Cypress MicroSystems CY3215-DK Getting Started Manual

Step 1: Verify Kit Contents
ICE-Cube In-Circuit Emulator Base Unit
28-Pin DIP Flex-Pod for the CY8C29466-24PXI
Two 28-Pin DIP Samples (CY8C29466-24PXI)
MiniEval - Evaluation and Programming Board
C Compiler Activation Instructions
PSoC Designer Release Notes
USB 2.0 Cable
ISSP Cable
Universal 110/220 Power Supply
European Plug Adapter
Backward Compatibility Adapter
Blue Cat 5e Cable (for Backward Compatibility)
Getting Started Guide
US: 800.669.0557 Intl: 425.787.4814
Kit Contents
ISSP Cable USB 2.0 Cable
Designer CD-ROM
ICE-Base Unit
28-Pin DIP Flex-POD for the CY8C29466-24PXI
Blue CAT 5e Cable
Two 28-Pin DIP Samples (CY8C29466­24PXI)
MiniEval­Evaluation and Programming Board
Univeral 110/220 Power Supply
Backward Compatibility Adapter
Not Pictured
C Compiler Activation Instructions
PSoC Designer Release Notes
12V DC
See Reverse for images of kit contents
Getting Started Guide
Step 2: Install PSoC Designer
Step 3: Install PSoC Programmer
Install from the included CD-ROM. For assistance refer to PSoC Designer: Integrated Development Environment User Guide, available on the CD-ROM.
Download the latest version and updates of PSoC Designer at
Attach the Flex-Pod to the ICE-Cube as shown in the picture. Notice that the Flex-Pod connector is keyed to attach to the ICE­Cube in only one way.
Connect the Flex-Pod to the MiniEval via the ZIF socket on the MiniEval.
Run ASM_Example_BLink_LED in PSoC Designer: PSoC Designer >> Examples >> CY8C29
PSoC Programmer is a separate application and must be installed separately from PSoC Designer. Install from the included CD-ROM.
Download the latest version and updates of PSoC Programmer at
Step 4a: Use the MiniEval to Evaluate Step 4b: Use the MiniEval to Program
The following Application Notes and documents
are available at
PSoC Device Selector Guide
Application Note AN2209, the PSoC Device Selector Guide, is a useful tool for determining exactly which PSoC device you should use for a specific project.
Development Tools Selector Guide
The PSoC Development Tools Selector Guide includes a complete catalog and description of all the development tools that support PSoC devices.
Flex-Pod Soldering Guide
Application Note AN2222, the Flex-Pod Soldering Guide, provides a comprehensive methodology for soldering PSoC Flex-Pods. The easy-to-follow instructions include detailed step­by-step pictures.
PSoC Emulation Pod Dimensions
Some emulation tools may require a larger area on the target PCB than the chip’s footprint. For a detailed description of the emulation tools’ dimen­sions, refer to the document titled PSoC Emulation Pod Dimensions.
Tele-training courses can help you move quickly up the PSoC learning curve. Each training includes example projects. To register for the live training taught by PSoC factory experts or to download a pre-recorded class, visit
Online Support
For knowledgebase articles, customer forums, and online application support, visit
Web: Support: US: 800.669.0557 Intl: 425.787.4814
Attach the Backward Compatibility Adapter to the ICE-Cube in place of the Flex-Pod.
Connect the RJ45 end of the ISSP cable into the adapter.
Connect the ISSP cable’s 5-pin connector to the MiniEval
Program parts using PSoC Programmer.
To learn how to use the ISSP cable with a custom target board, see Applications Notes AN2014 and AN2026.