Safety warnings
Meaning of safety warning symbols
Pro hibit ion sym bols
War ning s ymbol s
Not e symbo ls
The s ymbol s indic ate pro hibit ed matt ers, an d those
beh avior s are for bidde n. Non- compl iance w ith the
ins truct ions ma y resul t in prod uct dam ages or e ndang er
the p erson al safe ty of use rs.
The s ymbol s indic ate mat ters th at must b e follo wed, an d
tho se beha viors m ust be st rictl y execu ted in li ne with t he
ope ratio n requi remen ts. Non -comp lianc e with th e
ins truct ions ma y resul t in prod uct dam ages or e ndang er
the p erson al safe ty of use rs.
The s ymbol s indic ate mat ters to p ay atte ntion t o, and
the se beha viors s hall be s pecia lly not ed. Due
pre cauti ons are n eeded o r minor o r moder ate inj uries
or da mages o f the pro duct wi ll be cau sed.
Thi s manua l conta ins lot s of impo rtant s afety i nform ation
whi ch shal l be obse rved by t he user s.
The a pplia nce is no t inten ded for u se by you ng chil dren or i nfirm p erson s witho ut
sup ervis ion.
Youn g chil dren sh ould be s uperv ised to e nsure t hat the y do not pl ay with t he
app lianc e.
Thi s type of r efrig erato r-fre ezer is w idely u sed in pl aces su ch as hot els ,of fice s,
stu dent do rmito ries an d house s. It is mo stly su itabl e for ref riger ating a nd pres ervin g
foo ds such a s fruit s and bev erage . It enjo ys the ad vanta ges of sm all siz e, Ligh tweig ht,
Low e lectr ic cons umpti on and ea sy use.
The refrigerator adopts 115V/60Hz AC power, voltage fluctuations
over the range of 115±10%V will cause malfunction or even damage,
so a 750 W automatic voltage regulator must be installed in concert
with the AC power.
Please turn off the valve of the leaking gas and then open the doors
and windows in case of leakage of gas and other flammable gases.
Do not unplug the refrigerator and other electrical appliances
considering that spark may cause a fire.
To ensure safety, it is not recommended that to place regulators,
rice cookers, microwave ovens and other appliances at the top of the
refrigerator, those recommended by the manufacture are not included.
Do not use electrical appliances in the food pantry.
Safety warnings
Electricity related warnings
Related warnings for use
Authorized demolition or renovation of the refrigerator is not prohibited.
It is forbidden to damage the refrigerant lines and the repair and
maintenance of the refrigerator must be carried out by professionals.
Damaged power cord must be replaced by the manufacturer, its
maintenance department or related professionals in order to avoid
The surrounding of the appliances around or the embedded structure
shall not be obstructed while good ventilation shall be maintained.
The gaps between refrigerator doors and between doors and refrigerator
body are small, be noted not to put your hand in these areas to prevent
squeezing the finger. Please be gentle when switching off the refrigerator
door to avoid falling articles.
Do not pick foods or containers in the freezing chamber when the
refrigerator is running, especially metal containers in order to avoid frostbite.
Do not pull the power cord when pulling the power plug of the
refrigerator. Please firmly grasp the plug and pull out it from
the socket directly.
Do not damage the power cord under any condition so as to
ensure safety use, do not use when the power cord is damaged
or the plug is worn.
Worn or damaged power cord shall be replaced in
manufacture-authorized maintenance stations.
Please use a dedicated three-hole power socket which is 10A
or more and the power socket shall not be shared with other
electrical appliances.
The power cord should be firmly contacted with the socket or else
fires might be caused. Please ensure that the grounding electrode
of the power socket is equipped with a reliable grounding line.