The W180 products are one series of devices in the Cypress
PREMIS family. The PREMIS family incorporates the latest
advanc es in PLL spread spectrum frequency synthesizer t echniques. By frequency modulating the output with a low-frequency carrier, peak EMI is greatl y reduced. Use of this technology allows s ystems to pass increasingl y diff icult EMI testin g
without resorting to costly shielding or redesign.
In a system, not only i s EMI reduce d in the v arious cl oc k li nes,
but also in all signals which are synchronized to the clock.
Therefore, the benefits of using this technology increase with
the number of address and dat a lines in the syst em. The Simplified Block Diagram on page 1 shows a simple implementation.
Functional Description
The W180 uses a phase-locked loop (PLL) to frequency modulate an input clock. The result is an output clock whose frequency is slo w ly swep t over a narrow band near the i nput signal. The basic circuit topology is shown in Figur e 1. The i nput
refer ence signa l is div ided b y Q and f e d to the phase detector.
A signal from the VCO is divided by P and fed back to the
phase detector also. The PLL will force the frequency of the
VCO output signal to change until the divided output signal
and the divided reference signal match at the phase detector
input. The output frequency is then equal to the ratio of P/Q
times the ref er ence fre quenc y. (Note: F or t he W180 t he outpu t
frequency is eq ual to the input frequency.) Th e unique feature
of the Spread Spect rum Fr equ ency Timi ng Gener ator is that a
modulating wa vef orm is supe rimposed at t he input to the VCO .
This causes the VCO output to be slowly swept across a predetermined frequency ban d.
Because the modulating frequency is typically 1000 times
slower than the fundamental clock, the spread spectrum process has little impact on system performance.
Frequency Selection With SSFTG
In Spread Spectrum Frequency Timing Generation, EMI reduction depends on the shape, modulation percentage, and
frequency of the modulating waveform. While the shape and
frequency of the modulating waveform are fixed for a given
frequency, the modulation percentage may be va ried .
Using frequency s elect bits (FS2:1 pins), the frequency range
can be set (see Table 2). Spread ing percentage is set with pin
SS% as shown in Table 1.
A larger spreading per centage improves EMI reduction. However, large spread percentages may either exceed system
maximum frequ ency ra tings o r lo wer the a v er age fr equency t o
a point where performance is affected. For these reasons,
spreading percentages options are provided.
Freq. Phase
Clock Input
Reference Input (EMI suppressed)
Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram