 41% open area. On WGZ 150 TO 200
use 0.125-inch perforations with 40% open area. This
will aid in preventing foreign material from entering and
decreasing the performance of the evaporator.
12 If the unit is used as a replacement chiller on a
previously existing piping system, the system should be
thoroughly flushed prior to unit installation. Regular
water analysis and chemical water treatment on the
evaporator and condenser is recommended immediately
upon equipment start-up.
13 In the event glycol is added to the water system, as an
afterthought for freeze protection, recognize that the
refrigerant suction pressure will be lower, cooling
performance less, and water side pressure drop will be
higher. If the percentage of glycol is large, or if
propylene glycol is used instead of ethylene glycol, the
added pressure drop and loss of performance could be
substantial. Reset the freezestat and low leaving water
alarm temperatures. The freezestat is factory set to
default at 36°F (2.2°C). Reset the freezestat setting to
approximately 4° to 5°F (2.3° to 2.8°C) below the
leaving chilled water setpoint temperature. See the
section titled "Glycol Solutions" for additional
information concerning the use of glycol.
14 A preliminary leak check of the water piping should be
made before filling the system.
Note: A water flow switch or pressure differential switch
must be mounted in the evaporator outlet water line
to signal that there is water flow before unit will start.
Figure 2: Typical Evaporator Field Water Piping (WGZ030 - WGZ130)
6IM 1131-2
Figure 3: Typical Evaporator Field Water Piping (WGZ150 - WGZ200)
Wa te r
Protec t All Field Piping
Suc ti on
Vib ra ti o n
Gau ge
Water Piping
gainst Freezing
System Water Volume
It is important to have adequate water volume in the system to
provide an opportunity for the chiller to sense a load change,
adjust to the change, and then stabilize. The system water
volume is the total amount of water in the evaporator, air
handling equipment, and associated piping. As the expected
load change becomes more rapid, a greater water volume is
needed. If the water volume is too low, operational problems
can occur including rapid compressor cycling, rapid loading
and unloading of compressors, erratic refrigerant flow in the
chiller, improper motor cooling, shortened equipment life and
other undesirable occurrences.
For normal comfort cooling applications where the cooling
load changes relatively slowly, a minimum system volume of
two to three minutes times the flow rate (GPM) is
recommended. For example, if the design chiller flow rate is
120 gpm, we recommend a system volume of 240 to 360
For process applications where the cooling load can change
rapidly, additional system water volume is needed. A process
example would be the quenching of hot metal objects. The
load would be very stable until the hot metal is dipped into the
water tank. Then, the load would increase drastically.
Since there are many other factors that can influence
performance, systems can successfully operate below these
suggestions. But as the water volume decreases below these
guidelines, the possibility of system instability increases.
Variable Chilled Water Flow
Reducing chilled water flow in proportion to load can reduce
total system power consumption. Certain restrictions apply to
the amount and rate of flow change. The rate of flow change
should be a maximum of 10 percent of the change, per minute.
Do not reduce flow lower than the part load minimum flows
listed on page 14 or page 15.
Chilled Water Piping
The system water piping must be flushed thoroughly prior to
making connections to the unit evaporator. It is required that a
40-mesh strainer be installed in the return water line before the
inlet to the chiller. Lay out the water piping so the chilled
water circulating pump discharges into the evaporator inlet.
The return water line must be piped to the evaporator inlet
connection and the supply water line must be piped to the
evaporator outlet connection. If the evaporator water is piped
in the reverse direction, a substantial decrease in capacity and
efficiency of the unit will be experienced.
A flow switch must be installed in the horizontal piping of the
supply (evaporator outlet) water line to prove water flow
before starting the unit.
Drain connections should be provided at all low points in the
system to permit complete drainage of the system. Air vents
should be located at the high points in the system to purge air
out of the system. The evaporators are not equipped with vent
or drain connections and provision must be made in the
entering and leaving chilled water piping for venting and
Pressure gauges should be installed in the inlet and outlet
water lines to the evaporator. Pressure drop through the
evaporator should be measured to determine water flow from
the flow/pressure drop curves beginning on page 14. Vibration
eliminators are recommended in both the supply and return
water lines.
