• Built-In Self-Test (BIST) for at-speed link testing
• Link Qu ality Indicator
—Analog signal detect
—Digital signal detect
• Low-power 1.8W @ 3.3V typical
• Single 3.3V supply
• Thermally enhanced BGA
• Pb-Free package option available
•0.25µ BiCMOS technology
Functional Description
The CYV15G0104TRB Independent Clock HOTLink II™
Serializer and Reclocking Deserializer is a point-to-point or
point-to-multipoint communications building block enabling
transfer of data over a variety of high-speed serial links
including SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 259M video applications.
It supports signaling rates in the range of 195 to 1500 Mbps
per serial link. The transmit and receive channels are
independent and can operate simultaneously at different
rates. The transmit channel accepts 10-bit parallel characters
in an Input Register and converts them to serial data. The
receive channel accepts serial data and converts it to 10-bit
parallel characters and presents these characters to an Output
Register. The received serial data can also be reclocked and
retransmitted through the reclocker serial outputs. Figure 1
illustrates typical connections between independent video coprocessors and corresponding CYV15G0104TRB chips.
The CYV15G0104TRB satisfies the SMPTE 259M and
SMPTE 292M compliance as per SMPTE EG34-1999 Pathological Test Requirements.
As a second-generation HOTLink device, the
CYV15G0104TRB extends the HOTLink family with enhanced
levels of integration and faster data rates, while maintaining
serial-link compatibility (data and BIST) with other HOTLink
devices. The transmit (TX) channel of the CYV15G0104TRB
HOTLink II device accepts scrambled 10-bit transmission
characters. These characters are serialized and output from
dual Positive ECL (PECL) compatible differential transmission-line drivers at a bit-rate of either 10- or 20-times the
input reference clock for that channel.
The receive (RX) channel of the CYV15G0104TRB HOTLink
II device accepts a serial bit-stream from one of two selectable
PECL-compatible differential line receivers, and using a
completely integrated Clock and Data Recovery PLL, recovers
the timing information necessary for data reconstruction. The
recovered bit-stream is reclocked and retransmitted through
the reclocker serial outputs. Also, the recovered serial data is
deserialized and presented to the destination host system.
The transmit and receive channels contain an independent
BIST pattern generator and checker, respectively. This BIST
hardware allows at-speed testing of the high-speed serial data
paths in each transmit and receive section, and across the
interconnecting links.
Video Coprocessor
Video Coprocessor
Figure 1. HOTLink II™ System Connections
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation•3901 North First Street•San Jose, CA 95134•408-943-2600
Document #: 38-02100 Rev. *B Revised July 8, 2005
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The CYV15G0104TRB is ideal for SMPTE applications where
different data rates and serial interface standards are
necessary for each channel. Some applications include multi-
format routers, switchers, format converters, SDI monitors,
cameras, and camera control units.
CYV15G0104TRB Serializer and Reclocking Deserializer Logic Block Diagram
Pin Definitions
CYV15G0104TRB HOTLink II Serializer and Reclocking Deserializer
NameI/O CharacteristicsSignal Description
Transmit Path Data and Status Signals
TXDB[9:0]LVTTL Input,
sampled by
synchronous to
asynchronous to
transmit channel
enable / disable,
asynchronous to loss
or return of
Transmit Path Clock Signals
or single-ended
LVTTL input clock
internal pull-down
TXCLKOBLVTTL OutputTransmit Clock Output. TXCLKOB output clock is synthesized by the transmit PLL and
Receive Path Data and Status Signals
RXDA[9:0]LVTTL Output,
synchronous to the
RXCLKA ± output
2. When REFCLKB± is configured for half-rate operation, these inputs are sampled relative to both the rising and falling edges of the associated RE FCLKB±.
3. When REFCLKB± is configured for half-rate operation, this output is presented relative to both the rising and falling edges of the associated REFCLKB±.
Trans mit D ata In puts. TXDB[9:0] data inputs are captured on the risin g edge of the
transmit interface clock. The transmit interface clock is selected by the TXCKSELB latch
via the device configuration interface.
