Cypress Semiconductor CY8C20110, CY8C20180, CY8C20160, CY8C20140, CY8C20142 User guide

CapSense® Express™ Button
Capacitive Controllers


10/8/6/4 Capacitive Button Input
Robust sensing algorithm
High sensitivity, low noise
Immunity to RF and AC noise
Low radiated EMC noise
Supports wide range of input capacitance, sensor shapes, and sizes
Target Applications
Cellular handsets
LCD monitors
Portable DVD players
Low Operating Current
Active current: continuous sensor scan: 1.5 mA
Deep sleep current: 4 uA
Industry's Best Configurability
Custom sensor tuning, one optional capacitor
Output supports strong drive for LED
Output state can be controlled through I2C or directly from CapSense® input state
Run time re-configurable over I2C
Advanced Features
All GPIOs support LED dimming with configurable delay option in CY8C21110
Interrupt outputs
User defined Inputs
Wake on interrupt input
Sleep control pin
Nonvolatile storage of custom settings
Easy integration into existing products – configure output to match system
No external components required
World class free configuration tool
Wide Range of Operating Voltages
2.4V to 2.9V
3.10V to 3.6V
4.75V to 5.25V
I2C Communication
Supported from 1.8V
Internal pull up resistor support option
Data rate up to 400 kbps
Configurable I2C addressing
Industrial temperature range: –40°C to +85°C.
Available in16-pin COL, 8-pin, and 16-pin SOIC Packages


These CapSense Express™ controllers support 4 to 10 capac­itive sensing (CapSense buttons). The device functionality is configured through an I2C port and can be stored in onboard nonvolatile memory for automatic loading at power on. The CY8C20110 is optimized for dimming LEDs in 15 selectable duty cycles for back light applications. The device can be configured to have up to 10 GPIOs connected to the PWM output. The PWM duty cycle is programmable for variable LED intensities.
The four key blocks that make up these devices are: a robust capacitive sensing core with high immunity against radiated and conductive noise, control registers with nonvolatile storage, configurable outputs, and I configure registers with parameters needed to adjust the operation and sensitivity of the CapSense buttons and outputs and permanently store the settings. The standard I communication interface enables the host to configure the device and read sensor information in real time. The I2C address is fully configurable without any external hardware strapping.
C communications. The user can
C serial
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 198 Champion Court San Jose,CA 95134-1709 408-943-2600 Document Number: 001-54606 Rev. *A Revised December 16, 2009
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Features ..............................................................................1
Overview .............................................................................1
Contents ............................................................................. 2
Pinouts ...............................................................................3
Typical Circuits ..................................................................6
Circuit-1: Five Button and Five LED with I2C Interface 6 Circuit 2 - Two Buttons and Two LEDs
with I2C Interface .........................................................6
Circuit 3 - Compatibility with 1.8V I2C Signaling .........7
Circuit 4 - Powering Down CapSense Express
Device for Low Power Requirements ...........................7
I2C Interface .......................................................................8
I2C Device Addressing .................................................8
I2C Clock Stretching .....................................................8
Format for Register Write and Read ............................9
Operating Modes of I2C Commands ..............................10
Normal Mode ..............................................................10
Setup Mode .............................................................. ..10
Device Operation Modes .................................................10
Active Mode ................................................................10
Periodic Sleep Mode ..................................................10
Deep Sleep Mode .......................................................10
Sleep Control Pin .............................................................10
Interrupt Pin to Master ....................................................10
LED Dimming ...................................................................10
LED Dimming Mode 1: Change Intensity on
ON/OFF Button Status ...............................................11
LED Dimming Mode 2: Flash Intensity on
ON Button Status .......................................................11
LED Dimming Mode 3: Hold Intensity After
ON/OFF Button Transition ..........................................12
LED Dimming Mode 4: Toggle Intensity on
ON/OFF or OFF/ON Button Transitions .....................12
Register Map ............................................................ ........13
CapSense Express Commands ................................17
Register Conventions .................................................17
Layout Guidelines and Best Practices ..........................18
CapSense Button Shapes ..........................................18
