Daikin RKXYQ5TAY1B, RDXYQ5TAV1B Installer reference guide

Installer and user
reference guide
VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation
Installer and user reference guide
VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 General safety precautions 3
1.1 About the documentation .......................................................... 3
1.1.1 Meaning of warnings and symbols.............................. 3
1.2 For the user ............................................................................... 4
1.3 For the installer.......................................................................... 4
1.3.1 General ....................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Installation site ............................................................ 5
1.3.3 Refrigerant .................................................................. 5
1.3.4 Brine............................................................................ 6
1.3.5 Water .......................................................................... 6
1.3.6 Electrical ..................................................................... 6
2 About the documentation 7
2.1 About this document.................................................................. 7
For the installer 7
3 About the box 7
3.1 Overview: About the box ........................................................... 7
3.2 Compressor unit ........................................................................ 8
3.2.1 To unpack the compressor unit................................... 8
3.2.2 To handle the compressor unit ................................... 8
3.2.3 To remove the accessories from the compressor unit 8
3.2.4 To remove the transportation EPS.............................. 8
3.3 Heat exchanger unit .................................................................. 8
3.3.1 To unpack the heat exchanger unit............................. 8
3.3.2 To handle the heat exchanger unit ............................. 8
3.3.3 To remove the accessories from the heat exchanger
unit .............................................................................. 9
3.3.4 To remove the transportation sheet............................ 9
4 About the units and options 9
4.1 Overview: About the units and options...................................... 9
4.2 Identification .............................................................................. 9
4.2.1 Identification label: Compressor unit........................... 9
4.2.2 Identification label: Heat exchanger unit..................... 9
4.3 About the compressor unit and heat exchanger unit................. 10
4.4 System layout............................................................................ 10
4.5 Combining units and options ..................................................... 10
4.5.1 About combining units and options............................. 10
4.5.2 Possible combinations of indoor units......................... 10
4.5.3 Possible options for the compressor unit and heat
exchanger unit ............................................................ 10
5 Preparation 11
5.1 Overview: Preparation............................................................... 11
5.2 Preparing installation site .......................................................... 11
5.2.1 Installation site requirements of the compressor unit.. 12
5.2.2 Installation site requirements of the heat exchanger
unit .............................................................................. 12
5.2.3 Securing safety against refrigerant leaks.................... 13
5.3 Preparing refrigerant piping....................................................... 14
5.3.1 Refrigerant piping requirements.................................. 14
5.3.2 Refrigerant piping material.......................................... 14
5.3.3 To select the piping size ............................................. 14
5.3.4 To select refrigerant branch kits.................................. 15
5.3.5 Refrigerant piping length and height difference .......... 15
5.4 Preparing electrical wiring ......................................................... 15
5.4.1 About electrical compliance ........................................ 15
5.4.2 Safety device requirements ........................................ 15
6 Installation 16
6.1 Overview: Installation ................................................................ 16
6.2 Opening the units ...................................................................... 16
6.2.1 About opening the units .............................................. 16
6.2.2 To open the compressor unit ....................................... 16
6.2.3 To open the switch box cover of the heat exchanger
unit ............................................................................... 17
6.3 Mounting the compressor unit .................................................... 17
6.3.1 Precautions when mounting the compressor unit........ 17
6.3.2 Guidelines when installing the compressor unit........... 17
6.4 Mounting the heat exchanger unit .............................................. 17
6.4.1 Precautions when mounting the heat exchanger unit.. 17
6.4.2 Guidelines when installing the heat exchanger unit..... 17
6.4.3 Guidelines when installing the ducting......................... 17
6.4.4 Guidelines when installing the drain piping.................. 18
6.5 Connecting the refrigerant piping ............................................... 19
6.5.1 About connecting the refrigerant piping ....................... 19
6.5.2 Precautions when connecting the refrigerant piping.... 19
6.5.3 Pipe bending guidelines............................................... 19
6.5.4 To braze the pipe end .................................................. 19
6.5.5 Using the stop valve and service port .......................... 20
6.5.6 To remove the pinched pipes....................................... 20
6.5.7 To connect the refrigerant piping to the compressor
unit ............................................................................... 21
6.5.8 To connect the refrigerant piping to the heat
exchanger unit ............................................................. 22
6.5.9 To connect the refrigerant branching kit ...................... 22
6.6 Checking the refrigerant piping .................................................. 23
6.6.1 About checking the refrigerant piping .......................... 23
6.6.2 Checking refrigerant piping: General guidelines.......... 23
6.6.3 Checking refrigerant piping: Setup............................... 23
6.6.4 To perform a leak test .................................................. 24
6.6.5 To perform vacuum drying ........................................... 24
6.7 To insulate the refrigerant piping................................................ 24
6.8 Charging refrigerant ................................................................... 25
6.8.1 About charging refrigerant ........................................... 25
6.8.2 Precautions when charging refrigerant ........................ 25
6.8.3 To determine the additional refrigerant amount........... 25
6.8.4 To charge refrigerant ................................................... 25
6.8.5 Error codes when charging refrigerant......................... 27
6.8.6 To fix the fluorinated greenhouse gases label ............. 27
6.9 Connecting the electrical wiring.................................................. 27
6.9.1 About connecting the electrical wiring.......................... 27
6.9.2 Precautions when connecting electrical wiring ............ 28
6.9.3 Guidelines when connecting the electrical wiring ........ 28
6.9.4 To connect the electrical wiring on the compressor
unit ............................................................................... 29
6.9.5 To connect the electrical wiring on the heat
exchanger unit ............................................................. 30
6.10 Finishing the compressor unit installation .................................. 30
6.10.1 To finish the transmission wiring .................................. 30
6.10.2 To close the compressor unit ....................................... 30
6.11 Finishing the heat exchanger unit installation ............................ 31
6.11.1 To close the heat exchanger unit ................................. 31
7 Configuration 31
7.1 Overview: Configuration ............................................................. 31
7.2 Making field settings................................................................... 31
7.2.1 About making field settings .......................................... 31
7.2.2 To access the field setting components....................... 31
7.2.3 Field setting components ............................................. 31
7.2.4 To access mode 1 or 2 ................................................ 32
7.2.5 To use mode 1 (and default situation) ......................... 32
7.2.6 To use mode 2 ............................................................. 32
7.2.7 Mode 1 (and default situation): Monitoring settings ..... 33
7.2.8 Mode 2: Field settings.................................................. 33
7.3 Energy saving and optimum operation....................................... 35
7.3.1 Available main operation methods............................... 36
7.3.2 Available comfort settings ............................................ 36
7.3.3 Example: Automatic mode during cooling.................... 37
7.3.4 Example: Automatic mode during heating ................... 37
8 Commissioning 38
8.1 Overview: Commissioning.......................................................... 38
8.2 Precautions when commissioning .............................................. 38
VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation
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1 General safety precautions

