Cypress ModusToolbox User Manual

WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth Test Tool
Cypress Semiconductor
198 Champion Court
San Jose, CA 95134-1709
WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth Test Tool Document Number: 002-14799 Rev. *E 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Device Configuration ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Environment Variables ............................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Reset Test .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 reset ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 reset_highspeed ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
4 LE Receiver Test ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
5 LE Transmitter Test ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
6 LE Test End ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
7 Continuous Transmit Test ................................................................................................................................................ 9
8 Continuous Receive Test ................................................................................................................................ ................ 11
9 Radio TX Test ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
10 Radio RX Test .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
11 BQB RF Test .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
12 Read BD_ADDR Command ............................................................................................................................................. 17
13 Factory Commit BD_ADDR Command .......................................................................................................................... 18
References ................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Document History .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Worldwide Sales and Design Support .................................................................................................................................... 21
WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth Test Tool, Document Number: 002-14799 Rev. *E 3

1 Introduction

The WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth test tool (WMBT) is used to test and verify the RF performance of the Cypress SoC Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE devices. For LE tests, standard procedures from the Bluetooth Core Specification [1] are utilized. For BR/EDR tests a set of vendor specific commands are introduced and described in this document. Each test sends a Host Controller Interface (HCI) or WICED HCI command to the device and then waits for an HCI Command Complete event from the device.
WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth Test Tool, Document Number: 002-14799 Rev. *E 4

2 Setup

2.1 Device Configuration

The Cypress Bluetooth device to be tested must expose an HCI UART and that this UART can be connected to a COM port or to a Serial to USB device of a PC. The HCI UART supports HCI Commands and Events described in this document.
The device should be preprogrammed with an application image and should be reset after it has been connected to the PC and the COM port drivers are loaded.
Check the device specific Kit Guide or Quick Start Guide for any DIP switch settings or jumper settings to configure the device to expose the HCI UART interface.

2.2 Environment Variables


Cypress SoC Bluetooth devices support adjustable baud rates up to 4 Mbps via the wiced_transport_init() API included with the WICED Bluetooth SDK. If this API is not utilized in an application to re-configure the baud rate, the default rate of 115.2 Kbps will be used by the device. The MBT_BAUD_RATE environment variable must be set to match what the device is using before running WMBT.
As an example, to configure MBT_BAUD_RATE for 3 Mbps on a windows command line:
<ModusToolbox>\tools\wiced-tools-1.0\BT\wmbt\bin>set MBT_BAUD_RATE=3000000


The Bluetooth Core Specification [1] defines the HCI, which provides a standardized communication protocol between the BT host stack and BT controller. Cypress SoC Bluetooth devices provide a high level of integration, for example, BT Controller and embedded BT Host Stack in a single chip, to simplify BT product development for customers so that they are not required to be familiar with all HCI commands and events. Typically, when the embedded stack is utilized in the Cypress device and it interfaces to an onboard MCU, the MCU software would likely need to send and receive commands and events to the Cypress device. For such a solution, WICED HCI is defined and provided as an example, see WICED HCI UART Control Protocol [2].
WMBT provides support for both HCI and WICED HCI via the TRANSPORT_MODE environment variable. If WICED HCI is desired, your application must implement handlers for HCI_CONTROL_TEST_COMMAND_ENCAPSULATED_HCI_COMMAND; see hci_control_test.c included with the watch sample application. HCI should be sufficient for most cases since the devices support this by default. The TRANSPORT_MODE environment variable must be set to the desired mode before running WMBT.
As an example, to configure TRANSPORT_MODE for HCI on a windows command line:
<ModusToolbox>\tools\wiced-tools-1.0\BT\wmbt\bin>set TRANSPORT_MODE=0
WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth Test Tool, Document Number: 002-14799 Rev. *E 5

3 Reset Test

This test verifies that the device is correctly configured and connected to the PC. If your application re-configures the baud rate, you will want to use the reset_highspeed command.

3.1 reset

Description: Sends an HCI Reset command at 115.2 Kbps to the device and processes the HCI Command Complete event
(See Reference [1] [Vol 2, Part E], Section 7.3.2 for details).
Usage: wmbt reset COMx Example:
<ModusToolbox>\tools\wiced-tools-1.0\BT\wmbt\bin> wmbt reset COM23
Opened COM23 at speed: 115200
Sending HCI Command:
0000 < 01 03 0C 00 >
Received HCI Event:
0000 < 04 0E 04 01 03 0C 00 >
Close Serial Bus
The last byte of the HCI Command Complete event is the operation status, where 0 signifies success.

