Cypress WDG-5912 User Manual

Spec Sheet
Programmable USB Wedge
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Electrical and Mechanical Specifications
Product Specifications
The WDG-5912 Wedge is a compact and durable device which automatically adds badge data to IBM and compatible PC systems, Tektronix systems, MAC OS X, as well as most popular POS terminals.
The Wedge enhances productivity in a wide variety of retail, security , and Time & Attendance applications by converting badge, wand, or scanner information to the appropriate keystrokes. Input can be Wiegand, Strobed ABA, or RS232 Serial data.
The WDG-5912 parameters are programmable through a serial connection to a VT-100 terminal or equivalent (configured for 9600 baud 8,1,N). Trailers, headers, and badge number processing are configurable through the programming interface. Refer to the WDG-5912 programming manual for detailed programming instructions. The WDG-5912 will work with most host computers that support a USB keyboard interface.
Supply Voltage: 5 Vdc from USB Interface Supply Current: 100mA Readers requiring 100mA or greater current or greater than 5 VDC will require an external supply
Physical Dimensions: 4.25” x 1.125” excluding connectors.
For indoor use only
This complies with part 15 of the FCC rules
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Cypress Computer Systems 1778 Imlay City Rd Lapeer, MI 48446
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Adds Automatic Data Entry to Computers and Terminals
Connection Diagram
Product Description
The WDG-5912 Wedge is a compact and durable device which automatically adds badge data to IBM and compatible PC systems, Tektronix systems, MAC OS X, as well as most popular POS terminals. The Wedge enhances productivity in a wide variety of retail, security , and Time & Attendance applications by converting badge, wand, or scanner information to the appropriate keystrokes. Input can be Wiegand, Strobed ABA, or RS232 Serial data.
The WDG-5912 parameters are programmable through a serial connection to a VT-100 terminal or equivalent (configured for 9600 baud 8,1,N). Trailers, headers, and badge number processing are configurable through the programming interface. Refer to the WDG-5912 programming manual for detailed programming instructions. The WDG-5912 will work with most host computers that support a USB keyboard interface.
(Wiegand, MagStripe, BarCode,Proximity)
Terminal or Computer
Cypress Computer Systems, Inc. • 1778 Imlay City Rd. • Lapeer, MI 48446-3206
TX(810)245-2300 • FX(810)245-2332 •
RS-232 Interface and Programming Port
USB Interface
Programmable USB Wedge
©2005 Cypress Computer Systems, Inc. 9/20/05 WDG-5912 Connection Diagram V1.00 2
Standard WDG-5912 Connections
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Data 0 / Strobe(Green)
Data 1 / Data (White)
LED (Brown)
+5 Vdc Out (Red)
GND (Black)
To Computer USB port or USB Hub
Supply Voltage: 5 Vdc from USB Interface
Supply Current: 100mA
Readers requiring 100mA or greater current or greater than 5 VDC will require an external supply.
USB Cable
DB-9 Male
DB-9 Connections
2 RXD (Data In)
3 TXD (Data Out)
9 + 5VDC Out
DB-9 Male
The RS-232 port is set for 9600 Baud, 8,N,1.
All printable ASCII data received from the port will be sent to the USB keyboard output.
The RS-232 port also provides the programming interface for the wedge. Refer to programming manual for details.
DB-9 Connections to standard PC Com Port
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WDG-5912 Dimensions
Top View
Side View
(10.8 cm)
(2.86 cm)
(6.67 cm)
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WDG-5912 External Supply for Reader
Reader Power Supply
Ground is connected to Reader and Wedge.
Power (+VDC) is connected to reader ONLY.
External power should not be applied to +5 VDC connection of wedge.
An external power supply may be required for applications where the combined current requirements of the wedge and reader exceed the capacity of the USB interface. A power supply will also be required
for readers that specify more than 5 volts supply voltage (ie 12VDC )
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WDG-5912 Programming Instructions
Cypress WDG-5912 USB Programmable Wedge
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WDG-5912 Programming - Getting Started
A programming interface is provided for the WDG-5912 through the RS-232 port. Programming There are some important differences between the 4612 series and 5912 procedures.
Required equipment to program the WDG-5912:
1. RS-232 cable F-F Crossover type.
2. Terminal program (such as Hyperterminal) running VT-100 emulation at 9600 baud, 8, N, 1 with Echo ON, no hardware handshaking.
3. RS-232 port on host computer running the terminal program.
Placing the Wedge into programming mode:
The WDG-5912 in normal operation will pass all printable ASCII characters input to the serial port to the USB keyboard output. To utilize the RS-232 port for programming purposes it is necessary to place the port / wedge into programming mode.
The wedge should be connected to the computer through the USB cable to provide power. The RS-232 cable should be installed and the terminal program running.
Type the characters + + + into the terminal program.
The wedge should answer with “Command mode”.
