Cypress Semiconductor CY22392ZI-xxx, CY22392ZC-xxx, CY22392FI, CY22392FC Datasheet

Three-PLL General Purpose
FLASH Programmable Clock Generator
Features Benefits
200 MHz from an external source. Functional upgrade for cur­rent CY2292 family.
Ultra Wide Divide Counters (8-bit Q, 11-bit P, and 7-bit Post Divide)
Improved Linear Crystal Load Capacitors Improves frequency accuracy over temperature, age, process,
Flash programmability Non-Volatile programming enables easy customization,
Field programmable In-house programming of samples and prototype quantities is
Low-jitter, high-accuracy outputs Performance suit able for high -end multimed ia, communicat ions,
Power-management options (Shutdown, OE, Suspend) Supports nume rous l ow- po wer a ppl ic ati on schemes and redu c-
Configurable Crystal Drive Strength Adjust Crystal Drive Strength for compatibility with virtually all
Frequency Select via 3 External LVTTL Inputs 3-Bit External Frequency Select Options for PLL1, CLKA, and
3.3V operation Industry-standard supply voltage. 16-pin TSSOP Packages Industry-standard packaging saves on board space. CyClocksRT™ Support Easy to use software support for design entry.
Allows for 0 ppm Frequency Generati on and Frequ ency Conver­sion under the most demanding applications.
and initial offset.
ultra-fast turnaround, performance tweaking, design timing mar­gin testing, inventory control, lower part count, and more secure product supply. In addition, any part in the family can also be programmed multiple times which reduces programming errors and provides an easy upgrade path for existing designs.
available using the CY3672 FTG Development Kit. Production
quantities are avail able through Cypress Semic onductors value added Distributio n p artners or by usi ng thi rd p ar ty prog ramme rs from BP Microsystems, HiLo Systems, and others.
industrial, A/D Converters, and consumer applications.
es EMI by allowing unused outputs to be turned off.
Logic Block Diagram
CYClocks RT is a trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
/OE S0 S1
11 BIT P
11 BIT P
11 BIT P
Divider /2,3, or 4
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 3901 North First Street San Jose CA 95134 408-943-2600 Document #: 38-07013 Rev. *C Revised December 14, 2002
Pin Configuration
16-pin TSSOP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 15 14 13 12
11 10
Selector Guide
Part Number Outputs Input Frequency Range Output Frequency Range Specifics
CY22392FC 6 8 MHz–30 MHz (external crystal)
1 MHz–166 MHz (reference clock)
CY22392FI 6 8 MHz–30 MHz (external crystal)
1 MHz–150 MHz (reference clock)
Up to 200 MHz Commercial Temperature
Up to 166 MHz Industrial Temperature
Pin Summary
Name Pin Number Description
CLKC 1 Configurable clock output C V
AGND 3 Analog Ground XTALIN 4 Reference crystal input or external reference clock input XTALOUT 5 Reference crystal feedback XBUF 6 Buffered reference clock output CLKD 7 Configurable clock output D CLKE 8 Configurable clock output E CLKB 9 Configurable clock output B CLKA 10 Configurable clock output A GND 11 Ground S0 12 General Purpose Input for Frequency Control; bit 0 S1 13 General Purpose Input for Frequency Control; bit 1 AV
SHUTDOWN/OE 16 Places outputs in thr ee-s tat e condit ion and sh ut s down ch ip whe n LOW. Optionally ,
2 Power supply
14 Analog Power Supply 15 General Purpose Input for Fre quency Control; bit 2. Optionally Suspe nd mode control
only places outputs in tristate condition and does not shut down chip when LOW
Document #: 38-07013 Rev. *C Page 2 of 9
The CY22392 is an upgrade to the exis ting CY 2292. The new device has a wider frequency range, greater flexibility, im­proved performance, and incorporates many features that re­duce PLL sensitivity to external system issues.
The device has three PLLs which, when combined with the reference, allow up to fou r inde penden t frequ encies t o b e out­put on up to six pi ns. These th ree PLLs are c ompletely pr o­grammable.
Configurable PLLs
PLL1 generates a frequency that is equal to the reference di­vided by an 8-bi t div ider (Q) and m ultipl ied b y an 11-bit divider in the PLL feedback loop (P). The outp ut of PLL1 is sent to the crosspoint switch. The output of PLL1 is also sent to a /2, /3, or /4 synchronous post-divider that is output through CLKE. The frequency of PLL1 can be changed by external CMOS inputs, S0, S1, S2. See the following section on General-Pur­pose Inputs for more details.
PLL2 generates a frequency that is equal to the reference di­vided by an 8-bi t div ider (Q) and m ultipl ied b y an 11-bit divider in the PLL feedback loop (P). The outp ut of PLL2 is sent to the crosspoint switch.
PLL3 generates a frequency that is equal to the reference di­vided by an 8-bi t div ider (Q) and m ultipl ied b y an 11-bit divider in the PLL feedback loop (P). The outp ut of PLL3 is sent to the cross-point switch.
General-Purpose Inputs
S0, S1, and S2 are general-purpose inputs that can be pro­grammed to allow for eight different frequency settings. Op­tions that may be switched with these general purpose inputs are as follows; the frequency of PLL1, the output divider of CLKB, and the output divider of CLKA.
CLKA and CLKB both have 7-bit dividers that point to one of two programmable settings (register 0 and register 1). Both clocks share a single register control, so both must be set to register 0, or both must be set to register 1.
For example: the p art may be programm ed to use S0 , S1, and S2 (0,0,0 to 1,1,1) to control eight different values of P and Q on PLL1. For each PLL1 P and Q setting , one of the two CLKA and CLKB divider regis ters can be chosen. A ny divider change as a result of switching S0, S1, or S2 is guara nteed to be glitch free.
Crystal Input
The input crystal osci llator is an important feature of thi s device because of its flexibility and performance features.
The oscillator inverter has programmable drive strength. This allows for maximum compatibility with crystals from various manufacturers, processes, performances, and qualities.
The input load capacitors are placed on-die to reduce external component cost. These capacitors are true parallel-plate ca­pacitors for ultra-linear performance. These were chosen to reduce the frequency shift that oc curs when non-linear load capacitan ce in teract s wit h load , bias , supp ly, and temperature changes. Non-linea r (FET gate) cryst al load cap acitors should not be used f or MPEG, POTS dial tone, Comm unicati ons, or other applications that are sensitive to absolute frequency re­quirements.
The value of the load capacitors is determined by six bits in a programmable register. The load capacitance can be set with a resolution of 0.375 pF for a total crystal load range of 6 pF to 30 pF.
For driven clock inpu ts the input load capacitors may be com ­pletely bypassed . This enabl es the clock chip to acce pt driven frequency inputs up to 166 MHz. If the application requires a driven input, then XTALOUT must be left floating.
Output Configuration
Under normal operation there are four internal frequency sources that may be routed via a programmable crosspoint switch to any of the four programmable 7-bit output dividers. The four sources are: reference, PLL1, PLL2, and PLL3. In addition, many outputs have a unique capability for even greater flexibilit y . The foll owing is a desc ription of each output.
CLKA’s output originates from the crossp oin t s witc h a nd g oes through a programmable 7-bit post divider. The 7-bit post di­vider derives its value from one of two programmable regis­ters. Each of the eight possible combinations of S0, S1, S2 controls which of the two programmable registers is loaded into CLKAs 7-bit post divider. See the section “General-Pur- pose Inputs for more information.
CLKBs output origi nates from the c rossp oin t swit ch and goes through a programmable 7-bit post divider. The 7-bit post di­vider derives its value from one of two programmable regis­ters. Each of the eight possible combinations of S0, S1, and S2 controls whic h of the two programmab le registers i s loaded into CLKAs 7-bit post divider. See the section “General-Pur- pose Inputs for more information.
CLKCs output or iginat es from the cross point swit ch an d goe s through a programmable 7-bit post divider. The 7-bit post di­vider derives its value from one programmable register.
CLKDs output or iginat es from the cross point swit ch an d goe s through a programmable 7-bit post divider. The 7-bit post di­vider derives its value from one programmable register.
CLKEs output originates from PLL1 and goes through a post divider that may be programmed to /2, /3, or /4.
XBUF is simply the buffered r efere nc e. The Clock outputs have been designed to drive a single point
load with a total lumpe d load cap acita nce of 15pF. While driv­ing multiple loads is possible with the proper termination it is generally not recommended.
Power Saving Features
The SHUTDOWN pulled LOW . If sy stem shut down is enabl ed, a LOW on t his pin also shuts of f the PLLs, count ers, the referenc e oscilla tor , an d all other active components. The resulting current on the V pins will be less than 5 µA (typical). After leaving shutdown mode, the PLLs will have to relock.
The S2/SUSPEND customizable se t of outp uts a nd/or PLLs , when L OW . Al l PLLs and any of the outputs can be shut off in nearly any combina­tion. The only limitation is that if a PLL is shut off, all outputs derived from it mus t a ls o b e s hut off. Suspending a PLL shuts off all associated logic, while suspending an output simply forces a three-state condition.
/OE input three-states the outputs when
input can be configured to shut down a
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