CYPRESS CYWUSB6935 User Manual

WirelessUSB™ LR 2.4-GHz DSSS Radio SoC

1.0 Features

• 2.4-GHz radio transceiver
• Operates in the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band (2.4 GHz–2.483 GHz)
• –95-dBm receive sensitivity
• Up to 0dBm output power
• Range of up to 50 meters or more
• Data throughput of up to 62.5 kbits/sec
• Highly integrated low cost, minimal number of external components required
• Dual DSSS reconfigurable baseband correlators
• SPI microcontroller interface (up to 2-MHz data rate)
• 13-MHz input clock operation
• Low standby current < 1 µA
• Integrated 32-bit Manufacturing ID
• Operating voltage from 2.7V to 3.6V
• Operating temperature from –40° to 85°C
• Offered in a small footprint 48 QFN

2.0 Functional Description

The CYWUSB6935 transce iver is a single-chi p 2.4-GHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) baseband modem radio that connects directly to a microcontroller via a simple serial peripheral interface.
The CYWUSB6935 is offered in an industrial temperature range 48-pin QFN and a commercial temperature range 48­pin QFN.

3.0 Applications

• Building/Home Automation —Climate Control
—Lighting Control —Smart Appliances —On-Site Paging Systems —Alarm and Security
• Industrial Control —Inventory Managem ent
—Factory Automation —Data Acquisition
• Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)
• Transportation —Diagnostics
—Remote Keyless Entry
•Consumer / PC —Locator Alarms
—Presenter Tools —Remote Controls —Toys
Figure 3-1. CYWUSB6935 Simplified Block Diagram
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 3901 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134 408-943-2600
Document 38-16008 Rev. *A Revised October 28, 2004

3.1 Applications Support

The CYWUSB6935 is supported by both the CY3632 WirelessUSB Developmen t Kit and th e CY3635 W ireles sUSB N:1 Development Kit. The CY3635 development kit provides all of the materials and documents needed to cut the cord on multipoint to poin t and point-to-p oint low ban dwidth, high node density applications including four small form-factor sensor boards and a hub board th at conn ect s to Wi reless USB LR RF module boards, a software app lication that gra phically demo n­strates the multipoint to point protocol, comprehensive WirelessUSB protocol code examples and all of the associated schematics, gerber files and bill of materials. The WirelessUSB N:1 Development Kit is also supported by the WirelessUSB Listener Tool.

4.0 Functional Overview

The CYWUSB6935 provides a complete SPI-to-a ntenna radio modem. The CYWUSB6935 is designed to implement wireless devices operating in the worldwide 2.4-GHz Indus­trial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequen cy ba nd (2 .40 0G Hz
- 2.4835GHz). It is in tended for sys tems com pliant with worl d­wide regulations covered by ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.4 .1, ETSI EN 300 328-1 V1.3.1 (Europ ean Countries); FCC CFR 47 Part 15 (USA and Industry Canada) and ARIB STD-T66 (Japan).
The CYWUSB6935 contains a 2.4-GHz radio transceiver, a GFSK modem, and a dual DSSS reconfigurable baseband. The radio and baseband are both code- and frequency-agile. Forty-nine spreading codes selected for optimal performance (Gold codes) are supported across 78 1-MHz channels yielding a theoretical spectral capacity of 3822 channels. The CYWUSB6935 supports a range of up to 50 meters or more.

4.1 2.4-GHz Radio

The receiver and transmitter are a single-conversion, low­Intermediate Frequency (low-IF) architecture with fully integrated IF channel matched filters to achieve high perfor­mance in the presence of interference. An integrated Power Amplifier (P A) provide s an output power control range of 30 dB in seven steps.
Table 4-1. Internal PA Output Power Step Table
P A Setting T ypical Output Power (dBm)
70 6–2.4 5–5.6 4–9.7 3–16.4 2–20.8 1–24.8 0–29.0
Both the receiver and transmitter integrated Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) and synthes izer have the ag ility to cover the complete 2.4-GHz GFSK radio transmitter ISM band. The synthesizer provides the frequency-hopping local oscillator for the transmitter and receiver. The VCO loop filter is also integrated on-chip.