3.2 reset_highspeed

Description: Sends an HCI Reset command at the configured MBT_BAUD_RATE to the device and processes the HCI Command
Complete event (See Reference [1] [Vol 2, Part E], Section 7.3.2 for details).
Usage: wmbt reset_highspeed COM23 Example:
<ModusToolbox>\tools\wiced-tools-1.0\BT\wmbt\bin> wmbt reset_highspeed COM23
Opened COM23 at speed: 3000000
Sending HCI Command:
0000 < 01 03 0C 00 >
Received HCI Event:
0000 < 04 0E 04 01 03 0C 00 >
Close Serial Bus
The last byte of the HCI Command Complete event is the operation status, where 0 signifies success.
WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth Test Tool, Document Number: 002-14799 Rev. *E 6

4 LE Receiver Test

This test configures the chip to receive reference packets at a fixed interval. External test equipment should be used to generate the reference packets.
The frequency on which the device listens for the packets is passed as a parameter. BLE devices use 40 channels, each of which is 2 MHz wide. (See Reference [1] [Vol 2, Part E], Section 7.8.28 for details).
2402 MHz maps to Channel 0
2480 MHz maps to Channel 39
The following equation can be used to map the channel number to actual center frequency:
Frequency = ( 2 x Channel ) + 2402MHz
Usage: wmbt le_receiver_test COMx <rx_frequency> Where:
rx_frequency = (2402 - 2480) receive frequency, in MHz
The example below starts the LE receiver test on Channel 2 (2406 MHz):
<ModusToolbox>\tools\wiced-tools-1.0\BT\wmbt\bin> wmbt le_receiver_test COM23 2406
MBT_BAUD_RATE: 3000000
Opened COM23 at speed: 3000000
Sending HCI Command:
0000 < 01 1D 20 01 02 >
Received HCI Event:
0000 < 04 0E 04 01 1D 20 00 >
Close Serial Bus
The last byte of the HCI Command Complete event is the operation status, where 0 signifies success. Use wmbt le_test_end COMx to complete the test and print the number of received packets. Note: This test will fail if the device is running another test: use le_test_end to put the device in an idle state before running
this test.
WICED Manufacturing Bluetooth Test Tool, Document Number: 002-14799 Rev. *E 7

5 LE Transmitter Test

The LE Transmitter Test configures the Cypress SoC BT device to send test packets at a fixed interval. External test equipment may be used to receive and analyze the reference packets.
The frequency on which the device transmits the packets is passed as a parameter. BLE devices use 40 channels, each of which is 2 MHz wide. (See Reference [1] [Vol 2, Part E], Section 7.8.28 for details).
The other two parameters specify the length of the test data and the data pattern to be used (see Reference [1] [Vol 2, Part E], Section 7.8.29 for details).
Usage: wmbt le_transmitter_test COMx <tx_frequency> <data_length> <data_pattern> Where:
rx_frequency = (2402 - 2480) receive frequency, in MHz
data_length = 0–37
data_pattern = 0–7 0: Pseudo-random bit sequence 9
1: Pattern of alternating bits: 11110000 2: Pattern of alternating bits: 10101010 3: Pseudo-random bit sequence 15 4: Pattern of all 1s 5: Pattern of all 0s 6: Pattern of alternating bits: 00001111 7: Pattern of alternating bits: 0101
The example below starts the test and instructs the device to transmit packets on Channel 2 (2406 MHz), with a 10-byte payload of all ones (1s):
<ModusToolbox>\tools\wiced-tools-1.0\BT\wmbt\bin>> wmbt le_transmitter_test COM23 2406 10 4 MBT_BAUD_RATE: 3000000 TRANSPORT_MODE: 0 (HCI)
Opened COM23 at speed: 3000000 Sending HCI Command: 0000 < 01 1E 20 03 02 0A 04 > Received HCI Event: 0000 < 04 0E 04 01 1E 20 00 > Success Close Serial Bus
The last byte of the HCI Command Complete event is the status of the operation, where 0 signifies success. Use wmbt le_test_end COMx to complete the test. Note: This test will fail if the device is running another test: use le_test_end to put the device in an idle state before running
this test.
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