Chilled water piping should be insulated to reduce heat loss
and prevent condensation. Complete unit and system leak tests
should be performed prior to insulating the water piping.
Insulation with a vapor barrier would be the recommended
type of insulation. If the vessel is insulated, the vent and drain
connections must extend beyond the proposed insulation
thickness for accessibility.
Chillers not run in the winter should have their water systems
thoroughly drained if subject to sub-freezing temperatures. If
the chiller operates year-round, or if the system is not drained
for the winter, the chilled water piping exposed to sub-freezing
ambient temperatures should be protected against freezing by
wrapping the lines with a heater cable. In addition, an adequate
percentage of glycol should be added to the system to further
protect the system during low ambient temperature periods. It
should be noted that water piping that has been left drained is
IM 1131-27
Water Piping
Su cti on
Li qui d
Li qui d
Water Sensor
subject to more corrosion than if filled with water. Use of a
Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) or some other protection
should be considered.
Figure 4: Thermostat Well Location, WGZ 030 - 130
Su cti on
Circuit #1
Circuit #2
Leaving Chilled
Circuit #2
Circuit #1
The chilled water sensor is factory installed in the leaving
water connection on the evaporator. Care should be taken not
to damage the sensor cable or lead wires when working around
the unit. It is also advisable to check the lead wire before
running the unit to be sure that it is firmly anchored and not
rubbing on the frame or any other component. If the sensor is
ever removed from the well for servicing, care must be taken
to not wipe off the heat-conducting compound supplied in the
The thermostat bulb should not be exposed to water
temperatures above 125°F (51.7°C) as this will damage it.
Flow Switch
A water flow switch must be mounted in the leaving
evaporator and condenser water lines to prove adequate water
flow before the unit can start. This will safeguard against
slugging the compressors on start-up. It also serves to shut
down the unit in the event that water flow is interrupted to
guard against evaporator freeze-up. Factory-mounted and
wired evaporator and condenser flow switches are available as
an option
If the optional factory flow switch is not supplied, a flow
switch is available from Daikin Applied under part number
01750330. It is a "paddle" type switch and adaptable to any
pipe size from 1 in. (25 mm) to 6 in. (152 mm) nominal.
Certain flow rates are required to open the switch and are
listed in Table 1. Wire from switch terminals Y and R to panel
terminals 33 and 43 (chilled water) and 41 and 53 (condenser
water). There is also a set of normally closed contacts on the
switch that could be used for an indicator light or an alarm to
indicate when a "no flow" condition exists.
1 Apply pipe sealing compound to only the threads of the
switch and screw unit into 1 in. (25 mm) reducing tee.
The flow arrow must be pointed in the correct direction.
2 Piping should provide a straight length before and after
the flow switch of at least five times the pipe diameter
without any valves, elbows, or other flow restricting
Make sure the arrow on the side of the switch is pointed in
the direction of flow. The flow switch is designed to handle
the control voltage and should be connected according to
the wiring diagram.
Table 1: Paddle-Type Flow Switch Flow Rates
Pipe Size
Note (1): A segmented 3-inch paddle (1, 2, and 3 inches) is furnished mounted, plus a 6-inch paddle loose.
Note (2): Flow rates for a 2-inch paddle trimmed to fit the pipe.
Note (3): Flow rates for a 3-inch paddle trimmed to fit the pipe.
Note (4): Flow rates for a 3-inch paddle.
Note (5): Flow rates for a 6-inch paddle.
Do not use automotive antifreeze. Industrial glycols must be used.
Automotive antifreeze contains inhibitors that causes plating on
copper tubes. The type and handling of glycol used must be
consistent with local codes.