Now the standard Cypress programing commands can be used i.e. \R \L etc. If you have not used the Cypress programming interface, this manual will cover the details in the following pages.
After programming is complete, the wedge can be placed back into normal operation by pressing the “Esc” (Escape) key.
Note: If you are using the same computer to program and host the USB interface, a condition can occur during programming where a keepers will enter an infinite loop. This can happen when; the terminal program is the active window, the wedge is in normal mode, and a key other than + is pressed. The wedge will output the character to the terminal window where it will be fed back to the wedge through the RS-232 port where it will then be output as a keystroke.
To terminate this condition, briefly unplug the RS-232 connection to the wedge.
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Standard WDG-5912 Connections
Data 0 / Strobe(Green)
Data 1 / Data (White)
LED (Brown)
+5 Vdc Out (Red)
GND (Black)
To Computer USB port or USB Hub
Supply Voltage: 5 Vdc from USB Interface
Supply Current: 100mA
Readers requiring 100mA or greater current or greater than 5 VDC will require an external supply.
USB Cable
DB-9 Male
DB-9 Connections
2 RXD (Data In)
3 TXD (Data Out)
9 + 5VDC Out
DB-9 Male
The RS-232 port is set for 9600 Baud, 8,N,1.
All printable ASCII data received from the port will be sent to the USB keyboard output.
The RS-232 port also provides the programming interface for the wedge. Refer to programming manual for details.
DB-9 Connections to standard PC Com Port (Programming Cable)
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Basic Command Structure:
All commands start with a Backslash “\” and are upper case only
\P - Load Simulator Template
\P@ = defaults \PH = Badge Peeler {hexadecimal output}
\Q - Load Reader Template
\Q@ = defaults \QH = Badge Peeler {No Processing of Formats}
\R - Show Reader Parameters
\S - Show Simulator Parameters
\L - Burn specified NVRAM locations
\P [template code]
\P@ - load default Simulator Parameters \PA - load profile A
... \PZ - load profile Z
\Q [template code]
\Q@ - load default Reader Parameters \QA - load profile A
... \QZ - load profile Z
\L [number of bytes to burn] [Starting address] [Hex codes...]
\L01075FF - programs $FF into location $075 \L060C508FF08200100 - programs 6 bytes starting at location $0C5: 08 FF 08 20 01 00
>> When youʼve typed the nth byte, youʼll get the “>>” prompt.
WDG-5912 Programming - The Programming Interface
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Step by Step - Using the Wedge for custom Wiegand formats
This section will explain how to use the Cypress programmable wedge to generate Facility Code and Badge numbers from Wiegand data streams of 24 to 64 bits.
The user should be familiar with Decimal, Hexadecimal and Binary number systems and a reader should reconnected to the wedge and be operational. condition.
The user will also need to know any formatting details of the decoded data.
Different processes are required for Strobed/ABA or Wiegand/ABA data. These procedures apply to Wiegand/Binary data only.
There are several steps involved in getting the desired facility code and badge numbers from Wiegand data using the Cypress Wedge.
These are:
1. Determine the number of bits in the raw Wiegand data.
2. Determine the actual data bits (raw data) from the Wiegand card reader.
3. Determine where the desired facility code is located in the raw data.
4. Determine where the desired badge data is located in the raw data.
5. Composing programming strings to filter the facility code and badge data from the incoming raw Wiegand data.
6. Determine the number of decimal digits for the facility code and badge data.
7. Composing programming strings to correctly display the decimal facility code and badge numbers.
We will go through each step with the “Standard” 26 bit Wiegand badge as an example:
First, determine the number of bits in the data stream and the raw data coming from the reader/badge.
Place the Wedge into “Badge Peeler” mode by entering \PH and \QH into the programming interface.
This will cause the wedge to generate an output that displays the number of bits and the badge data in raw hexadecimal format.
Lets say our 26 bit badge yielded the output “ 26=000002F62712” from the badge peeler mode. We now know it is 26 bits (the numbers before “=”) and we have the raw binary data in hexadecimal form.
We will use the worksheet provided at the end of this document to work out the bit positions and conversion information. The worksheet can be printed and used with pen and pencil for calculating the programming strings.
Reset the programming parameters back to factory defaults using the reset jumper block before proceeding.
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This worksheet grid represents the internal 8 byte buffer of the Cypress Programmable Wedge
Most Significant Bit 0x01
Least Significant Bit 0x40
Byte number
Bit Number (Decimal) from LSb to MSb
Each Hex digit is converted to its binary equivalent and filled into the bit boxes.
We added a zero above the most significant byte for clarity. The bits are processed Right Justified.
First write the individual Hexadecimal digits over each 4 bit group (2 per byte) starting from Right to left. The
upper most significant bits/bytes are zero padded.
BIT count
Step by Step - Using the Wedge for custom Wiegand formats
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