8.3 Checklist before commissioning................................................ 38
8.4 Checklist during commissioning ................................................ 39
8.4.1 About test run.............................................................. 39
8.4.2 To perform a test run (7-segments display)................ 39
8.4.3 Correcting after abnormal completion of the test run.. 39
8.4.4 Operating the unit ....................................................... 40
9 Hand-over to the user 40
10 Maintenance and service 40
10.1 Overview: Maintenance and service ......................................... 40
10.2 Maintenance safety precautions................................................ 40
10.2.1 To prevent electrical hazards ...................................... 40
10.3 Checklist for yearly maintenance of the heat exchanger unit .... 40
10.4 About service mode operation................................................... 40
10.4.1 To use vacuum mode ................................................. 40
10.4.2 To recover refrigerant ................................................. 41
11 Troubleshooting 41
11.1 Overview: Troubleshooting........................................................ 41
11.2 Precautions when troubleshooting ............................................ 41
11.3 Solving problems based on error codes .................................... 41
11.3.1 Error codes: Overview ................................................ 41
12 Disposal 43
13 Technical data 43
13.1 Piping diagram: Compressor unit and heat exchanger unit ...... 44
13.2 Wiring diagram: Compressor unit .............................................. 44
13.3 Wiring diagram: Heat exchanger unit ........................................ 45
For the user 45
14 About the system 45
14.1 System layout ............................................................................ 45
15 User interface 46
16 Before operation 46
17 Operation 46
17.1 Operation range ........................................................................ 46
17.2 Operating the system ................................................................ 46
17.2.1 About operating the system ........................................ 46
17.2.2 About cooling, heating, fan only, and automatic
operation ..................................................................... 46
17.2.3 About the heating operation ........................................ 46
17.2.4 To operate the system (WITHOUT cool/heat
changeover remote control switch) ............................. 47
17.2.5 To operate the system (WITH cool/heat changeover
remote control switch)................................................. 47
17.3 Using the dry program ............................................................... 47
17.3.1 About the dry program ................................................ 47
17.3.2 To use the dry program (WITHOUT cool/heat
changeover remote control switch) ............................. 47
17.3.3 To use the dry program (WITH cool/heat changeover
remote control switch)................................................. 48
17.4 Adjusting the air flow direction................................................... 48
17.4.1 About the air flow flap ................................................. 48
17.5 Setting the master user interface .............................................. 48
17.5.1 About setting the master user interface ...................... 48
17.5.2 To designate the master user interface (VRV DX)...... 48
17.5.3 About control systems................................................. 48
18 Energy saving and optimum operation 49
18.1 Available main operation methods ............................................ 49
18.2 Available comfort settings ......................................................... 49
19 Maintenance and service 49
19.1 Maintenance after a long stop period ........................................ 50
19.2 Maintenance before a long stop period ..................................... 50
19.3 About the refrigerant.................................................................. 50
19.4 After-sales service and warranty ................................................ 50
19.4.1 Warranty period ........................................................... 50
19.4.2 Recommended maintenance and inspection ............... 50
19.4.3 Recommended maintenance and inspection cycles .... 50
19.4.4 Shortened maintenance and replacement cycles ........ 51
20 Troubleshooting 51
20.1 Error codes: Overview ................................................................ 52
20.2 Symptoms that are NOT system malfunctions ........................... 53
20.2.1 Symptom: The system does not operate ..................... 53
20.2.2 Symptom: Cool/Heat cannot be changed over ............ 53
20.2.3 Symptom: Fan operation is possible, but cooling and
heating do not work...................................................... 53
20.2.4 Symptom: The fan strength does not correspond to
the setting .................................................................... 53
20.2.5 Symptom: The fan direction does not correspond to
the setting .................................................................... 53
20.2.6 Symptom: White mist comes out of a unit (Indoor
unit) .............................................................................. 53
20.2.7 Symptom: White mist comes out of a unit (Indoor
unit, heat exchanger unit) ............................................ 53
20.2.8 Symptom: The user interface display reads "U4" or "U5" and stops, but then restarts after a few minutes.. 53
20.2.9 Symptom: Noise of air conditioners (Indoor unit, heat
exchanger unit) ............................................................ 53
20.2.10 Symptom: Noise of air conditioners (Indoor unit,
compressor unit, heat exchanger unit)......................... 53
20.2.11 Symptom: Noise of air conditioners (compressor
unit, heat exchanger unit) ............................................ 53
20.2.12 Symptom: Dust comes out of the heat exchanger
unit ............................................................................... 53
20.2.13 Symptom: The units can give off odours...................... 53
20.2.14 Symptom: The heat exchanger unit fan does not spin. 54
20.2.15 Symptom: The display shows "88"............................... 54
20.2.16 Symptom: The compressor in the compressor unit
does not stop after a short heating operation .............. 54
20.2.17 Symptom: The inside of an compressor unit is warm
even when the unit has stopped .................................. 54
20.2.18 Symptom: Hot air can be felt when the indoor unit is
stopped ........................................................................ 54
21 Relocation 54
22 Disposal 54
23 Glossary 54
1 General safety precautions

1.1 About the documentation

▪ The original documentation is written in English. All other
languages are translations.
▪ The precautions described in this document cover very important
topics, follow them carefully.
▪ The installation of the system, and all activities described in the
installation manual and the installer reference guide must be performed by an authorized installer.