4.2 GFSK Modem

The transmitter uses a DSP-based vector modulator to convert the 1-MHz chips to an accurate GFSK carrier.
The receiver uses a fully integrated Frequency Modulat or (FM) detector with automatic data slicer to demodulate the GFSK signal.

4.3 Dual DSSS Baseband

Data is converted to DSSS chips by a digital spreader. De­spreading is performed by an oversampled correlator. The DSSS baseband cancels spurious noise and assembles properly correlated data bytes.
The DSSS baseban d h as th ree ope rati ng modes: 64 chips /b it Single Channel, 32 chips/bit Single Channel, and 32 chips/bit Single Channel Dual Data Rate (DDR).

4.3.1 64 chips/bit Single Chan nel

The baseband supports a single data stream operating at
15.625 kbits/sec. The advantage of selecting this mode is its ability to tolerate a noisy environment. This is because the
15.625 kbits/sec data stream utilizes the longest PN Code resulting in the high es t p r oba bil ity for recovering packe t s ov er the air. This mode can also be selected for systems requiring data transmissi ons over lon ger ranges.

4.3.2 32 chips/bit Single Chan nel

The baseband supports a single data stream operating at
31.25 kbits/sec.

4.3.3 32 chips/bit Single Channel Dual Data Rate (DDR)

The baseband spread s bits in p airs and s upports a si ngle data stream operating at 62.5 kbits/sec.

4.4 Serializer/Deserializer (SERDES)

CYWUSB6935 provides a data Serializer/Deserializer (SERDES), which provides byte-level framing of transmit and receive data. Bytes for transmission are loaded into the SERDES and receive bytes are read from the SERDES via the SPI interface. The SERDES provides double buffering of transmit and receive dat a. While on e byte is bein g transmitted by the radio the next byte can be written to the SERDES data register insuring there are no breaks in transmitted data.
After a receive byte has been received it is loaded into the SERDES data register and can be read at any time until the
byte is received, at which time the old contents of the
next SERDES data register wil l be overwritten.

4.5 Application Interfaces

CYWUSB6935 has a fu lly sy nchronous SPI slave interface f or connectivity to the application MCU. Configuration and byte­oriented data transfer can be performe d over this interface. An interrupt is provided to trigger real time events.
An optional SERDES Bypas s mode (DIO) is provided for a ppli­cations that require a synchronous serial bit-oriented data path. This interface is for data only.
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4.6 Clocking and Power Management

A 13-MHz crystal is directly connected to X13IN and X13 without the need for external capacitors. The CYWUSB6935 has a progr ammable tr im capabil ity for ad justing t he on-ch ip load capacitance supplied to the crystal. The Radio Frequency (RF) circuitry has on-chip decoupling capacitors. The CYWUSB6935 is powere d from a 2.7V to 3 .6V DC supply. The CYWUSB6935 can be sh utdown to a fully static state u sing the
PD Below are the requirements for the crystal to be directly
connected to X13IN and X13:
• Nominal Frequency: 13 MHz
• Operating Mode: Fundamen tal Mode
• Resonance Mode: Paralle l Reson ant
• Frequency Stability:
• Series Resistance: 100 ohms
• Load Capacitance: 10 pF
• Drive Level: 10uW–100 uW
± 30 ppm

4.7 Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)

The RSSI register (Reg 0x22) returns the relative signal strength of the ON-channel signal power and can be used to:
1. Determine the connection quality
2. Determine the value of the noise floor
3. Check for a quiet channel before transmitting.
The internal RSSI voltage is sampled through a 5-bit analog­to-digital converter (ADC). A state machine controls the conversion process. Under normal conditions, the RSSI state machine initia tes a c onv ersion when an ON-ch ann el ca rrie r i s detected and remains abov e the noise floor for over 50uS. The conversion produces a 5-bit value in the RSSI register (Reg 0x22, bits 4:0) along with a valid bit, RSSI register (Reg 0x22, bit 5). The state machine then remains in HALT mode and does not reset for a new conversion until the receive mode is toggled off and on. Once a connection has been established, the RSSI register can be read to determine the relative connection quality of the channel . A RSSI register value lower than 10 indicates that the received signal strength is low, a value greater than 28 indicates a strong signal level.
To check for a quiet channel before transmitting, first set up receive mode properl y and read the RSSI register (Reg 0 x22). If the valid bit is zero, then force the Carrier Detect register (Reg 0x2F, bit 7=1) to initiate an ADC conversion. Then, wait greater than 50uS and read the RSSI register again. Next, clear the Carrier Detect Register (Reg 0x2F, bit 7=0) and turn the receiver OFF. Measuring the noise floor of a quiet channel is inherently a 'noisy' process so, for best results, this procedure should be repeated several times (~20) to compute an average no ise floor level. A RSSI re gister value of 0-10 indicates a channel that is relatively quiet. A RSSI register value greater than 10 indicates the channel is probably being used. A RSSI register value greater than 28 indicates the presence of a strong signal.

