Cypress CY8C21x23, CY8C24x94, CY8CLEDxx, CY8C29x66, CY8CLEDx User Manual

& EZ- Color Development Tools Selector Guide
For CY8C29x66, CY8C27x43, CY8C24x94, CY8C24x23A,
CY8C21x34, CY8C21x23, CY20x34 and CY8CLEDxx
A guide for development tool selection for Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC) and EZ-Color designs
Cypress Semiconductor has a Development Tool for every need – from entry-level evaluation and prototyping, to full-speed, real-time emulation and debugging; to programming in a high-volume manufacturing setting.
Table of Contents
SOFTWARE .......................................................................................................................................... 2
PSOC DESIGNERTM ...................................................................................................................................... 2
COMPILERS .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
HARDWARE .......................................................................................................................................... 5
DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRAMMING METHODS ........................................................................... 6
IN-CIRCUIT EMULATION ................................................................................................................. 7
IN-SYSTEM SERIAL PROGRAMMING: OVERVIEW ............................................................................ 8
IN-SYSTEM SERIAL PROGRAMMER (CY3207ISSP) .......................................................................... 8
I2C-USB BRIDGE (CY3240-I2USB) .................................................................................................. 9
KITS ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
DEMO/STARTER KITS .................................................................................................................. 10
EVALUATION KITS ....................................................................................................................... 12
DEVELOPMENT KITS ................................................................................................................... 16
PROGRAMMING KITS ................................................................................................................... 18
KIT COMPONENTS & ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................. 20
FOOT & POD SELECTION GUIDE ..................................................................................... 20
ORDERING INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 22
FOOT / PACKAGE ADAPTERS ........................................................................................... 23
PROTOTYPING MODULES ................................................................................................. 25
THIRD PARTY TOOLS ....................................................................................................................... 27
....................................................................................................................................... 3
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Cypress’s PSoC Mixed Signal Array comes with Windows-based software and hardware design tools. Fast, efficient, prototyping and design for embedded systems is now a reality. PSoC software is available at no cost. Download at, and the hardware tools that suit your design needs from evaluation to prototyping and emulation are discussed in the following sections:
PSoC DesignerTM
At the core of the PSoC development software suite is PSoC Designer. Utilized by thousands of PSoC developers, this robust software has been facilitating PSoC designs for half a decade at no cost to the developer. Download PSoC Designer here:
System requirements: Pentium, equivalent or higher; at least 500MHz, Windows XP or Vista (32/64b); 512MB RAM, 250MB HDD space, Internet Explorer
6.0 (SP1). programming your PSoC, and an Adobe Reader.
There are three subsystems within PSoC Designer:
Also recommended: USB port for
Device Editor: Configure PSoC hardware blocks and IO, route internal signals, and define system parameters. Application Editor: Write application code in ‘C’ or assembly language. (A fully integrated C compiler is accessible with the purchase of a license.)
Debugger: Use breakpoints, trace, watch variables, advanced dynamic event points and more.
The Cypress PSoC SW development tools make use of some portions of IE. Other browsers have not been tested.
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PSoC ExpressTM
PSoC Express is the first visual embedded system design tool that allows a user to create an entire PSoC project and generate a schematic, BOM, and data sheet without writing a single line of code.
Users work directly with application objects such as LEDs, switches, sensors, and fans.
For more information and to download Express, please visit
Select inputs and outputs
Define the output’s behavior
Simulate the design to verify Build to generate PSoC HEX file, BOM, schematic, and custom data sheets of your design
Optimize your design with monitoring and tuning functions
Currently there are two C compilers offered with PSoC DesignerTM:
IMAGEcraftTM HI-TECHTM C PRO for PSoC Mixed Signal Arrays
ANSI C compiler
Inline assembly and interface with
assembly modules
Modern stack-based architecture
7 basic data types including IEEE 32-bit
floating point
Assembler and linker
Math and string libraries
‘C’ interrupt service routines
Price: $145 (MSRP)
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ANSI C compiler
Eliminates the need for many non-standard C
qualifiers and compiler options
Automatically analyzes user assembly and object code files as a whole, with Omniscient Code Generation™ technology
Memory banking without requiring special qualifiers for better performance
Optimizes the size of each pointer variable
Eliminates contention for the PSoC index
Produces more efficient interrupt context switching code
Customizes the functionality of the printf library function for maximum efficiency
Delivers Denser Code For Better Performance
- Up to 50% more compact code than others!
