Pin Definitions
Pin Name Pin No. Pin Type Pin Description
CPU0:1 44, 43 O
CPU Clock Outputs:
See Tables 2 and 6 for detailed f requency informa tion. Output
voltage swing is controlled b y voltage applied to VDDQ2.
PCI1:5 8, 10, 11, 12,
PCI Clock Outputs 1 through 5:
These five PCI clock outputs are control led by
the PCI_STOP# control pin. Output voltage swing is controlled by voltage applied
to VDDQ3.
Fixed PCI Clock Output:
Frequency is set by the FS0:1 inputs or through serial
input interface, see Tables 2 and 6. This output is not affected by the PCI_STOP #
input. Upon po wer- up the mode inp ut will be latched, which will determine the f unction of pin 2 , R E F0/(P C I_STOP #). Se e Table 1.
OE 41 I
Output Enable Input:
When brought LOW, all outputs are placed in a high-imped-
ance state. When brought HIGH, all clock outputs activate.
IOAPIC Cloc k Output:
Provides 14.31 8-MHz fi xed frequency. The output voltage
swing is controlled by VDDQ2.
48MHz/FS0 26 I/O
48-MHz Output:
48 MHz is provi ded in normal oper ation. In stan dard system s, this
output can be used as the reference for t he Universal Serial Bus. Upon po wer-up,
FS0 input will be latched, which will set clock frequencies as described in Table 2.
This output does not have the Spread Spectrum feature.
24MHz/FS1 25 I/O
24-MHz Output:
24 MHz is provi ded in normal oper ation. In stan dard system s, this
output can be used as the cloc k input f or a Super I/O chip. Upon power-up FS1 inpu t
will be lat ched, wh ich wi ll set cloc k f req uencies as describ ed in Table 2. This outpu t
does not have the Spread Spectrum feature.
REF1/FS2 46 I/O
I/O Dual-Function REF1 and FS2 pin:
Upon power-up, FS2 input will be latched
which will set clock frequencies as described in Table 2. When an outp ut, this pin
provides a fixed clock signal equal in frequency to the reference signal provided at
the X1/X2 pins.
Fixed 14.318-MHz Outpu t 0 or PCI_STOP# Pin:
Function is determined by the
MODE input. When set as an input, the PCI_STOP# input enabl es the PCI 1:5
outputs when HIGH and causes th em to remai n at logic 0 when LOW. The
PCI_STOP signal is latched on the rising edge of PCI_F. Its effects take place on
the next PCI_F clock cycle. When an output, this pin provides a fixed clock signal
equal in frequency to the reference signa l pr ovided at the X1/X2 pins.
Buffered Input Pin:
The signal provided to this input pin is buffered to 13 outputs
SDRAM0:12 38, 37, 35,
34, 32, 31,
29, 28, 21,
20, 18, 17, 40
Buffered Outputs:
These thirteen dedicated outpu ts provide copies of the signal
provided at the SDRAMIN inpu t. The swing is set by VDDQ3, and they are deactivated when CLK_STOP# input is set LOW.
SCLK 24 I Clock pin for I
C circui try.
SDATA 23 I/O Data pi n for I
C circuitry.
X1 4 I
Crystal Connection or External Reference Frequency Input:
This pin has dual
functions . It can be used as an external 14.318-MHz crystal connection or as an
external reference frequency input.
X2 5 I
Crystal Connection:
An input connection for an external 14.318-MHz crystal. If
using an external reference, thi s pin must be left unconnected.
VDDQ3 1, 6, 14, 19,
27, 30, 36
Po we r Connection:
Po wer supply for core logic, PLL circuitry, SDRAM outputs,
PCI outputs, reference outputs, 48-MHz output, and 24-MHz output. Conn ect to
3.3V supply.
VDDQ2 42, 48 P
Po wer Connection:
Po wer supply for IOAPIC and CPU0: 1 output b uff ers. Con nect
to 2.5V, or 3.3V.
GND 3, 9, 16, 22,
33, 39, 45
Ground Connections:
Connect all ground pins to the common system ground