Document #: 38-05177 Rev. *A Page 6 of 24
Functional Overview
The CY7C1316V18/CY7C1318V18/CY7C1320V18 are
synchronous pipelined Burst SRAMs equipped with a DDR
Accesses are initiated on the Positive Input Clock (K). All
synchronous input ti ming is refe renced from the rising edge of
the input clocks (K and K
) and all output timing is referenced
to the output clocks (C/C
or K/K when in single clock mode).
All synchronous data inputs (D
) pass through input
registers controlled by the input clocks (K and K
). All
synchronous data outputs (Q
) pass through output
registers control led by the rising edge of the output c locks (C/C
or K/K when in single-clock mode).
All synchronous control (R/W, LD, BWS
) inputs pass
through input registers controlled by the rising edge of the
input clock (K ).
The following descriptions take CY7C1318V18 as an
example. However, the same is true for the other DDR-II
SRAMs, CY7C1316V18 and CY7C1320V18.
These chips utilize a Delay Lock Loop (DLL) that is designed
to function betwee n 80 MH z and the specifie d maximum clock
frequency . The DLL may be disabled by applying gro und to the
Read Operations
Accesses are completed in a burst of two sequential 18-bit
data words. Read operations are in itiated by assertin g R/W
HIGH and LD LOW at the rising edge of the Positive Input
Clock (K). The address presented to Address inputs is stored
in the Read address registe r and the least s ignificant bit of the
address is presented to the burst counter. The burst counter
increments th e add res s in a lin ea r fashion. Following the next
K clock rise the corresponding 18-bit word of data from this
address location is driven onto the Q
using C as the output
timing reference. On the subs equent rising edge o f C th e next
18-bit data wo rd from the address loca tion gen erated by th e
burst counter is driven onto the Q
. The requested dat a will
be valid 0.35 ns from the rising edge of the output clock (C or
, 250-MHz device). In order to maintain the internal logic,
each read access must be allowed to complete. Read
accesses can be initiated on every rising edge of the Positive
Input Clock (K).
When the read port is dese lected, the CY7C1318V18 wil l fi rst
complete the pend ing read transa ctions. Synchrono us internal
circuitry will autom atically th ree-stat e the o utputs fol lowing the
next rising edge of the Positive Output Clock (C). This will
allow for a seamless transition between devices without the
insertion of wait states in a depth expanded memory.
Write Operations
Write operations are initiated by asserting R/W
LOW and LD
LOW at the rising edge of the Positive Input Clock (K). The
address presented to Address inputs is stored in the Write
address register and the least significant bit of the address is
presented to the burst counter. The burst counter increments
the address in a linear fashion. On the following K clock rise
the data presented to D
is latched and stored into the
18-bit Write Da ta regi ster provi ded BWS
are both asserted
active. On the subsequent rising edge of the Negative Input
Clock (K
) the information presented to D
is also stored
into the Write Data Register provided BWS
are both
asserted active. The 36 bits of data are then written into the
memory array at the specified location. Write accesses can be
initiated on every rising edge of the Positive Input Clock (K).
Doing so will pipeline the data flow such that 18 bits of data
can be transferred into the device on every rising edge of the
input clocks (K and K
When deselected, the write port will ignore all inputs after the
pending Write operations have been completed.
Byte Write Operations
Byte Write op erati on s a re sup po rted by the CY7C1318V18. A
write operation is initi ated as describ ed in the Write Operation
section above. The bytes that are written are determined by
and BWS1 which are sampled with each set of 18-bit
data word. Asserting the appropriate Byte Write Select input
during the data portion of a write will allow the data being
presented to be latched and written into the device.
Deasserting the By te Write S elect input during the data porti on
of a write will allow the data stored in the device for that byte
to remain unaltered. This feature can be used to simplify
Read/Modify/Write operations to a Byte Write operation.
Single Clock Mode
The CY7C1318V18 can be used with a single clock that
controls bot h the i nput and out put r egister s. In this m ode th e
device will re cogni ze on ly a si ngl e pair of input cloc ks (K an d
) that control both the input and output registers. This
operation is identical to the operation if the device had zero
skew between the K/K
and C/C clocks. All tim ing parame ter s
remain the same in this mode. To use this mode of operation,
the user must tie C and C
HIGH at power- on . Th is fu n ct ion is
a strap option and not alterable during device operation.
DDR Operation
The CY7C1318V18 enables high performance operation
through high clock frequencies (achieved through pipelining)
and double data rate mode of operation. The CY7C1318V18
requires a single No O peration (NOP) cycl e when transitioning
from a Read to a Write cycle. At higher frequencies, some
applications may require a second NOP cycle to avoid
If a Read occurs after a Write cycle, address and data for the
Write are stored in registers. The write information must be
stored because the SRAM c an not perform the last wo rd Write
to the array without conflicting with the Read. The data stays
in this register until the next Write cycle occurs. On the first
Write cycle af ter the READ (s), the st ored dat a from the earl ier
Write will be written into the SRAM array. This is called a
Posted Write.
If a Read is performed o n th e sa me address on which a Writ e
is performed in the previous cycle, the SRAM reads out the
most current data. The SRAM does this by bypassing the
memory array and reading the data from the registers.
Depth Expansion
Depth expansion requires replicating the LD
control signal for
each bank. All other control signals can be common between
banks as appropriate.