The W162 products are nine-output zero delay buffers. A
Phase-Lock ed Loop (PLL) is used to tak e a time-v arying signal
and provide eight copies of that same signal out.
Interna l feedback is used to m aximize the number of output
signals provid ed in the 16-p in package.
Spread Aware
Many systems b eing designed now util ize a technolog y ca lle d
Spread Spectrum F requency T iming Gener ation. Cypre ss has
been one of the pioneers of SSFTG development, and w e designed this product so as not to fil ter of f the S prea d Spe ctrum
feature of the Ref erence input, ass uming it exists . When a zero
delay buffer is not designed to pass the SS feature through,
the result is a significant amount of tracking skew which may
cause problems in systems requiring synchronization.
For more details on Spread Spectrum timing technology,
please see the Cyp ress App licat ion not e titled , “EMI Sup pression Techniques with Spread Spectrum Frequency Timing
Generator (SSFTG) ICs.”
Functional Description
Logic inputs pro v ide the us er th e ab ili ty to turn off one or both
banks of cloc k s wh en n o t in us e , a s d es crib ed i n Table 1. Disabling a bank of unused outputs will reduce jitter and power
consumption, and will als o reduce the amoun t of EMI generated by the W162.
These same inputs allo w the user to b ypass the PLL e ntirely if
so desired. When this is done, the device no longer acts as a
zero delay buffer, it simply reverts to a standard nine-output
clock driver.
Pin Definitions
Pin Name Pin No.
Type Pin Description
Reference Input:
The output signals QA0:3 through QB0:3 will be synchro-
nized to this signal unless the device is programmed to bypass the PLL.
QFB 16 O
Feedback Output:
This signal is used as the feedback internally to esta b lish
the propagation delay of nearly 0.
QA0:3 2, 3, 14, 15 O
Outputs from Bank A:
The frequency of the signals provided by these pins
is equal to the signal connected to REF.
QB0:3 6, 7, 10, 11 O
Outputs from Bank B:
The frequency of the signals provided by these pins
is equal to the signal connected to REF.
VDD 4, 13 P
Power Conn ections:
Connect to 3.3V. Use ferrite beads to help reduc e noise
for optimal jitter performance.
GND 5, 12 P
Ground Connections:
Connect all grounds to the common system ground
SEL0:1 9, 8 I
Function Select Inputs:
Tie to V
(HIGH, 1) or GND (LOW, 0) as desired
per Table 1.