Daewoo KOR-6C275S15 User Manual



Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if the

requires a current of approximately 12

7. Oven cavity floor should be cleaned regularly to

microwave approved popcorn popper or unless it's

earthing instructions are not completely

amperes, 230V~ 50Hz.

avoid excessive noise. Simply wipe the bottom

commercially packaged and recommended

Never operate the oven when it is empty or

understood, or if doubt exists as to whether the

• Power supply cord is about 0.8 meters long.

surface of the oven with mild detergent water or

especially for microwave ovens.

without the glass turntable.

appliance is properly earthed. If it is necessary to

• The voltage used must be the same as

window cleaner and dry.

Microwave popped corn produces a lower yield


use an extension cord, use only a 3-wire

specified on this oven. Using a higher voltage

WARNING - If you see arcing, turn the timer knob

than conventional popping; there will be a number


extension cord that has a 3-blade earthing plug,

may result in a fire or other accident causing

of unpopped kernels. Do not use oil unless

Arcing is the microwave term for sparks in the

and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on

oven damage. Using low voltage will cause

specified by the manufacturer.





to the “0” position and correct the problem.



the appliance. The marked rating of the extension

slow cooking. We are not responsible for

oven. Arcing is caused by :

9. Do not cook any food surrounded by a membrane,

cord should be equal to or greater than the

damage resulting from use of this oven with a

such as egg yolks, potatoes, chicken livers, etc.,







electrical rating of the appliance.


a) Metal or foil touching the side of the oven.

10. Do not pop popcorn longer than the


voltage of ampere fuse other than those

b) Foil not molded to food (upturned edges act like

without first piercing them several times with a fork.








• If the supply cord is damaged. It must be


manufacturer's directions. (popping time is

c) Metal such as twist-ties, poultry pins, or gold






The wires in this mains lead are colored in

replaced by the manufacturer or its service

rimmed dishes in the microwave.

generally below 3 minutes). Longer cooking does

(a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door

agent or similarly qualified person in order to

not yield more popped corn, it can cause

accordance with the following code.

d) Recycled paper towels containing small metal

open since open-door operation can result in

avoid a hazard.

scorchings and fire. Also, the cooking tray can

Green-and-yellow : Earth

pieces being used in the microwave.

harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is

6. Examine the oven after unpacking for any

become too hot to handle or may break.


: Neutral

WARNING: To prevent fire, burns, electric shock

important not to defeat or tamper with the safety

damage such as:

11. If smoke is observed, switch off or unplug the


: Live

and other WARNINGS:


A misaligned door, broken door, a dent in

appliance and keep the door closed in order to

As the colors of the wires in the mains lead of this

Listed below are, as with all appliances, certain

(b) Do not place any object between the oven front

cavity. If any of the above are visible, DO NOT

stifle any flames.

appliance may not correspond with the colored

rules to follow and safeguards to assure high

face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue

INSTALL, and notify dealer immediately.

12. When heating food in plastic or paper containers,

markings identifying the terminals in your plug,

performance from this oven:

to accumulate on sealing surfaces.

7. Do not operate the oven if it is colder than

check the oven frequently due to the possibility of

proceed as follows: The wire which is colored


(c) WARNING : If the door or door seals are

room termperature.



green-and-yellow must be connected to the

damaged, the oven must not be operated until it

terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter

(This may occur during delivery in cold


13. The contents of feeding bottles and baby food

has been repaired by a competent person : (1)

weather.) Allow the oven to become room

jars are to be stirred or shaken and the

‘E’ or by the earth symbol or green-and-yellow. The


door (bent), (2) hinges and latches(broken or

temperature before operating.


temperature is to be checked before

wire which is colored blue must be connected to

loosened), (3) door seals and sealing surfaces.

8. The minimum height of free space necessary

consumption, in order to avoid burns.

the terminal which is marked with the letter ‘N’ or


(d) WARNING : It is hazardous for anyone other

above the top surface of the oven is 100mm.

14. Always test the temperature of food or drink

colored black. The wire which is colored brown

than a competent person to carry out any


WARNING : To prevent fire, burns, electric shock

which has been heated in a microwave oven

must be connected to the terminal which is marked


service or repair operation which involves the

and other warnings:

before you give it to somebody, especially to

with the letter ‘L’ or colored red.

Listed below are, as with all appliances, certain rules

removal of any cover which gives protection

WARNING: This appliance must be earthed.


children or elderly people. This is important

against exposure to microwave energy.

to follow and safeguards to assure high performance

because things which have been heated in a



1. Turn the oven off before cleaning.

(e) WARNING : Liquids or other foods must not be



from this oven:

microwave oven carry on getting hotter even

heated in sealed containers since they are liable


2. Keep the inside of the oven clean. When

1. Do not use the oven for any reason other than

though the microwave oven cooking has

to explode.

food spatters or spilled liquids adhere to oven

food preparation, such as for drying clothes,


(f) WARNING : Only allow children to use the oven

1. Steady, flat location

walls, wipe with a damp cloth. Mild detergent

paper, or any other nonfood items or for sterilizing

15. Eggs in their shell and whole hard-boiled eggs

without supervision when adequate instructions

may be used if the oven gets very dirty. The use


shall not be heated in microwave ovens since

This oven should be set on a steady, flat surface.

have been given so that the child is able to use

of harsh detergent or abrasives is not

2. Do not use the oven when empty, this could

they may explode, even after microwave heating

This oven is designed for counter top use only.

the oven in a safe way and understands the


damage the oven.

has ended;

2. Leave space behind and side

hazards of improper use.

3. The outside oven surface should be cleaned

3. Do not use the oven cavity for any type of storage,

16. Keep the waveguide cover clean at all times.

All air vents should be kept a clearance. If all


with soap and water, rinsed and dried with a

such as papers, cookbook, cookware, etc.

Wipe the oven interior with a soft damp cloth after


vents are covered during operation, the oven

parts inside the oven, water should not be

4. Do not operate the oven without the glass tray in

each use. If you leave grease or fat anywhere in

may overheat and, eventually, oven failure.




soft cloth. To prevent damage to the operating


3. Away from radio and TV sets

allowed to seep into the ventilation openings.

place. Be sure it is properly sitting on the rotating

the cavity it may overheat, smoke or even catch


fire when next using the oven.

Poor television reception and radio interference


may result if the oven is located close to a TV,

4. If the Control Panel becomes wet, clean with a

5. Make sure you remove caps or lids prior to

17. Never heat oil or fat for deep frying as you cannot

This appliance must be earthed. In the event of an

soft, dry cloth. Do not use harsh detergents or

cooking when you cook food sealed in bottles.

control the temperature and doing so may lead to

Radio antenna, feeder and so on. Position the

electrical short circuit, earthing reduces the risk of electric

abrasives on Control Panel.

6. Do not put foreign material between the oven

overheating and fire.

oven as far from them as possible.

shock by providing an escape wire for the electric current.

5. If steam accumulates inside or around the

surface and door. It could result in excessive

18. Microwave heating of beverages can result in

4. Away from heating appliance and water taps

This appliance is equipped with a cord having a earthing

outside of the oven door, wipe with a soft cloth.

leakage of microwave energy.

delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care has to be

Keep the oven away from hot air, steam or

wire with a earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into

This may occur when the microwave oven is

7. Do not use recycled paper products for cooking.

taken when handling the container.

splash when choosing a place to position it, or

an outlet that is properly installed and earthed.

operated under high humidity conditions and in

They may contain impurities which could cause

19. Do not operate the oven when empty or with an

the insulation might be adversely affected and


no way indicates malfunction of the unit.

sparks and/or fires when used during cooking.

empty utensil to avoid damage to the oven and


breakdowns occur.


6. It is occasionally necessary to remove the glass

8. Do not pop popcorn unless popped in a

danger of fire.

5. Power supply

tray for cleaning. Wash the tray in warm sudsy


Improper use of the earthing plug can result in a

• Check your local power source. This oven


water or in a dishwasher.

risk of electric shock.




Before operating this oven, please read these instructions completely.

Daewoo KOR-6C275S15 User Manual


Glass Tray

Roller Guide

Roller Guide

1.The ROLLER GUIDE and oven floor should be cleaned frequently to prevent excessive noise.

2.The ROLLER GUIDE MUST ALWAYS be used for cooking together with the Glass Tray.

Glass Tray

1.DO NOT operate the oven without the Glass Tray in place.

2.DO NOT use any other Glass Tray with this oven.

3.If Glass Tray is hot, ALLOW TO COOL before cleaning or placing it in water.

4.DO NOT cook directly on the Glass Tray.



Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens.


Place the utensil in question next to a glass measure filled with water, in the microwave oven. Microwave at high power for 1-2 minutes. If the water heats up, but the utensil remains cool, the utensil is microwave-safe. However if the utensil becomes warm, microwaves are being absorbed by the utensil and it should not be in the microwave oven. You probably have many items on hand in your kitchen right now that can be used as cooking equipment in your microwave oven. Read through the following checklist.

Recommended Use

Glass and glass-ceramic bowls and dishes - Use for heating or cooking.

Microwave browning dish - Use to brown the exterior of small items such as steaks, chops, or

pancakes. Follow the directions provided with you browning dish.

Microwaveable plastic wrap - Use to retain steam. Leave a small opening for some steam to escape and avoid placing it directly on the food.

Wax paper - Use as a cover to prevent spattering.

Paper towels, paper plates napkins and cups

- Use for short term heating and covering; they absorb excess moisture and prevent spattering. Always attend the oven closely. Only use to absorb fat and moisture when warming food. Pay special attention as over-heating may cause a fire in your oven. Do not use re-cycled paper products, e.g. kitchen roll unless they say they are specifically designed for use in a microwave oven. These products contain impurities which may cause sparks and/or fires when used.

