The W133 is designed to provide the essential frequency
sources to work with advanced multiprocessing Intel® arch itecture pl atforms. Spl it voltage supply signaling provides 2.5V
and 3.3V clock f requencies operati ng up to 133 MHz.
From a low-cost 14.31818-MHz reference crystal oscillator,
the W133 generates 2.5V clock outputs to sup port CPUs, core
logic chip set , and Direct RDRAM cloc k gener ators. It also provides skew-controlled PCI and IOAPIC cl ocks synchronous to
CPU clock, 48- MHz Universal Serial Bus (USB) clock, and replicates the 14.31818-MHz reference clock.
All CPU, PCI, and IOAPIC clocks c an be synchronously modulated for spread spectrum operations. Cypress employs proprietary techniques that provide the maximum EMI reduction
while minimizing the clock skews that could reduce system
timing margins. Spread Spectrum modulation is enabled by
the active LOW control signal SPREAD#.
The W133 also includes po wer management contro l inputs. By
using these inputs, system logic can stop CPU and/or PCI
clocks or power down the entire device to conserve system
Pin Definitions
Pin Name Pin No.
Type Pin Description
CPU0:3 41, 42, 45, 46 O
CPU Clock Outputs 0 through 3:
These fo ur CPU cloc k s run at a f requ ency set b y
SEL133/100#. Output voltage swin g is set by the voltage applied to VDDQ2.
CPUdiv2_ 0:1 49,50 O
Synchronous M emory Refere nce Clock Out put 0 thr ough 1:
Reference clock f or
Direct RDRAM clock genera tors running at 1/2 CPU clock frequency. Output voltage
swing is set by the voltage applied to VDDQ2.
PCI1:7 9, 11 , 12, 14, 1 5,
17, 18
PCI Clock Outputs 1 t hrough 7:
These se ven PCI cloc k outp uts run sy nchronously
to the CPU clock. Voltage swing is set by the power connection to VDDQ3. PCI1:7
outputs are stopped when PCI _STOP# is held LOW .
PCI_F (PCI Free-running):
This PCI clock output runs synchronously to the CPU
clock. V oltag e swing is set by the power connection to VDDQ3. PCI_F is n ot affe cted
by the state of PCI_STOP#.
REF0:1 2, 3 O
14.318-MHz Reference Cloc k Output:
3.3V copies of the 14.318-MHz reference
IOAPIC0:2 53, 54, 55 O
I/O APIC Clock Output:
Provides 16.67 -MHz fixed frequenc y. The output voltage
swing is set by the power connection to VDDQ2.
48MHz 30 O
48-MHz O u tp u t:
Fixed 48-MHz USB output. Output voltage swing is controlled by
voltage app li ed to VDDQ3.
3V66_0:3 21, 22, 25, 26 O
66-MHz Output 0 through 3:
Fixed 66-MHz outputs. Output voltage swing is con-
trolled by voltage applied to VDDQ3.
SEL0:1 32, 33 I
Mode Select Input 0 through 1:
3.3V LVTTL-compatible input for selecting clock
output modes.
SEL133/100# 28 I
Frequency Selecti on Input:
3.3V L VTTL-c ompatibl e input that selects CPU output
frequency as shown in Tabl e 1.
X1 5 I
Crystal Connection or External Reference Frequency Input:
Connect to either
a 14.318-MHz crystal or an external refer ence signal.
X2 6 O
Crystal Connection:
An output connection for an external 14.318-MHz crystal. If
using an external reference, this pin must be left unconnected.
Active LO W Spread Spectrum Enabl e:
3.3V L VTTL- compatib le input t hat enabl es
spre ad spec t rum m o de when held L OW.
Active LOW Power Down Input:
3.3V LVTTL-compatible asynchronous input that
requests the de vice to enter power-down mode.
Active LOW CPU Clock Stop:
3.3V LVTTL-compatible asynchronous input that
stops all CPU and 3V66 cloc ks when held LO W . CPUdiv2 output s are unaff ected by
this input.
Active LOW PCI Cloc k Stop:
3.3V LVTTL-compatible asynchr onous input that
stops all PCI outputs except PCI_F when held LOW.
VDDQ3 4, 10, 16, 23, 27,
31, 39
Power Connection:
Power suppl y for PCI output buff ers, 48-MHz USB output buff er,
Reference output buff ers, 3V66 outpu t buffers , core logic, and PLL ci rcuitry . Connect
to 3.3V supply.
VDDQ2 43, 47, 51, 56 P
Power Connection:
Power supply for IOAPIC, CPU, and CPUdiv2 output buffers.
Connect to 2.5V supply.
GND 1, 7, 13, 19, 20,
24, 29, 38, 40,
44, 48, 52
Ground Connecti on:
Connect all ground pin s to the common s ystem gr ound plane .