WGZ units are designed to operate with a leaving chilled fluid
Table 3: Propylene Glycol Correction Factors
temperature from 15°F (-9.4°C) to 60°F (16°C). Leaving
chilled fluid temperatures below 40°F (4.6°C) result in suction
temperatures at or below the freezing point of water and a
glycol anti-freeze solution is required. The use of glycol in the
evaporator will reduce the performance of the unit. The
reduction in performance depends upon the glycol
concentration and temperature. This should be taken into
consideration during initial system design. Glycol in the
condenser will have a negligible effect on performance
because glycol at these higher temperatures will perform with
characteristics similar to water.
Daikin Applied recommends a minimum concentration of 25%
be provided on all glycol applications. Glycol concentrations
below 25% are too diluted for long-term corrosion protection
of ferrous metals and corrosion inhibitors need to be
recalculated and possibly added to the system.
Chiller capacity, flow rate, evaporator pressure drop, and
power input for glycol solutions can be calculated using the
following formulas and reference to Tab le 2 for ethylene
glycol and Table 3 for propylene glycol. Test coolant with a
clean, accurate, glycol solution hydrometer (similar to that
found in service stations) to determine the freezing point.
Note: Ethylene and propylene glycol ratings are outside the
scope of AHRI Standard 550/590 certification program.
Capacity is reduced compared to that with plain water. To find
the reduced value, multiply the chiller's capacity when using
water by the capacity correction factor C to find the chiller's
capacity when using glycol.
Flow -To determine evaporator gpm (or T) knowing T (or
gpm) and capacity:
For Metric Applications -- Determine evaporator lps (or T)
knowing T (or lps) and kW:
Condenser Water Piping
Arrange the condenser water so the water enters the bottom
connection of the condenser. The condenser water will
discharge from the top connection. Failing to arrange the
condenser water as stated above will negatively affect the
capacity and efficiency.
Install pressure gauges in the inlet and outlet water lines to the
condenser. Pressure drop through the condenser should be
measured to determine flow on the pressure drop/flow curves
beginning on page 14. Vibration eliminators are recommended
in both the supply and return water lines. Install a 20-mesh
strainer in the inlet piping to the condenser.
Water-cooled condensers can be piped for use with cooling
towers, well water, or heat recovery applications. Cooling
tower applications must be made with consideration of freeze
protection and scaling problems. Contact the cooling tower
manufacturer for equipment characteristics and limitations for
the specific application. Head pressure control must be
provided if the entering condenser water can fall below 60°F.
The WGZ condenser has two refrigerant circuits with a
common condenser water circuit. This arrangement makes
head pressure control with discharge pressure actuated control
valves difficult.
If the tower water temperature cannot be maintained at a 60°F
minimum, or when pond, lake, or well water that can fall
below 60°F (15°C) is used as the condensing medium, special
discharge pressure control must be used. A water recirculating
system with recirculating pump as shown in Figure 6 is
recommended. This system also has the advantage of
maintaining tube velocity to help prevent tube fouling. The
Pressure Drop - To determine glycol pressure drop through
the cooler, enter the water pressure drop graph on page 14 at
the actual glycol flow. Multiply the water pressure drop found
there by P to obtain corrected glycol pressure drop.
Power -To determine glycol system kW, multiply the water
pump must cycle with the chiller.
Figure 5: Recirculating Discharge Water System
Cir cui t #2
Temp e r a t ur e
system kW by factor K.
IM 1131-29
Cir cui t #2
Refrigerant Piping
Refrigerant Piping
Refrigerant Piping
Refrigerant piping, to and from the unit, should be sized and
installed according to the latest ASHRAE Handbook. It is
important that the unit piping be properly supported with
sound and vibration isolation between tubing and hanger, and
that the discharge lines be looped at the condenser and trapped
at the compressor to prevent refrigerant and oil from draining
into the compressors. Looping the discharge line also provides
greater line flexibility.
NOTE: Do not install any refrigerant piping underground.