1.1.1 Meaning of warnings and symbols

Indicates a situation that results in death or serious injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in electrocution.
RKXYQ5TAY1B + RDXYQ5TAV1B VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation 4P482266-1 – 2017.03
1 General safety precautions
Indicates a situation that could result in burning because of extreme hot or cold temperatures.
Indicates a situation that could result in explosion.
Indicates a situation that could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property damage.
Indicates useful tips or additional information.
Symbol Explanation
Before installation, read the installation and operation manual, and the wiring instruction sheet.
Before performing maintenance and service tasks, read the service manual.
For more information, see the installer and user reference guide.

1.2 For the user

▪ If you are not sure how to operate the unit, contact your installer.
▪ This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and
above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
To prevent electric shocks or fire:
▪ Do NOT rinse the unit.
▪ Do NOT operate the unit with wet hands.
▪ Do NOT place any objects containing water on the unit.
▪ Units are marked with the following symbol:
This means that electrical and electronic products may not be mixed with unsorted household waste. Do NOT try to dismantle the system yourself: the dismantling of the system, treatment of the refrigerant, of oil and of other parts must be done by an authorized installer and must comply with applicable legislation. Units must be treated at a specialized treatment facility for reuse, recycling and recovery. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. For more information, contact your installer or local authority.
▪ Batteries are marked with the following symbol:
This means that the batteries may not be mixed with unsorted household waste. If a chemical symbol is printed beneath the symbol, this chemical symbol means that the battery contains a heavy metal above a certain concentration. Possible chemical symbols are: Pb: lead (>0.004%). Waste batteries must be treated at a specialized treatment facility for reuse. By ensuring waste batteries are disposed of correctly, you will help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health.

1.3 For the installer

1.3.1 General

If you are not sure how to install or operate the unit, contact your dealer.
Improper installation or attachment of equipment or accessories could result in electric shock, short-circuit, leaks, fire or other damage to the equipment. Only use accessories, optional equipment and spare parts made or approved by Daikin.
Make sure installation, testing and applied materials comply with applicable legislation (on top of the instructions described in the Daikin documentation).
Wear adequate personal protective equipment (protective gloves, safety glasses,…) when installing, maintaining or servicing the system.
▪ Do NOT place any objects or equipment on top of the
▪ Do NOT sit, climb or stand on the unit.
Tear apart and throw away plastic packaging bags so that nobody, especially children, can play with them. Possible risk: suffocation.
▪ Do NOT touch the refrigerant piping, water piping or
internal parts during and immediately after operation. It could be too hot or too cold. Give it time to return to normal temperature. If you must touch it, wear protective gloves.
▪ Do NOT touch any accidental leaking refrigerant.
VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation
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1 General safety precautions
Provide adequate measures to prevent that the unit can be used as a shelter by small animals. Small animals that make contact with electrical parts can cause malfunctions, smoke or fire.
Do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium fins of the unit.
▪ Do NOT place any objects or equipment on top of the
▪ Do NOT sit, climb or stand on the unit.
Works executed on the outdoor unit are best done under dry weather conditions to avoid water ingress.
In accordance with the applicable legislation, it might be necessary to provide a logbook with the product containing at least: information on maintenance, repair work, results of tests, stand-by periods,…
Also, at least, following information must be provided at an accessible place at the product:
▪ Instructions for shutting down the system in case of an emergency
▪ Name and address of fire department, police and hospital
▪ Name, address and day and night telephone numbers for
obtaining service
In Europe, EN378 provides the necessary guidance for this logbook.

1.3.2 Installation site

▪ Provide sufficient space around the unit for servicing and air
▪ Make sure the installation site withstands the unit's weight and
▪ Make sure the area is well ventilated. Do NOT block any
ventilation openings.
▪ Make sure the unit is level.
Do NOT install the unit in the following places:
▪ In potentially explosive atmospheres.
▪ In places where there is machinery that emits electromagnetic
waves. Electromagnetic waves may disturb the control system, and cause malfunction of the equipment.
▪ In places where there is a risk of fire due to the leakage of
flammable gases (example: thinner or gasoline), carbon fibre, ignitable dust.
▪ In places where corrosive gas (example: sulphurous acid gas) is
produced. Corrosion of copper pipes or soldered parts may cause the refrigerant to leak.

1.3.3 Refrigerant

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.
Make sure refrigerant piping installation complies with applicable legislation. In Europe, EN378 is the applicable standard.
During tests, NEVER pressurize the product with a pressure higher than the maximum allowable pressure (as indicated on the nameplate of the unit).
Take sufficient precautions in case of refrigerant leakage. If refrigerant gas leaks, ventilate the area immediately. Possible risks:
▪ Excessive refrigerant concentrations in a closed room
can lead to oxygen deficiency.
▪ Toxic gas may be produced if refrigerant gas comes
into contact with fire.
Pump down – Refrigerant leakage. If you want to pump
down the system, and there is a leakage in the refrigerant circuit:
▪ Do NOT use the unit's automatic pump down function,
with which you can collect all refrigerant from the system into the outdoor unit. Possible consequence: Self-combustion and explosion of the compressor because of air going into the operating compressor.
▪ Use a separate recovery system so that the unit's
compressor does NOT have to operate.
Always recover the refrigerant. Do NOT release them directly into the environment. Use a vacuum pump to evacuate the installation.
After all the piping has been connected, make sure there is no gas leak. Use nitrogen to perform a gas leak detection.
▪ To avoid compressor breakdown, do NOT charge more
than the specified amount of refrigerant.
▪ When the refrigerant system is to be opened,
refrigerant must be treated according to the applicable legislation.
Make sure there is no oxygen in the system. Refrigerant may only be charged after performing the leak test and the vacuum drying.
▪ In case re-charge is required, refer to the nameplate of the unit. It
states the type of refrigerant and necessary amount.
▪ The unit is factory charged with refrigerant and depending on pipe
sizes and pipe lengths some systems require additional charging of refrigerant.
▪ Only use tools exclusively for the refrigerant type used in the
system, this to ensure pressure resistance and prevent foreign materials from entering into the system.
▪ Charge the liquid refrigerant as follows:
If Then
A siphon tube is present
(i.e., the cylinder is marked with "Liquid filling siphon attached")
Charge with the cylinder upright.
Make sure the field piping and connections are not subjected to stress.
RKXYQ5TAY1B + RDXYQ5TAV1B VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation 4P482266-1 – 2017.03
1 General safety precautions
If Then
A siphon tube is NOT present Charge with the cylinder upside
▪ Open refrigerant cylinders slowly.
▪ Charge the refrigerant in liquid form. Adding it in gas form may
prevent normal operation.
When the refrigerant charging procedure is done or when pausing, close the valve of the refrigerant tank immediately. If the valve is not closed immediately, remaining pressure might charge additional refrigerant.
Possible consequence: Incorrect refrigerant amount.