Price: $1495 (MSRP)
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PSoC Programmer
PSoC Programmer is a programming application that helps to deliver host-resident application code to the target via a hardware programming tool. Flexible enough to be used on the bench in development, yet suitable for factory programming, PSoC Programmer works as a standalone programming application or it can operate directly from PSoC Designer
PSoC Programmer is the one-stop programming application for Cypress PSoC development tools.
or PSoC ExpressTM.
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This section introduces the major categories of hardware Cypress offers for developme nt with PSoC.
The hardware development for Cypress PSoC falls into five major categories: Demo/Starter Kits, Evaluation Kits, Development Kits, Reference Design Kits, and Programming Kits. Cypress Semiconductor also offers individual Accessories/Kit Components:
Demo/Starter Kits: Proof-of-Concept demonstration of technology and potential application. Starter kits offer cost-effective evaluation of PSoC Technology. Code and hardware are provided for concept feasibility.
Evaluation Kits: Technology evaluation and training tools to provide the end user with a basic level of understanding on how the technology works and can be employed.
Development Kits: A full-featured platform with hardware and software intended to support the design effort from concept to verification.
Programming Kits: Programming tools for the PSoC and in-circuit emulation; often bundled with an evaluation board. A programming hardware tool is required for loading your program to the PSoC device, and for debugging on the target. Models range in purpose from programming a device on your desk to heavier duty programmers for use in a production environment.
Kit Components & Accessories: Replacement parts, adaptors, special function daughter modules, and more.
and Prototyping
(No Emulation)
PSoC Designer/Programmer
PSoC Eval
Evaluation and
Evaluation, Prototyping
and Emulation
Note: The “ICE-Cube” unit for in-circuit emulation is not available for purchase except as a kit (CY3215-DK.)
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Connects Directly
PSoC Eval
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Development and Programming Methods
Currently there are four ways to program a PSoC:
Prototype programming
Full-featured in-circuit emulation
Production programming
Cypress factory programming for high volume orders**
* This friction-lock 5-pin header that connects target PCB to Miniprog can be ordered as DigiKey WM4203-ND.
**Factory programming of a PSoC device by Cypress Semiconductor requires a contract with a minimum order of 100Ku parts per year.
Please contact your local Cypress sales office for more information.
The following diagram demonstrates one example of a set-up to program a specific PSoC device from a host PC through a USB cable to the ICE, which connects via Flexcable to the POD, which may be seated with a package adaptor (foot) and a PSoC device on a board. These are al the pieces you would need to implement in-circuit emulation.
PSoC Designer/Programmer
USB Cable
USB Cable
USB Cable
USB Cable
Direct Connect
5-pin header *
ISSP Cable USB Cable
ISSP Cable
ISSP Cable
PSoCEval1 or MiniEval
Target PCB with PSoC
Target PCB with PSoC
Target PCB with PSoC
PSoC Designer
In the above example, the devices could be described as the following:
QFN Emulation Kit: 1 Flexcable, 1 QFN-type Pod, 2 Feet (for flat-pack style pkgs)  Non-QFN Emulation Kit: 1 Flexcable, 1 Pod, 2 Feet (all other chip packages)  POD: Two types of emulation Pods exist: for QFN and non-QFN PSoC
FOOT: Quantity of 4 PSoC device package adapters (FEET)  Flexcable Kit: 1 Flexible Cable
The POD seats a PSoC chip for emulation, and the Foot is a package adapter. You can choose a POD and Foot for your chosen PSoC device/package from the table in the appendix. You may want to order extra feet even if the default feet in your emulator kit (PDIP/QFN) match the package type of your particular PSoC part number.
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ICE Flexcable
POD Foot Board
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In-Circuit Emulation with PSoC
The In-circuit Emulator (ICE) is driven by the Debugger in PSoC Designer
The software i n terface of the debugger allows the user to run, halt, and single-step the processor with the ICE. It also allows the user to set complex event points. Event points can start and stop the trace memory on the ICE, as well as break the program execution.
The ICE can also serve as a single-site device programmer via an ISSP Cable and the MiniEval board included in the CY3215-DK kit. The ICE supports large memory model PSoC devices (devices with >256 bytes of RAM) and is backward compatible with previous PSoC devices (CY8C27x43 and CY8C24x23A).
What adapters do you need for your project?
In addition to the ICE that is included in the Development Kit (CY3215-DK), different Emulation Pods are available to support the range of packages available in the PSoC family. The PODs plug into (or are soldered onto) the user's circuit board to provide the physical interface to the ICE/ PSoC Device. PODs are available for low-cost expansion of ICE­Cube capability as a modular system.