The discharge gas valves, liquid line solenoids, filter-driers,
moisture indicators, and expansion valves are all factory
mounted as standard equipment with the water chiller.
For remote condenser application (WGZ-DA) such as aircooled or evaporative condenser, the chillers are shipped with
a nitrogen/helium holding charge. The unit is evacuated in the
factory to 500 microns before charging with the nitrogen.
The liquid line has a shutoff valve upstream from the liquid
line solenoid valve and a copper tube cap to be brazed on this
line after test to seal this line for shipment.
The discharge line has a ball valve installed between the
compressor and the discharge stub tube with a copper tube cap
brazed on the line after test to seal it for shipment.
The discharge gas valves, liquid line solenoids, filter-driers,
moisture indicators, and expansion valves are all factory-
mounted as standard equipment with the water chiller.
Do not apply heat, such as a brazing torch, to a sealed unit,
vessel, or component. Internal gases can increase the
internal pressure and cause a life-threatening explosion.
Open the system when heating. The short line between a
valve and brazed end cap can be drilled to vent it. Note that
the valve may leak and the entire unit charge may be open
to the cap.
It is important that the unit be kept tightly closed until the
remote condenser is installed, piped to the unit and the high
side evacuated.
When the field piping has been leak tested, evacuated, and is
ready to charge, the unit valves can be opened and the system
is ready to pressure test, evacuate and charge the entire system
together at one time.
After the equipment is properly installed, leak tested, and
evacuated, it can be charged with R-410A, and run at design
load conditions. Add charge until the liquid line sight glass is
clear, with no bubbles flowing to the expansion valve. Total
operating charge will depend on the air-cooled condenser used
and volume of the refrigerant piping.
NOTE: On WGZ-DA units (units with remote condensers), the
installer is required to record the refrigerant charge by
stamping the total charge and the charge per circuit on the
serial plate in the appropriate blocks provided for this purpose.
Discharge lines must be designed to handle oil properly and to
protect the compressor from damage that can result from
condensing liquid refrigerant in the line during shutdown.
Total friction loss for discharge lines of 3 to 6 psi (20.7 to 41.4
kPa) is considered good design. Careful consideration must be
given for sizing each section of piping to insure that gas
velocities are sufficient at all operating conditions to carry oil.
If the velocity in a vertical discharge riser is too low,
considerable oil can collect in the riser and the horizontal
header, causing the compressor to lose its oil and result in
damage due to lack of lubrication. When the compressor load
is increased, the oil that had collected during reduced loads can
be carried as a slug through the system and back to the
compressor, where a sudden increase of oil concentration can
cause liquid slugging and damage to the compressor.
Any horizontal run of discharge piping should be pitched away
from the compressor approximately 1/8 inch (6.4 mm) per foot
(meter) or more. This is necessary to move, by gravity, any oil
lying in the header. Oil pockets must be avoided because oil
needed in the compressor would collect at such points and the
compressor crankcase can become starved.
It is recommended that any discharge lines coming into a
horizontal discharge header rise above the centerline of the
discharge header. This is necessary to prevent any oil or
condensed liquid from draining to the compressor heads when
the compressor is not running.
In designing liquid lines, it is important that the liquid reach
the expansion valve without flash gas since this gas will reduce
the capacity of the valve. Because "flashing" can be caused by
a pressure drop in the liquid line, the pressure losses due to
friction and changes in static head should be kept to a
A check valve must be installed in the liquid line in all
applications where the ambient temperature can drop below
the equipment room temperature. This prevents liquid
migration to the condenser, helps maintain a supply of
refrigerant in the liquid line for initial start-up, and keeps
liquid line pressure high enough on "off" cycle to keep the
expansion valve closed.
On systems as described above, a relief valve or relief-type
check valve, must be used in the liquid line as shown in piping
systems (shown in and Its purpose is to relieve dangerous
hydraulic pressures that could be created as cool liquid
refrigerant trapped in the line between the check valve and the
expansion or shutoff valve warms up. Install a relief device in
the hot gas piping at the condenser coil as shown in Figure 7
and Figure 8. Install a discharge check valve in the discharge
line, in a horizontal run, close to the condenser.