5.0 Application Interfaces

5.1 SPI Interface

The CYWUSB6935 has a four-wire SPI communication interface between an a ppl ic ation MCU and one or more sl av e devices. The SPI interface s upports single-byte an d multi- byte serial transfers. The four-wire SPI communications interface consists of Master Out-Slave In (MOSI), Master In-Slave Out (MISO), Serial Clock (SCK), and Slave Select (SS
The SPI receives SCK from an application MCU on the SCK pin. Data from the application MCU is shifted in on the MOSI pin. Data to the application MCU is shifted out on the MISO pin. The active-low Slave Selec t (SS) initiate a SPI transfer.
The application MCU can initiate a SPI data transfer via a multi-byte transact ion. T he first byt e is the Command/Add ress byte, and the following bytes are the data bytes as shown in Figure 5-1 through Figure 5-4. The SS deasserted between bytes. The SPI communications is as follows:
• Command Direction (bit 7) = “0 ” Enabl es SPI read transac­tion. A “1” enables SPI write transactions.
• Command Increment (b it 6) = “1” Enables SPI aut o address increment. When se t, the addres s field automa tically i ncre­ments at the en d of each data byte in a bur s t access, ot h­erwise the same address is accessed.
• Six bits of address.
• Eight bits of data.
The SPI communications interface has a burst mechanism, where the command byte can be followed by as many data bytes as desired. A burst transaction is terminated by deasserting the slave select (SS tions, the application MCU must abide by the timing shown in Figure 12-2.
The SPI communications i nter fac e s ing le re ad a nd b urs t rea d sequences are shown in Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3 , respec­tively.
The SPI communication s interfac e single write and burs t write sequences are shown in Figure 5-4 and Figure 5-5 , respec­tively.
pin must be asserted to
signal should not be
= 1). For burst read transac-
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Byte 1 Byte 1+N
Bit # 7 6 [5:0] [7:0]
Bit Name DIR INC Address Data
Figure 5-1. SPI Transaction Format
addrcm d
data to mcu
Figure 5-2. SPI Single Read Sequence
addrcm d
da ta to mcu
data to mcu
Figure 5-3. SPI Burst Read Sequence
data fro m mcu
Figure 5-4. SPI Single Write Sequence
addrcm d
da ta fro m mcu
data from mcu
Figure 5-5. SPI Burst Write Sequence
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5.2 DIO Interface

The DIO communications interface is an optional SERDES bypass data-only transfer interface. In receive mode, DIO and DIOVAL are valid after the falling edge of IRQ, which clocks
data to mcu
Figure 5-6. DIO Receive Sequence
data from mcu
Figure 5-7. DIO Transmit Sequence
the data as shown in
Figure 5-6. In transmit mode, DIO and
DIOVAL are sampled on the falling edge of the IRQ, which clocks the data as shown in
Figure 5-7. The application MCU
samples the DIO and DIOVAL on the rising edge of IRQ.
v...v14v1 3v12v11v10
d...d14d13d12d11d1 0d9d8
v...v1 4v13v12v11v10
d...d1 4d13d12d11d10d9d8

5.3 Interrupts

The CYWUSB6935 features thre e se t s o f interrup t s: trans mi t, received, and a wake interrupt. These interrupts all share a single pin (IRQ), but can be independently enabled/disabled. In transmit mode, all receive interrupts are automatically disabled, and in receive mode all transmit interrupts are automatically disabled. However, the contents of the enable registers are preserve d when swit ching between tran smit an d receive modes.
Interrupts are ena bled and the st atus read thr ough 6 registers: Receive Interrupt Enable (Reg 0x07), Recei ve Interrupt S t atus (Reg 0x08), Transmit Interrupt Enable (Reg 0x0D), Transmit Interrupt Status (Reg 0x0E), Wake Enable (Reg 0x1C), Wake Status (Reg 0x1D).
If more than 1 interrupt is enabled at any time, it is necessary to read the relevant interrupt st atus register to determine which event caused the IRQ pin to assert. Even when a given interrupt source is disabled, the status of the condition that would otherwise cause an interrupt can be determined by reading the appropriate int errupt st atus regis ter. It is therefore possible to use th e devic es with out mak ing us e of the I RQ pin at all. Firmware can poll the interrupt status register(s) to wait for an event, rather than using the IRQ pin.
The polarity of all interrupt s can be s et by writing to the Co nfig­uration register (Reg 0x05), and it is possible to configure the IRQ pin to be o pen drain (if a ctive low) o r open source (if active high).

5.3.1 Wake Interrupt

When the PD pin is low, the oscillator is stopped. After PD is deasserted, the oscillator takes time to start, and until it has done so, it is not safe to use the SPI interface. The wake
interrupt indicates that the oscillator has started, and that the device is ready to receive SPI transfers.
The wake interrupt is enabled by setting bit 0 of the Wake Enable register (Reg 0x1C, bit 0=1). Whether or not a wake interrupt is pendin g is indicated by the state of bit 0 of the Wake Status register (Reg 0x1D, bit 0). Reading the Wake Status register (Reg 0x1D) clears the interrupt.

5.3.2 T ran sm it Inte rrupts

Four interrupts a re p rov id ed t o fl ag the oc cu rren ce of t rans m it events. The interrupts are enabled by writing to the Transmit Interrupt Enable register (Reg 0x0D), and their status may be determined by reading the Transmit Interrupt Status register (Reg 0x0E). If more than 1 interrupt i s enabled , it is neces sary to read the Transmit Interrupt Status register (Reg 0x0E) to determine which event caused the IRQ pin to assert.
The function and operatio n of these interrupts are des cribed in detail in
Section 7.0.

5.3.3 Receive Interrupts

Eight interrupts are provided to flag the occurrence of receive events, four each fo r SERDES A and B. In 64 c hips /bit and 3 2 chips/bit DDR modes, only the SERDES A interrupts are available, and the SERDES B interrupts will never trigger, even if enabled. The interrupts are enabled by writing to the Receive Interrupt Enab le regis ter (Reg 0x 07), and their st atu s may be determin ed by reading the Rece ive Interrupt Status register (Reg 0x08 ). If m ore th an on e int errup t i s en abl ed, it i s necessary to read the Receive Interrupt Status register (Reg 0x08) to determine whic h e ven t ca us ed th e IRQ pin to as se rt.
The function and operatio n of these interrupts are des cribed in detail in
Section 7.0.
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6.0 Application Examples

Figure 6-1 shows a block di agram example of a typ ical battery
powered device using the CYWUSB6935 chip.
8-bit MCU
Figure 6-1. CYWUSB6935 Battery Powered Device
3.3 V
Figure 6-2 shows an application example of a WirelessUSB
LR alarm system where a single hub node is connected to an alarm panel. The hub node wirelessly receives information from multiple sensor nodes in order to control the alarm panel.
2.0 pF
PCB Tr ace
Wig g l e Antenna
1.2 pF
27 pF
Wir elessUSB LR
2.0 pF
13M Hz Crystal
3.3 nH
2.2 nH
W irelessUSB LR +
W irelessUSB LR
W irelessUSB LR
W irelessUSB LR
Figure 6-2. WirelessUSB LR Alarm Syste m
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7.0 Register Descriptions

Table 7-1 displays the list of registers inside the
CYWUSB6935 that are addressable through the SPI interfac e. All registers are read and writable, except where noted.
Table 7-1. CYWUSB6935 Register Map
Register Name Mnemonic
Revision ID REG_ID 0x00 9 0x07 RO Reserved RESERVED 0x01 8 0x00 RW Reserved RESERVED 0x02 8 0x00 RW Control REG_CONTROL 0x03 9 0x00 RW Data Rate REG_DATA_RATE 0x04 10 0x00 RW Configuration REG_CONFIG 0x05 11 0x01 RW SERDES Control REG_SERDES_CTL 0x06 11 0x03 RW Receive SERDES Interrupt Enable REG_RX_INT_EN 0x07 12 0x00 RW Receive SERDES Interrupt Status REG_RX_INT_STAT 0x08 13 0x00 RO Receive SERDES Data A REG_RX_DATA_A 0x09 14 0x00 RO Receive SERDES Valid A REG_RX_VALID_A 0x0A 14 0x00 RO Receive SERDES Data B REG_RX_DATA_B 0x0B 14 0x00 RO Receive SERDES Valid B REG_RX_VALID_B 0x0C 14 0x00 RO Transmit SERDES Interrupt Enable REG_TX_INT_EN 0x0D 15 0x00 RW Transmit SERDES Interrupt Status REG_TX_INT_STAT 0x0E 15 0x00 RO Transmit SERDES Data REG_TX_DATA 0x0F 16 0x00 RW Transmit SERDES Valid REG_TX_VALID 0x10 16 0x00 RW PN Code REG_PN_CODE 0x18–0x11 16 Threshold Low REG_THRESHOLD_L 0x19 17 0x08 RW Threshold High REG_THRESHOLD_H 0x1A 17 0x38 RW Wake Enable REG_WAKE_EN 0x1C 18 0x00 RW Wake Status REG_WAKE_STAT 0x1D 18 0x01 RO Analog Control REG_ANALOG_CTL 0x20 18 0x04 RW Channel REG_CHANNEL 0x21 19 0x00 RW Receive Signal Strength Indicator REG_RSSI 0x22 19 0x00 RO Power Control REG_PA 0x23 19 0x0 0 RW Crystal Adjust REG_CRYSTAL_ADJ 0x24 20 0x00 RW VCO Calibration REG_VCO_CAL 0x26 20 0x00 RW Reg Power Control REG_PWR_CTL 0x2E 21 0x00 RW Carrier Detect REG_CARRIER_DETECT 0x2F 21 0x00 RW Clock Manual REG_CLOCK_MANUAL 0x32 21 0x00 RW Clock Enable REG_CLOCK_ENABLE 0x33 21 0x00 RW Synthesizer Lock Count REG_SYN_LOCK_CNT 0x38 22 0x64 RW Manufacturing ID REG_MID 0x3C–0x3F 22 RO
Address Page Default Access
1. All registers are accessed Little Endian.
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Addr: 0x00 REG_ID Default: 0x07
Silicon ID Product ID
Figure 7-1. Revision ID Register
Bit Name Description 7:4 Silicon ID These are the Silicon ID revision bits. 0000 = Rev A, 0001 = Rev B, etc. These bits are read-only. 3:0 Product ID These are the Product ID revision bits. Fixed at value 0111. These bits are read-only.
Addr: 0x01 RESERVED Default: 0x00
Figure 7-2. Reserved
Bit Name Description
7:0 Reserved These bits are reserved and should be written with zeroes.
Addr: 0x02 RESERVED Default: 0x00
Figure 7-3. Reserved
Bit Name Description
7:0 Reserved These bits are reserved and should be written with zeroes.
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Addr: 0x03 REG_CONTROL Default: 0x00
PN Code
Auto Syn
Count Select
Auto Internal PA
Internal PA
Reserved Reserved
Figure 7-4. Control
Bit Name Description
7 RX Enable The Receive Enable bit is used to place the IC in receive mode.
6 TX Enable The Transmit Enable bit is used to place the IC in transmit mode.
5 PN Code Select The Ps eudo-Noise Code Select bit selects between the upper or lower half of the 64 chips/bit PN code.
4 Auto Syn Count
3 Auto Internal PA
2 Internal PA
1 Reserv ed This bit is reserved and should be written with a one. 0 Reserv ed This bit is reserved and should be written with a zero.
1 = Receive Enabled 0 = Receive Disabled
1 = Transmit Enabled 0 = Transmit Disabled
1 = 32 Most Significant Bits of PN code are used 0 = 32 Least Significant Bits of PN code are used
This bit applies only when the Code Width bit is set to 32 chips/bit PN codes (Reg 0x04, bit 2=1). The Auto Synthesizer Count Select bit is used to select the method of determining the settle ti me of the synthesizer .
The two options are a programmable settle time based on the value in Syn Lock Count register (Reg 0x38), in units of 2us, or by the auto detection of the synthesizer lock.