The ICE can only be purchased as a kit: CY3215-DK. In addition, if you are using QFN packages an Emulation Kit (CY3250-xxxx-QFN) must be purchased for adapting the specific package to the POD. The package you choose can be adapted to any POD with a “Foot,” or package adapter. Detailed selection guides follow in the appendix.
Each PSoC family has two pod kits associated with it: QFN and Non-QFN, and each type of package offered in that family has one foot Kit for use with that package type.
The following photos demonstrate the connection between the parts:
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In-System Serial Programming
The CY3207ISSP, ICE (CY3215-DK), and MiniProg1 (CY3210-MiniProg1) all allow easy In-System Serial Programming (ISSP). A cable is included in the ISSP Development Kit (CY3207ISSP.) All designers are encouraged to include ISSP capability on their printed circuit boards (PCBs.)
ISSP is perfect for prototyping because it allows rapid reprogramming of the PSoC part mounted on the PCB and eliminates the need for multiple package-specific programmers. ISSP can also be useful in production programming because it eliminates the need for programming individual chips prior to PCB assembly.
Pictured to the right is an ICE-Cube connected directly to a project PCB (the CY3210-PSoCEval1). ISSP can be done with the small ISSP connector. An ISSP connector is pictured to the left. See Application Notes AN2014 and AN2026,
AN2026a, AN2026b for detailed information on ISSP.
In-System Serial Programmer (CY3207ISSP)
The CY3207ISSP is a production-unit programmer. It includes protection circuitry and an industrial case that is more robust than the MiniProg and the ICE for a production-programming environment. The CY3207ISSP can program parts in-system via serial connection, or mounted in the socket on the CY3207ISSP. Use the table to the right to identify the correct programming adapter for CY3207ISSP socket programming. This adapter information is also available at
PSoC Foot Print
8-Pin SOIC AS-08-08-01S-3 16-Pin SOIC AS-16-16-02S-3 20-Pin SOIC AS-20-20-01S-3-GANG 28-Pin SOIC AS-28-28-02S-3
20-Pin SSOP AS-20-20-01SS-3
24-Pin QFN AS-24-28-01ML-6
28-Pin SSOP AS-28-28-02SS-6ENP-GANG
32-Pin QFN AS-32-28-03ML-6 44-Pin QFN AS-44-28-03Q-6 48-Pin QFN AS-48-28-02ML-6
48-Pin SSOP AS-48-48-01SS-6-GANG
56-Pin QFN AS-56-28-01ML-6
100-Pin TQFP AS-100-28-01TQ-6
Programming Adapter P/N
by Emulation Technologies
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Prototyping Modules (CY3210-2xxxx)
PSoC Prototyping Modules are 28-pin PDIP adapters that seamlessly connect any PSoC device package-type to the 28­pin PDIP connector that is default on Cypress PSoC kits. Check the selection tables in the Kit Components and Accessories section of this document for a list of Prototyping Modules offered by Cypress. (Note: Prototyping Modules may sometimes be referred to as Evaluation PODs.)
Prototyping Modules offer quick and easy prototyping of any PSoC device and package on a board with just a 600-mil 28-Pin ZIF socket (included in many of our kits, and easy for a user to acquire and build on their own.)
Prototyping Modules feature:
28-pin DIP footprint (0.6 in width). Fits in a ZIF socket or breadboard
ISSP programming header enables programming via ISSP
Connector for CAT5 cable connection to the ICE-cube
Port pin-out for 28 pins on bottom of the pod matches port pin-
outs for the 28 pin PDIP PSoC
Pins for emulating parts with >28 pins are accessible via receptacles on top of the prototyping module
Prototyping Modules (CY3210-2xxxx) are not to be confused with Emulation PODs (CY3250-2xxxx), although they also connect to the ICE-Cube (CY3215-DK).
C-USB Bridge (CY3240-I2USB)
The main purpose of the I2C -USB Bridge is to test, tune, and debug programs that have an I2C slave interface. This application can also be useful for data acquisition and regulation under PC control. Cypress offers CY3240-I2USB that supports I device designs in many PSoC kits. There is a table of I
C -USB Bridge kits located in the Appendix.
C interface and communication to test, debug and tune
The I2C-USB bridge allows
hardware and software debug of PSoC Express applications by bridging the USB port to I
PSoC Express
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