Thermometers - Use only those labeled "Microwave Safe" and follow all directions. Check the food in several places. Conventional thermometers may be used once the food has been removed from the oven.

Microwave cling film, microwave roasting bags - Microwave cling film and bags must be vented for steam to escape, pierce in 4~5 places. Do not use plastic or metal ties as they may melt or catch fire due to electrical ‘arcing’.

Limited Use

Aluminum foil - Use narrow strips of foil to prevent overcooking of exposed areas. Using too much toil can damage your oven, so be careful.

Ceramic, porcelain, and stoneware - Use these if they are labeled “Microwave Safe”. If they are not labeled, test them to make sure they can be used safely. Never use dishes with metallic trim.

Plastic - Use only if labeled “Microwave Safe”. Other plastics can melt.

Straw, wicker, and wood - Use only for shortterm heating, as they can be flammable.

Thin plastic, paper, straw and wooden containers - Always attend the oven closely. Look at the oven from time to time when cooking or reheating food in disposable containers of plastic, paper or other combustible material. Only use for warming food. Pay special attention as over-heating may cause a fire in your oven.

Not Recommended

Glass jars and bottles - Regular glass is too thin to be used in a microwave, and can shatter. Paper bags - These are a fire hazard, except for popcorn bags that are designed for microwave use.

Styrofoam plates and cups - These can melt and leave an unhealthy residue on food.

Plastic storage and food containers - Containers such as margarine tubs can melt in the microwave.

Metal utensils - These can damage your oven. Remove all metal before cooking.


This section includes useful information about oven operation.

1.Plug power supply cord into 230V AC 50Hz power outlet.

2.After placing the food in a suitable container, open the oven door and put it on the glass tray. The glass tray and roller guide must always be in place during cooking.

3.Shut the door. Make sure that it is firmly closed. When the oven door is opened, the light turns off. The oven door can be opened at any time during operation by pressing the door release button on the control panel. The oven will automatically shut off.

4.Set the variable power selector to the desired power level.








Gentle heating









Low stage






Medium high





5.Set the operating time by turning the timer control to the desired cook time and the microwave cooking starts.

If setting the timer control for less than 2 minutes, turn it past 2 minutes and then back to the desired time.

During the same time, the rotating angle of the timer knob of the period from 35 to 10 minute is smaller than that of the period from 10 to 0 minute owing to the dual speed of the timer motor.

6.Microwave energy will be turned off auto matically when the timer reaches “0” position. Then food can be taken out of the oven.

To prevent the oven from operating with the door open, your microwave oven is fitted with safety door interlock switches.

If you wish to inspect the food while it is cooking or stop cooking, turn off the timer for safety and open the door.

If you wish to stop cooking, simply turn the timer knob to the “0” position. Cooking can be reset at any time during the cooking cycle by turning the timer control.

Do not let the timer continue to operate after removing or when there is no food.

7.The safety lock prevents unwanted oven operation such as by small


children. To set, pull down the slide knob like the figure.

To cancel, lift up the slide knob.

NOTE : A beverage is to be stirred or shaken and the temperatue is to be checked before consumption, in order to avoid burns.


The glass turntable should NOT be removed, when the microwave oven is operated with the oven shelf. The oven shelf gives you extra space when cooking in more than one container at the same time. (See illustrations below.)


Never operate the oven without foods on the metal shelf to avoid danger of arching or fire. Remove always the metal shelf when not using it.

1.Do not cook with the shelf on the microwave floor. This could damage the microwave.

2.Do not use a microwave browning dish on the shelf. The shelf could overheat.

3.Use a potholder when handling the shelf after cooking. It may be hot.

4.Do not use the shelf when you cook popcorn or the thin food like a pizza and pie.

5.If you would like to cook two pieces at the

same time, you'd better cook them once more as the indicated cook time. At the time, change their place with each other after the first cooking is over.

6.Before having food, stir well.

7.Make sure rack is firmly inserted into support clips. Do not rest only on top of clips.

8.Do not use a wrong way like the right figure. This could damage the microwave.


Refer to the following checklist,you may prevent an unnecessary service call.

The oven doesn’t work

1.Check that the power cord is securely plugged in.

2.Check that the door is firmly closed.

3.Check that the cooking time is set.

4.Check for a blown circuit fuse or tripped main circuit breaker in your house.

Sparking in the cavity;

1.Check utensils.metal containers or dishes with metal trim should not be used.

2.Check that metal skewers or foil does not touch the interior walls.

If there is still a problem,contact the service station.





Power Supply

230V~/ 50Hz, SINGLE



Power Consumption

1,200 W






Output Power

800 W








2,450 MHz

Outside Dimensions

465 X 279 X 365 mm








Cavity Dimensions

290 X 220 X 306 mm








Net Weight

Approx. 12.7 Kg






35 MIN


* Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Before operating this oven, please read these instructions completely.
