Functional Description
I/O Pin Operation
Pin 27 is a dual-purpose l/O pin. Upon power-up this pin acts
as a logic i nput, a llo wing the determinat ion of assigne d de vic e
functions . A short time after pow er-up , the logic state of th e pin
is latched and the pin becomes a clock output. This feature
reduces devi ce pin count by combi ning clock out puts with input
select pins .
An external 10-kΩ “strapping” resistor is connected between
the l/O pin and ground or V
. Connection to ground sets a
latch to “0,” connection to V
sets a latch to “1.” Fig ure 1 an d
Figure 2 show two suggested methods for strapping resistor
Upon W164 power-up, the first 2 ms of operation is used for
input logic selection. During this period, the Reference clock
output buffer is three-stated, allowing the output strapping resistor on the l /O pin to pu ll the pi n and its as sociated c apacitiv e
clock load to either a logic HIGH or LOW state. At the end of
the 2-ms period , the esta blishe d logic “0” or “1” condition of the
l/O pin is then latched. Nex t the output buffer is enabl ed which
converts the l/O pin into an operating clock output. The 2-ms
timer is started when V
reaches 2.0V. The input bit can onl y
be reset by turning V
off and then back on again.
It should be noted tha t the stra ppi ng resi stor has no si gnifi cant
effect on clock output signal integrity. The drive impedance of
clock output is 25Ω (nominal) which is minimally affected by
the 10-kΩ strap to ground or V
. As with th e se r ie s termi n ation resistor, the output strap pin g resist or should be placed as
close to the l/O pin as possible in order to keep the interconnecting trace short. The trace from the resistor to ground or
should be kept less than two inches in length to prevent
system noise coupli ng duri ng input logic sampling.
When the clock output is en abled fo llowing the 2-m s input pe-
riod, a 14.318-MHz output frequency is delivered on the pin,
assuming that V
has stabilized. If VDD has not yet reached
full value , output frequency initi ally ma y be belo w target b ut will
increase to target once V
voltage has stabilized. In either
case, a short output clock cycle may be produced from the
CPU clock outputs when the outputs are enabled.
Pin Definitions
Pin Name
Type Pin Description
CPU0:1 22, 21 O
CPU Clock Output s 0 thr ough 1:
These two CPU clo c ks run at a freque ncy s et by
SEL100/66#. Output voltage s wing is set by the voltage applied to VDDQ2.
5, 6, 7, 8, 10,
11, 4
PCI Clock Outputs 1 thr ough 6 and PCI_F:
These se ven PCI clock out puts run
synchronously to the CPU clock. Voltage swing is set by the power connection to
I/O APIC Clock Output:
Provides 14. 318-MHz fi xed fr equ ency. The output voltage
swing is set by the power connec ti on to VDDQ2.
48MHz 13 O
48-MHz O u tput:
Fixed 48-MHz USB clock. Output voltage swing is controlled by
voltage applied to VDDQ3.
24/48MHz 14 O
24-MHz or 48-MHz Output:
Frequency is set by the state of pin 27 on power-up.
REF2X/SEL48# 27 I/O
I/O Dual-Function REF2X and SEL48# pin:
Upon power-up, the state of SEL48#
is latched. The initial state is set by either a 10K resistor to GND or to V
. A 10K
resistor to GND causes pin 14 to output 48 MHz. If the pin is strapped to V
, pin
14 will output 24 MHz. Afte r 2 ms , the pin becomes a high -drive out put that produces
a copy of 14.318 MHz.
SEL100/66# 16 I
Frequency Selecti on Input:
Selects CPU clock frequency as shown i n Table 1 on
page 1.
C Data Pin:
Data should be presented to thi s input as described in the I
C section
of this data sheet. Internal 250-kΩ pull-up resistor.
C Clock Pin:
The I
C data cloc k sho uld be pr esented to thi s input as describe d in
the I
C section of this data shee t.
X1 1 I
Crystal Connection or External Reference Frequency Input:
Connec t to eit h er
a 14.318-MHz crystal or other reference signal.
X2 2 I
Crystal Connection:
An input connection for an ext ernal 14.318-MHz crystal. If
using an external referen ce, this pin must be lef t unconnected.
VDDQ3 9, 12, 20, 26 P
Po wer Connection:
P ower s upply f or core log ic and PL L circuit ry , PCI , 48-/24- MHz,
and Reference output buffers. Connect to 3.3V supply.
VDDQ2 23, 25 P
Po we r Connection:
Power supply for IOAPIC and CPU output buffers. Connect to
2.5V supply.
GND 3, 15, 19, 28 G
Ground Connection s:
Connect all ground pins to the common system ground