Daewoo DTU-20 D3VG, DTU-14 D4VG, DTU-20 D4VG, DTU-21 D4VG, DTU-14 D3TM Service Manual

S/M No. : CP371P-010
14/20/21 D4
14/16/20/21 D3
Service Manual
Colour Television
JAN. 2000
http : //svc.dwe.co.kr
Model :
DTU-14/16/20/21 D3VG DTU-14/20/21 D4VG DTU-14/20/21 D3TM DTU-14/20/21 D4TM
This service manual is a additional edition for CP-371 service guide.
Mains Voltage
PAL/SECAM-B/G, D/K, I, H, NTSC-3.58/4.43, NTSC-5.5
14" : 73W 20" : 78W 16" : 75W 21" : 86W
- . 2 Speaker (at any MOD. 10% THD ) : 5W + 5W (TWITTER 2.5W + 2.5W)
100 channels
VHF - L : CH2 - CH4
VG : R-28B04, TM : R-28B03
100 ~ 250V AC, 50/60Hz
Sound output
Memory channel
Remote control Function
with Game without Text with Text without Game
TV Standard
Power Voltage
- . 2 Speaker : 7.5W 4 ohm
-. CHILD Lock (CH Lock)
VHF - H : CH5 - CH12 Cable Band : CHS1' - CHS3', CHS1 - CHS20 Hyper Band : CHS21 - CHS40 UHF : CH21 - CH69
-. 16 : 9 MODE
-. Blue Back (ON/OFF)
-. Local Key Menu Control
-. Arrow puzzle Game
-. Monitor out
-. Simple SCART
-. Twitter Speaker
-. CHILD Lock (Security code Lock)
-. 16 : 9 MODE
-. Blue Back (ON/OFF)
-. Local Key Control Menu Control
-. Monitor out
-. Simple SCART
-. Twitter Speaker
channel Unit
Caution:In this Service Manual, some parts can be changed for improving, their performance without notice in the parts list. So, if you need the
latest parts information, please refer to PPL(Parts Price List) in Service information Center(http://svc.dwe.co.kr)
1. Specification ................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Safety Instruction ........................................................................................................................ 3
3. Circuit block Diagram ................................................................................................................. 4
4. IC Description .............................................................................................................................. 5
5. Trouble Shooting Charts ............................................................................................................ 15
6. Service Parts List ........................................................................................................................ 22
7. Mechanical Exploded View ......................................................................................................... 37
1. Specifications
TV Standard PAL/SECAM-BG, D/K, I, H, NTSC-3.58/4.43, NTSC-5.5 Mains Voltage 100 ~ 250V AC, 50/60Hz Power Consumption 14" : 73W 20" : 78W
16" : 75W 21" : 86W
Sound output -. 2 Speaker ( at any MOD. 10% THD ) 5W + 5W ( TWITTER 2.5W + 2.5W ) Speaker -. 2 Speaker : 7.5W 4 ohm ( 2EA ) Antenna Impedance 75 ohm unbalanced
300 ohm balanced with supplied balun
Tuning system Voltage Synthesize Tuning System Memory channel 100 channels Reception
channel Unit
VHF - L : CH2 - CH4 VHF - H : CH5 - CH12 Cable Band : CHS1’ - CHS1 - CHS20 Hyper Band : CHS21 - CHS40 UHF : CH21 - CH69
Remote control VG : R-28B04, TM : R-28B03 Screen size 14" : 34 Cm ( A34JLL 90 x 02 )
16" : 38 Cm ( A38JLL 90 x 02 ) 20" : 48 Cm ( A48JLL 90 x 02 ) 21" : 51 Cm ( A51JLL 90 x 02 )
Weight 14" : 9.7 Kg ( set )
16" : 12 Kg ( set ) 20" : 17.2 Kg ( set ) 21" : 21.5 Kg ( set )
Aux. Terminal Front : Earphone, Video In, Audio In
Rear : Video In, Audio In, Monitor out ( 2 RCA JACK, 1 SCART JACK )
Function VG TM
-. 16 : 9 MODE
-. Blue Back ( ON/OFF )
-. Local Key Menu Control
-. Arrow puzzle game
-. Monitor out
-. Simple SCART
-. Twitter speaker
-. 16 : 9 MODE
-. Blue Back ( ON/OFF )
-. Local Key Control Menu Control
-. Monitor out
-. Simple SCART
-. Twitter speaker
2. Safety Instruction
: Before servicing this chassis, read the “ X-RAY RADIATION precaution “, “ safety precaution “ and “
product safety notice “ below.
1. Excessive high voltage can prodece potentially haz­ardous X-RAY RADIATION. To avoid such hazards, the high voltage must not exceed the specified limit. The nominal value of the high voltage of this receiver is 23-24kv(14”), 26-27kv(20”, 21”) at max beam current. The high voltage must not, under any circumstances, exceed 27.5kv (14”, 20”), 29.0kv(21”).
