Serial Data Interface
The W48S87-04 features a two-pin, serial data interface that
can be used to configure internal register settings that control
particular device functions. Upon power-up, the W48S87-04
initiali zes with defaul t registe r setti ngs, t herefo re the use of this
serial data interface is optional. The serial interface is writeonly (to the clock chip) and is the dedicated function of device
pins SDATA and SCLOCK. In motherboard applications,
SDATA and SCLOCK are typically driven by two logic outputs
of the chipset. Clock device register changes are normally
made upon system initialization, i f any are required. The interface can also be us ed during system oper ation f or power management functions. Table 2 summarizes the control functions
of the serial data interface.
Data is written to the W48S87-04 in ten bytes of eight bits
each. Bytes are written in the or der shown in Table 3.
T able 2. Serial Data Interface Control Func ti ons Sum mary
Control Function Description Common Application
Clock Output Disable Any indivi dual clock output(s) can be disabled. Dis-
abled outputs ar e actively held LO W.
Unused outputs are di sabled to reduce EMI
and system power. Examples are clock outputs to unused SDRAM DIMM socket or PCI
CPU Clock Frequency
Provides CPU/PCI fr equency selections be yond the
50- and 66.8-MHz selections that are provided by
the FS0:2 power- on defaul t selection. Frequ ency is
changed in a smooth and controlled fashion.
For alternate CPU devi ces, and power management options. Smooth frequency transition allows CPU fr equency ch ange un der nor-
mal system operati on.
Output Three-state Puts all clock outputs into a high-impedance state. Production PCB testing.
Test Mode All clock outputs toggle in relat ion with X1 input,
internal PLL is bypassed. Refer to Tabl e 4.
Production PCB testing.
(Reserved) Reserved functio n for future de vice revisi on or pro-
duc tion dev ice tes t i ng.
No user application . Regist er bit must be wri t-
ten as 0.
Table 3. Byte Writing Sequence
Byte Sequence Byte Name Bit Sequence Byte Description
1 Slave Address 11010010 Commands the W48S87-04 to accept the bits in Data Byte s 0 –6 f or
internal register configuration. Since other devices may exist on the
same common serial data bus, it is necessary to have a specific slave
address for each potential receiver. The slave receiver address for the
W48S87-04 is 11010010. Regi ster set ting will not be made if the Sla v e
Add r ess is n ot corr ect (or is for an alter nat e slave rec e i ve r).
2 Command
Don’t Care Unused by the W48S87-04, therefore bit values are ignored (“don’t
care”). This b yte must be included in the data write se quence to mai ntain
proper byte all ocation. The Command Code Byt e is part of the standar d
serial communicat ion protocol and may be us ed when writing to another
addressed slave receiver on the serial data bus.
3 Byte Count Don’t Care Unused by the W48S87-04, therefore bit values are ignored (“don’t
care”). This b yte must be included in the data write se quence to mai ntain
proper byte allo cation. The Byte Count Byt e is part of the standard serial
communication protocol and may be used when writin g to anot her addressed slave receiver on the serial data bus.
4 Data Byte 0 Refer to Ta ble 4 The data bits in these bytes set internal W48S87-04 registe rs that con-
trol dev ice oper ation. Th e data bits are only a ccepted when the Addr ess
Byte bit sequence is 11010010, as noted above. For description of bit
control functions, refer to Table 4, Data Byte Serial Configurati on M ap.
5 Data Byte 1
6 Data Byte 2
7 Data Byte 3
8 Data Byte 4
9 Data Byte 5
10 Data Byte 6