Transmit Path Error. TXERRB is asserted HIGH to indicate detection of a transmit
Phase-Align Buffer underflow or overflow. If an underflow or overflow condition is
detected, TXERRB, is asserted HIGH and remains asserted until the transmit Phase-Align
Buffer is re-centered with the PABRSTB latch via the device configuration interface. When
TXBISTB = 0, the BIST progress is presented on the TXERRB output. The TXERRB
signal pulses HIGH for one transmit-character clock period to indicate a pass through the
BIST sequence once every 511 character times.
TXERRB is also asserted HIGH, when any of the following conditions is true:
• The TXPLL is powered down. This occurs when TOE2B and TOE1B are both disabled
by setting TOE2B = 0 and TOE1B = 0.
• The absence of the REFCLKB± signal.
Reference Clock. REFCLKB± clock inputs are used as the timing reference for the
transmit PLL. This input clock may also be selected to clock the transmit parallel interface.
When driven by a single-ended LVCMOS or L VTTL clock source, connect the clock source
to either the true or complement REFCLKB input, and leave the alternate REFCLKB input
open (floating). When driven by an LVPECL clock source, the clock must be a differential
clock, using both inputs.
Transmit Path Input Clock. When configuration latch TXCKSELB = 0, the associated
TXCLKB input is selected as the character-rate input clock for the TXDB[9:0] input. In this
mode, the TXCLKB input must be frequency-coherent to its TXCLKOB output clock, but
may be offset in phase by any amount. Once initialized, TXCLKB is allowed to drift in
phase by as much as ±180 degrees. If the input phase of TXCLKB drifts beyond the
handling capacity of the Phase Align Buffer, TXERRB is asserted to indicate the loss of
data, and remains asserted until the Phase Align Buffer is initialized. The phase of
TXCLKB relative to REFCLKB± is initialized when the configuration latch PABRSTB is
written as 0. When TXERRB is deasserted, the Phase Align Buffer is initialized and input
characters are correctly captured.
operates synchronous to the internal transmit character clock. TXCLKOB operates at
either the same frequency as REFCLKB± (TXRATEB = 0), or at twice the frequency of
REFCLKB± (TXRATEB = 1). The transmit clock outputs have no fixed phase relationship
Parallel Data Output. RXDA[9:0] parallel data outputs change relative to the receive
interface clock. If RXCLKA± is a full-rate clock, the RXCLKA± clock outputs are complementary clocks operating at the character rate. The RXDA[9:0] outputs for the associated
receive channels follow rising edge of RXCLKA+ or falling edge of RXCLKA–. If RXCLKA±
is a half-rate clock, the RXCLKA± clock outputs are complementary clocks operating at
half the character rate. The RXDA[9:0] outputs for the associated receive channels follow
both the falling and rising edges of the associated RXCLKA± clock outputs.
When BIST is enabled on the receive channel, the BIST status is presented on the
RXDA[1:0] and BISTSTA outputs. See Table 6 for each status reported by the BIST state
machine. Also, while BIST is enabled, the RXDA[9:2] outputs should be ignored.
Document #: 38-02100 Rev. *BPage 6 of 27
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Pin Definitions (continued)
CYV15G0104TRB HOTLink II Serializer and Reclocking Deserializer
NameI/O CharacteristicsSignal Description
synchronous to the
RXCLKA ± output
REPDOAAsynchronous to
reclocker output
Receive Path Clock Signals
or single-ended
LVTTL input clock
RXCLKA±LVTTL Output Clock Receive Clock Output. RXCLKA± is the receive interface clock used to control timing of
RECLKOALVTTL OutputReclocker Clock Output. RECLKOA output clock is synthesized by the reclocker output
Device Control Signals
LVTTL Input,
internal pull-up
internal pull-up
LVTTL Input,
internal pull-up
BIST Status Output. When RXBISTA[1:0] = 10, BISTSTA (along with RXDA[1:0])
displays the status of the BIST reception. See Table 6 for the BIST status reported for
each combination of BISTSTA and RXDA[1:0].
When RXBISTA[1:0] ≠ 10, BISTSTA should be ignored.
Reclocker Powered Down Status Output. REPDOA is asserted HIGH, when the
reclocker output logic is powered down. This occurs when ROE2A and ROE1A are both
disabled by setting ROE2A = 0 and ROE1A = 0.
CDR PLL Training Clock. TRGCLKA± clock inputs are used as the reference source for
the frequency detector (Range Controller) of the receive PLL to reduce PLL acquisition
In the presence of valid serial data, the recovered clock output of the receive CDR PLL
(RXCLKA±) has no frequency or phase relationship with TRGCLKA±.
When driven by a single-ended LVCMOS or L VTTL clock source, connect the clock source
to either the true or complement TRGCLKA input, and leave the alternate TRGCLKA input
open (floating). When driven by an LVPECL clock source, the clock must be a differential
clock, using both inputs.
the RXDA[9:0] parallel outputs. These true and complement clocks are used to control
timing of data output transfers. These clocks are output continuously at either the halfcharacter rate (1/20
data being received, as selected by RXRATEA.
PLL and operates synchronous to the internal recovered character clock. RECLKOA
operates at either the same frequency as RXCLKA± (RXRATEA = 0), or at twice the
frequency of RXCLKA± (RXRATEA = 1).The reclocker clock outputs have no fixed phase
relationship to RXCLKA±.
Asynchronous Device Reset. RESET
configuration latches in the device to a known state. RESET
minimum pulse width. When the reset is removed, all state machines, counters and configuration latches are at an initial state. See Table 4 for the initialize values of the device
configuration latches.
Level Detect Transition Density Enable. When LDTDEN is HIGH, the Signal Level
Detector, Range Controller, and Transition Density Detector are all enabled to determine
if the RXPLL tracks TRGCLKA± or the selected input serial data stream. If the Signal Level
Detector, Range Controller , or Transition Density Detector are out of their respective limits
while LDTDEN is HIGH, the RXPLL locks to TRGCLKA± until such a time they become
valid. SDASEL[2..1]A[1:0] is used to configure the trip level of the Signal Level Detector.
The Transition Density Detector limit is one transition in every 60 consecutive bits. When
LDTDEN is LOW, only the Range Controller is used to determine if the RXPLL tracks
TRGCLKA± or the selected input serial data stream. it is recommended to set LDTDEN
Use Local Clock. When ULCA is LOW, the RXPLL is forced to lock to TRGCLKA± instead
of the received serial data stream. While ULCA
LOW indicating a link fault.
input data streams. This function is used in applications in which a stable RXCLKA± is
needed. In cases when there is an absence of valid data transitions for a long period of
time, or the high-gain differential serial inputs (INA±) are left floating, there may be brief
frequency excursions of the RXCLKA± outputs from TRGCLKA±.
the serial bit-rate) or character rate (1/10th the serial bit-rate) of the
initializes all state machines, counters, and
must be asserted LOW for a
is LOW, the link fault indicator LFIA is
is HIGH, the RXPLL performs Clock and Data Recovery functions on the
Document #: 38-02100 Rev. *BPage 7 of 27
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Pin Definitions (continued)
CYV15G0104TRB HOTLink II Serializer and Reclocking Deserializer
4. 3-Level Select inputs are used for stati c configuration. These are terna ry inputs tha t make use of logic levels of LOW , MI D, and HIGH. The LOW level is usually
implemented by direct connection to V
implemented by not connecting the input (left floating), whi ch allows it to self bias to the proper level.
5. See Device Configuration and Control Interface for detailed informa tion on the operation of the Configuration Interface.
6. See Device Configuration and Control Interface for detailed informa tion on the internal latches.
Serial Rate Select. The SPDSELA and SPDSELB inputs specify the operating signalingrate range of the receive and transmit PLL, respectively.
LOW = 195 – 400 MBd
MID = 400 – 800 MBd
HIGH = 800 – 1500 MBd.
Receive Input Selector. The INSELA in put determines which external serial bit stream
is passed to the receiver’s Clock and Data Recovery circuit. When INSELA is HIGH, the
Primary Differential Serial Data Input, INA1±, is selected for the receive channel. When
INSELA is LOW, the Secondary Differential Serial Data Input, INA2±, is selected for the
receive channel.