Each time a receiver require servicing, the high
voltage should be checked. It is recommended the
reading of high voltage recorded as a part of the ser­vice records. it is important to use an accurate and reli­able high voltage meter.
2. The only source of X-RAY Radiation in this TV receiver is the picture tube. For continuous RADIATION protec­tion, the replacement tube as specified in the part list.
1. Potentials of high voltage are present when this receiver is operating. Operation of the receiver outside the cabinet or with the back cover removed involves a shock hazard from the receiver.
1) Servicing should not be attempted by anyone who is
not thoroughly familiar with the precautions neces­sary when working on high-voltage equipment.
2) Always discharge the picture tube to avoid the shock
hazard before removing the anode cap.
3) Dischange the high potential of the picture tube
before handling the tube. The picture tube is highly evacuated and if broken, glass fragments will be violently expelled.
2. If any Fuse in this TV receiver is blown, replace it with the FUSE specified in the Replacement Parts List.
3. When replacing a high wattage resistor ( oxide meta film resistor ) in circuit board, keep the resistor 10mm away from circuit board.
4. Keep wires away from high voltage or high tempera­ture components.
5. This receiver must operate under AC260 volts, 50Hz / 60Hz. ( AC 100 ~ 250 volts, 50 / 60 Hz ) NEVER con­nect to DC supply or any other power or frequency.
Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These characteristics are often passed unnoticed by a visual inspection and the X-RAY RADIATION pro-
tection afforded by them cannot necessarily be obtained by using replacement components reted for higher voltage, wattage, etc.
3. Circuit Block Diagram
4. IC description
4-1. DW 5457 - *** ( SDA 5457 : SIEMENS TYPE )
(1) General Description
The SDA 545x is a single chip teletext decoder for decoding Worled System Telertext data as well as Video Program-
ming System ( VPS ), Program Delivery Control ( PDC ), and Wide Screen Signalling ( WSS ) data used for PALplus transmissions ( line 23 ). Furthermore, the device provides an integrated C500 based general-purpose, fully 8051­compatible microcontroller with television specific hardware features. The on-chip display unit for displaying ‘ Level 1.5 ’ teletext data can be used for customer defined on-screen displays. Up to 10 display pages are available internally. ROMless versions can be used together with external RAM.
The SDA 545x contains a slicer for VPS, WSS, PDC, and TTX, an accelerating acquisition hardware modul, a display
generator for “ Level 1.5 “ TTX data, and an 8 bit microcontroller running at 250 ns cycle time ( min. ). The controller with dedicated hardware guarantees flexibility, does most of the internal processing of TTX acquisition, transfers data to/from the external memory interface and receives/transmits data via I C-firmware user-interface. The slicer combined with dedicated hardware stores TTX data in a VBI buffer of 746 Byte. The microcontroller firmware performs all the acquisition tasks ( hamming - and parity - checks, page search and evaluation of header control bits ) once per field. Additionally, the firmware can provide high-end Teletext-features like Packed-26-handling, FLOF, TOP ( in 8/10-page­versions ) and listpages. The interface to the user software is optimized for minimal overhead ( see firmware data sheet for details ).
The SDA 545xOTP contains 64KB-Program-ROM plus 6KB-Character-ROM, which both are ‘ one-time-programmable
‘ ( OTP ). It is pin-compatible to all the other ROM-types of SDA 545x. It can as such be used as a test circuit, a ramp­up solution or even for small series in mass production.