Button Layout Design .................................................18
Recommended via Hole Placement ...........................18
Example PCB Layout Design with
Two CapSense Buttons and Two LEDs .....................20
Operating Voltages ..........................................................21
CapSense Constraints ............ ........................................21
Electrical Specifications .................................................22
Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................22
Operating Temperature ..............................................22
DC Electrical Characteristics .........................................22
DC Chip Level Specifications .....................................22
5V and 3.3V DC General Purpose I/O Specifications 22
2.7 DC General Purpose IO Specifications ................23
2.7V DC Spec for I2C Line with 1.8V
External Pull Up ..........................................................24
DC POR and LVD Specifications ...............................24
DC Flash Write Specifications ....................................25
CapSense Electrical Characteristics ..........................25
AC Electrical Specifications ...........................................26
5V and 3.3V AC General Purpose I/O Specifications 26
2.7V AC General Purpose I/O Specifications .............26
C Specifications .................................................26
Appendix- Examples of Frequently Used
I2C Commands ................................................................27
Ordering Information .......................................................28
Ordering Code Definition ............................................28
Package Diagrams ...........................................................29
Document History Page ............................................ ......31
Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information .......................31
Worldwide Sales and Design Support ........................31
Products .....................................................................31
PSoC Solutions ..........................................................31
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1. 8/6/4 available configurable IOs can be configured to any of the 10 IOs of the package. Af ter any of the 8/6/4 IOs are ch osen, the remaining 2/ 4/6 IOs of the p ackage are not available for any functionality.
Figure 1. Pin Diagram - 16 COL- CY8C20110 (10 Buttons)/CY8C20180 (8 Buttons)
Table 1. Pin Definitions – 16 COL- CY8C20110 (10 Buttons)/CY8C20180 (8 Buttons) CY8C20160 (6 Buttons)/CY8C20140 (4 Buttons)
Pin No. Pin Name Description
1 GP0[0] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 2 GP0[1] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 3I 4I 5 GP1[0] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 6 GP1[1] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 7 VSS Ground Connection 8 GP1[2] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 9 GP1[3] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 10 GP1[4] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 11 XRES Active high external reset with internal pull up 12 GP0[2] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 13 VDD Supply voltage 14 GP0[3] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 15 CSInt Integrating Capacitor Input. The external capacitance is required
16 GP0[4] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO
CY8C20160 (6 Buttons)/CY8C20140 (4 Buttons)
C SCL I2C Clock
C SDA I2C Data
only if 5:1 SNR cannot be achieved. Typical range is 1 nF to 4.7 nF
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Figure 2. Pin Diagram – 16 SOIC– CY8C20110 (10 Buttons)/CY8C20180 (8 Buttons)
CY8C20160 (6 Buttons)/CY8C20140 (4 Buttons)
Table 2. Pin Definitions – 16 SOIC– CY8C20110 (10 Buttons)/CY8C20180 (8 Buttons) CY8C20160 (6 Buttons)/CY8C20140 (4 Buttons)
Pin No Name Description
1 GP0[3] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 2 CSint Integrating Capacitor Input. The external capacitance is required only if 5:1 SNR
3 GP0[4] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 4 GP0[0] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 5 GP0[1] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 6I 7I 8 GP1[0] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 9 GP1[1] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 10 VSS Ground Connection 11 GP1[2] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 12 GP1[3] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 13 GP1[4] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 14 XRES Active high external reset with internal pull up 15 GP0[2] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 16 VDD Supply voltage
C SCL I2C Clock
C SDA I2C Data
cannot be achieved. Typical range is 1 nF to 4.7 nF
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Figure 3. Pin Diagram - 8-Pin SOIC- CY8C20142 (4 Button)
Table 3. Pin Definitions - 8-Pin SOIC - CY8C20142 (4 Button)
Pin No Name Description
1 VSS Ground 2I 3I 4 GP1[0] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 5 GP1[1] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 6 GP0[0] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 7 GP0[1] Configurable as CapSense or GPIO 8 VDD Supply voltage
C SCL I2C Clock
C SDA I2C Data
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Typical Circuits

