Pin Definitions
Pin Name Pin No. Pin Type Pin Description
CPU0:3 40, 39, 36,
CPU Clock Output s 0 through 3:
These four CPU clock outputs are controlled by
the CPU_STOP# control pin. Output voltage sw ing is controll ed by voltage applied
to VDDQ2.
PCI1:7 8, 10, 11,
13, 14, 16,
PCI Bus Clock Outputs 1 thr ough 7:
These sev en PCI cloc k outputs are control led
by the PCI_STOP# cont rol pin. Output v oltage swing is cont rolled by v oltage applied
to VDDQ3.
Fixed PCI Clock Output:
Unlike PCI 1:7 o utputs , t his outp ut i s not contr olled b y the
PCI_STOP# control pin. Output voltage swing is controlled by voltage applied to
CPU_STOP# Input:
When brought LO W, clock outputs CPU0:3 are stop ped LOW
after completing a full clock cycle (2–3 CPU clock latency). When brought HIGH,
clock outpu ts CPU0:3 st art beginning wi th a ful l cloc k cycle ( 2–3 CPU clock latency).
PCI_STOP# Input:
The PCI_STOP# input enables t he PCI 1:7 outputs when HIGH
and causes them to remain at logic 0 when LOW. The PCI_STOP signal is latched
on the rising edge of PCI_F. Its effect takes place on the next PCI_F clock cycle.
SPREAD# Input:
When brought LO W th is pin ac tiv at es Sp read Spect rum cloc king.
APIC0:1 45, 44 O
I/O APIC C lock O utputs:
Provides 14. 318-MHz fixe d frequency . The out put volt age
swing is controlled by VDDQ2.
48MHz 22 O
48-MHz Output:
Fixed cloc k outp uts at 48 MHz. Output vol ta ge swi ng is cont ro lled
by voltage applied to VDDQ3.
24/48MHz 23 O
24-MHz or 48-MHz Out put:
24-MHz output when pin 1 is strapped through 10-kΩ
resistor to VDDQ3. 48-MHz output when pin 1 is strapped t hrough 10-k Ω resistor to
REF0/SEL48# 1 I/O
I/O Dual Function REF0 and SEL48# pin:
During power on, SEL48# input will be
latched, which will set pin 23 to out put 24 MHz or 48 MHz. It then reverts to REF0
fixed output.
REF1:2 2, 47 O
Fixed 14.318-MHz Outputs 1 through 2:
Used for various system applicat ions.
Output voltage swing is controlled by voltage appl ied to VDDQ3.
SEL100/66# 25 I
Frequency Selection Input:
Selects power -up default CPU clock frequency as
shown in Tabl e 1 on page 1.
SCLK 26 I Clock pin for I
C circuitry.
SDATA 27 I/O Data pin for I
C circuitry.
X1 4 I
Crystal Connection or External Reference Frequency Input:
This pin has dual
functions. It can be used as an external 14.318-MHz crystal connection or as an
external reference frequency i nput.
X2 5 I
Crystal Connection:
An input connection for an external 14.318-MHz crystal. If
using an external reference, this pin must be left unconnected.
Power Down Contr ol:
When this input is LO W , de vice goe s into a lo w-pow er standby condition. All outputs are actively held LOW while in power-down. CPU and PCI
clock output s are stopped LOW after com pleting a full clock cycle (2–3 CPU clock
cycle latency ). When br ought HI GH, CPU , SDRAM and PCI output s start wi th a fu ll
clock cycle at full operating frequency (3 ms maximum latency).
VDDQ3 9, 15, 19,
21, 33, 48
Power Connecti on:
Connect to 3.3V supply.
VDDQ2 46, 41, 37 P
Power Connecti on:
Pow er supply for API C0:1 and CPU0:3 output buf fers. Connect
to 2.5V.
GND 3, 6, 12, 18,
20, 24, 32,
34, 38, 43
Ground Connections:
Connect all ground pins to the common system ground