1.3.4 Brine

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.
The selection of the brine MUST be in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Take sufficient precautions in case of brine leakage. If brine leaks, ventilate the area immediately and contact your local dealer.
The ambient temperature inside the unit can get much higher than that of the room, e.g. 70°C. In case of a brine leak, hot parts inside the unit can create a hazardous situation.
The use and installation of the application MUST comply with the safety and environmental precautions specified in the applicable legislation.

1.3.5 Water

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.

1.3.6 Electrical

▪ Turn OFF all power supply before removing the
switch box cover, connecting electrical wiring or touching electrical parts.
▪ Disconnect the power supply for more than 1 minute,
and measure the voltage at the terminals of main circuit capacitors or electrical components before servicing. The voltage MUST be less than 50 V DC before you can touch electrical components. For the location of the terminals, see the wiring diagram.
▪ Do NOT touch electrical components with wet hands.
▪ Do NOT leave the unit unattended when the service
cover is removed.
If NOT factory installed, a main switch or other means for disconnection, having a contact separation in all poles providing full disconnection under overvoltage category III condition, MUST be installed in the fixed wiring.
▪ ONLY use copper wires.
▪ Make sure the field wiring complies with the applicable
▪ All field wiring must be performed in accordance with
the wiring diagram supplied with the product.
▪ NEVER squeeze bundled cables and make sure they
do not come in contact with the piping and sharp edges. Make sure no external pressure is applied to the terminal connections.
▪ Make sure to install earth wiring. Do NOT earth the unit
to a utility pipe, surge absorber, or telephone earth. Incomplete earth may cause electrical shock.
▪ Make sure to use a dedicated power circuit. NEVER
use a power supply shared by another appliance.
▪ Make sure to install the required fuses or circuit
▪ Make sure to install an earth leakage protector. Failure
to do so may cause electric shock or fire.
▪ When installing the earth leakage protector, make sure
it is compatible with the inverter (resistant to high frequency electric noise) to avoid unnecessary opening of the earth leakage protector.
Make sure water quality complies with EU directive 98/83EC.
VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation
4P482266-1 – 2017.03

2 About the documentation

Precautions when laying power wiring:
▪ Do not connect wiring of different thicknesses to the
power terminal block (slack in the power wiring may cause abnormal heat).
▪ When connecting wiring which is the same thickness,
do as shown in the figure below.
▪ For wiring, use the designated power wire and connect
firmly, then secure to prevent outside pressure being exerted on the terminal board.
▪ Use an appropriate screwdriver for tightening the
terminal screws. A screwdriver with a small head will damage the head and make proper tightening impossible.
▪ Over-tightening the terminal screws may break them.
Install power cables at least 1metre away from televisions or radios to prevent interference. Depending on the radio waves, a distance of 1metre may not be sufficient.
▪ After finishing the electrical work, confirm that each
electrical component and terminal inside the electrical components box is connected securely.
▪ Make sure all covers are closed before starting up the
Only applicable if the power supply is three‑phase, and the compressor has an ON/OFF starting method.
If there exists the possibility of reversed phase after a momentary black out and the power goes on and off while the product is operating, attach a reversed phase protection circuit locally. Running the product in reversed phase can break the compressor and other parts.
2 About the documentation

2.1 About this document

Target audience
Authorised installers + end users
This appliance is intended to be used by expert or trained users in shops, in light industry and on farms, or for commercial use by lay persons.
Documentation set
This document is part of a documentation set. The complete set consists of:
General safety precautions:
▪ Safety instructions that you must read before installing
▪ Format: Paper (in the accessory bag of the compressor unit)
Compressor unit installation and operation manual:
▪ Installation and operation instructions
▪ Format: Paper (in the accessory bag of the compressor unit)
Heat exchanger unit installation manual:
▪ Installation instructions
▪ Format: Paper (in the accessory bag of the heat exchanger
Installer and user reference guide:
▪ Preparation of the installation, reference data,…
▪ Detailed step-by-step instructions and background information
for basic and advanced usage
▪ Format: Digital files on http://www.daikineurope.com/support-
Latest revisions of the supplied documentation may be available on the regional Daikin website or via your dealer.
The original documentation is written in English. All other languages are translations.
Technical engineering data
▪ A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional
Daikin website (publicly accessible).
▪ The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikin
extranet (authentication required).

For the installer

3 About the box

3.1 Overview: About the box

This chapter describes what you have to do after the boxes with the compressor unit and the heat exchanger unit are delivered on-site.
It contains information about:
▪ Unpacking and handling the units
▪ Removing the accessories from the units
▪ Removing the transportation EPS
Keep the following in mind:
RKXYQ5TAY1B + RDXYQ5TAV1B VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation 4P482266-1 – 2017.03
▪ At delivery, the unit must be checked for damage. Any damage
must be reported immediately to the carrier's claims agent.
▪ Bring the packed unit as close as possible to its final installation
position to prevent damage during transport.
▪ When handling the unit, take into account the following:
Fragile, handle the unit with care.
Keep the unit upright in order to avoid compressor damage.
▪ Choose on beforehand the path along which the unit is to be
brought in.
3 About the box
1 2
1× 1×
a e
c1b dc
1 2

3.2 Compressor unit

3.2.1 To unpack the compressor unit

3.2.2 To handle the compressor unit

With packing. Use a forklift.
b Liquid Ø12.7mm
c+d+e Piping accessories for circuit 2 (to the indoor units)
c+c1 Gas + Gas piping adapter
d Liquid Ø9.5mm
e Piping adapter (Ø19.1→22.2mm) that you need when
connecting piping to the heat exchanger unit

3.2.4 To remove the transportation EPS

Remove the EPS. The EPS protects the unit during transport.
Without packing. Carry the unit slowly as shown:

3.2.3 To remove the accessories from the compressor unit

1 Remove the accessories (part 1).
a General safety precautions b Compressor unit installation and operation manual c Fluorinated greenhouse gases label d Multilingual fluorinated greenhouse gases label e Cable tie
2 Remove the service cover. See "6.2.2To open the compressor
unit"on page16.
3 Remove the accessories (part 2).