Circuit-1: Five Button and Five LED with I2C Interface

Circuit 2 - Two Buttons and Two LEDs with I
C Interface
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Circuit 3 - Compatibility with 1.8V I2C Signaling

CapSense Express
I2C Pull
Output enable
Note 1.8V VDD_I2C VDD_CE and 2.4V VDD_CE 5.25V

Circuit 4 - Powering Down CapSense Express Device for Low Power Requirements

For low power requirements, if Vdd is to be turned off, this concept can be used. The requirement is that the Vdds of CapSense Express, I the device while it is unpowered. The I pins of the master can cater to the power supply requirements of the circuit, the LDO can be avoided.
C pull ups, and LEDs should be from the same source such that turning off the Vdd ensures that no signal is applied to
C signals should not be driven high by the master in this situation. If a port pin or group of port
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I2C Interface

The CapSense Express devices support the industry standard I2C protocol, which can be used for:
Configuring the device
Reading the status and data registers of the device
Controlling device operation
Executing commands
The I
C address can be modified during configuration.

I2C Device Addressing

The device uses a seven bit addressing protocol. The I2C data transfer is always ini tiated by the master sending a one byte address: the first 7 bits contain the address and the LSB indicates the data transfer direction. Zero in the LSB bit indicates the write transaction from master and one indicates read transfer by the master. The following table shows examples for different I
Table 4. I
C Address Examples
C addresses.
7 Bit Slave
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 8 Bit Slave Address
1 00000 0 10(W) 02
1 00000 0 11(R) 03 75 10010 1 10(W) 96 75 10010 1 11(W) 97

I2C Clock Stretching

‘Clock stretching’ or ‘bus stalling’ in I2C communication protocol is a state in which the slave holds the SCL line low to indicate that it is busy. In this condition, the master is expected to wait till the SCL is released by the slave.
When an I device, the CapSense Express stalls the I reception of each byte (that is, just before the ACK/NAK bit) until processing of the byte is complete and critical internal functions are executed. Use a fully I with the CapSense Express device.
C master communicates with the CapSense Express
C compliant master to communicate
C bus after the
If the I2C master does not support clock stretching (a bit banged software I
C Master), the master must wait for a specific amount of time (as specified in “Format for Register Write and Read” on page 9) for each register write and read operation before the next bit is transmitted. The I should be high) before the I
C master must check the SCL status (it
C master initiates any data transfer with CapSense Express. If the master fails to do so and continues to communicate, the communication is erroneous.
The following diagrams represent the ACK time delays shown in
“Format for Register Write and Read” on page 9 for write and
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Figure 4. Write ACK Time Representation
2. Time to process the received data
3. Time taken for the device to send next byte
Figure 5. Read ACK Time Representation

Format for Register Write and Read

Register write format
Start Slave Addr + W AReg AddrADataADataA . . . . . Data A Stop
Register read format
Start Slave Addr + W Start Slave Addr + R
Master A - ACK
Slave N- NAK
AReg AddrAStop
A Data A Data A . . . . . Data NStop
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Operating Modes of I2C Commands

Normal Mode

In normal mode of operation, the acknowledgment time is optimized. The timings remain approximately the same for different configurations of the slave. To reduce the acknowl­edgment times in normal mode, the registers 0x06-0x09, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x10-0x17, 0x50, 0x51, 0x57-0x60, 0x7E are given only read access. Write to these registers can be done only in setup mode.

Setup Mode

All registers have read and write access (except those which are read only) in this mode. The acknowledgment times are longer compared to normal mode. When CapSense scanning is disabled (command code 0x0A in command register 0xA0), the acknowledgment times can be improved to values similar to the normal mode of operation.

Device Operation Modes

CapSense Express devices are configured to operate in any of the following three modes to meet different power consumption requirements:

Active Mode

Periodic Sleep Mode

Deep Sleep Mode

Active Mode
In the active mode, all the device blocks including the CapSense sub system are powered. Typical active current consumption of the device across the operating voltage range is 1.5 mA.
Periodic Sleep Mode
Sleep mode provides an intermediate power operation mo de. It is enabled by configuring the corresponding device registers (0x7E, 0x7F). The device goes into sleep after there is no event for stay awake counter (Reg 0x80) number of sleep intervals. The device wakes up on sleep interval and It scans the capac­itive sensors before going back to sleep again. If any sensor is active, then the device wakes up. The device can also wake up from sleep mode with a GPIO interrupt. The following sleep intervals are supported in CapSense Express. The sleep interval is configured through registers.
1.95 ms (512 Hz)
15.6 ms (64 Hz)
125 ms (8 Hz)
1s (1 Hz)
Deep Sleep Mode
Deep sleep mode provides the lowest power consumption because there is no operation running. All CapSense scanning is disabled during this mode. In this mode, the device wakes up only using an external GPIO interrupt. A sleep timer interrupt cannot wake up a device from deep sleep mode. This is treated as a continuous sleep mode without periodic wakeups. Refer to the application note CapSense Express Power and Sleep
Considerations - AN44209 for details on different sleep modes.
To get the lowest power during this mode the sleep timer frequency should be set to 1 Hz.

Sleep Control Pin

The devices require a dedicated sleep control pin to enable reliable I This is achieved by pulling the sleep control pin low to wake up the device and start I2C communication. The sleep control pin can be configured on any GPIO.
C communication in case any sleep mode is enabled.

Interrupt Pin to Master

To inform the master of any button press a GPIO can be configured as interrupt output and all CapSense buttons can be connected to this GPIO with an OR logic operator. This can be configured using the software tool.

LED Dimming

To change the brightness and intensity of the LEDs, the host master (MCU, MPU, DSP, and so on) must send I and program the PWM registers to enable output pins, set duty cycle, and mode configuration. The single PWM source is connected to all GPIO pins and has a common user defined duty cycle. Each PWM enabled pin has two possible outputs: PWM and 0/1 (depending on the configuration). Four different modes of LED dimming are possible, as shown in “LED Dimming Mode
1: Change Intensity on ON/OFF Button Status” on page 11 to “LED Dimming Mode 4: Toggle Intensity on ON/OFF or OFF/ON Button Transitions” on page 12. The operation mode and duty
cycle of the PWM enabled pins is common. This means that one pin cannot behave as in Mode1 and another pin as in Mode 2.
C commands
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