1 = Synthesizer settle time is based on a count in Syn Lock Count register (Reg 0x38) 0 = Synthesizer settle time is based on the internal synthesizer lock signal
It is recommended that the Auto Syn Count Select bit is set to 1 as that guarantees a consistent settle time for the synthesizer.
The Auto Internal PA Disable bit is used to determine the method of controlling the Internal Power Amplifier. The two options are automatic control by the baseband or by firmware through register writes. For external PA usage, please see the description of the REG_ANALOG_CTL register (Reg 0x20).
1 = Register controlled Internal PA Enable 0 = Auto controlled Internal PA Enable
When this bit is set to 1, the enabled state of the Internal PA is directly controlled by bit Internal PA Enable (Reg 0x03, bit 2). It is recommended that this bit is set to 0, leaving
The Internal PA Enable bit is used to enable or disable the Internal Power Amplifier.
1 = Internal Power Amplifier Enabled 0 = Internal Power Amplifier Disabled
This bit only applies when the Auto Internal P A Disable bit is selected (Reg 0x03, bit 3=1), otherwise this bit is don’t care.
the PA control to the baseband.
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Addr: 0x04 REG_DATA_RATE Default: 0x00
Reserved Code Width Data Rate Sample Rate
Figure 7-5. Data Rate
Bit Name Description
7:3 Reserved
Code Width The Code Width bit is used to select between 32 chips/bit and 64 chips/bit PN codes.
Data Rate The Data Rate bit allows the user to select Double Data Rate mode of operation which delivers a raw data rate of
Sample Rate The Sample Rate bit allows the use of the 12x sampling when using 32 chips/bit PN codes and Normal Data Rate.
These bits are reserved and should be written with zeroes.
1 = 32 chips/bit PN codes 0 = 64 chips/bit PN codes
The number of chips/bit used impacts a number of factors such as data throughput, range and robustness to inter­ference. By choosing a 32 chips/bit PN-code, the data throughput can be doubled or even quadrupled (when double data rate is set). A 64 chips/bit PN code offers improved range over its 32 chips/bit counterpart as well as more robustness to interference. By selecting to use a 32 chips/bit PN code a number of other register bits are impacted and need to be addressed. These are PN Code Select (Reg 0x03, bit 5), Data Rate (Reg 0x04, bit 1), and Sample Rate (Reg 0x04, bit 0).
62.5kbits/sec. 1 = Double Data Rate - 2 bits per PN code (No odd bit transmissions)
0 = Normal Data Rate - 1 bit per PN code
This bit is applicable only when using 32 chips/bit PN codes which can be selected by setting the Code Width bit (Reg 0x04, bit 2=1). When using Double Data Rate, the raw data throughput is 62.5 kbits/sec because every 32 chips/bit PN code is interpreted as 2 bits of data. When using this mode a single 64 chips/bit PN code is placed in the PN code register. This 64 chips/bit PN code is then split into two and used by the baseband to offer the Double Data Rate capability. enables the user to potentially correlate data using two differing 32 chips/bit PN codes.
Using 12x oversampling improves the correlators receive sensitivity. When using 64 chips/bit PN codes or Double Data Rate this bit is don’t care. The only time when 12x oversampling can be selected is when a 32 chips/bit PN code is being used with Normal Data Rate.
When using Normal Data Rate, the raw data throughput is 32kbits/sec. Additionally, Normal Data Rate
1 = 12x Oversampling 0 = 6x Oversampling
2. The following Reg 0x04, bits 2:0 values are no t valid:
• 001–Not Valid
• 010–Not Valid
• 011–Not Valid
• 111–Not Valid
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