3.3 Heat exchanger unit

3.3.1 To unpack the heat exchanger unit

3.3.2 To handle the heat exchanger unit

When removing the heat exchanger unit from the pallet, do NOT place the suction or discharge side of the unit on the floor. Possible consequence: Deformation of the suction or discharge opening.
To avoid injury, do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium fins of the unit.
a+b Piping accessories for circuit 1 (to the heat exchanger unit)
a Gas Ø22.2mm
Installer and user reference guide
VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation
4P482266-1 – 2017.03

4 About the units and options

b c da
e f g
With packing. Use a forklift or slings.
Without packing. Carry the unit slowly as shown:

3.3.3 To remove the accessories from the heat exchanger unit

a Optional filter for debris
b Heat exchanger unit installation manual
c Sealing pad
d Drain hose
e Metal clamp
f Screw (for shield of transmission wiring) (see "6.9.5To
connect the electrical wiring on the heat exchanger unit"on page30)
g Cable tie

3.3.4 To remove the transportation sheet

Remove the sheet. The sheet protects the unit during transport.

4.2 Identification

When installing or servicing several units at the same time, make sure NOT to switch the service panels between different models.

4.2.1 Identification label: Compressor unit

Model identification
Example: R K X Y Q 5 TA Y1 B [*]
Code Explanation
R Outdoor air cooled
K Compressor unit
X Heat pump (no continuous heating)
Y Single module
Q Refrigerant R410A
5 Capacity class
TA VRV IV series
Y1 Power supply
B European market
[*] Minor model change indication

4.2.2 Identification label: Heat exchanger unit

4 About the units and options

4.1 Overview: About the units and options

This chapter contains information about:
▪ Identification of the compressor unit and heat exchanger unit.
▪ Where the compressor unit and heat exchanger unit fit in the
system layout.
▪ With which indoor units and options you can combine the
compressor unit and heat exchanger unit.
RKXYQ5TAY1B + RDXYQ5TAV1B VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation 4P482266-1 – 2017.03
Model identification
Example: R D X Y Q 5 TA V1 B [*]
Code Explanation
R Outdoor air cooled
D Heat exchanger unit
X Heat pump (no continuous heating)
Y Single module
Q Refrigerant R410A
5 Capacity class
TA VRV IV series
Installer and user reference guide
4 About the units and options
d d
c c
d d
1 2
Code Explanation
V1 Power supply
B European market
[*] Minor model change indication

4.3 About the compressor unit and heat exchanger unit

This installation manual concerns the full inverter driven VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation.
The compressor unit and heat exchanger unit are intended for indoor installation and aimed for air to air heat pump applications.
Specification 5HP
Maximum capacity Heating 16.0kW
Cooling 14.0kW
Outside ambient design temperature
Ambient design temperature of compressor
Heating –20~15.5°CWB
Cooling –5~46°CDB
unit and heat exchanger unit
Maximum relative humidity around the compressor unit and heat
Heating 50%
Cooling 80%
exchanger unit
(a) To avoid condensation and water dripping out of the unit. If
the temperature or the humidity is beyond these conditions, safety devices may be put in action and the air conditioner may not operate.

4.4 System layout

Design of the system must not be done at temperatures below –15°C.
Not all combinations of indoor units are allowed, for guidance, see "4.5.2 Possible combinations of indoor
units"on page10.
The VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation can be combined with several types of indoor units and is intended for R410A use only.
For an overview which units are available you can consult the product catalogue for the VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation.
An overview is given indicating the allowed combinations of indoor units, compressor units and heat exchanger units. Not all combinations are allowed. They are subject to rules mentioned in the technical engineering data.

4.5.2 Possible combinations of indoor units

In general following type of indoor units can be connected to a VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation. The list is non-exhaustive and is depending on the combination of compressor unit, heat exchanger unit and indoor unit models.
▪ VRV direct expansion (DX) indoor units (air to air applications).
▪ AHU (air-to-air applications): EKEXV-kit+EKEQM-box required,
depending on the application.
▪ Comfort air curtain (air-to-air applications): CYV (Biddle) series.
Connection ratio requirements. When selecting indoor units, the connection ratio must comply with the following requirements. For more information, see the technical engineering data.
Other combinations than those mentioned in the table are not allowed.
Indoor units Total CR
CR per type
VRV DX 50~130% 50~130%
VRV DX + AHU 50~110% 50~110% 0~60%
AHU 90~110% 90~110%
(a) Total CR = Total indoor unit capacity connection ratio (b) CR per type = Allowable capacity connection ratio per
indoor unit type

4.5.3 Possible options for the compressor unit and heat exchanger unit

Refer to the technical engineering data for the latest option names.
1 In case of VRVDX indoor units 2 In case of VRVDX indoor units combined with an air
handling unit
a Heat exchanger unit b Compressor unit c Refrigerant piping d User interface (dedicated depending on indoor unit type)
VRVDX VRV direct expansion (DX) indoor unit
EKEXV Expansion valve kit
AHU Air handling unit

4.5 Combining units and options

4.5.1 About combining units and options

To be sure your system setup (compressor unit+heat exchanger unit+indoor unit(s)) will work, you have to consult the latest technical engineering data for the VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation.
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Refrigerant branching kit
Description Model name
Refnet header KHRQ22M29H
Refnet joint KHRQ22M20T
For the selection of the optimal branching kit, please refer to
"5.3.4To select refrigerant branch kits"on page15.
External control adaptor (DTA104A61/62)
To instruct specific operation with an external input coming from a central control the external control adaptor can be used. Instructions (group or individual) can be instructed for low noise operation and power consumption limitation operation.
The external control adapter has to be installed in the indoor unit.
Cool/heat selector
In order to control the cooling or heating operation from a central location, the following option can be connected:
Description Model name
Cool/heat selector switch KRC19-26A
Cool/heat selector PCB BRP2A81
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Description Model name
Xb ca
1 2 3 4
With optional fixing box for the
(a) To install BRP2A81, proceed as follows:
1 Check the components of BRP2A81. You do NOT need all of
a Cable
b Cable tie
X Not needed
2 Remove the service covers of the compressor unit and the
switch box. See "6.2.2 To open the compressor unit" on
3 Remove the mounting plate from the PCB.
4 Mount the PCB.