(2) Features Acquisition ( only SDA 545x )
Feature selection via special function register Simultaneous reception of TTX, VPS, PDC, and WSS ( line 23 ) Fixed framing code for VPS and TTX Acquisition during VBI Direct access to VBI RAM buffer Acquisition of packets x/0 to x/24, x/26, x/27, 8/30 ( firmware ) Assistance of all relevant checks ( firmware ) 1-bit framing code error tolerance ( switchable ) Complete TTX-acquisition firmware with simple user interface
Feature selectable via special function register 50/60/100/120-Hz display Level 1.5 serial attribute display pages Blanking and contrast reduction output 10 direct addressable display pages for SDA 5450 8 direct addressable display pages for SDA 5454 to SDA 5457 1 direct addressable display pages for SDA 5451 to SDA 5452 12 X 10-character matrix 96 character ROM (standard G0 character set )
156 national option chara ters for 12 languages ( European version ) 288 characters for X/26 display 64 block mosaic graphic characters 32 characters for OSD in expanded character ROM + 32 characters inside OSD box saturation of basic colors adjustable in 4 steps 8 foreground + 8 background colours out of 64 colours Conceal/reveal Transparent foreground/background - inside/outside of a box Constast reduction inside/outside of a box Cursor ( Colour changes from foreground to background colour ) Flash ( flash rate 1 s, independent of frame rate ) Programmable horizontal and vertical sync delay Full screen background colour in outer screen Double size/double width/double height characters Character shadowing Box shadowing Up to 64 Characters in a display row Software selectable pixel frequency ( 12, 13.7, 16, 19.2 and 24MHz )
Display synchronization to Sandcastle Pulse or Horizontal Sync ( HS ) and Vertical Sync ( VS )
8bit C500-CPU ( 8051 compatible ) 24-MHz internal clock ( max. )
0.25 us(min.) instruction cycle Non-multiplexed 8-bit data and 16 ... 19-bit address bus ( ROMless Version ) Eight 16-bit data pionter registers ( DPTR ) Two 16-bit timers Watchdog timer Capture compare timer for infrared remote control decoding 256-bytes on-chip RAM Display RAM and TXT/VPS/PDC/WSS-Acquisition-Buffer directly accessible via MOVX 10Kbyte on-chip diaplay-RAM ( access via MOVX ) for SDA 5450 8Kbyte on-chip display-RAM ( access via MOVX ) SDA 5454 to SDA 5457 1Kbyte on-chip display-RAM ( access via MOVX ) for SDA 5451 to SDA 5452 1Kbyte on-chip ACQ-buffer-RAM ( access via MOVX ) 1Kbyte on-chip extended-RAM ( XRAM, access via MOVX ) for SDA 5450 and SDA 5454 to SDA 5457 6 Channel 8-bit pulse width modulation unit 2 Channel 15-bit pulse width modulation unit ADC with 8-bit resolution ( 4 multiplexed input channels )
One 8-bit I/O-port with open drain output and optional I C Bus emulation ( Port0 ) Two 8-bit multifunctional I/O-ports ( Port1, Port3 )
IC description
One 4-bit port working as digital or analog inputs for the ADC ( Port2 ) One 1-bit Input-port with secondary functions ( P4.7 / VS / EVEN_ODD ) One 1-bit I/O-port ( P4.0 ) ( ROM Version ) One 2-bit I/O-port with optional RAM/ROM address expansion up to 512Kbyte ( P4.0 and P4.1 ) ( ROMless Version ) One 2-bit I/O-ports ( P4.2, P4.3 )
Additional Features
Single external 6MHz crystal, all necessary clocks are generated internally CPU clock speed selectable via special function registers ( 7 possible selections between 3 and 24 MHz )
IC description
(3) Block Diagram
Figure 5 Block Diagram
1) only ROM-versions
2) only ROMless-versions
3) only SDA5450 and SDA5454 to SDA5457
4) 10kByte for SDA5450, 8kByte for SDA5454 to SDA5457, 1kByte for SDA5451 and SDA5452
IC description
(4) Pin Configuration S-DIP-52 ( ROM Version ) ( Top view )
Figure 1 S-DIP-52 ( ROM Version of SDA 545x )
IC description
4-2. DW 90244 - *** ( z90244 : ZILOG TYPE )
The Z9024X Digital Television Contrlooer ( DTC ) family is ZiLOG’s most powerful Z8-based DTC product offering.
Enhanced features of the Z9024X include : * Large System RAM and ROM * Flexible Inter-Row Spacing * High-Resolution Character Cell * Background Mesh Effect * Dedicated Infrared Capture Registers * On-Chip Analog-to-Digital Converter * Hardware Master Mode I C Interface
The familiar Z8 architecture, in combination with these advanced features, makes the Z9024X family an idea choice
for mid-range televisions in both PAL and NTSC markets. The Z9024X family consists of three basic devices : * Z90243, 16kb * Z90244, 24kb * Z90241
The OTP supports a field-programmable 32kb system ROM. The ICE Chip is used in the Protopak. The Z9024X fam-
ily takes full advantage of the Z8 microcontroller’s expanded register file space to offer greater flexibility in On-Screen Display creations such as bitmap-simulated graphics, icons, and animation generation.
* Supports Displays Up to 10 Rows by 24 Columns with 256 Characters * Character Cell Resolution of 14 Pixels by 18 Scan Lines * Variable Inter-Row Spacing from 0-15 Horizontal Scan Lines * Foreground and Background Color of a Character is Fully Programmable Using a Color Palette Table
* Z8 MCU Core at 6 MHz * Avaible in 16kb and 24kb Mask ROM Options * 236 Bytes of System RAM * Ten 6-bit Pulse Width Modulators * One 14-bit Pulse Width Modulators * Three-Channel 4-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter * 26 General Purpose I/O Pins * I C Master Serial Communication Port * 42-Pin SDIP Package ( Z90243, Z90244 and, Z90241 )
IC description
IC description
IC description
+ 29 hidden pages