Table 4: Recommended Horizontal or Downflow Discharge Line Size, R-410A
Typical Arrangements
Figure 7 illustrates a typical piping arrangement involving a
remote air-cooled condenser located at a higher elevation than
the compressor and receiver. This arrangement is commonly
encountered when the air-cooled condenser is on a roof and the
compressor and receiver are on grade level or in a basement
equipment room.
Figure 8 illustrates another very common application where
the air-cooled condenser is located on essentially the same
level as the compressor and receiver. The discharge line piping
in this case is not too critical. The principal problem
encountered with this arrangement is that there is frequently
Figure 1: Condenser Above Compressor and Optional Receiver Installation
(Vent to Outdoors
or to Condenser Side
12IM 1131-2
Subcoo ler
insufficient vertical distance to allow free drainage of liquid
refrigerant from the condenser coil to the receiver.
Notice, in both illustrations, that the hot gas discharge line is
looped at the bottom and top of the vertical run. This is done to
prevent oil and condensed refrigerant from flowing back into
the compressor and causing damage. The highest point in the
discharge line should always be above the highest point in the
condenser coil. It is advisable to include a purging vent at this
point to extract non-condensables from the system.
The receiver is used when it is desired to have refrigerant
storage capacity in addition to the pumpdown capability of the
Figure 2: Condenser and Compressor on Same Level, Optional Receiver Installation
Con denser
Relief Va lve
Check Valve
Purge V alve
(V e nt t o O u td oo rs
or to Condens er Side
of Liquid Line
Check Valve)
Ho ok -up
The receiver is bypassed during normal operation.
Dis charge Line
Refrigerant Piping
Receiver notes:
Factory-Mounted Condenser
Units with the standard water-cooled, factory-mounted
condenser are provided with complete refrigerant piping and
full operating refrigerant charge at the factory.
There is a remote possibility on water-cooled units utilizing
low temperature pond or river water as a condensing medium,
and if the water valves leak, that the condenser and liquid line
refrigerant temperature could drop below the equipment room
temperature on the "off" cycle. This problem only arises
during periods when cold water continues to circulate through
the condenser and the unit remains off due to satisfied cooling
If this condition occurs cycle the condenser pump off with the
unit or check the liquid line solenoid valve for proper
Relief Valve Piping
The ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15, Safety Standard for
Refrigeration Systems, specifies that pressure relief valves on
vessels containing Group 1 refrigerant (R-410A) "shall
discharge to the atmosphere at a location not less than 15 feet
(4.6 meters) above the adjoining ground level and not less than
20 feet (6.1 meters) from any window, ventilation opening or
exit in any building." The piping must be provided with a rain
cap at the outside terminating point and with a drain at the low
point on the vent piping to prevent water buildup on the
IM 1131-213
Relief Valve
Re ceive
1 The arrangement shown is required if the system
refrigerant charge exceeds the condenser coil pumpdown
2 This arrangement is used for head pressure control by
adding a back-flooding valve.
3 When a receiver is not required, the piping from the
condenser outlet to the subcooler inlet is omitted. Flow is
from the subcooling coil directly to the evaporator.
atmospheric side of the relief valve. Also, a flexible pipe
section should be installed in the line to eliminate any piping
stress on the relief valve(s).
The size of the discharge pipe from the pressure relief valve
should not be less than the size of the pressure relief outlet (5/8
in. flare). See Figure 9 for pipe size when combining low side
relief on compressor suction with the condenser relief valve.
NOTE: Fittings should be provided to permit vent piping to be
easily disconnected for inspection or replacement of the relief
Figure 3: Relief Valve Piping
The relief valve setting is 450 psi (3100 kPa) for water cooled
and 600 psi (4175 kPa) for air-cooled applications.