5 Preparation

7 Fix the cables with cable ties.
8 Turn ON the DIP switch (DS1‑1).
9 Reattach the service covers. See "6.10.2 To close the
compressor unit"on page30.
10 Perform a test run. See the "Commissioning" chapter.
Drain pan heater (EKDPH1RDX)
When. Installation is optional. It is recommended in areas where
the outside temperature is below –7°C for more than 24 hours continuously.
Where. Install the drain pan heater in the heat exchanger unit.
How. See the installation instructions delivered with the drain pan
Filter for debris (delivered as accessory)
When. Installation is optional. It is recommended in places where
a lot of debris or dirt (example: leafs) can go into the suction ducting.
Where. Install the filter in one of the following places:
▪ Suction opening of the heat exchanger unit
▪ Suction ducting (easier for maintenance)
How. See the installation instructions attached to the filter.
Pressure drop over the filter: 75Pa at 100m³/min
5 Connect the cable.
6 Connect the cool/heat selector switch. Tightening torque X1M
(A/B/C): 0.53~0.63N•m
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5 Preparation

5.1 Overview: Preparation

This chapter describes what you have to do and know before going on-site.
It contains information about:
▪ Preparing the installation site
▪ Preparing the refrigerant piping
▪ Preparing the electrical wiring

5.2 Preparing installation site

Do NOT install the unit in places often used as work place. In case of construction works (e.g. grinding works) where a lot of dust is created, the unit must be covered.
Choose the installation location with sufficient place for carrying the unit in and out of the site.
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5 Preparation

5.2.1 Installation site requirements of the compressor unit

Also read the following requirements:
▪ General installation site requirements. See the
"General safety precautions" chapter.
▪ Refrigerant piping requirements (length, height
difference). See further in this "Preparation" chapter.
Appliance not accessible to the general public, install it in a secured area, protected from easy access.
These units (compressor unit, heat exchanger unit and indoor units) are suitable for installation in a commercial and light industrial environment.
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
The equipment described in this manual may cause electronic noise generated from radio-frequency energy. The equipment complies to specifications that are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
It is therefore recommended to install the equipment and electric wires keeping proper distances away from stereo equipment, personal computers, etc.
Service space. Mind the following requirements:
a Top view b Front view
▪ Take care that in the event of a water leak, water cannot cause
any damage to the installation space and surroundings.
▪ Choose a location where the hot/cold air discharged from the unit
or the operation noise, will NOT disturb anyone.
Do NOT install the unit in the following places:
▪ Sound sensitive areas (e.g. near a bedroom), so that the
operation noise will cause no trouble. Note: If the sound is measured under actual installation conditions, the measured value might be higher than the sound pressure level mentioned in Sound spectrum in the data book due to environmental noise and sound reflections.
▪ In places where a mineral oil mist, spray or vapour may be
present in the atmosphere. Plastic parts may deteriorate and fall off or cause water leakage.
It is NOT recommended to install the unit in the following places because it may shorten the life of the unit:
▪ Where the voltage fluctuates a lot
▪ In vehicles or vessels
▪ Where acidic or alkaline vapour is present
a Personal computer or radio b Fuse c Earth leakage protector d User interface e Indoor unit
f Compressor unit
g Heat exchanger unit
In places with weak reception, keep distances of 3 m or more to avoid electromagnetic disturbance of other equipment and use conduit tubes for power and transmission lines.
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5.2.2 Installation site requirements of the heat exchanger unit

The heat exchanger unit has the same installation site requirements as the compressor unit, and a few additional ones:
▪ Heat exchanger fins are sharp and injury is possible. Choose an
installation location where there is no risk for injury (especially in areas where children play).
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5 Preparation
a b
Service space. Mind the following requirements:
a Air suction side
b Air discharge side
Protective guards. Make sure to install protective guards on the
suction and discharge side to prevent somebody from touching the fan blades or heat exchanger.
Air flow. Make sure nothing blocks the air flow.
Drainage. Make sure condensation water can be evacuated
Seaside installation. Do NOT install directly exposed to
seawinds. This is to prevent corrosion caused by high levels of salt in the air, which might shorten the life of the unit.
About the maximum concentration level
The maximum charge of refrigerant and the calculation of the maximum concentration of refrigerant is directly related to the humanly occupied space in to which it could leak.
The unit of measurement of the concentration is kg/m3 (the weight in kg of the refrigerant gas in 1m3 volume of the occupied space).
Compliance to the local applicable regulations and standards for the maximum allowable concentration level is required.
According to the appropriate European Standard, the maximum allowed concentration level of refrigerant to a humanly space for R410A is limited to 0.44kg/m3.
a Direction of the refrigerant flow
b Room where refrigerant leak has occurred (outflow of all
the refrigerant from the system)
Pay special attention to places, such as basements etc., where refrigerant can stay, since refrigerant is heavier than air.
To check the maximum concentration level
Check the maximum concentration level in accordance with steps 1 to 4 below and take whatever action is necessary to comply.
1 Calculate the amount of refrigerant (kg) charged to each system
Formula A+B=C
A Amount of refrigerant in a single unit system
(amount of refrigerant with which the system is charged before leaving the factory)
B Additional charging amount (amount of
refrigerant added locally)
C Total amount of refrigerant (kg) in the
Where a single refrigerant facility is divided into 2 entirely independent refrigerant systems, use the amount of refrigerant with which each separate system is charged.
2 Calculate the volume of the room (m3) where the unit is
installed. In a case such as the following, calculate the volume
X Not allowed
O Allowed
a Building (top view)
b Discharge ducting
c Heat exchanger unit
d Suction ducting
e Seawinds

