The W161, a motherboard clock synthesizer, provides 2.5V
CPU clock outputs for advanced CPU and a CPU-divide-by-2
refere nce frequency for Di rect Rambus
Clock Generat or (such
Cypress W134) int erfa ce. Fix ed output f requencie s are provi ded for other system functions.
CPU Frequency Selection
CPU frequency is selected with input pins 25, 29, and 30
(SEL133/100#, SEL0, and SEL1, re specti vel y). Ref er to Table
1 for detail s.
Output Buffer Configuration
Clock Output s
All clock outputs are designed to drive serial terminated clock
lines. The W161 outputs are CMOS-type, which provide
rail-to-rail output swi ng.
Crystal Oscillator
The W161 requires one input ref erence cl oc k to synt hesiz e all
output frequencies. The reference clock can be either an externally generated clock signal or the clock generated by the
internal crystal oscil lator. When using an e x ternal clo c k sig nal,
pin X1 is used as the clock in put and pin X2 is left open.
The internal crystal oscillator is used in conjunction with a
quartz crystal connected t o de vi ce pins X 1 and X2 . Th is f orms
a parallel resonant crystal oscillator circuit. The W161 incorporates the necessary feedback resistor and crystal load capacitors. Including typical stray circuit capacitance, the total
load presented to the crystal is approximately 18 pF. For optimum frequency accuracy without the addition of external capacitors, a parallel-resonant mode crystal s pecifying a load o f
18 pF sh ould be used . This will t ypically y ield referenc e frequency accuracies within ±100 ppm.
Pin Definitions
Pin Name
T ype Pin Description
CPU0:2 36, 37, 40 O
CPU Clock Outputs 0 through 2:
CPU clock outputs. Their output volt age
swing is cont rolled by voltag e applied to VDDQ2.
PCI0:9 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,
13, 15, 16, 18,
PCI Clock Out puts 0 t hrough 9:
Output vo ltage s wing is control led by vo ltage
applied to VDDQ3.
CPUdiv2 43 O
CPU-Divide-By-2 Output:
This serves as a reference input signal for Direct
Rambus Clock G enerator (Cypress W134). The output voltage is determined
by VDDQ2.
3V66_0:2 21, 22, 23 O
66-MHz Clock Outputs 0 through 2:
Output volt age swing is controll ed by
voltage applied to VDDQ3.
I/O APIC Clock Output:
Provides an out put synchronous to CPU clock. See
Ta ble 1 for their relation to other system clock outputs.
48 MHz 27 O
48-MHz Output:
Fixed clock output at 48 MHz.
Spread Spectrum Enable:
This input enab les spread spectrum modulat ion
on the PLL1 generated f requency outputs of the W161. Modulation range is
Power Down Control
REF0:1 1, 2 I
Fixed 14.318-MHz Output 0 and 1:
Output volt age swing is controll ed by
voltage applied to VDDQ3.
SEL0:1 29, 30 I
Mode Select Input 0 through 1:
3.3V LVTTL-compatible input for selecting
clock output mo des. As shown in Ta ble 1.
SEL133/100# 25 I
Frequency Selection Input:
3.3V LVTTL-compatible input that selec ts CPU
output frequen cy as shown in Table 1.
X1 4 I
Crystal Connection or Ext ernal Reference Freque ncy Input:
This pin has
dual functions. It can be used as an ex ternal 14.318-MHz crystal connection
or as an external reference frequency input.
X2 5 I
Crystal Connecti on:
An input connec tion f or an e xternal 14.3 18-MHz crystal.
If using an external reference , this pin must be left unconn ected.
VDDQ2 38, 41, 44, 47 P
Power Connection:
Connected to 2.5V power supply.
VDDQ3 3, 9, 17, 24, 28,
Power Connection:
Connected to 3.3V power supply.
GND 6, 14, 20, 26,
33, 35, 39, 42,
45, 48
Ground Connectio n:
Connect all ground pin s to th e common s ystem gr oun d