Link Fault Indication Output. LFIA is an output status indicator signal. LFIA is the logical
OR of six internal conditions. LFIA
is asserted LOW when any of the following conditions
is true:
• Received serial data rate outside expected range
• Analog ampl itude below expected levels
• Transition density lower than expected
• Receive channel disabled
is LOW
• Absence of TRGCL KA±.
Control Write Enable. The WREN input writes the values of the DATA[6:0] bus into the
latch specified by the address location on the ADDR[2:0] bus.
Control Addressing Bus. The ADDR[2:0] bus is the input address bus used to configure
the device. The WREN input writes the values of the DAT A[6:0] bus into the latch specified
by the address location on the ADDR[2:0] bus.
Table 4 lists the configuration latches
within the device, and the initialization value of the latches upon the assertion of RESET
Table 5 shows how the latches are mapped in the device.
Control Data Bus. The DA TA[6:0] bus is the input data bus used to configure the device.
location on the ADDR[2:0] bus.
and the initialization value of the latches upon the assertion of RESET
input writes the values of the DAT A[6:0] bus into the latch specified by address
[5 ]
Table 4 lists the configuration latches within the device,
. Table 5 shows how
the latches are mapped in the device.
Receive Clock Rate Select.
Signal Detect Amplitude Select.
INA1±Differential InputPrimary Differential Serial Data Input. The INA1± input accepts the serial data stream
INA2±Differential InputSecondary Differential Serial Data Input. The INA2± input accepts the serial data
JTAG Interface
TDO3-State LVTTL Output Test Data Out. JTAG data output buffer. High-Z while JTAG test mode is not selected.
GNDSignal and Power Ground for all internal circuits.
internal pull-down
internal pull-down
internal pull-up
internal pull-down
internal pull-up
LVTTL Input,
internal pull-up
Reclocker Differential Serial Output Driver 2 Enable.
Reclocker Differential Serial Output Driver 1 Enable.
Transmit Clock Phase Alignment Buffer Reset.
Factory Test 2. SCANEN2 input is for factory testing only . This input may be left as a NO
CONNECT, or GND only.
Factory Test 3. TMEN3 input is for factory testing only. This input may be left as a NO
CONNECT, or GND only.
Transmitter Primary Differential Serial Data Outpu t. The transmitter TOUTB 1± PECLcompatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated transmission lines or standard fiber-optic transmitter modules, and must be AC-coupled for
PECL-compatible connections.
Transmitter Secondary Differential Serial Data Output. T he transmitter TOUTB2± PE CLcompatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated transmission lines
or standard fiber-optic transmitter modules, and must be AC-coupled for PECL-compatible
Reclocker Primary Differential Serial Data Output. The reclocker ROUTA1± PECLcompatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated transmission lines or standard fiber-optic transmitter modules, and must be AC-coupled for
PECL-compatible connections.
Rec loc ker Secondary Differential Serial Data Output. The reclocker ROUTA2± PECLcompatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated transmission lines
or standard fiber-optic transmitter modules, and must be AC-coupled for PECL-compatible
for deserialization. The INA1± serial stream is passed to the receive CDR circuit to extract
the data content when INSELA = HIGH.
stream for deserialization. The INA2± serial stream is passed to the receiver CDR circuit
to extract the data content when INSELA = LOW.
Test Mode Select. Used to control access to the JT AG Test Modes. If maintained high for
≥5 TCLK cycles, the JTAG test controller is reset.
JTAG Test Clock.
Test Data In. JTAG data input port.
JTAG reset signal. When asserted (LOW), this input asynchronously resets the JTAG
test access port controller.
+3.3V Power.
CYV15G0104TRB HOTLink II Operation
The CYV15G0104TRB is a highly configurable, independent
clocking device designed to support reliable transfer of large
quantities of digital video data, using high-speed serial links
from multiple sources to multiple destinations.
Document #: 38-02100 Rev. *BPage 9 of 27
CYV15G0104TRB Transmit Data Path
Input Register
The parallel input bus TXDB[9:0] can be clocked in using
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