5.2.3 Securing safety against refrigerant leaks

About safety against refrigerant leaks
The installer and system specialist shall secure safety against
of (D), (E) as a single room or as the smallest room.
D Where there are no smaller room divisions:
E Where there is a room division, but there is an opening
between the rooms sufficiently large to permit a free flow of air back and forth.
leakage according to local regulations or standards. The following standards may be applicable if local regulations are not available.
This system uses R410A as refrigerant. R410A itself is an entirely safe non-toxic, non-combustible refrigerant. Nevertheless care must be taken to ensure that the system is installed in a room which is sufficiently large. This assures that the maximum concentration level of refrigerant gas is not exceeded, in the unlikely event of major leak in the system and this in accordance to the local applicable regulations and standards.
a Opening between the rooms
b Partition (Where there is an opening without a door
or where there are openings above and below the door which are each equivalent in size to 0.15% or more of the floor area.)
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5 Preparation
3 Calculate the refrigerant density using the results of the
calculations in steps 1 and 2 above. If the result of the above calculation exceeds the maximum concentration level, a ventilation opening to the adjacent room shall be made.
Formula F/G≤H
F Total volume of refrigerant in the refrigerant
G Size (m3) of smallest room in which there is
H Maximum concentration level (kg/m3)
4 Calculate the refrigerant density taking the volume of the room
where the unit is installed and the adjacent room. Install ventilation openings in the door of adjacent rooms until the refrigerant density is smaller than the maximum concentration level.
a unit installed

5.3 Preparing refrigerant piping

5.3.1 Refrigerant piping requirements

Also read the precautions and requirements in the "General safety precautions" chapter.
The refrigerant R410A requires strict cautions for keeping the system clean, dry and tight.
▪ Clean and dry: foreign materials (including mineral oils
or moisture) should be prevented from getting mixed into the system.
▪ Tight: R410A does not contain any chlorine, does not
destroy the ozone layer, and does not reduce earth's protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation. R410A can contribute slightly to the greenhouse effect if it is released. Therefore we should take special attention to check the tightness of the installation.
The piping and other pressure-containing parts shall be suitable for refrigerant. Use phosphoric acid deoxidised seamless copper for refrigerant.
▪ Foreign materials inside pipes (including oils for fabrication) must
be ≤30mg/10m.

5.3.2 Refrigerant piping material

Piping material: Phosphoric acid deoxidised seamless copper.
Piping temper grade and thickness:
Outer diameter
6.4mm (1/4")
9.5mm (3/8")
12.7mm (1/2")
15.9mm (5/8") Annealed (O) ≥0.99mm
19.1mm (3/4") Half hard (1/2H) ≥0.80mm
(a) Depending on the applicable legislation and the unit's

5.3.3 To select the piping size

Determine the proper size referring to following tables and reference figure (only for indication).
Temper grade Thickness (t)
Annealed (O) ≥0.80mm
maximum working pressure (see "PS High" on the unit name plate), larger piping thickness might be required.
a Heat exchanger unit b Compressor unit c Refrigerant branch kit
VRVDX VRVDX indoor unit
EKEXV Expansion valve kit
AHU Air handling unit
A Piping between heat exchanger unit and compressor unit B Piping between compressor unit and (first) refrigerant
branch kit (=main pipe)
C Piping between refrigerant branch kits D Piping between refrigerant branch kit and indoor unit
In case the required pipe sizes (inch sizes) are not available, it is also allowed to use other diameters (mm sizes), taken the following into account:
▪ Select the pipe size nearest to the required size.
▪ Use the suitable adapters for the change-over from inch tomm
pipes (field supply).
▪ The additional refrigerant calculation has to be adjusted as
mentioned in "6.8.3 To determine the additional refrigerant
amount"on page25.
A: Piping between heat exchanger unit and compressor unit
Use the following diameters:
Piping outer diameter size (mm)
Gas pipe Liquid pipe
22.2 12.7
B: Piping between compressor unit and first refrigerant branch kit
Use the following diameters:
Piping outer diameter size (mm)
Gas pipe Liquid pipe
Standard Size-up Standard Size-up
15.9 19.1 9.5
Standard ↔ Size-up:
If Then
The equivalent pipe length between the heat exchanger unit and the furthest indoor unit is 90m or more
It is recommended to increase the size (size-up) of the main gas pipe (between compressor unit and first refrigerant branch kit). If the recommended gas pipe (size-up) is not available, you must use the standard size (which might result in a small capacity decrease).
C: Piping between refrigerant branch kits
Use the following diameters:
Indoor unit capacity
<150 15.9 9.5
150≤x<200 19.1
Piping outer diameter size (mm)
Gas pipe Liquid pipe
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5 Preparation
D: Piping between refrigerant branch kit and indoor unit
Use the same diameters as the connections (liquid, gas) on the indoor units. The diameters of the indoor units are as follows:
Indoor unit capacity
15~50 12.7 6.4
63~140 15.9 9.5
Piping outer diameter size (mm)
Gas pipe Liquid pipe

5.3.4 To select refrigerant branch kits

For piping example, refer to "5.3.3 To select the piping size" on
Refnet joint at first branch (counting from the compressor unit)
When using refnet joints at the first branch counted from the compressor unit side, choose from the following table in accordance with the capacity of the compressor unit. Example: Refnet joint c (B→C/D).
Compressor unit capacity type Refrigerant branch kit
Refnet joints at other branches
For refnet joints other than the first branch, select the proper branch kit model based on the total capacity index of all indoor units connected after the refrigerant branch. Example: Refnet joint c (C→D/D).
Indoor unit capacity index Refrigerant branch kit
<200 KHRQ22M20T
Refnet headers
Concerning refnet headers, choose from the following table in accordance with the total capacity of all the indoor units connected below the refnet header.
Indoor unit capacity index Refrigerant branch kit
<260 KHRQ22M29H
Maximum 8 branches can be connected to a header.

5.3.5 Refrigerant piping length and height difference

The piping lengths and height differences must comply with the following requirements.
1 Heat exchanger unit →
Compressor unit
2 Actual piping length (equivalent
piping length)
3 Total piping length (x=L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6+L7)
4 EKEXV → AHU L4≤5m
5 First branch kit → Indoor unit/
Maximum height differences
1 Heat exchanger unit ↔
Compressor unit
2 Compressor unit ↔ Indoor unit H2≤30m
3 EKEXV ↔ AHU H4≤5m
4 Indoor unit ↔ Indoor unit H5≤15m
Minimum 10m≤x
Maximum If Then
(a) Assume equivalent piping length of refnet joint=0.5m and
refnet header=1m (for calculation purposes of equivalent piping length, not for refrigerant charge calculations).
(b) Either unit can be the highest unit.
L2+L3+L4≤70m (90m)
L2+L5+L6≤70m (90m)
L2+L5+L7≤70m (90m)
L1≤30m x≤115m
L1≤25m x≤120m
L1≤20m x≤125m
L1≤15m x≤130m
L1≤10m x≤135m
L1≤5m x≤140m

5.4 Preparing electrical wiring

5.4.1 About electrical compliance

This equipment complies with:
EN/IEC 61000‑3‑12 provided that the short-circuit power Ssc is
greater than or equal to the minimum Ssc value at the interface point between the user's supply and the public system.
▪ EN/IEC 61000‑3‑12 = European/International Technical
Standard setting the limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with input current >16A and ≤75A per phase.
▪ It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to
ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator if necessary, that the equipment is connected only to a supply with a short-circuit power Ssc greater than or equal to the minimum Ssc value.
Model Minimum Ssc value
RKXYQ5 3329kVA

5.4.2 Safety device requirements

a Heat exchanger unit
b Compressor unit
c Refrigerant branch kit
VRVDX VRVDX indoor unit
EKEXV Expansion valve kit
AHU Air handling unit
H1~H5 Height differences
L1~L7 Piping lengths
Minimum and maximum piping lengths
RKXYQ5TAY1B + RDXYQ5TAV1B VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation 4P482266-1 – 2017.03
When using residual current operated circuit breakers, be sure to use a high-speed type 300 mA rated residual operating current.
Power supply: Compressor unit
The power supply must be protected with the required safety devices, i.e. a main switch, a slow blow fuse on each phase and an earth leakage protector in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Installer and user reference guide

6 Installation

Selection and sizing of the wiring should be done in accordance with the applicable legislation based on the information mentioned in the table below.
Model Minimum circuit
RKXYQ5 17.4A 20A
▪ Phase and frequency: 3N~50Hz
▪ Voltage: 380-415V
Power supply: Heat exchanger unit
The power supply must be protected with the required safety devices, i.e. a main switch, a slow blow fuse on each phase and an earth leakage protector in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Selection and sizing of the wiring should be done in accordance with the applicable legislation based on the information mentioned in the table below.
Model Minimum circuit
RDXYQ5 7.0A 10A
▪ Phase and frequency: 1~50Hz
▪ Voltage: 220-240V
Transmission wiring
Transmission line section:
Transmission wiring Sheathed + shielded cable (2
(using shielded cable for the transmission wiring is optional)
Maximum wiring length
(= distance between compressor unit and furthest indoor unit)
Total wiring length
(= distance between compressor unit and all indoor units, and between compressor unit and heat exchanger unit)
If the total transmission wiring exceeds these limits, it may result in communication error.
Vinyl cords
▪ Finishing the compressor unit installation.
▪ Finishing the heat exchanger unit installation.
▪ Finishing the indoor installation.
For installation of the indoor unit (mounting the indoor unit, connecting the refrigerant piping to the indoor unit, connecting the electrical wiring to the indoor unit …), see the installation manual of the indoor unit.

6.2 Opening the units

6.2.1 About opening the units

At certain times, you have to open the unit. Example:
▪ When connecting the refrigerant piping
▪ When connecting the electrical wiring
▪ When maintaining or servicing the unit
Do NOT leave the unit unattended when the service cover is removed.

6.2.2 To open the compressor unit

1 Remove the service cover of the compressor unit.
2 If you want to make field settings, remove the inspection
6 Installation

6.1 Overview: Installation

This chapter describes what you have to do and know on-site to install the system.
Typical workflow
Installation typically consists of the following stages:
▪ Mounting the compressor unit.
▪ Mounting the heat exchanger unit (+ ducting + filter for debris +
drain pump + optional equipment).
▪ Mounting the indoor units.
▪ Connecting the refrigerant piping.
▪ Checking the refrigerant piping.
▪ Charging refrigerant.
▪ Connecting the electrical wiring.
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3 If you want to connect electrical wiring, remove the switch box
VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation
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6 Installation
20 mm
b a2
1497 (mm)
705 25584
a b a

6.2.3 To open the switch box cover of the heat exchanger unit


6.3 Mounting the compressor unit

6.3.1 Precautions when mounting the compressor unit

Also read the precautions and requirements in the following chapters:
▪ General safety precautions
▪ Preparation

6.3.2 Guidelines when installing the compressor unit

Check the strength and level of the installation ground so that the unit will not cause any operating vibration or noise. If the vibration might be transmitted to the building, use a vibration-proof rubber (field supply).
You can install the compressor unit directly on the floor or on a structure.
On the floor. You do NOT have to fix the unit with anchor bolts.
On a structure. Fix the unit securely with anchor bolts, nuts and
washers (field supply) to the structure. The foundation (steel beam frame or concrete) must be larger than the grey marked area.
The recommended height of the upper protruding part of the bolts is 20mm.

6.4 Mounting the heat exchanger unit

6.4.1 Precautions when mounting the heat exchanger unit

Also read the precautions and requirements in the following chapters:
▪ General safety precautions
▪ Preparation

6.4.2 Guidelines when installing the heat exchanger unit

Optional equipment. When installing optional equipment,
also read the installation manual of the optional equipment. Depending on the field conditions, it might be easier to install the optional equipment first.
Suspension bolts. Use suspension bolts for installation. Check
whether the ceiling is strong enough to support the weight of the unit. If there is a risk, reinforce the ceiling before installing the unit. Attach the hanger bracket to the suspension bolt. Fix it securely by using a nut and washer from the upper and lower sides of the hanger bracket.
a1 Nut a2 Double nut
b Washer
c Hanger bracket
Drain water flow. Make sure drain water flows to the drain pipe
RKXYQ5TAY1B + RDXYQ5TAV1B VRV IV heat pump for indoor installation 4P482266-1 – 2017.03
Minimum foundation
a Anchor point (4×)
a Drain pipe connection

6.4.3 Guidelines when installing the ducting

The ducting is to be field supplied.
Slope. Make sure the ducting slopes down to prevent water from
flowing into the heat exchanger unit.
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